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BSC Manual October 2017

GEMS Manual
Base Services Contractor


GEMS Readiness Team

October 2017

Garrison and Estate Management System
BSC Manual October 2017

Document Properties
Author Adan Weeks / Peter Howard
Document Version 1.3
Status Draft
Classification Unclassified
Date of Issue

Revision History
Revision Date Author Version No. Description

A. Weeks 1.0 Initial version

P. Howard
9/8/2017 P. Howard 1.1 Draft
14/9/2017 P. Howard 1.2 Draft
20/10/2017 P. Howard 1.3 Draft
27/10/2017 P. Howard 1.4 Draft
14/11/2017 A.Weeks 1.5 Multiple updates

Name Title Signature Date
Peter Howard P. Howard

Garrison and Estate Management System
BSC Manual – Table of Contents


Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Work Order Management Process Flows ............................................................................................................................... 2
#1: Create Notification & Work Order .................................................................................................................................. 2
#2: Survey & Quote ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
#3: Create Scheduled Work Order ...................................................................................................................................... 2
#4: Execute & Confirm Work Order ..................................................................................................................................... 2
#5: Create Service Entry Sheet & Generate Payment ........................................................................................................ 2
Work Order Management Business Rules ............................................................................................................................. 3
List of GEMS Responsive / Requested Services Business Rules ...................................................................................... 3
RR001: Notification Description [Naming Convention] ....................................................................................................... 4
RR002: Customer Pays ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
RR003: Insurable Events .................................................................................................................................................... 5
RR004: Events, Exercises and Trials .................................................................................................................................. 5
RR005: Escalations ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
RR006: Navy Ships ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Product Director Business Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Work Order Types ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ZM01 – Responsive Maintenance (Estate Upkeep) Work Orders .................................................................................... 10
ZM02 – Scheduled Maintenance Work Orders ................................................................................................................. 10
ZM03 – Estate Appraisal Work Orders ............................................................................................................................. 10
ZM04 – Requested Service (Non EUMS) Work Orders .................................................................................................... 10
ZM05 – Scheduled Service Work Orders.......................................................................................................................... 11
Creating a Survey & Quote Work Order ............................................................................................................................... 13
Service Specific Guidance When Creating Work Orders ..................................................................................................... 23
Hospitality & Catering ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Sports & Recreation .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Housekeeping ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Retail Stores and POL ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Transport ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Waste Management .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Pest and Vermin ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Laundry & Dry Cleaning .................................................................................................................................................... 25
Land Management ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
Training Areas and Range Management .......................................................................................................................... 26
Operational Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Work Order Cancellations ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Survey & Quote Process (Requested Services, ZM04 Work Order Type) ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Customer Pays Process .................................................................................................................................................... 28
Project Requested Services .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Extended Work Orders (spanning multiple months) ......................................................................................................... 30
Receipt of Work Order .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Contractor Information Exchange (CIX) ............................................................................................................................ 33
Actioning Released Work Orders ...................................................................................................................................... 33
What to do if errors found .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Documentation / Attachments ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Requirements of the BSSC (Responsive/Requested Services) ....................................................................................... 34
Work Order Completion / Confirmation ................................................................................................................................. 35
Confirmation Process ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
ZM01 Responsive Maintenance Confirmations ................................................................................................................ 36
ZM02 Estate Upkeep Maintenance Schedule Confirmations ........................................................................................... 36
ZM04 Requested Services Confirmations ......................................................................................................................... 36
ZM05 Scheduled Services Confirmations ......................................................................................................................... 36
Fixed Fee (costed) ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Rate of Effort (non-costed) ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Service specific schedules (non-costed) ....................................................................................................................... 36

Garrison and Estate Management System
BSC Manual – Table of Contents

Escalating a Service Request ............................................................................................................................................... 38

Forms .................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
The AE547 Service Request Form ................................................................................................................................... 39
Quotation Form ................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Auto Release Thresholds ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
What are they? .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
System Applied Thresholds............................................................................................................................................... 41
Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Resources ............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Work Order Status Values (including email triggers) ........................................................................................................ 51
Notification Status Values ................................................................................................................................................. 53
Master Data Tables ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
Rate of Effort Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................................................. 69

Garrison and Estate Management System
BSC Manual – Table of Contents


The Base Services Contractor (BSC) operations manual has been developed to assist and direct both Defence and
EMOS staff in best practice usage of Defence SAP (GEMS).

The procedures outlined in this manual describe how best to interact with various GEMS artefacts and data objects in
such a way as to meet Defence operational and reporting requirements.

Additional supporting materials are also included within this manual as a reference resource for the BSC to use as

The materials presented herein were developed according to the following principles:
• Provision of work order management process flows and associated business rules can provide greater clarity and
insight into standard operating procedures within Defence.
• The complex nature of services required in the upkeep of the Defence estate precludes a “one size fits all”
approach to service delivery. To assist the BSC, service-specific content has been provided herein.
• Historically challenging scenarios should be outlined with a view to empowering all parties to readily adopt the
optimised GEMS solution. As an example, customer pays activities have been explained in detail with Defence
expectations clarified.
• The transmission of data between GEMS and contractor systems (via the CIX) requires clear descriptions of how
Defence requires data to be formatted. For example, time confirmations and rate of effort associated with work
order completion requirements are clearly described within this manual.

This manual is further supported by content contained on the GEMS Gateway. To access the GEMS Gateway please go
to http://drnet/dsrg/GEMS/InterfaceAssets/GEMSGateway.aspx.

Garrison and Estate Management System 1
BSC Manual – Process Flows

Work Order Management Process Flows

#1: Create Notification & Work Order

This process describes the steps required to create notifications and work orders in response to service requests
submitted for resolution via one of the following methods:
• a completed AE547 webform/pdf
• calling the BSSC directly or
• completing a request via the customer portal

#2: Survey & Quote

This process illustrates the approval pathway(s) where a survey/quote is required as part of a service request.
Note that this process is identical for Alternative Proposals (EU only) and therefore includes both status values at each
relevant step.

#3: Create Scheduled Work Order

This process demonstrates, at a high level, the steps required when creating scheduled work orders of the
following types:
• monthly fixed fee / volumetric (primarily CAS)
• scheduled services (eg: Fire Safety Surveys, Estate Appraisals etc)
• scheduled and performance-based maintenance (EU only)

#4: Execute & Confirm Work Order

This process outlines the steps required to complete and confirm the operations contained within the work order.
Once the status of the work order has been set to Technically Complete, payment (where relevant) can be generated via
a service entry sheet (see next process).

#5: Create Service Entry Sheet & Generate Payment

This process provides an overview of the submission and subsequent approval (or rejection) of service entry
sheets (SES). Approval of an SES will result in a system generated, recipient created tax invoice being sent to the
contractor as proof of payment

Garrison and Estate Management System 2
BSC Manual – Business Rules

Work Order Management Business Rules

List of GEMS Responsive / Requested Services Business Rules

The following business rules are updated on a regular basis. The most recent versions can be accessed via the GEMS
Gateway or by clicking on the applicable business rule below. (DRN access required).

RR001 Notification Description Convention

RR002 Customer Pays

RR003 Insurable Events

RR004 Events, Exercises and Trials

RR005 Escalations

RR006 Navy Ships

Garrison and Estate Management System 3
BSC Manual – Business Rules

RR001: Notification Description [Naming Convention]

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide naming convention guidance for the short description
field in GEMS SAP relating to Responsive and Requested services. This is to assist capturing information
for evidentiary trail reporting purposes.

• Background
GEMS SAP has an additional description field (known as the ‘short description’ field) that provides free text
with a total of 40 characters in length.

A standardised use of the short description field provides flexibility with searching and reporting and can
meet various business reporting requirements that might not otherwise be available.

• Contractor Obligations
The BSSC is to comply with this business rule when raising all Responsive and Requested Notifications
within GEMS SAP.

Other parties (other than the BSSC) can create Notifications and should also adhere to this business rule,
however the BSSC is responsible for monitoring and amending Base Services Notification details to ensure
they conform to all applicable business rules.

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

RR002: Customer Pays

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide guidance relating to the administration of requested
services Work Orders not funded by E&IG. These services are delivered under the Base Services
Contracts and can be funded by other Defence groups or external parties. This Business Rule does not
include guidance on funding arrangements.

• Background
E&IG has developed specific funding guidance in consultation with other Defence groups and services.
With the implementation of GEMS SAP, some variations to the current administrative practices are

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

Further Information

Customer Pays Process

Garrison and Estate Management System 4
BSC Manual – Business Rules

RR003: Insurable Events

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide guidance for recording insurable events related to
Responsive and Requested services.

• Background
Under the Base Services Contracts, the Base Services Support Centre (BSSC) is the primary mechanism
for Customers to initiate service requests.

Insurance claim processes may take up to four years, therefore it is imperative that the BSSC has the
ability to accurately record this detail to ensure the required information/details for a formal insurance claim
is able to be identified and retrieved by Defence personnel in preparing that insurance claim.

An insurable event is accidental loss or damage to Defence property – Buildings, Contents and
Infrastructure – that is not considered to be caused by wear & tear or requires general maintenance, and is
likely to exceed an accumulated loss of $500,000 across all Defence locations. For example, accidental
loss or damage to Defence property or several properties could be caused by natural disasters such as a
cyclone, flood, bush fire, earthquake etc or a single event such as a fire, lightning strike, building collapse
or a theft.

The EMOS Contractor is not responsible for submitting any insurance claims. The Defence
Insurance Office is responsible for handling Comcover insurance claims for Defence Estate property
damage caused by severe weather events Australia wide. Further detail on the process is outlined in
Annex A: Process for Property Claims (for information).

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

RR004: Events, Exercises and Trials

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide guidance for recording Responsive and Requested
services relating to official Defence events, exercises and trials.

• Background
Historically, service requests (for base services) relating to various Official Events (e.g. ANZAC Day),
Exercises and Trials have not been identified and therefore budgeting, tracking and reporting for these
activities has not been effective.

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

Further Information


Exercises : http ://

Garrison and Estate Management System 5
BSC Manual – Business Rules

RR005: Escalations

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide guidance for the use of the GEMS SAP escalation
functionality relating to Responsive and Requested Notifications.

• Background
Under the Base Services Contracts, the Base Services contractors are required to advise if they are not
able to meet the contracted timeframes.

Customers can contact the BSSC to have the provider return to site under the following circumstances:

 Work not completed

 Customer not satisfied with the quality of the work

GEMS SAP provides functionality, called “Escalation” in the Notification that will trigger a workflow to notify
the Base Services contractor and PSM that follow-up action is required.

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

RR006: Navy Ships

• Purpose
The purpose of this Business Rule (BR) is to provide guidance for recording Requested services delivered to
Navy Ships.

• Background
Historically, service requests (for base services) delivered to Navy ships have been recorded against the wharf
location to which the ship is docked with no ability to accurately capture costs and activities delivered directly to
the ship.

From time to time E&IG are required to provide data pertaining to its services delivered to Navy ships.

In Defence SAP, ships are recorded in the Estate Master data as equipment objects.

• Estate Master Data

Under the responsibility of the GEMS Sustainment team, Navy ship data records in Defence SAP must only
contain the basic mandatory fields, i.e. Equipment ID, Description (ship name), Estate Classes and Status.

Estate Classes to be as follows:

• Estate Class 1 = EQUIPMENT, 1005

• Estate Class 2 = MARINE, 2108
• Estate Class 3 = NAVAL SHIP, 3999

For details, please refer to the Business Rule document

Garrison and Estate Management System 6
BSC Manual – Business Rules

Product Director Business Rules

Where applicable, Product Directors have developed business rules that provide specific guidance on the handling of
Service Requests pertaining to their products. This guidance is directed for Base Services Contractor use and

These Business Rules are coordinated through the Directorate of Base Services Management Integration & Coordination


Garrison and Estate Management System 7
BSC Manual – Work Order Types

Work Order Types

Work orders represent the work to be undertaken by a Base Services contractor. Work orders reference a Floc and/or
EQUIP, nominate the services (service masters) required to perform the activity, and track the associated rates of effort.

Work orders can be generated manually via notification processing, or via system automation through scheduled
maintenance plans.

A work order is always created with reference to an estate element Floc. Or EQUIP. The following serve as examples:
• Base Support Area
• Property
• Building
• Building Level/Building Space
• Land Space
• Infrastructure System
• Equipment.

Work Orders will be either Costed or Non-costed. This is shown as a Control Key of the Work Order Operation line –
ZPM3 = costed, ZPM4 = non-costed. Generally, the BSSC will initially raise as a non-costed ‘placeholder’ operation
regardless if the Work Order is costed or non-costed.

Approved work orders that are payment relevant will be linked to a Purchase Order (PO). Once the work is complete,
acceptance by the Product Director of a service entry sheet will generate a goods receipt and facilitate payment to the
Base Services contractor via Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI), and settlement of costs to the customer cost centre if

Work orders for services covered under a fixed fee or volumetric service contract do not require additional financial
approval or reference to a purchase order.

The following table (refer table 2.0 on next page) provides a representation of the key differences between the different
types of service requests.

