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Q Vocabulary: health Worksheet A 1 Youare a town councillor, and your job is to develop sports in your area which will be good for the following categories. Choose three sports for each category. 1 You area town councillor, and your job is to develop sports in your area which will be good for the following categories. Choose three sports for each category. Good for older people: Good for younger people: 1 1 2 2 3 3 Urban sports: Rural sports: 1 1 2 2 3 3 Expensive sports: Cheap sports: 1 1 2 2 3 3 Dangerous sports: Safe sports: 1 1 2 2 3 3 Sports that are easy to learn: Sports that are difficult to learn: 1 Pe ee 2 2 3 3 2 Work in pairs and discuss your ideas. Decide on the best sport for each category. 2. Work in pairs and discuss your ideas. Decide on the best sport for each category. 3. Present your ideas to the class. 3. Present your ideas to the class. HOW LONG Grammar: present perfect + for/since | Fest played ' | tisspor: ——hewas Byearald_ | } Became ; professional: 1998 ' For became famous 2003 For Number of competitions won: Bier | First played ' } this sport: hewos2yearsold. | } Became t | professional: 1996 ' i For t | Became ; } famous: 1999 ' } For Number of | competitions won: rir i ste | ee | Basketball i | First played ' J this sport hhewas2 yearsald | | Became : } professional: 2003 ' ' fe | Became ! } famous 2004 ‘ } For: ' } Number of ' competitions won: ' a oe on | Fist played ‘ | this sport: she was 8 years old | } secame ‘ | professional: 1999 : } For_____! } Became f } famous 2004 ' | Fe ‘ } Number of ' } competitions won: tree | PGR First played this sport he was 5 yeors old professional: 1995 For. Became Famous: 2005 For Number of competitions won: Beir vee Became ' First played this sport shewas 4 years ol professional: 200 For: Became Famous: 2003 For Number of competitions won: Bri Be ir i Became t oma 4) ies al First played ' this sport: hewos 4years ld | Became ' professional: 1998 ' For , Became : famous: 2007 ' For: i Number of ’ competitions won: Bre tr Be Be Sa Ti eect First played ' this spore she wos 3 yearsold | Became / professional: 1985 : For: : Became ; famous: 2006 1 For: Number of ' ‘competitions won: Brie aera reaecrrt eral First played| thissport: ——_hewas3yearsold Become { professional: 2000 ' For ' Became { famous: z0o1 { For. Number of { competitions won tot tok First played { this sport: hhewas 12 years old | Became professional: 2003 For: Became Famous: 2008 For Number af competitions won: te te er Michael Phelps Sng First played t this sport, hhewas 7yeorsoid. | Became { professional: 2000 For: Became ‘ famous 2004 } For: { Number of competitions wo wiki | Stephanie Gilm Sea Ci First played this sport shewas 10 years old Became professional: 2005 For: Became ( Famous: 2007 ' For: { Number of ‘ ‘competitions won: Sete te PREDICTIONS 6 Grammar: may, might, will Student A In the next twenty-four hours, pepe Ty will may/might not won't ‘ este kd { [rain pa | tell someone you love them? | usea computer? drink more than three cups of coffee? Student B the next seven days; i will may/might | may/might not won't cette on | buy something new? sleep less than five hours one night? forget to da something important? tella lie? Student ¢ Heap vee will may/might | may/might not won't Come buy a car? [buy | tose weight or gain weight? visit another country? | move a house? | starca new hobby? Student D hUeled achat i will may/might | may/might not won't errs start or end a relationship? hhave (more) children? live in another country? learn a foreign language? Pearson WHERE DOES IT HURT? Functional language: seeing the doctor Patient Doctor Patient £ Doctor [Ask the patient ' | Ask the patient + what the problem is | | © + what the problem is showlonghe/she | | © + how long he/she hhas had it t Eas had it, * where it hurts : * where it hurts Tell him/her what | Tell him/her what he/she should do and he/she should do and not to worry! not to worry! Doctor Patient | Doctor Ask the patient: + what the problem is + how long he/she ' [Ask the patient: insted: ' © what the problem is F * how long he/she thas had it 5 # where it hurts | Tell him/her what he/she should do and + where ie hurts Tell him/her what he/she should do and not to worry! Doctor Patient | Doctor Ask the patient: + what the problem is, + how long he/she has had it. + where it hurts Tell him/her what he/she should do and rot to worry! Ask the patient: + what the problem is | t how long he/she hhas had it. E+ where it hurts | Tell him/her what he/she should do and F not to worry! : Doctor F Ask the patient: ‘what the problem is § how long he/she has had it. Doctor Ask the patient: + what the problem is + how long he/she hhas had it. + where it hurts + where it hurts Tell him/her what ‘Tell him/her what he/she should do and he/she should do and not to worry! not to worry! D Pearson Education United 2016 ir 1 dreams working in another country? N is looking a new job? e