Garrison and Estate Management System 8
BSC Manual – Work Order Types Matrix

Opportunity Minor
Responsive Responsive Requested Requested Requested Requested
Request Type based Workplace
Maintenance Maintenance Service Service Service Service
Maintenance Adjustment

Covered Covered Covered Covered Demand

Under Fixed Under Fixed Under Fixed Alternate Demand Driven Under Fixed Driven Survey &
Cost Type
Fee (Non- Fee (Non- Fee Proposal LRS / TRS Fee Volumetric Quote
priced) priced) (Non-priced) (Non-priced) (Non-Priced)
Regular Opportunity Low value new Maintenance Services under Services Services Services under
maintenance based work (not requests over contract covered covered contract NOT
Notes requests maintenance maintenance) threshold covered by under fixed under covered by
under under under LRS / TRS fee volumetric LRS / TRS
threshold threshold threshold price schedule arrangement price schedule
Notification Type Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z4 Z4 Z4 Z4
Cost Object Required     
Coding 0010 0020 0030
Customer Paid 0040
Work Order
Order Type ZM01 ZM01 ZM01 ZM01 ZM04 ZM04 ZM04 ZM04
PMAct Type Z01 Z02 Z03 Z50 Z50
Defence Paid Z01 Z50 Z50
Customer Paid Z04 Z51 Z51
Non-Def. Cust Paid Z52 Z52
Control Key ZPM3 ZPM4 ZPM4 ZPM3
PO / Agreement     
Work Order Confirmation
SES Required?   
Table 2.0 – Work Order Type Matrix

Garrison and Estate Management System 9
BSC Manual – Work Order Types

ZM01 – Responsive Maintenance (Estate Upkeep) Work Orders

Responsive maintenance work orders cover unplanned, reactive or corrective maintenance required to rectify defects or
repair damage to Defence estate property. These work orders may also include opportunity based maintenance, which is
pro-active maintenance that applies to any part of the estate (other than estate
elements covered by performance based maintenance). Table 2.0 Work Order
Type Matrix (refer previous page) provides a representation of the key
differences between the different types of scheduled services.

All of these work orders when initially raised from a customer request are
released for action by the EMOS contractor.

Subsequent work orders such as for alternate proposals (costed ZM01 Work Orders) or EU reimbursable follow approval
processes. For further information on the approval processes please refer to DEQMS and other documentation endorsed
by DEPU.

ZM02 – Scheduled Maintenance Work Orders

These work orders relate only to the Estate Upkeep Maintenance Schedule
(EUMS). These are system generated non-costed Work Orders.

ZM03 – Estate Appraisal Work Orders

These work orders are recommended works arising from the Estate Appraisal
inspections. Note: these do not have a corresponding Notification record and are used
for the purpose of review and scoping for project delivery. These will never be used to
capture actual ROE or actual costs.

ZM04 – Requested Service (Non EUMS) Work Orders

Requested services are delivered on an ad-hoc basis under a requested or a survey-and-quote process. Once requested
and approved, the Base Services contractor will schedule the request for delivery within service level agreements and
advise of any changes to the scheduled delivery date and time.

Requested services can be initiated as customer funded or Estate &

Infrastructure Group (E&IG) funded through the Base Services Support
Centre (BSSC) via phone, email, Contractor Information Exchange (CIX) or
the self-service web portal.

There are a number of variances to the ways that requested services are managed in the system depending on how they
are catered for under the Base Services Contract. This affects the type of notification and work order created, and the
way that confirmations and service entry is performed. Table 2.0 Work Order Type Matrix provides a representation of the
key differences between the different types of requested services.

Garrison and Estate Management System 10
BSC Manual

ZM05 – Scheduled Service Work Orders

Scheduled services are predetermined service activities to be conducted on the Defence estate. Scheduled services are
planned for delivery on a regular basis.

Scheduled services are used for:

• scheduling work orders for volume based services
• fee payment schedule for:
o Management, Integration and Coordination (MIC) service
o Base Support Services Centre(BSSC)
• services delivery schedule for activities performed under fixed fee or volumetric contracts.

The scheduled services process includes services priced in the form of a fixed period (mostly monthly or daily) fee for a
contractually pre-agreed measurable outcome and takes into consideration the following for each service package:
• identification of the location and frequency of delivery of services
• development, maintenance and delivery of a service delivery schedule
• requests for the delivery of service when requested by customers via a service request
• records of rate of effort specified for every service
• assignment of service delivery tasks to the relevant service delivery contractor.

The scheduled services process also identifies the contractor actions required to confirm delivery of services on a periodic
basis and the provision of supporting data required for analytical purposes. This data is typically captured via
measurement documents, completed by the contractor when the service is delivered, and recorded against the relevant
GEMS measurement points.

The scheduled services process outlines the financial integration of requests from procurement to final settlement of
funds. The steps to process scheduled services in Defence SAP are generally the same as scheduled and performance
maintenance, including the same key steps:
• task list
• maintenance plan
• work orders
• completion and payment.

There are a number of variances to the ways that scheduled services are managed in the system depending on how the
services are catered for under the Base Services contract. This affects the type of task list and maintenance plan created,
and the way that confirmations and service entry is performed. Table 2.0
Work Order Type Matrix provides a representation of the key differences
between the different types of scheduled services.

Garrison and Estate Management System 11
BSC Manual

Composite Requested Service Work Orders

For composite requested services, or service requests that access more than one purchase order line, separate
notifications will need to be created.

These notifications and work orders are then linked to the original notification and work order using the Reference
Notification and Reference Work order fields. This provides the Product Director and BSSC with a mechanism to
collectively schedule, reschedule work orders, and coordinate delivery of the services.

Garrison and Estate Management System 12
BSC Manual – Work Order Types

Creating a Survey & Quote Work Order

Survey & Quote Requirements

The BSSC will raise work orders with a placeholder non-costed (ZPM4) operation line (example below).

Within the contractor system, this line is to be replaced with a costed operation (ZPM3) and the correct service activity,
Purchase Order, etc details. Confirmations are done against the costed lines and therefore the placeholder non-costed
line becomes redundant.

Multiple service activities (in accordance with the LRS/TRS) may be required in order to provide the correct costing and
breakdown of the quotation. For ‘true’ survey and quote (where LRS/TRS does not apply) then the ‘generic’ service
activity can be used.

Multiple operation lines may also be added in order to provide the required breakdown of the quotation.

Long text description to include the following information:

• Clarification of the scope of the service
• Confirmation that the Contractor has consulted stakeholders
• Contractor risks and mitigation
• Contractor has considered bundling similar services to provide the best value outcome for Defence
• Any further details relevant to support/justify the request/quotation
• For customer pays, confirmation the customer has approved the request (name and date)

Submission of the quotation must firstly be sent via the CIX with ‘QSUP’ (Quotation Supplied) status. Following
acknowledgement, the status is to be changed to ‘QAPR’ (Quotation Approval Requested) status.

Garrison and Estate Management System 13
BSC Manual

Step 1: Create Notification

A – Complete the Job Details Tab

Step # Field Commentary

Limited to 40 characters, the BSSC will enter a brief title for the service request
1 Short Description conforming to business rule RR001.
Each service request is linked to a specific functional location (a physical building).
When raising the service request, the BSSC will enter the existing building number
2 Functional loc.
provided by the customer. The GEMS system will automatically populate the
functional location field with the corresponding GEMS value.
3 Coding The coding value represents the service line.
An explanation of the requirements (pertaining to the service request) are entered in
this field. Over time, this field will record all of the historical notes including reasons for
4 Description (Long Text) rejections or approvals (added by the product director/approver),as well as
modifications to the service request. Links to supporting documentation are also
included in this field. Limited to about one million characters.
The Planner Group represents the trade type associated with the service request. For
5 Planner Group
services other than Estate Upkeep this is to be ‘OTH Other’.
6 Main WorkCtr The Main Work Centre is a combination of region and service tower.
Contains the PMKEYS ID / ODS# of the person requesting the service if provided,
7 Reported by
otherwise the name is to be entered using the convention e.g. “J. Bloggs”.

B – Complete the Additional Data Tab

Garrison and Estate Management System 14
BSC Manual

Step # Field Commentary

The timeframes against each priority correspond to those listed in the EUMS as
• Emergency: +24 hours
• Immediate: +24 hours
• Urgent: +48 hours
1 Priority
• Routine: +28 days
• Specified requirement: a specific end date and time.

For all services other than Estate Upkeep, ‘Specified requirement’ should be used.

2 Message Details (Icon). On site point of contact information for primary and secondary contacts.

Garrison and Estate Management System 15
BSC Manual

C – Complete the Customer Details Tab

Step # Field Commentary

Whilst not enforced by the GEMS system, this information is required by Defence.
1 Requestor Details Automated system messages will be sent upon specific status changes, where a
valid email address is entered.
To be included when the service request is customer funded. Will be required as
2 Customer Cost Objects
part of the approval process.
To be included for “follow-on” or subsequent service requests. For example, where
3 Reference several different service lines may be required to meet the requirements of the
original service request.

Garrison and Estate Management System 16
BSC Manual

Step 2: Create Work Order

A - Complete the Header Data Tab

Step # Field Commentary

1 PMActType This field determines “who” is paying for the services provided. Where Z51 is
selected, an accompanying cost centre code or WBS element must be provided
(refer additional details tab) in the relevant fields before approval can be granted.
2 Revision Used to allocate a work order to an event (natural disaster, exercise or insurable).
Refer to Business Rules RR003 and RR004.

Garrison and Estate Management System 17
BSC Manual

B - Populate the Operations Tab

The operations tab contains a list of all of the operations required to fulfil the requirements of the service request. When
creating the work order, the BSSC will populate only one operational line with an operational placeholder. This
placeholder should remain unchanged as it is used to inform reporting requirements at Defence.

The subsequent operational lines (lines 0020 onwards) will be populated by the contractor as part of the “scope and
quote” activity.

Step # Field Commentary

1 Task List Selection This menu item allows the BSSC to select a task list using a direct entry method.

Garrison and Estate Management System 18
BSC Manual

C - Select a Task List

Step # Field Commentary

1 Task List Overview Task lists have been pre-configured by service line/tower for easy selection.

Step # Field Commentary

Having selected a task list, the BSSC will then select the relevant operation within
1 Task List Overview the selected task list. In this example, operation 0002 will be selected as the Survey
& Quote, non-costed, placeholder operation.

Garrison and Estate Management System 19
BSC Manual

Step # Field Commentary

1 Task List Overview Line 0010 will be populated with the non-costed (ZPM4) operational placeholder.

Garrison and Estate Management System 20
BSC Manual

D - Set the User Status

Step # Field Commentary

Setting the User Status to QREQ and SVNQ, will (when the work order is saved):
• Initiate a workflow (system message) to the requestor to confirm that the
1 User Status service request has been sent to the contractor to be quoted, and
• Initiate a second workflow directing the work order to the contractor system,
via the CIX, for quotation.
It is important to note here that the system status will not be set to REL (Released).
Once the work order has been approved by a Product Director (User Status QAPP),
2 System Status
the system status will change to REL and the work order can then be referenced on
a service entry sheet for payment.

The final step (in the work order creation phase) performed by the BSSC is to save the work order by clicking the SAVE
button. The GEMS system will then generate workflows (system messages via email) according to the user status values
set by the BSSC.

Note: the BSSC does not have the ability to release a work order with SVNQ status.

The next page contains a summary of the status values (and associated workflows) relevant to the survey and quote work
order process.

Garrison and Estate Management System 21
BSC Manual

Status Values

Status Status Name Description Notes
Used to indicate that the service request
is outside the monthly fixed fee and/or Set by the BSSC during work order
SVNQ Survey & Quote N/A
requires approval before it can be creation.
released (REL).
Work order is routed through to the
Acts as an indicator to the contractor
EMOS/MSP system via the CIX
QREQ Quote Required that more information is required before EMOS/MSP
containing one non-costed
work may proceed.
operational line item.
Additional costed line items are
Set by the EMOS/MSP system to added to the work order by the
QSUP Quote Supplied Requestor
indicate that a quote has been provided. contractor. The workflow generates
an email to inform the requestor.
Work order is routed back through
Set by the EMOS/MSP system when a Product the CIX into GEMS. Appears in the
Quote Approval
QAPR quote is submitted for approval. Used as Director relevant Product Director’s
a subsequent status to QSUP. (approver) dashboard as an item requiring
System status is set to Released
Set in response to the Product Director (REL). The workflow generates an
QAPP Quote Approved Requestor
approving the quote provided. email to inform the requestor that
the quote has been approved.
A rejection reason will be entered
by the Product Director. A workflow
Set in response to the approver will generate an email to the
selecting ‘Reject and Requote’ for the Requestor requestor including the reason for
QREJ Quote Rejected
quote supplied by the provider. Allows EMOS/MSP the rejection. An additional
the contractor to re-submit a quote. workflow will also update the status
values in the EMOS/MSP system
for this work order via the CIX.
Set in response to the approver
Rejecting the quote (or alternate
Requestor is informed of service
proposal). Also used to manually reject
REJC Rejected Requestor request closure via workflow
a work order. Contractor will not be able
generated message (email).
to re-submit a quote on these work
Work order is sent through to the
EMOS/MSP system via the CIX in
The work order is released for
REL Released EMOS/MSP a state that allows confirmations
completion/fulfilment by the contractor.
and payment claims to be
submitted against it.
Table 2.1: Survey & Quote Status to Workflow Relationships

Garrison and Estate Management System 22
BSC Manual

Service Specific Guidance When Creating Work Orders

Hospitality & Catering

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Meals in the mess

Rationing In

Ration request

Hot boxes

BBQ packs


Inflight meals

Muesli bars


Morning tea

Working lunch

Marching out parade

Request for labour

Happy hour

Dining in

All customer (unit) pays

Mess Committee Functions

Where functions are funded by the Mess Committees, the following process applies:

• Raised to the Notification level only, NO Work Order.