has given something difficult? s has travelled their country? we is waiting ———_ someone to call them? o is thinking starting. anew hobby? et would like to go to school or university? cy has moved another city? © is thinking —_______ buyinga new car? Ss is looking a new house/flat? Vocabulary: verbs + prepositions es) Peaison Education Linited 2016 -¢ DID YOU KNOW Grammar: used to Team A { 1 Which company 2 What did sports 3 Which actor used to | 4 Which American ' used to be called ‘carcompany bea security guard? | city didn't use to { Blue Ribbon Sports? | Lamborghini use a) Sylvester be in Mexico? { a) Nike to make? Stallone a) Los Angeles ' b) Adidas @) fridges b) Bruce Willis ) San Francisco { © Puma +) lorries Amold ©) Chicago ‘ ( ©) tractors Schwarzenegger Team B 5 Which politician 6 Which country used | 7 Which English word | 8 Which famous didn't use to be a to be called New Used to mean product used to be lawyer? Holland? teacher? called Yum Yum? a) Tony Blair a) Australia a) architect a) Coca-Cola b) George W. Bush b) New Zealand b) doctor b) Kit Kat Bill Clinton The USA, © lawyer © Kelloga's Cornflakes: ( Team C ‘ { 9 Which political 10 Which football team | 11Whoused towork — | 12 In which country did leader used to be used to be called in the fast food people use to drive aspy? Newton Heath? restaurant Dunkin fon the left? a) Nelson Mandela a) Chelsea Donuts? 2) Australia 'b) Margaret Thatcher | _) Liverpool a) Madonna b) The USA ) Vladimir Putin ) Manchester b) Mariah Carey ©) Brazil United ©) Shakira } TeamD } [13 which job aid 14 Which footballer | 15 Which city used to] 16 which country’s Flag | | Lk Rowling (uthor | usedtobe so poor | be the capital city used to have three } | of Harry Potter) thathe played of Australia? lions on i? p | Getidor: with a grapefruit, a) Sydney a) England } | aan english not ball? b) Melbourne b) South Africa 1 a) Maradona 0) Adelaide 6) Rusia | p| Be fot We | | daworker in } fect 6) David Peckham D pearson Education Limited 2016 | WENT HOME TO Grammar: purpose, cause and result Purpose ~ | went to university to study Economics. Cause — | moved to Australia because | wanted a better life. Result —| left my job so | had very litle money. to y Ler see/watch Poe ort Lette yo Lyte C "e en Lette y te TIE CS 21s 7 CAREER CHANGE Functional language: finding out information Role card 1 Role card 4 You need to find out Web Design Course at Eastbury Technical College ifertyation eto The college | large modem college with 12,000 students «Secale + near Eastbury train station + the course Course | courses from September to May or March to November information |- 930p.m. three evenings a week + maximum thirty-five students Price + $1,500 Materials |+ about five books + a personal computer to do homework Extra * computer rooms are open until 11p.m. Monday to Saturday information | « brary is open until 3pm. Monday to Saturday + need to be a creative person + times and dates + materials you need + when the library and facilities are open + price Role card 2 Role card 5 3 You need to find out ' Massage Course at Longton Adult Education Centre © Anamatten babe { The college |- small college in old house in beautiful gardens, outside + the college the city centre + the course Course ‘two months long, starting every month information |. 6pm, to 8.30pm. two evenings a week + times and dates + materials you need { ‘ { ‘ + maximum twelve students + when the library and Price + $1,500 facilities are open + price Materials |+ one book (S45) + massage oils (quite expensive) Extra + practise massage on friends and family For homework information |. need strong hands + library is closed after Sp.m, Role card 3 | Role card 6 { 7 5 You need to find out ‘ Teaching Course at Oxford International College feu neon | The college | busy international college with 1,500 students in the city a theealene ' { fend + the course Course |» oneyear fulltime + times and dates information |- 92m. to 6pm. + maxirmum fifteen students Price + $1,200 Materials — | + two books + lots of paper, pens and your own computer Extra + courses are very stressful Information | - library is open from 8am. to 8pm. + materials you need + when the library and facilities are open + price D Pearson Education Limited 2016 Team name: © How big were the largest notes ever made? a) about the size of printer paper b) about the size of a door ©) about the size of a football pitch Who were the first cheques used by? a) the ancient Greeks b) the Chinese ©) the ancient Romans How much should you leave as a tip ina US restaurant? a) about 50% b) about 5% ©) about 15% How much is the world’s most expensive mobile phone worth? a) $500,000 ) $1,300,000 ©) $8,000,000 What was unusual about some coins issued in Somalia in 2004? a) They were made of plastic b) They were square. ©) They were shaped liked guitars. Where was the note with the biggest number made? a) Zimbabwe b) Russia ©) Peru eo AMAZING MONEY Vocabulary: money How small was the smallest ever note? a) 11 mm x19 mm b) 69mm x 135mm. ©) 32mm x41 mm Which company invented the first credit cards? a) Visa ) Diner's Club ©) Mastercard When was the first electronic ATM used? a) 1939 b) 1952 ©) 1967 How much did Will Smith earn for his first movie, in 1992? a) $50,000 'b) $500,000 ) $5,000,000 Where was the first bank note used? a) the USA b) Rome 9 China Where does the US dollar signs’ come from? a) aU over an S, representing the United States of America b) the Spanish peso ©) Russia WWE] © Pearson Education Limited 2016 FOUR GUESSES Grammar: relative clauses TeamA The internet Chocolate Les someting which North American | Ie something which Cental Americans universes used frst. (point) | fst made 3,000 years ago. (4 pois) (4 points) [es something which over Lesomething which your ean half bilkon people use. (pains) | eat drink Gpoins) |______ pines Iessomethigg which ou Irs something which ean be need a compaterto se. (points) | bron or white @points |_____ @poines [es something which you Nestle, Mars and Linde are can sire (1 poiny [companies which make it _( pint) (point Team B Computer Sandwich Ws something which Chales Babbage _ | Ie something which an English inventedin the 18205. (pins) man inventedin 1770. (bi 4 pins) [ks someting which is getting 1k something which you cat sonal and salle. (G poins) point) |______ pines es someting which is Ie something which you ext electoni @2poing) |when youwancasnack. @poins) |___________ points “Apple is one of the companies {fs something which you make hat makes i (pein | with wo sees of bred. (1 poine) |_—____ 1 point Teamc Microwave oven ‘Monaco 1s something which Pesey eka plice whichis on the Spencer invented in 1945. (4 points) | Mediterrancan coast (pons) (4 points) essomething which some Tea place where you ean people thinks dangerous. (3 point) | find lors of easinos. Bpoinss) points) es something tha you can Tes the place where los of find ina kitchen, (@ points) | millionaires lve @poiney) |_________ @ points Tes something which you use Tes the place where there is to cook food quick (poin) | famous Grand Pris (1 poing | —_______ (1 poing) TeamD cD ‘McDonald's 1s something that Philip fist Tea company which started in sold in 1980, poins) | California in 1948, ‘poines) 4 points) Iessomething which contains lesa company which has a information (@ pains) | Seotish name. Gpoing |________ @points Ws something whic is round [esa company which slls food and silver @ points) | ro 58 milion people day. @ points) @ points) Is something which you [esa company which slls play eo listen to muse (poiny | ast Food, (1 poing | —__ tpn) ride, (pony Levi Stnuss deo, make, (Upinsy | TeamE Bicycle Jeans Is something which Joha Staley “They're something that sailors invented in 1885, pois) | and miners frst wore. (poi points) Is something which people They're something which use for tansportand sport. @ point) | young people ofien wear. points) |______________ points) [es something which is very common | They're something which is in Holland snd Chinn {@ points) | usvally bie. points) @ points) es something which you “They're something which pis) Party Planner Card (eae 1832) I Grammar: too much/many,enough, very i, F 7 ' Reason: Why are you having birthday [_] engagement wedding anniversary [_]| ! a party? graduation [_] festival other { Requirements: What do you —_| food drinks food and drinks ' | need forthe pany? nnn Lo]. Ly oie ‘ t ‘ Budget: How much do you want | Under $1000 [_] $1000-1500 [_] $1500-3000 { | tospena? $3000+ other ' | Numbers: How many guests? | under 50 50-100 [ 100+ } | Car parking: How many guests ) Oo al | are coming by car? none: LI «somne.} | - a ‘Accommodation: How many I I guestsneed to stay the night? {none L_] some|_] all | Hours: What time does the Tpm 9pm 10p.m. | party start and fish? 12am, zamf| 3am [Cl |The Plaza Hotel ff The Country House Hotel | costs + $1000-2000 | | costs + $800 | + free drinks, food $20 per person + drinks not included, i—______—_—_| food $20 per person Numbers |+ up to 50 guests (Regency Room) | | + 50-150 guests (The Ball Room) | [Numbers |- 100 guests maximum [extra + & bars, 3 restaurants, Extra + Djnot included information | swimming pool information | free parking | + 500 parking spaces + rooms for 50 guests + rooms for 500 guests + ig old house in beautiful | (5150 a night) gardens | + parties from 8p.m.-2a.m. + parties from 8pm.-3am. | costs + $100 an hour or $600 all night | | Costs + $325 | + free drinks, food $10 per person + drinks not included, | food $15 per person [Numbers | 70 guests maximum t Numbers | 45 guests maximum ‘extra + 2 bars, 2 DJs | information |- 10 parking spaces | extra + Lar free D} + no accommodation for guests | information |- 15 parking spaces, on the boat but 25% discount, rno accommodation at 3 star hotel which is + nightclub in centre of the city very near + parties from 7p.m.3am. + parties from 6p.m=1a.m. TPT

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