• Notification ‘Print’ PDF document from GEMS is to be emailed to the relevant provider.
• There will be no further processing in GEMS for these requests (apart from closing the Notification).
• Payment is to be done in consultation with the relevant Mess Committee directly and is the responsibility of the
• The Product Director will not have any involvement in these requests unless there is an impact on the delivery of
other H&C services.
• The reason for the creation of the Notification is purely as a record for re-tendering purposes in the future.

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Sports & Recreation

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Booking request for gymnasium, swimming pool or other

designated sporting and recreation facilities

Open or close gymnasium or swimming pool

Booking request for portable gymnasium and/or sporting

Request for the provision of a gym attendant outside
scheduled service operating times

Request for the provision of a lifeguard outside scheduled
service operational times

Investigate request for internal or pool deck cleaning activity

Investigate request for pool safety equipment due to damage
or missing items

Request to assist PTI with equipment setup / physical training

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Supply cleaning products for user clean to accommodation

(LIA) facilities

Investigate reported damage and defects to accommodation
premises and furniture or equipment

Request replacement of portable equipment by Defence i.e.
iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner

Provide escort in occupied room for cleaning or maintenance

Remove, store, transport or purchase furniture for
accommodation rooms & common areas – Only within LIA

Request for general information on accommodation matters or
cleaning needs including provision of bed linen

Request for cleaning services due to spills including bodily
fluids, breakage, event, to an accommodation room

Retail Stores and POL

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

All work orders

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Vehicle and driver support


Self-drive request

Mail related tasking

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BSC Manual

Waste Management

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

New bin/service

Existing bin/service

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Supply cleaning products for user clean to office environments

Request removal of animal excrement both internal and/or

Request for additional internal waste bins/receptacles

Investigate and attend to cleanliness and general state of
refuse storage area

Clean internal windows, glass 7 other surfaces up to 3 metres

Request for cleaning service due to spills including bodily
fluids, breakage, event, any part of a hangar or warehouse

Investigate reported cleaning needs ablutions, kitchen, offices
or other general building spaces, including accommodation

common areas (not room)
Remove excess water from floor, carpets, etc as a result of
flooding. Not related to equipment failure (eg aircon leak)

Removal of graffiti and tags

Removal of internal general waste and rubbish removal
including emptying waste bins and receptacles. Provision to

be made for separation of materials as required.
Inspect and clean building facade and/or external waste areas

Inspect and clean out downpipes, guttering & roof area
including under equipment

Pest and Vermin

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

All work orders

Laundry & Dry Cleaning

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Request for quote/action to launder or dry clean personnel

issued clothing/item (user pays service)

Request for additional supply of contractor owned medical,
dental or theatre linen

Provide scheduled collection or delivery of laundry cleaning of
Defence owned assets

Request for sewing or repairs during laundering or dry

Garrison and Estate Management System 25
BSC Manual

Land Management
Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

Tree works above 3 metres

Replacement plants

Regeneration/rehabilitation works

Line marking

Sportsfield repair/renovation – top dressing/re-seeding

Graduation, exam, event preparation/set up

Clear debris from drainage lines

Euthanise sick and injured wildlife

Replenishment of softfall

Conduct of program activites

Refilling gas bottles in BBQ areas

Power line clearing

Weed control outside domestic/cantonment areas


Tree assessments

Clear deadfall (fallen branch)

Grass maintenance/garden maintenance

Removal of sick and injured wildlife

Dispersing animals on airfields

Remove weeds in domestic/cantonment areas

Training Areas and Range Management

Activity Costed (S&Q) Non-costed

All work orders

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BSC Manual

Operational Procedures

Work Order Cancellations

Work orders can be cancelled at various stages and for a variety of reasons.

Once a work order is released, GEMS will notify the contractor via the CIX. A released work order is essentially an
authorisation (from Defence) for a contractor to proceed with fulfilling the service request. When a released work order is
subsequently cancelled, it may be possible that the contractor has already commenced activities related to fulfilling the
service request and may therefore have incurred costs. The contractor is entitled to claim payment for any costs incurred
against a released work order.

For this reason, the BSSC is NOT to cancel a work order unless instructed by the relevant contractor. Instead, the BSSC
will do the following:
• add “CANC” at the beginning of the Notification Short Text description field,
• add a note in the long text description field detailing who has requested the cancellation and why. Also who is
being notified (contractor) of the cancellation,
• Save the Notification
• Send an email to the relevant contractor referencing the Notification and Work Order number advising of the
• The BSSC will NOT action anything further unless instructed by the contractor.

Where the BSSC is being instructed to cancel a Notification and Work Order, the contractor must provide them the
following details:

• Notification and Work Order number

• Clear instruction to cancel
• Confirmation of the reason

The BSSC will then proceed to cancel the Notification and Work Order by:

• Updating the status of the Notification to “CANC”

• Updating the long text description to include who has instructed the cancellation and further explanation where
• Updating the Work Order status to “REJC”.

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Customer Pays Process

Defence Customer

• Customer raises request (and hopefully provides their Cost Centre/WBS Element upfront)
• BSSC raises the Notification (with the customer codes) and the associated Work Order with the activity type
denoting it is user pays (with Quote Required status).
• The contractor investigates, scopes and produces a quotation to the customer using the Quotation form (off
• The customer considers the quote and either approves and rejects (off system).
• If approved, the customer needs to provide the Cost Centre/WBS Element on the form. Without either of these
codes the work cannot proceed.
• Contractor retains the Quotation form and inputs all quotation details into their system (including customer
approval confirmation detail in the long text description), sets the status to Quotation supplied. This is then
transferred via CIX to Defence SAP in which an email is automatically triggered to the customer (that the quote is
• Under normal circumstances or unless directed by the applicable Product Director there is no requirement at the
time of submitted the quote via GEMS for the Quotation form to be submitted to the Product Director either in
GEMS (via an Objective link) or via email. Note the Product Director teams reserve the right to conduct
assurance checking either at the time of submission or afterwards.
• Contractor sets the status to Quotation Approval Requested in their system which again is sent to Defence SAP
via the CIX. This status triggers the workflow to the Product Director seeking approval.
• Product Director approves based on the fact that the Work Order activity type shows it is customer pays and they
validate the Cost Centre or WBS code has been entered in the relevant field in the Work Order Additional Details
tab. Where codes are missing the PD team will enter text into the Notification long description and select ‘reject
and re-quote’ from their inbox. Other issues could also lead to rejection or delays if requiring clarification or
• Work proceeds on the basis of the customer approval and customer kept informed of progress and completion.
• Contractor enters completion details (WO confirmation) in their system and is transferred to Defence SAP via the
• A SES (payment) is created with the quoted amount in the contractor system and again is transferred to Defence
SAP via the CIX. This triggers a workflow to the Product Director for approval.
• Product Director approves.
• Automatic settlement journal occurs using the provided Cost Centre or WBS. The Account Code is taken from
the Purchase Order. Unfortunately this journal does not provide specific detail linking back to the Work Order.

Customers are provided the quotations of their funded Work Orders but if they want to reconcile between Roman and
GEMS they may encounter some issues as the settlement journal will not reference the Work Order.

Non-Defence Customer

• Same process as above with the exception of the need to capture a Cost Centre/WBS Element. Instead, it is
important to capture the customer billing details in the Customer Details tab of the Notification.

Please also refer to the Survey & Quote Process


• Mess committee functions – refer ‘Service Specific guidance when creating work orders’, ‘Hospitality & Catering’.

• Where an organisation enters into a separate contractual arrangement to that of the Base Services
Contract. These would not be recorded in GEMS. For example, BGIS may deliver services directly to the
Australian Federal Police.

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BSC Manual

Expectations of the BSSC

The BSSC is to have appropriate scripting arrangements to make all reasonable attempts in identifying and determining
funding arrangements. This should be based on PSM Business Rules and any other customer pays guidance
documentation where applicable. That being said, it is acknowledged that 100% accuracy is not always possible at this
early stage of receiving and registering the request.

It is up to the contractor to ensure correctness.

The BSSC will do the following:

• Where a Cost Centre code or WBS element is provided it will be recorded in the Customer Details tab of the
Notification (and subsequently copied across to the work order automatically upon its creation)
• For ZM04 Requested Services, select one of the following Work Order PM Activity Types:
o Z50 Reqstd Srvc –Defence Paid
o Z51 Reqstd Srvc –Def. Cust Paid
o Z52 Reqstd Srvc –Non-Def Cust Paid
• For ZM01 Responsive Maintenance, select one of the following Work Order PM Activity Types:
o Z01 Responsive Maintenance
o Z02 Opportunity based Maint.
o Z03 Minor Workplace Adjustment
o Z04 Responsive Maint –Customr Paid

The BSSC may be requested by base services providers to obtain the latest version of the quotation form.

The BSSC is responsible to despatch Work Orders to the relevant base services providers via the Contractor Information
Exchange (CIX). Customer pays Work Orders are to be assigned the ‘Quotation Required’ status.

Expectations of the Base Services Contractors

Each base services contractor is responsible for liaising with the customer to determine the full scope of the service
required, confirming the funding source (i.e. E&IG or customer pays) and then completing the Quotation form. The
completion of the form includes obtaining the customer codes, or invoicing details in instances where it is a non-Defence
customer. The customer is to sign the form, giving their authorisation to proceed with the service.

The Quotation form is not to be used for E&IG pays services. These are to be submitted and approved in system via

Regardless of the customer approval obtained on the Quotation form, base services providers must still enter the
applicable quotation information in GEMS SAP. The system approval processes will still apply however the Work Order

Base Services providers must retain the quotation form in accordance with Commonwealth record keeping requirements.

Further Information

Garrison and Estate Management System 29
BSC Manual

Project Requested Services

For the purpose of this document, “Projects” are defined as Defence works and services that are managed and delivered
as a package that is outside of the usual base services requested and responsive services.

Projects can be managed by Infrastructure Division (ID) and Service Delivery Division (SDD) of the Estate & Infrastructure
Group (E&IG). In most circumstances (apart from the EMOS Contractor), the project managers will not have access to
work orders within GEMS.

Project managers are responsible for the management and tracking of all services pertaining to their project.

All requests associated with projects (including project management fees) are NOT to be created as Notifications and
Work Orders within GEMS. All interaction and administrative processes must be directly with the Project Delivery
contractor and in accordance with the project management requirements and processes. These requirements are set by
the Directorate of Estate Works Program Office (DEWPO) or ID.

Examples of project related requests include (but not limited to):

• Project management fees from the EMOS contractor

• Guarding services related to the project
• Waste removal related to the project

Extended Work Orders (spanning multiple months)

These can be handled in two different ways:

1) Work Order to have end date spanning entire duration of the requirement. Partially confirm if required to do in
stages. For example monthly. SES can be submitted aligning with the partial confirmation. Close out the Work
Order only after the end of the requirement. This is the preferred option.
2) Multiple Work Orders could be created, one for each month (as an example), however they must reference an
original Work Order (non-costed) that covers the whole period. These multiple work orders should not overlap in
timeframe, ie they are representing one portion of the whole period of the requirement. Each Work Order can be
fully confirmed with a SES submitted. At the completion of the entire requirement the original work Order will
need to be closed out.

Note: The Revision field in the Work Order is used to associate (and report) on Exercises.

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Recommended Best Practice

When creating the notification, the BSSC select specified requirement in the priority field and set the end date to the end
of the expected service delivery period. In this example, the end date is the 30 September 2017.

All relevant details are copied across from the notification into the work order. (Note the basic finish date). This task is
completed by the BSSC.

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The operational line items can be structured in such a way as to allow monthly confirmations. This will help facilitate
monthly SES submission. Operational line 10 is created by the BSSC as a non-costed placeholder only. This line is not
removed. Lines 20, 30 and 40 are configured by the contractor once the work order is sent through from the BSSC. These
lines are entered as costed line items (ZPM3).

Each of the costed (ZPM3) line items will contain the same set of service masters. These service masters are selected by
the contractor and effectively form the quotation. In the example below, the same two service masters (14009034 and
14006427) will be included against each of the ZPM3 operational lines (20, 30 and 40 in the image above).

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Receipt of Work Order

Contractor Information Exchange (CIX)

All work orders created and any subsequent updates are sent via the CIX these transports logged in GEMS with the date
and time sent. It is important to note that acknowledgements of receipt of data are also logged. This confirms the
connectivity and that data has been sent successfully from one system to the other.

For the latest technical specifications relating to the CIX please refer to the most recent published CIX Application guide.

Actioning Released Work Orders

Releasing a Work Order is effectively the authority to proceed with the work. The status ‘REL’ will be displayed in the
System Status field on the Work Order.

Work Orders can be released via 3 methods –

• BSSC releases the Work Order where it is covered under the fixed fee or is volumetric in nature
• System auto-release where a Survey and Quote is submitted for Product Director approval that is under the
service threshold amount
• Product Director approves a Survey and Quote or Alternate Proposal.

ZM01 Work Orders – User status doesn’t change, i.e. stays as ‘INIT’, BSSC RELeases the Work Order

ZM01 Alternate Proposal Work Orders – User status will be APRO, requires Product Director approval

ZM04 Work Orders (volumetric or covered under the fixed fee) - User status doesn’t change, i.e. stays as ‘INIT’, BSSC
RELeases the Work Order

ZM04 Survey & Quote Work Orders – User status will be SVNQ, can be automatically released if under the applied
threshold, otherwise requires Product Director approval.

What to do if errors found

Validate with the BSSC first – ascertain if it is a data entry error or a technical issue

Data entry error

• For initial creation errors, i.e. BSSC responsibility, then the BSSC should correct and re-save the Work Order
• For errors occurring after the work order has been despatched, the correction should be the contractor
responsibility and done within the contractor systems (and sent to GEMS via the CIX). Having said that, the
BSSC may be required to assist where it is not possible to fix from the contractor systems.
• Where it is uncertain on how to fix then advice may be sought from the SDD GEMS team

Technical issue
• Ascertain if the technical issue is GEMS or the contractor system
• If the issue is with the contractor system then take internal action to fix, advise the SDD GEMS team and the
GEMS Sustainment team if the issue has any impact to GEMS or business continuity.
• If the issue is with GEMS then log a request through to the GEMS Sustainment team. Advise the SDD GEMS
team if any impact to business continuity.

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Documentation / Attachments

Requirements of the BSSC (Responsive/Requested Services)

The BSSC may receive documents via the following methods –

• Attached to the AE547

• Attached document to an email
• Attached Objective link to an email (unlikely due to access issues)
• Hardcopy (BSSC should scan to convert electronically)

The BSSC is not currently required to store documents in Objective, nor are they required to include an Objective link in
the Notification within GEMS.

In all instances, any documents received by the BSSC must be emailed to the appropriate party, i.e. contractor and in a
timely manner to align with the despatch of the Work Order.
There is no provision in the CIX for attached documents.

All documents received are to be retained and managed by the relevant contractor and is subject to contractual
requirements, Commonwealth policy and legislation.

Note: the BSSC may hold these documents for the purpose of initiating the request or dealing with enquiries, however
there is no requirement of the BSSC for retention beyond that.

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Work Order Completion / Confirmation

Confirmation Process

On completion of work, the Base Service contractor provides work completion documents via CIX. These documents
• Work order confirmation along with actual effort in appropriate unit of time and/or materials.
• Technical completion of work order
• Measurement documents against applicable measurement points to provide information about the actual
condition against target or measurement information for a functional location or equipment
• Service entry sheet for services that generate payment:
o customer paid services, including non-Defence customer recoverable services
o survey and quote services
o requested services against labour and/or material rate schedules.

The Base Services contractor is required to lodge work order confirmations for every completed work order, and service
entry sheets only for those work orders that generate payment.

The PD is required to review and accept the service entry sheets. Once a service entry sheet has been accepted a
recipient created tax invoice (RCTI) is automatically generated.

Invoices will be generated at a specified frequency at either of the following levels:

• per vendor
• per purchase order
• per order item
• per delivery document/service entry.

Work order operation confirmation is used for capturing service activities and delivery times for contractor performance
reporting. That is, it captures the actual against the planned resources in the operation being confirmed.

An operation can be confirmed multiple times until its final confirmation; which is achieved when selecting the ‘Final
Confirmation’ checkbox.

Rate of Effort
Base Services contractors are required to provide information on rate of effort and other measurement information as
specified in the contract.

One way Base Services contractors may be required to provide this data is by providing the rate of effort in work order
confirmations. For example, under an Access Control contract, the Base Services contractor may provide the rate of effort
associated with the provision of Access Control under the monthly fixed fee.

These confirmations may be provided on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and multiple confirmations may be provided
against a single work order to provide the level of data required for analysis of the services delivered under the contract.

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ZM01 Responsive Maintenance Confirmations

Please refer to the Estate Planning and Upkeep User Manual

ZM02 Estate Upkeep Maintenance Schedule Confirmations

Please refer to the Estate Planning and Upkeep User Manual

ZM04 Requested Services Confirmations

Under development

ZM05 Scheduled Services Confirmations

Fixed Fee (costed)

• Time confirm ‘0’ quantity

• Enter any volumetric data as required
• Set Final Confirmation status flag (should set system status to ‘CNF’)

Rate of Effort (non-costed)

This is a scheduled work order generated for the monthly capture of rate of effort (ROE) data requirements as required in
the Base Services Contracts (Schedule 2 Statement of Works)
• Time confirm ‘0’ quantity
• On each ‘ROE’ service master activity applicable – enter ROE figures
• Set final confirmation status flag (this should automatically set system status to ‘CNF’)

For more detail on ROE requirements please refer to the Resources section of this document.

Service specific schedules (non-costed)

Under development

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Service Entry Sheets

Consumption of service and maintenance costs from (scheduled fixed cost and ad-hoc) purchase agreements is posted
to work orders via service entry sheet posting. This transfer debits the reference work order as actual costs.

An electronic confirmation of the completion of work is received and the Base Services contractor marks the work order
as Technically Complete.

Where the work delivery results in a payment to the Contractor (ie the task is not covered under a fixed fee), the
Contractor will provide a service entry sheet via the CIX interface.

The PSM will review and accept the service entry. Approval of the Service Entry Sheet will trigger the creation of a
Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) and result in a payment to the contractor.

The work settlement occurs automatically through a Defence SAP generated periodic batch process. Finally, the work
order is marked as ‘Business Close’ automatically on a periodic basis.

Each work order contains a system generated settlement rule for the final posting of costs to a settlement receiver. This
credits the order removing all liability and debits the receiving cost centre.

Work order settlement will generally be an automated process. A work order settlement can be executed using
transaction KO88. Generally work order settlement will not occur until final completion of all planned works within the
order. At final settlement the work order is credited and the final cost receiver debited removing all liability from the work
order as cost object.

For more specific guidance please refer to the following documents:

• Base Services Contractor Invoicing Business Rule (published by Contract Administration Support)
• Service Entry Sheet Management Reference Guide

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Escalating a Service Request

The escalation task provides a mechanism for

a) the customer to follow up on a service request that has not been completed, or
b) for the Base Services contractor to seek approval from the Product Director to agree to a change (or delay) in
service delivery or maintenance outside standard delivery requirements.

The escalation task will trigger a workflow to notify the Base Services contractor or Product Director that follow up action
is required. Please refer to the relevant business rules when processing escalation tasks.

An escalation will sequentially follow these high level steps:

• raise escalation
• respond to escalation
• close escalation

Garrison and Estate Management System 38
BSC Manual - Forms


The AE547 Service Request Form

The AE547 Service Request form is a PDF webform and is for requesting a Base Service.

Use and Limitations

Customers submit the form to the BSSC via email.

The form is to be used for requesting services within the scope of the Base Services Contracts only.

The form can only be completed and submitted via the Defence Restricted Network (DRN) or DSTG Protected
Research Network (PRN).

The form is NOT for requesting Emergency, Immediate and Urgent requests or any requests requiring delivery
within 7 calendar days. These must be telephoned through to the BSSC.

Only UNCLASSIFIED information is to be entered on the form.

If the request is for multiple locations then a separate form should be submitted for each location.

Multiple services can be selected on the same form but may result in multiple Notifications and Work Orders
being raised.

The form may contain attachments, either embedded in the form or attached to the email. Where applicable,
these attachments should be provided to the relevant service provider.

For Reprographics, customers are to complete form CX 020-1 – Publishing Information Management System
(PIMS) Reprographic Request.

The form is NOT to be used for asset requests that are not covered under the Base Services contracts. The
Estate Services Supported Asset Request (ESSAR) is to be used for these requests. Business rules and
guidance is found in the ESSAR form.

The form is NOT for lodging complaints. All Base Services complaints should be telephoned to the BSSC.

Future plans
This form is to be superceded by the GEMS Customer portal.

Form owner

DBSMIC is the form owner and developer. Any issues or suggestions for improvement can be advised directly to
the DBSMIC Group Email box – Service Request Form
The form and any information contained therein remains the property of the Commonwealth.

Garrison and Estate Management System 39
BSC Manual – Forms Sept 2017

Quotation Form

The Quotation form is an excel spread-sheet form and is for use by Base Services Contractors when providing
quotations for customer pays requests.

Use and Limitations

The form is to be used for Quotations relevant to the Base Services Contracts only.

The form should only be used for customer pays quotations only (once transitioned to the Defence SAP
environment). All E&IG pays quotations will be submitted and approved within Defence SAP.

Base Services Contractors complete and submit the form directly to the customer requesting the service to obtain
their approval.

BSSC is not responsible for completing the form or actioning anything relating to the quotation other that creating
and releasing the Work Order (Quote Required status).

The BSSC may be requested to provide the form to Base Services providers upon request.

Only UNCLASSIFIED information is to be entered on the form.

If the request is for multiple locations then a separate form should be used for each location.

Only one service is applicable per form although multiple activities can be itemised and costed.

Upon obtaining customer approval (Defence), a Cost Centre or WBS code must be given prior to proceeding with
the delivery of the service.

Upon obtaining customer approval (non-Defence), billing details must be given prior to proceeding with the
delivery of the service.

Form owner
DBSMIC is the form owner and developer. Any issues or suggestions for improvement can be advised directly to
the DBSMIC Group Email box –

The form and any information contained therein remains the property of the Commonwealth.

Garrison and Estate Management System 40
BSC Manual – Auto Release Thresholds

Auto Release Thresholds

What are they?

Auto release thresholds are dollar values applied (at the service line level) that provides a permit and automatic release
up to the threshold dollar value of a Work Order quotation that has been submitted via the CIX (with QAPR status).

This helps reduce the rate of effort required of the Product Directors in needing to approve S&Q work orders and provides
an immediate release of the Work Order to enable the contractor to proceed.

System Applied Thresholds

Column C Column F
PD Service Line Auto-release Threshold Auto-release Threshold
E&IG pays Customer pays
DBSO Access Control TBC Nil
DLOG Fire Fighting Not Required by PD Nil
DLOG Aircraft Refueling Not Required by PD Nil
DLOG Airfield Ops Support $3,000 $10,000
DLOG Retail Stores Under Review by PD $10,000
DLOG Petrol Oils and Lubricants Not Required by PD Nil
DLOG Transport $3,000 $10,000
DLOG Reprographics and Printing Not Required by PD $10,000
DHRS Housekeeping TBC $10,000
DHRS Hospitality and Catering $1,000 $10,000
DHRS Laundry and Dry Cleaning $1,000 $10,000
DHRS Sport and Recreation $1,000 $10,000
DBSMIC Base Services Support Centre Not Required by PD Nil
DBSMIC Commercial Operations Not Required by PD Nil
DEEESD Cleaning $3,000 $3,000
DEEESD Land Management $1,500 $1,500
DEEESD Pest and Vermin $500 $500
DEEESD Waste Management $10,000 $10,000
DEPU Estate Upkeep Not required by PD Nil
DOTAM Training Area Management TBC by PD $10,000

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BSC Manual - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

• Once despatched, can the BSSC see my Notification and Work Order in SAP?

Yes, however the BSSC will not be able to see any costing details relating to any other contractor work orders. The
BSSC will be able to change the status and other details such as end date, add further description in the long text,
escalations, etc.

• How will WO’s be received?

Work Orders are received via the CIX and will either be ‘Released’ to proceed or will require a ‘Survey and Quote’
(S&Q). In the case of S&Q the BSSC will update the status to SVNQ QREQ and save (not release) which triggers
the despatch via the CIX. In each instance, the BSSC will create the Work Order with a non-costed placeholder
Operation Line.

• How will attachments/documents be handled?

Where documents are provided to the BSSC, the BSSC is not currently required to store them in Objective.
In all instances, any documents received must be emailed to the appropriate party.
There is no provision in the CIX for attached documents.

• Work order changes: can the dates, etc be adjusted after it has been released?

The BSSC (and Contractor via the CIX) can update most fields in the Notification and Work Order after it has been
released (or sent for S&Q) but only before it has been completed in the system. Examples include - changes to the
description, start/end dates and status. One point to raise though - the BSSC could potentially send through an
updated Work Order that is currently being updated (with price information for example) in the contractor system. In
this case the information entered in the contractor system would be overwritten by the update from GEMS.

• What are Task Lists in the context of what the BSSC use to assist with the creation of Work Orders?

We have implemented the use of the task list functionality of the system to assist the BSSC in populating place holder
details in the Operation Line of the Work Order. Typically the BSSC will select the appropriate service line (Task) and
then choose the operation line, a choice of either Reactive or S&Q. This place holder line will always be a non-costed
line and automatically populate fields such as the material group, vendor and service.

• How does the BSSC know if it is fixed fee vs S&Q?

The BSSC have a basic understanding and have been provided the Product Director business rules that assists with
providing guidance. The BSSC may not always get this right therefore it is up to the Contractor to be diligent when
receiving Work Orders.

• Multiple work order requests?

Multiple Notifications/Work Orders that are ‘linked’ should be referenced to the original request. In the instance where
some coordination is required (under the MIC deliverable) then the original Notification and Work Order should be
raised against the MIC service line and all subsequent Notifications and Work Orders raised should reference the
original MIC Notification and Work Order.

• How is a request raised for non-Defence sites?

Estate data in GEMS only has a representation of Defence assets, either owned or leased. There are no
miscellaneous or dummy functional locations. All Notifications must therefore be raised against an existing functional
location record. This is important as it ties to the service masters/contract rates. When raising it, the BSSC will
generally raise the Notification against the where they think the service will be delivered from or the nearest Defence
functional location. The actual delivery location details however must be clearly stated in the long text description of
the Notification. The BSC should review and amend the functional location if it should be assigned a more
appropriate location.

Garrison and Estate Management System 42
BSC Manual - Frequently Asked Questions

• Can you cancel an unreleased work order? Who cancels?

Yes. The Contractor can cancel the Work Order in the Contractor system and update GEMS via the CIX.
Alternatively the BSSC can cancel it. Note that the reason for cancellation is to be provided in the Long text
description field and the customer is always to be kept informed.

• If a Work Order is released can it be changed back to S&Q? Likewise, if a Work Order is raised as S&Q can it
be changed back and released?

Once a Work Order is released it cannot be changed back therefore a subsequent Notification and Work Order will
need to be raised (referencing the original).

Where a Work Order is not yet released the status can be changed back to “INIT” (from SVNQ) and ‘Released’.

• Priority – what are the business rules? [Basic start/End dates]

GEMS will default to Routine Priority with the Start Date as the date raised

GEMS has the following priorities coded:

Emergency = + 24 hours
Immediate = + 24 hours
Urgent = + 48 hours
Routine = + 28 days

Specified = nil date default, requires user input

For ‘Specified’, the End Date and Time is used for identifying the date and time required for the delivery of the

If timeframes need to be adjusted at any point then that is possible (can be done from the Contractor system or
directly in GEMS), particularly in cases where the approval has occured after the planned end date. Also where a
timeframe cannot be met (for whatever reason) then an escalation can be raised.

• Privately funded events – how are they dealt with?

If the privately funded event is endorsed by Defence as an official event then these are handled via the customer
pays process.
Other non-Defence activities should be by arrangement directly with the Contractor and not recorded and managed
through GEMS, however it is advised that the Contractor should seek Product Director advice on a case-by-case

• What is the make safe process?

The ‘Priority’ and ‘Basic End Date’ determines the date (and time) for practically completing the service. There is no
inbuilt ‘make safe’ dates and times therefore this is not recorded and tracked in GEMS.

• What happens when the work is raised after hours?

These can be raised the next available working day however, the start and end dates cannot be backdated. The long
text description is to contain appropriate details of the after-hours call times, etc.

• What happens if services need to be subcontracted?

There is no impact on GEMS apart from the operation line with the quotation may be for a true S&Q rather than using
the labour rate or task schedule. GEMS does not keep any records of subcontractor activities as this is all managed
in the contractor systems.

• How does the approval for an extension of time work?

Garrison and Estate Management System 43
BSC Manual - Frequently Asked Questions

Where it has been agreed with the relevant Product Director, Contractors can seek approval for an extension of time
via the escalation process – refer Business Rule RR005. The BSSC will create the escalation record on behalf of the

• Who fixes data errors in GEMS?

This is dependent on the error, however there should always be attempts made to correct the error by the Contractor
in the first instance and if not able to be fixed then the Contractor should seek assistance from GEMS Sustainment.

Throughout the deployment phases the contractors can seek advice from the SDD GEMS readiness team or from the
GEMS Project Business Analysts.

• How are multiple Quotes handled?

There is no provision for comparative quotes to be recorded in GEMS. The quotation provided in GEMS must be
assessed by the Contractor as the best value for money to Defence. If Defence wish to view comparative pricing to
assess the contractor compliance to Commonwealth procurement requirements then this will need to be viewed off
Single quotations can be broken down in various ways and can contain a lot of detail. Although Work Orders are
created for a single functional location they can contain multiple operation lines (up to 99) and multiple activities. If
there is a requirement for multiple buildings on a property then the Work Order could be raised against the property
and each building specified in the functional location field on the operation lines. The preference however is to raise
the Work at the building level and this is generally how you will receive them from the BSSC.

• What is the Customer Pays process?

Briefly, the customer pays process requires the quotation form to be completed and signed by the customer.
Although the BSSC may be able to obtain customer codes this is not always possible therefore it is up to the
contractor to ensure these are obtained and entered in. All quotations still require the submission through GEMS in
which the normal GEMS workflows apply.

• What happens if the incorrect Unit of Measure is used?

This will need to be corrected by the contractor and then updated back via the CIX. PDs may reject.

• Explain Reactive Vs Fixed Fee Vs Survey & Quote

Reactive = Responsive requests from customers that are covered under the fixed fee, most likely to be related to an
existing service.

Fixed Fee = scheduled monthly work order (managed by CAS) that needs to be confirmed and SES submitted. This
is the monthly fees for the service.

Survey and Quote = Responsive requests from customers that are not covered under the fixed fee, likely to be
related to a new requirement.

• What happens if we exceed the quote amount?

An additional Work Order needs to be created and referenced to the original Work Order – contact the BSSC to
create the placeholder. The original Work Order is confirmed for the original amount with a description explaining it
has exceeded the original quote which is included in the subsequent Work Order. The subsequent Work Order
needs to follow the workflow processes for the submission of the balance amount (quotation approval) and confirmed
accordingly. Assuming the full amount is to be charged then SES is submitted for both Work Orders.

• Where do we reference work orders?

In circumstance as explained above and whenever there is a follow on Work Order Required. Referenced Work
Orders can also be created where there is a requirement for multiple services. For example a large activity may
require EMOS coordination of catering, waste, transport, etc so there should be one original request (MIC service)
with multiple requests (for catering, waste, transport) referenced to that original request.

Garrison and Estate Management System 44
BSC Manual - Frequently Asked Questions

• How do we handle exercises spanning multiple months?

These can be handled in two different ways.

3) Work Order to have end date spanning entire duration of the requirement. Partially confirm if required to do in
stages. For example monthly. SES can be submitted aligning with the partial confirmation. Close out the Work
Order only after the end of the requirement. This is the preferred option.
4) Multiple Work Orders could be created, one for each month (as an example), however they must reference an
original Work Order (non-costed) that covers the whole period. These multiple work orders should not overlap in
timeframe, ie they are representing one portion of the whole period of the requirement. Each Work Order can be
fully confirmed with a SES submitted. At the completion of the entire requirement the original work Order will
need to be closed out.

Note: We are using the Revision field in the Work Order to associate (and report) on Exercises.

• Will requestors receive email notifications?

Yes. Automated system messages will be sent to Requestors at various Work Order status values. These are listed
in the Resources section of the manual.

• Can any changes be made to an existing Notification via the customer self service portal?

No. The customer can only raise the initial Notification and look up the status of Notifications. Any amendments will
need to be called through to the BSSC. Alternatively, if the Work Order has been despatched then the BSC can
make amendments (conditional on circumstances) via their systems (which in turn will update GEMS via the CIX).

• When will we know the customer cost centre codes? Is there a generic customer cost centre code in
GEMS/SAP for non-defence customers or do we have to set-up each non-defence customers in GEMS/SAP, if
latter, what’s the process?

Where possible we expect the BSSC to try and get the codes from the customer otherwise it is the provider's
responsibility when liaising with the customer and obtaining their approval (via the Quotation form). These codes are
entered into the contractor system and should come across via the CIX into GEMS. GEMS has a validation check,
i.e. they will need to be a valid code. There is no generic customer cost centre codes, they must be legitimate codes.
For non-defence customers it is imperative the full customer details (address, etc) are entered as Defence will use
this information to generate an invoice to the customer.

• Is the Notification auto-populated if the request is received via an AE547 form? What if certain mandatory
fields are not filled in by the requestor?

The AE547 is not electronically uploaded therefore manual data entry is required. The AE547 has mandatory fields
and if not populated will not allow the user to proceed. That said, the quality of the information may not always be
enough in which case we expect the BSSC to call the requestor.

• What is the difference in how S&Q vs fixed fee requests are raised?

Requests covered under the fixed fee are deemed as non-costed and do require approval to proceed therefore they
can be released immediately by the BSSC. The BSSC will not need to change the User Status therefore it will remain
as “INIT”.
S&Q requests are also raised as non-costed by the BSSC, however they require quoting prior to approval and are
therefore NOT released. The BSSC will change the status to “SVNQ” and “QREQ” and save the Work Order. This
action triggers the despatch via the CIX where the costed lines can be entered in the Work Order via the Contractor

• What information is required to close a Work Order?

Work orders are required to be confirmed before being technically closed. The confirmation captures the rate of
effort required to complete each operational line item within a work order. Please refer to the CIX user guide and
the BSC manual for further details.

Garrison and Estate Management System 45
BSC Manual - Frequently Asked Questions

• Does the work order quote rejection reason get sent to the contractor?

Yes. When a Product Director rejects a quote (either ‘Reject’ or ‘Reject and Re-quote’) it is mandatory for a reason
to be entered. This reason is transported via the CIX to the contractor system and is also appended to the long text
description on the Work Order.

Garrison and Estate Management System 46
BSC Manual – Resources


Service Line(s) Work Activity Types Fee Types Contractor Region(s)

Access Control ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested MSS QLD, NNSW
(AC) Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Wilson SNSW, VT,
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote CW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Training Area & ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Range Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Management Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote
(TA&RM) Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Base Services ZM05 Z81 Service Fees Scheduled Broadspectrum VT, CW
Support Centre Scheduled Spotless SNSW, QLD
(BSSC) Services Brookfield GIS NNSW

Project Delivery ZM05 Z81 Service Fees Scheduled Aurecon All

Services (PDS) Scheduled Augility
Services Cushman &
National ZM05 Z81 Service Fees Scheduled Aurecon All
Program Scheduled Augility
Services (NPS) Services Cushman &
Estate ZM01 Z01 Responsive Responsive Broadspectrum VT, CW
Appraisal & Responsive Maintenance Responsive - Minor Spotless SNSW, QLD
Development Maint Z02 Opportunity Workplace Adj Brookfield GIS NNSW
Property Based Maintenance Responsive - Reimbursable
Services Z03 Minor Workplace
(EA&DPS) Adjustment
Z04 Responsive
Maint - Customer
ZM02 Z11 Performance Performance Based Maint -
Scheduled Based Maintenance EUMS
Maint. Z21 Scheduled Performance Based Maint -
Maintenance Reimbursable
Scheduled - EUMS
Scheduled - Reimbursable
ZM03 Z31 Asset Estate Appraisal - Scheduled
Estate Maintenance Estate Appraisal -
Appraisal Z32 Compliance Opportunity
Z33 Management
Z34 New

Garrison and Estate Management System 47
BSC Manual – Resources

Service Line(s) Work Activity Types Fee Types Contractor Region(s)

Airfield ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - RequestedSurvey & Broadspectrum VT,
Operations Requested Defence PaidZ51 QuoteSurvey & Quote - SpotlessBrookfi CWSNSW,
(AO) Works Reqstd Srvc - Def. Customer pays eld GIS QLDNNSW
Cust Paid
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service
Services Z81 Service Fees
Petroleum, Oil ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
and Lubricants Requested Defence Paid Survey & Quote Spotless SNSW, QLD
(POL) Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote - Customer Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid pays
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service
Services Z81 Service Fees
Transport (TPT) ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Retail Stores ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
(RS) Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Rescue & Fire ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Fighting (RFF) Requested Defence Paid Survey & Quote Spotless SNSW,
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote - Customer QLD, NNSW
Def. Cust Paid pays
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service
Services Z81 Service Fees
Management, ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Integration & Requested Defence Paid Survey & Quote Spotless SNSW, QLD
Coordination Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote - Customer Brookfield GIS NNSW
(MIC) Def. Cust Paid pays
ZM05 Z81 Service Fees Scheduled
Hospitality & ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Catering (H&C) Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Compass QLD,
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer NNSW,
pays SNSW

Garrison and Estate Management System 48
BSC Manual – Resources

Service Line(s) Work Activity Types Fee Types Contractor Region(s)

ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Laundry & ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Drycleaning Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
(L&D) Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Sport & ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Recreation Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
(S&R) Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Waste ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - RequestedVolumetric - Veolia All
Management Requested Defence PaidZ51 RequestedSurvey &
(WM) Works Reqstd Srvc - Def. QuoteSurvey & Quote -
Cust Paid Customer pays

ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled

Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Pest and ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Vermin Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Management, Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Control & Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
Treatment pays
(P&V) ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Cleaning (CL) ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees

Garrison and Estate Management System 49
BSC Manual – Resources

Service Line(s) Work Activity Types Fee Types Contractor Region(s)

Housekeeping ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
(CL) Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Land ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Broadspectrum VT, CW
Management Requested Defence Paid Volumetric - Requested Spotless SNSW, QLD
(LM) Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote Brookfield GIS NNSW
Def. Cust Paid Survey & Quote - Customer
ZM05 Z61 Fixed Price Scheduled
Scheduled Service Scheduled - Volumetric
Services Z71 Demand Driven
Z81 Service Fees
Reprographics ZM04 Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Requested Spotless All
(REPRO) Requested Defence Paid Survey & Quote
Works Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Survey & Quote - Customer
Def. Cust Paid pays

Work Order Activity Types

Order Type PMActType
ZM01 Responsive Works Z01 Responsive Maintenance
Z02 Opportunity Based Maint.
Z03 Minor Workplace Adjustment
Z04 Responsive Maint - Customer Paid
ZM02 Scheduled Maintenance Z11 Performance Based Maintenance
Z21 Scheduled Maintenance
ZM03 Estate Appraisal Z31 Asset Maintenance
Z32 Compliance
Z33 Management
Z34 New Requirement
ZM04 Requested Works Z50 Reqstd Srvc - Defence Paid
Z51 Reqstd Srvc - Def. Cust Paid
Z52 Reqstd Srvc - Non-Def Cust Paid
ZM05 Scheduled Services Z61 Fixed Price Service
Z71 Demand Driven Service
Z81 Service Fees
Z91 Estate Appraisal Inspection
Z92 Contractor Performance Self Ev

Garrison and Estate Management System 50
BSC Manual – Resources

Work Order Status Values (including email triggers)

Email to
Status Name Abbreviation Description

System Status

Created CRTD Work Order created but not yet actioned.

Released The Work Order has been released to the Yes
contractor for action.
Release Rejected An error has occurred preventing the release of
the Work Order.
Partially confirmed PCNF Partial work done but not yet complete.
Confirmed Contractor has confirmed the work is physically
complete and entered in completion details.
Technically complete TECO Yes
Work complete WOCO
User Status
Alternate Proposal Set in response to the approver approving the Yes
Accepted APAC alternate proposal

Alt. Proposal Approval Set by the contractor system when an alternate

Request APAR proposal is submitted for approval. Used as a
subsequent status to APQS.
Alt. Proposal Quote Set by the contractor system to indicate that an
Processing alternate proposal is being created in response
to the request flag (APQR) set when the work
order was raised.
Alternate Proposal Acts as an indicator to the contractor that more Yes
Quote Req. information (an approved quote) is required
before work may proceed.

Alternate Proposal Set by the contractor system to indicate that an Yes

Quote Supplied alternate proposal has been provided to the
APQS customer (possibly the requestor).

Alternate Proposal Set in response to the approver rejecting the Yes

Rejected APRJ Alternate Proposal.

Alternate Proposal Used to indicate that the work order is being

raised in response to a previous service
request where the requested works exceed the
APRO threshold or are otherwise out of scope.

Initial INIT Default user status before selection

On Hold OHLD

Garrison and Estate Management System 51
BSC Manual – Resources

Email to
Status Name Abbreviation Description
Quote Approved Set in response to the approver approving the Yes
QAPP quote provided.

Quote Approval Set by the contractor system when a quote is

Requested QAPR submitted for approval. Used as a subsequent
status to QSUP.
Quote Processing Set by the contractor system to indicate that a
quote is being created in response to the
request for quote flag set when the work order
was raised.
Quote Rejected Set in response to the approver rejecting the Yes
quote supplied by the provider.
Quote Required Acts as an indicator to the contractor that more Yes
QREQ information (an approved quote) is required
before work may proceed.
Quote Supplied Set by the contractor system to indicate that a Yes
quote has been provided to the customer
QSUP (possibly the requestor). Used as a subsequent
status to QPRO to indicate that processing is
Rejected Used to manually reject a work order (where an Yes
REJC alternate proposal or survey & quote is not
Survey & Quote Used to indicate that the work order being
SVNQ raised is outside the monthly fixed fee and/or
requires approval before proceeding.
Table 4.0: Work Order Status Values

Garrison and Estate Management System 52
BSC Manual – Resources

Notification Status Values

Status Name Abbreviation Description

System Status
Outstanding Notification OSNO Notification raised and is open, awaiting action
Notification in process NOPR In Progress (request being actioned)
Order assigned ORAS A Work Order has been raised
Outstanding task(s) exist(s) OSTS Not used
Notification Completed NOCO Associated Work Order is 100% completed
All Tasks Completed ATCO Administrative completion

User Status
Requested Remains with this status unless On Hold, Rejected
or Cancelled
On Hold OHLD Request on hold
Rejected Request not proceeding, Rejected. This would
usually be as a result of the request not under the
scope of E&IG products & services or not a valid
Cancel CANC Request not proceeding, Cancelled. Service no
longer required.
Table 4.1: Notification Status Values

Garrison and Estate Management System 53
BSC Manual – Resources

Master Data Tables

Commonly used Units of Measure
Base Unit Of
% Percentage
BG Bag
D Days
EA Each
H Hours
HA Hectare
KG Kilogram
KM Kilometre
LI Litre
M3 Cubic Metres
MIN Minute
MON Month
MR Metre
PAL Pallet
PU Performance Unit
SE Set
SM Square Metre
TN Ton
UI Unit
WK Weeks
Table 4.2: Units of Measurement

Material Groups for Service Towers

Valuation Material
Class Group
Z200 Management Fees 80161500
Z201 Base Services Support 80160000
Z202 Cleaning House Keeping 76110000
Z203 Commercial Ops 90111500
Z204 Estate Upkeep 72100000
Z205 Land management 72102900
Z206 Laundry and Dry Cleaning 91111500
Z207 Pest and Vermin Control 72102100
Z208 Reprographics & Printing 82121500
Z209 Sports and Recreation 80161601A
Z210 Training Area/Range Mgmnt 80161601B
Z211 Airfield Operations 78141800
Z212 Transport 78181700
Z213 Access Control 92120000
Z214 Hospitality and Catering 90100000
Z215 Waste Management 76120000
Z216 National Program Services 80101600A
Z217 Project Delivery 80101600B
Z218 Aircraft Refuelling & FF 78141805
Z219 Retail Stores 80161602
Z220 Petrol, Oils, Lubricants 78102101
Table 4.3: Material Group Numbers

Garrison and Estate Management System 54
BSC Manual – Resources

Service Categories
Service Service Category
Intended Use Number
Categories Description
ZACT Service: Activity Activity that requires monitoring with number and dollar 10******
ZLRS Service: LRS/TRS Agreed labour rate / task rate services 140*****
ZPAR Service: Parameters Agreed Service Parameters 141*****
ZSRD Service: Service Delivery Delivery table 15******
ZROE Service: Rate Of Effort Rate Of Effort - Non financial statistics 16******
ZSUR Service: Survey and Quote tbc 19******
ZZPR Service: Priced Item Agreed pricing schedule (fixed and volumetric) 30******
ZAUD Service: Audit Statement of Work audit information (Future Build) N/A
ZCOM Service: Compliance N/A N/A
ZCON Service: Conformance N/A N/A
ZCTR Service: Control framework N/A N/A
ZDOC Service: Documents N/A N/A
ZPER Service: Performance N/A N/A
ZPRO Service: Product Delivery N/A N/A
ZREM Service: Remediation N/A N/A
ZREP Service: Reporting N/A N/A
ZSSD Service: Service Sub Dlv N/A N/A
ZVAR Service: Variance N/A N/A
Table 4.4: Service Masters

Garrison and Estate Management System 55
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Rate of Effort Requirements


ROE % of ROE
Reporting Reportng QLD SNSW Vic/Tas CW NNSW
PD Service Line Reporting items by
Frequency level Locations Locations Locations Locations Locations
items (IBIS) Total

DBSO Access Control 12 Monthly Property 5.3% 46 58 50 76 60

DLOG Fire Fighting 12 Monthly Property 5.3% 2 13 12 5 -

DLOG Aircraft Refueling 6 Monthly Property 2.6% 2 1 1 3 -

DLOG Airfield Ops Support 8 Monthly Property 3.5% 1 4 3 6 1

DLOG Retail Stores 29 Monthly Property 12.7% 11 21 49 35 12

DLOG Petrol Oils and Lubricants 3 Monthly Property 1.3% 9 6 3 15 3

DLOG Transport
4 Monthly Property 1.8% 9 7 10 13 9

DLOG Reprographics and Printing 76 Monthly Region 33.3% 1 1 - - -

DHRS Housekeeping 10 Monthly Property 4.4% 12 10 8 19 15

DHRS Hospitality and Catering 3 Monthly Property 1.3% 14 16 14 34 17

DEEESD Cleaning 1 Monthly Property 0.4% 72 49 67 89 79

DHRS Laundry and Dry Cleaning 2 Monthly Property 0.9% 11 16 22 24 27

DHRS Sport and Recreation 5 Monthly Property 2.2% 11 10 6 12 13

DBSMIC Base Services Support Centre 9 Monthly Region 3.9% 1 1 1 1 1

DEEESD Land Management 5 Monthly Property 2.2% 114 59 64 101 70

DEEESD Pest and Vermin 4 Monthly Property 1.8% 111 87 71 90 70

DEEESD Waste Management 18 Monthly Property 7.9% 83 63 63 89 64

DEPU Estate Upkeep 1 Monthly Region 0.4% 1 1 1 1 1

DOTAM Training Area Management 7 Monthly Property 3.1% 16 6 5 18 3

228 633 503 534 784 547

Garrison and Estate Management System 56
GEMS User Manual – Resources


Activity Base
Service Line Number Description Unit
Access Control Alarm Activations & Responses - Security EA
Access Control Alarm Activations & Responses - Fire EA
Access Control Issue Permanent Defence identity or access cards EA
Access Control Issue Temporary Defence Access cards EA
Access Control Issue Local Secure Area Passes EA
Access Control Response to Incidents EA
Provide Additional Access Control Guards to meet increased
Access Control Defence Security requirements EA
Access Control Issue Keys - Normal Hours EA
Access Control Issue Keys - Afer Hours EA
Access Control Conduct Safety Inductions EA
Access Control Issue Defence Drivers Licences EA
Access Control Mobile Patrols - Km Travelled KM
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001000 Assistance Request-Normal Hours EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001001 Assistance Request-After Hours EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001002 Fuel Spills EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001003 External Deployment-Duration EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001004 External Deployment-Personnel Deployed EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001005 External Deployment-Tankers used EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001006 Alarm activations Attended EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001007 Bush firefighting incidents Attended EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001008 HAZMAT/HAZCHEM incidents Attended EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001009 Heavy Vehicle Crew Rescue EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001010 Emergency responses(exclAlarmActivation) EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001011 Civil Fire-fighting Agency Approached EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001012 Fire Encroaches-neighbouring properties EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001013 Emergency responses Exercises EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001014 Training Attendees EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001015 Training Courses EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001016 ARFF incidents Responded EA
Aircraft Refuel & FF 16001017 SRFF incidents Responded EA
Airfield Operations Support Departures During Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Departures Outside Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Arrivals During Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Arrivals Outside Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Passengers Arriving During Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Passengers Departing During Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Passengers Departing Outside Normal Hours
Airfield Operations Support Passengers Arriving Outside Normal Hours
Base Services Support Centre 16001199 Average Call Duration MIN
Base Services Support Centre 16001200 Average Waiting Duration MIN
Base Services Support Centre 16001201 Total Calls EA
Base Services Support Centre 16001202 Calls answered at or after 10 Minutes EA
Garrison and Estate Management System 57
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Base Services Support Centre 16001203 Calls Aborted by Caller after 10 Minutes EA
Base Services Support Centre 16001204 Customer Surveys Conducted EA
Base Services Support Centre 16001205 Complaints Registered from Survey EA
Base Services Support Centre 16001206 Customer Surveys to Total Svc Reqs %
Base Services Support Centre 16001207 Complaints Registered to Total Svc Reqs %
Housekeeping Linen Exchange - Single Bed
Housekeeping Linen Exchange - Larger Bed
Housekeeping Doona Cover Exchange
Housekeeping Towel and Soap Provision
Housekeeping Mattresses
Housekeeping Bed Nights Available
Housekeeping Bed Nights Used
Housekeeping Occupants
Housekeeping Check In
Housekeeping Check Outs
Housekeeping No Shows
Estate Upkeep 16001233 Cost of Materials used PU
Hospitality and Catering 16001018 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 285 ml Glass EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001019 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001020 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 345 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001021 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 345 ml can EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001022 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 355 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001023 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 375 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001024 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 375 ml can EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001025 Beer/Cider - Full Strength 425 ml Glass EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001026 Beer/Cider - Full Strength Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001027 Premium Beer - Low Alcohol 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001028 Premium Beer - Low Alcohol 375 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001029 Premium Beer - Low Alcohol Jug EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001030 Premium Beer - Low Alcohol Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001031 Low Strength Beer 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001032 Low Strength Beer 355 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001033 Low Strength Beer 375 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001034 Low Strength Beer Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001035 Wine 150 ml Wine Glass EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001036 Wine Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001037 Prem Beer - Full Strength 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001038 Prem Beer - Full Strength 345 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001039 Prem Beer - Full Strength 355 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001040 Premium Beer - Full Strength 440 ml can EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001041 Premium Beer - Full Strength Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001042 Fortified Wine Port/Sherry 30 ml Nip EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001043 Fortified Wine Port/Sherry 60 ml Glass EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001044 Fortified Wine Port/Sherry 750 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001045 Fortified Wine Port/Sherry Litres LI

Garrison and Estate Management System 58
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Hospitality and Catering 16001046 Standard Spirit 30 ml Nip EA

Hospitality and Catering 16001047 Standard Spirit Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001048 Pre Mixed Spirits 275 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001049 Pre Mixed Spirits 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001050 Pre Mixed Spirits 335 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001051 Pre Mixed Spirits 375 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001052 Pre Mixed Spirits 375 ml can EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001053 Pre Mixed Spirits 500 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001054 Pre Mixed Spirits Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001055 Bottled Wines 187 ml bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001056 Bottled Wines 200 ml bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001057 Bottled Wines 750 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001058 Bottled Wines Litres LI
Hospitality and Catering 16001059 Premium Cider 330 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001060 Premium Cider 500 ml Bottle EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001061 Premium Cider Litres EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001062 Keg Beer - Low Alcohol 425 ml EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001063 Keg Beer/Cider - Full Strength 285 ml EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001064 Number of Patrons Officers/Senior NCO's EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001065 Number of Patrons Officers EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001066 Number of Patrons Other Ranks EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001067 Number of Patrons Senior NCO's/Oth Ranks EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001068 Number of Patrons Senior NCO's EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001069 Casual Breakfast - ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001070 Casual Lunch - ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001071 Casual Dinner - ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001072 Casual Breakfast - Non-ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001073 Casual Lunch - Non-ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001074 Casual Dinner - Non-ADO EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001075 Casual Meal Revenue EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001076 Cask Wine EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001077 Bar Revenue NO
Hospitality and Catering 16001078 Cost of Goods Sold NO
Hospitality and Catering 16001079 Dinner (Official Hospitality/Function) EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001080 Dinner (Private/Unofficial Function) EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001081 Lunch (Official Hospitality/Function) EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001082 Lunch (Private/Unofficial Function) EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001083 Mess Happy Hour EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001084 Unit/Course Sponsored Morn/Aftnoon Tea EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001086 Special Events EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001087 Unit or Course Unoffical Function EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001088 Working Meals EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001221 Keg Beer-Low Alcohol-1125ML JUG EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001222 Keg Beer-Low Alcohol-285ML GLASS EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001223 Keg Beer-Low Alcohol-568ML GLASS EA

Garrison and Estate Management System 59
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Hospitality and Catering 16001224 Keg Beer/Cider-Full Strength-425ML GLASS EA

Hospitality and Catering 16001225 Keg Beer/Cider-Full Strength-568ML GLASS EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001226 Low Strength Beer-375ML CAN EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001227 Premium Beer-Full Strength-375ML BOTTLE EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001228 Premium Beer-Full Strength-500ML BOTTLE EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001229 Premium Beer-Low Alcohol-355ML BOTTLE EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001230 Premium Beer-Low Alcohol-375ML CAN EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001231 Pre-mixed Spirits-300ML BOTTLE EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001232 Pre-mixed Spirits-345ML BOTTLE EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001234 Pre-mixed Spirits 300ml Can EA
Hospitality and Catering 16001235 Pre Mixed Spirits 340 ml Bottle EA
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Aprons - DPCU {PLD01.01}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Aprons - General {PLD01.02}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Aprons - Medical/Dental {PLD01.03}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bags - Equipment {PLD01.04}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bags - Linen/Laundry {PLD01.05}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bags - Medical/Dental {PLD01.06}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bar Runner {PLD01.07}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bathrobes {PLD01.08}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bedspreads - General {PLD01.09}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bedspreads - Medical/Dental {PLD01.10}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bib - Sporting (e.g. Netball) {PLD01.11}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Blanket S61 {PLD01.15}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Blankets - Air Cell {PLD01.14}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Blankets - Medical/Dental {PLD01.13}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Blankets/Doonas - General {PLD01.12}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bow Ties {PLD01.16}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Brace, Back {PLD01.17}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Brace, Leg {PLD01.18}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Brassards {PLD01.19}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Bunting {PLD01.20}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Albs {PLD01.21}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Altar Cloths {PLD01.22}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Baptismal Gowns {PLD01.23}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Chasubles {PLD01.24}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Collar {PLD01.25}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Chaplain - Stoles {PLD01.26}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Coats - DPCU {PLD01.27}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Coats - General {PLD01.28}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Coats - Medical/Dental {PLD01.29}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Coats - Protective {PLD01.30}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Counterpane {PLD01.31}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Covers - General {PLD01.32}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Covers - Mattress {PLD01.33}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Covers - Medical/Dental {PLD01.34}

Garrison and Estate Management System 60
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Cummerbunds {PLD01.35}

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Curtain - General {PLD01.37}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Curtain Casement - Medical {PLD01.36}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Curtains - Medical {PLD01.38}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Cushion Covers {PLD01.39}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Cushion Inserts {PLD01.40}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Doona Covers {PLD01.41}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Doona - Single {PLD01.43}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Doona {PLD01.42}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Drapes - Medical/Dental {PLD01.44}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Dress - General {PLD01.45}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Dress - Medical/Dental etc {PLD01.46}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Dressing Gowns - Medical/Dental {PLD01.47}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Field Pack {PLD01.48}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Flags {PLD01.49}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Flying Suits {PLD01.50}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Gloves (incl anti-flash) {PLD01.51}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Gowns - Medical/Dental {PLD01.52}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Gowns - Theatre {PLD01.53}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Hats - DPCU {PLD01.54}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Hats - Food Handling {PLD01.55}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Hats - General {PLD01.56}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Hood - Anti-flash {PLD01.57}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Hygiene Suit (PAD, EOD) {PLD01.58}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - Ceremonial {PLD01.59}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - Chefs {PLD01.60}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - DPCU {PLD01.61}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - General {PLD01.62}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - Liners {PLD01.63}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - Medical/Dental {PLD01.64}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jackets - Wet Weather {PLD01.65}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Japaras - DPCU {PLD01.66}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Japaras - General {PLD01.67}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jumpers - DPCU {PLD01.68}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jumpers - General {PLD01.69}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jumpers - Medical/Dental {PLD01.70}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Jumpers - Sporting {PLD01.71}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Leggings {PLD01.72}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Leopard Skin - Ceremonial (Band) {PLD01.73}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Mask - Medical/Dental {PLD01.74}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Mats - Dust Control {PLD01.75}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Mop Heads {PLD01.76}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Mosquito Net {PLD01.77}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Muslin Wraps - Medical/Dental {PLD01.78}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Neckerchief {PLD01.79}

Garrison and Estate Management System 61
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Oven Mitt {PLD01.80}

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Overalls (incl. Combat Coveralls) {PLD01.81}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Overlay {PLD01.82}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Padded Seats {PLD01.83}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pillow {PLD01.84}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pillow Cases {PLD01.85}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pillow Ticking {PLD01.86}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pouch MINIMI {PLD01.87}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pugaree {PLD01.88}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pyjama Pants {PLD01.89}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Pyjama Tops {PLD01.90}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Rugs {PLD01.91}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Scarves - Chef {PLD01.92}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Screens - Medical/Dental {PLD01.93}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Seat Covers - Medical/Dental {PLD01.95}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Seat Covers (incl. Aircraft Seat Covers) {PLD01.94}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sheets - General (Fitted) {PLD01.97}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sheets - General (Flat) {PLD01.96}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sheets - Medical/Dental {PLD01.100}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sheets - Single Bed {PLD01.98}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sheets {PLD01.99}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shirts - (T-shirt) {PLD01.101}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shirts - DPCU {PLD01.102}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shirts - General {PLD01.103}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shirts - Medical/Dental etc {PLD01.104}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shoes - Canvas {PLD01.105}
LD - Shoes - Canvas boots (Medical/Dental, Cooks Whites/Checks
Laundry and Dry Cleaning etc.) {PLD01.106}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shoes - Canvas slippers {PLD01.107}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shoes - Sheep Skin Boots {PLD01.109}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shoes - Sheep Skin Slippers {PLD01.110}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shoes - Theatre Overboots/Covers {PLD01.108}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shorts - General {PLD01.111}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Shorts - Sporting {PLD01.112}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Singlets {PLD01.113}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Skirts - General {PLD01.114}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Skivvy {PLD01.115}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sleeping Bag Covers {PLD01.116}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sleeping Bag Liners {PLD01.117}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sleeping Bags {PLD01.118}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Sling Arm {PLD01.119}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Smocks - DPCU {PLD01.120}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Smocks - Liners {PLD01.122}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Smocks - Medical/Dental {PLD01.121}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Socks {PLD01.123}

Garrison and Estate Management System 62
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Surgeon Pants {PLD01.124}

Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Surgeon Top {PLD01.125}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Table Cloths {PLD01.126}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Table Mats {PLD01.127}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Table Napkins/Serviettes {PLD01.128}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Table Runners {PLD01.129}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Table Skirt (Snap Drape) {PLD01.130}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Theatre Packs {PLD01.131}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Bar {PLD01.132}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Bath {PLD01.133}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Bath mat {PLD01.134}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Dish {PLD01.135}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Face washer {PLD01.136}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Hand {PLD01.137}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Hot Pack {PLD01.139}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Huckabuck {PLD01.140}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Medical/Dental etc {PLD01.138}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Towel - Tea {PLD01.141}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Track Suit Bottom {PLD01.142}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Track Suit Top {PLD01.143}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Trousers - Ceremonial/Service Dress (e.g. Band) {PLD01.144}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Trousers - DPCU {PLD01.145}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Trousers - General {PLD01.146}
LD - Trousers - Medical/Dental, Cooks Whites/Checks, etc.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning {PLD01.147}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Underlay - General {PLD01.148}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Underlay - Sheep Skin {PLD01.149}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Valance {PLD01.150}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Vest - DPCU {PLD01.151}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Vest - General {PLD01.152}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Vest - Medical/Dental etc. {PLD01.153}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Wrapper - Ice Pack Holders {PLD01.154}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Wrapper - Various {PLD01.155}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Xray Bottom {PLD01.156}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Xray Top {PLD01.157}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning LD - Z Zplint {PLD01.158}
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Aprons
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Bath Towels
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Bathrobes
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Barrier Gown (SGP01, SGP02))
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Bedspreads - Medical
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Blue Nylon Bags
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Counterpanes
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Curtain Casement
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Curtain - Medical

Garrison and Estate Management System 63
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Drapes (Small, Medium, Large)

Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Dressing Gowns
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Face Washers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Flat Sheets
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Gowns - Dental (Various Colours)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Gowns - Theatre
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Hand Towels
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Jumpers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Linen Bags
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Mask
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Mattress Protectors
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Muslin Wraps
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Patient Theatre Cover Sheet
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Pillow Cases
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Privacy Screens
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Pyjamas (Various Sizes)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Seat Covers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Sheets - Fitted & Flat
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Shoes - Theatre Overboots/Covers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Shoes - Slippers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Single Blankets
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Smocks - Medical/Dental
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Sterile Equipment Trolley Covers
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Tea Towels
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Gowns
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Bottom (Various Sizes)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Pack (Major)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Pack (Urology)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Scrubs
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Theatre Top (Various Sizes)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Towels
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Underlay
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Vest
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Warm Up Jacket (Various Sizes)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Wrapper (Small, Large)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - Wrapper Large
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - X-ray Bottom
Laundry and Dry Cleaning MLS - X-ray Top
NPS NPS Management, Integration and Coordination
NPS NPS Program Management Office
NPS NPS Stakeholder Consultation
NPS NPS Scheduling and Programming
NPS NPS Information Data Management
NPS NPS Quality Assurance Oversight
NPS NPS Project Performance Reviews

Garrison and Estate Management System 64
GEMS User Manual – Resources

NPS NPS Expert Advice

NPS NPS Financial Management
NPS NPS Service Reporting and Auditing
PDS PDS Management, Integration and Coordination
PDS PDS Information Data Management
PDS PDS Expert Advice
PDS PDS Service Reporting and Auditing
Pest Vermin Control 16001092 Euthanase Wildlife by Species EA
Pest Vermin Control 16001093 Reports to Local Authorities EA
Pest Vermin Control 16001094 Wildlife Disposed by Species EA
Pest Vermin Control Termite System Installation
Petrol, Oils, Lubric 16001089 Assistance Request-Normal Hours EA
Petrol, Oils, Lubric 16001090 Assistance Request-After Hours EA
Petrol, Oils, Lubric 16001091 Number of Fuel Spills EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001095 B&W Photocopying-A4(80gsm White Paper) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001096 B&WPhotocopying-A3(80gsm White Paper) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001097 Colour Photocopying-A4(100gsm WhitePaper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001098 Colour Photocopying-A3(100gsm WhitePaper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001099 Colour Photocopying-A4(160gsm WhiteCard) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001100 Colour Photocopying-A3(160gsm WhiteCard) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001101 Colour Photocopying-A4(250gsm WhiteCard) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001102 Colour Photocopying-A3(250gsm WhiteCard) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001103 Optix 140gsm Colour Card EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001104 A4 Box Board EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001105 A4 Colour Copier Transparency EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001106 A4 80gsm CPI Datacopy Coloured Paper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001107 A4 80gsm Optix Coloured Paper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001108 A4 Avery Self Adhesive Label EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001109 A4 CD Avery Self Adhesive Label EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001110 Arnos Fastener EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001111 Premium Clear A4 Cover EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001112 A4 Matt Laminating Pocket EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001113 A3 Matt Laminating Pocket EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001114 Laminating Film 80 Micron (Roll) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001115 Laminating Film 38 Micron (Roll) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001116 Magnetic Media EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001117 Application Tape EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001118 Coloured Sign Vinyl EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001119 CDR Media EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001120 Plastic Binding Comb-08mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001121 Plastic Binding Comb-10mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001122 Plastic Binding Comb-12mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001123 Plastic Binding Comb-14mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001124 Plastic Binding Comb-16mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001125 Plastic Binding Comb-20mm EA

Garrison and Estate Management System 65
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Reprographics and Printing 16001126 Plastic Binding Comb-22mm EA

Reprographics and Printing 16001127 Plastic Binding Comb-25mm EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001128 Fastback Narrow Cloth Strip(Black/White) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001129 Fastback Medium Cloth Strip(Black/White) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001130 Fastback Wide Cloth Strip (Black/White) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001131 Risograph Ink EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001132 Risograph Masters EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001133 Card Size 80 micron Laminating Film EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001134 A5 100 micron Laminating Film EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001135 A4 80 micron Laminating Film EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001136 A3 80 micron Laminating Film EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001137 Staple Cartridge-Ricoh Aficio Colour5560 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001138 Staple Cartridge-Ricoh Aficio MP 1350 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001139 Staple Cartridge-Ricoh Aficio 1350 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001140 Staple Cartridge-Xerox DC900 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001141 Thermal Clear Cover Wallet EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001142 Black/White Sign Vinyl-600mm Wide EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001143 Gold Mylar Sign Vinyl-600mm Wide EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001144 Gold 2038 Sign Vinyl-600mm Wide EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001145 Nikkalite Reflective Sign Vinyl-600mm W EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001146 Sign White Sheet Metal EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001147 Coreflute Plastic Sheet EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001148 Vinyl Banner Material-650mm Wide EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001149 35mm Colour Photo Session(Film/Processin EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001150 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Unframed 4x6 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001151 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Unframed 6x8 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001152 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Unframed 8x12 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001153 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Unframed 10x10 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001154 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Unframed 12x12 EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001155 Course Package IAW AnnexB-A4 Black Metal EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001156 Course Package IAW AnnexB-A3 Black Metal EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001157 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Film Polaroid EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001158 Course Package IAW AnnexB-A3 Mahogany Fr EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001159 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Paste Board EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001160 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Alphamat Matt EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001161 Course Package IAW AnnexB-Coloured Matt EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001162 Epson Ink (7 Types) EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001163 Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001164 Epson Adhesive Backed Paper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001165 Epson Plain Paper EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001166 Self Laminating ID Cards EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001167 Clips for ID Cards EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001168 Convention Badge EA
Reprographics and Printing 16001169 Metal Hinged Rings 19mm EA
Retail Stores 16001170 Provision of Field Support (From RMC) EA

Garrison and Estate Management System 66
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Retail Stores 16001171 Manual Overcounter Issues (Non-MILIS) EA

Retail Stores 16001172 Manual Overcounter Receipts (Non-MILIS) EA
Retail Stores 16001173 Manual Overcounter Issues (MILIS Items) EA
Retail Stores 16001174 Manual Overcounter Receipts(MILIS Item) EA
Retail Stores 16001175 Furniture Relocation-Assy&Collection EA
Retail Stores 16001176 Furniture Relocation-Disassy&Collection EA
Retail Stores 16001177 Furniture Purchasing EA
Retail Stores 16001178 Furniture Repairs EA
Retail Stores 16001179 Furniture Disposal EA
Retail Stores 16001180 Local Distribution (Items of Supply) EA
Retail Stores 16001181 Conduct of Manual Stocktaking(Non-MILIS) EA
Retail Stores 16001182 Conduct of Manual Stocktaking(MILIS Item EA
Retail Stores 16001183 Machinery&Plant Functions-Elect Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001184 Machinery&Plant Functions-Elect-Total hr EA
Retail Stores 16001185 Machinery&Plant Functions-Mech Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001186 Machinery&Plant Functions-Mech-Total hrs EA
Retail Stores 16001187 Motor Vehicle Equipment-Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001188 Motor Vehicle Equipment-Total hours EA
Retail Stores 16001189 Workshop Tasking-Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001190 Workshop Tasking-Total hours EA
Retail Stores 16001191 Machinery&Plant Functions-Elect Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001192 Machinery&Plant Functions-Elect-Total hr EA
Retail Stores 16001193 Machinery&Plant Functions-Mech Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001194 Machinery&Plant Functions-Mech-Total hrs EA
Retail Stores 16001195 Motor Vehicle Equipment-Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001196 Motor Vehicle Equipment-Total hours EA
Retail Stores 16001197 Workshop Tasking-Tasks EA
Retail Stores 16001198 Workshop Tasking-Total hours EA
Sports & Recreation 16001208 Gymnasium Users EA
Sports & Recreation 16001209 Pool Users EA
Sports & Recreation 16001210 Bookings EA
Sports & Recreation 16001211 Gymnasium Equipment Loans EA
Sports & Recreation 16001212 Set-up for Physical Training Classes EA
Training Area Mgmnt 16001213 Target Towing EA
Training Area Mgmnt 16001214 Target Towing Hours H
Training Area Mgmnt 16001215 UXO Discovered EA
Training Area Mgmnt 16001216 First Response Fire Fighting EA
Training Area Mgmnt Targetry Repaired
Training Area Mgmnt Target Systems Installed
Training Area Mgmnt Number of Briefings Conducted
Transport 16001217 Booking Requests EA
Transport 16001218 Booking Requests Filled EA
Transport 16001219 Booking Duration EA
Transport 16001220 Driver Labour Hours EA
Waste Management Classified waste

Garrison and Estate Management System 67
GEMS User Manual – Resources

Waste Management Co-mingled Waste

Waste Management Commercial/Domestic waste
Waste Management Construction/Demolition waste
Waste Management Hazardous waste
Waste Management FFE Non-recyclable Range Produce
Waste Management Liquid waste
Waste Management Clinical and related waste
Waste Management Office Paper waste
Waste Management Organic waste
Waste Management Plant & Equipment waste
Waste Management Quarantine waste
Waste Management Sanitary waste
Waste Management Electronic waste
Waste Management Foreign Object Debris
Waste Management Sullage and bilge waste
Waste Management Portable Toilet Hire Days
Waste Management GFE Portable Toilets In From Field

Garrison and Estate Management System 68
BSC Manual – Glossary

Glossary of Terms

This glossary provides definitions for many of the new terms and concepts introduced with GEMS SAP.

Term Definition
ABC Indicator Used to identify dollar thresholds for cost control
approval process.

Alternative Proposal A type of work order submitted by the contractor in

response to an initial service request that could not be
completed due to one of the following reasons;
a. the estimate of the Responsive
Maintenance works is greater than
$10,000 excluding GST;
b. the correction of defects or damage on
those elements of estate being maintained
under the scheduled maintenance or
performance maintenance methodology
results in a reimbursement claim by the
c. costs over the Defect Correction cost cap;
d. it is possible to correct the Defect or
damage, but not within the Response Time
within which it would be required to be
e. it is not possible to correct the Defect or
damage; or
f. there is an alternative to correcting the
Defect or damage which offers the
Commonwealth greater value for money
than correcting the Defect
Agreement A GEMS SAP term used to refer to a contract.
APRO – Alternative Proposal User status used to indicate that the work order being
created is an alternative proposal. Work orders of this
type are usually linked back to originating work order.
Refer to ‘Reference Notification’ and ‘Reference
Work Order’ for further details.

Assembly In general, an assembly is a group of parts that,

together, form another larger part. This also describes a
BOM and so a BOM and an assembly, in essence, are
the same things. For further information click here.

Asset A physical entity within the Defence ‘Estate Hierarchy’.

Base Support Area Represents a sub-level of the graphical location defined

as a Region.

Garrison and Estate Management System 69
BSC Manual – Glossary

B.O.M. - Bill of Materials A bill of materials is a list of the raw materials, sub-
assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components,
parts and the quantities of each needed to manufacture
an end product.
Building A functional location within the Estate Hierarchy
designated by the two letter prefix ‘BU’. For example;
BU 30/1111
Building Level A functional location within the Estate Hierarchy
designated by the two letter prefix ‘BL’. For example;
BL 30/1111/2.

Cause Text This field provides an opportunity to provide additional

details about the nature of the issue or problem being
addressed in the work order. Limit of 40 characters.
Cause Code The Cause Codes identify predefined causes of failure
or degradation for Cause analysis.
C.I.X . CIX is a business-to-business interface that allows
contractors to manage their service delivery in their
own systems while providing Defence with the
information it requires to fulfil management and
reporting obligations.
Coding A system value used to identify a service or
maintenance type.
Code Value A numeric value associated with a coding selection.
Company Code The company code for Defence is 1000. This is a
system value and does not change.

Control Key A system value used to indicate if a work order will
attract a fee over and above the standard fixed fee
arrangement. Relevant values are;
ZPM3 – Cost Relevant Base Services
ZPM4 – Non-Cost Relevant Base Services

D.C.L .Defect Correction Limit An agreed upon dollar value threshold beyond which
the contractor will be reimbursed. For example, if the
DCL is $5000 and the cost to repair is $7000 then the
contractor may claim reimbursement for $2000.

Document Flow (icon) Used to display all documents relating to a particular

service request. This icon is located on the task bar
toward the top of the screen (just below the title bar).
Equipment Equipment is either an individual segment in an
equipment system or are manageable items of
equipment on their own. Note: Equipment can be
associated with any level of the estate hierarchy below

Garrison and Estate Management System 70
BSC Manual – Glossary

Escalation The escalation task provides a mechanism for the

customer to follow up on a service request that has not
been completed, or for the Base Services contractor to
seek approval from the PSM to agree to change (delay)
service delivery or maintenance outside standard
delivery requirements. The escalation task will trigger
an internal workflow to notify the Base Services
contractor and PSM that follow up action is required.
Estate Hierarchy All Defence Estate assets are organised into a
hierarchical structure within Defence SAP and is known
as Estate Hierarchy. Each item in the hierarchy has
unique identifiers. These identifiers include Functional
Locations (FLoc) and Equipment (EQUIP) numbers,
which are Geo-enabled (GEO.e).
Framework Order A GEMS SAP term used to refer to a purchase order.
Functional Location Functional Locations are typically immovable estate
items, eg land buildings and infrastructure. They are
further broken down by estate classification (Functional
Location Category) to identify where they are
positioned within the hierarchy. For example, Region,
Property, Building, Building Level and Building Space.
Infrastructure Infrastructure is either an individual segment in an
infrastructure system network such as a road or length
of pipe, or are manageable items on their own, such as a
sporting or training facility. Infrastructure may be
associated with Infrastructure Systems to show the
relationship with other elements on the estate. Note:
Services and Sub-services can be directly linked to
Land Space Land refers to the base environs associated with a
Property. Land is typically constrained to the
boundaries of a Property; however, there are a number
of non-geographically-continuous Properties, where
there will be multiple Land Spaces associated with the
one Property. There may also be multiple Land Spaces
on a property where the land use or service delivery
requirement is significantly different (e.g. a separate
definition of the urban area and the training area of a
property, where the use and support requirements are
Layout A selection of data elements to be included in search
results. Typically assigned as columns, layouts can be
saved for future/repeated use for commonly used
Long Description An open text field in which a more detailed explanation
of the service request can be entered.
LRS/TRS – Labour Rate / Task Rate

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BSC Manual – Glossary

Match Code Button Used to search for data within the selected field.

Material Group Used to group together services with the same attributes
into a common group.
For example, 72100000 = Estate Upkeep Services
Main Work Centre A value used to identify the Base Service Contractor by
Measurement Document The mechanism by which measuring point data is
captured and entered into the GEMS SAP system.
Measuring Point A measuring point is created against a functional
location or equipment in the estate hierarchy to define
target functionality or provide a mechanism to collect
measurement information required under the contract.
The Base Services contractor subsequently provides
measurement documents to capture the actual
functionality or measurement against the measuring
Message Address Details of the contact person whom the contractor
should contact in relation to completing the work order.
Message address details are populated by clicking the
message address button when the notification is created.
M.W.P.A. Minor Workplace Low value new work (not maintenance) up to the value
Adjustment of $5,000 (excluding GST) including but not limited to:
• moving items (e.g. partitions, workstations,
power points, whiteboards),
• installing additional items (e.g. power points,
mounting picture rails and whiteboards) and
• replacing locks with those with a specified
Notification The first of two documents created in response to a
service request. The notification contains details on who
is raising the request, where the request is needed,
priority and specific details/description. A work order is
the follow-on document from a notification.
Notification Type A preconfigured value used to define different types of
notifications. Values are:
Z1: Responsive Maintenance
Z2: Scheduled Maintenance
Z4: Requested Service
Notification Status A system generated code, up to four letters long, used to
indicate the status of the notification. Common values
include (but are not limited to):
OSNO: Notification has not yet been started
ORAS: Notification attached to a work order
NOPR: Notification is in process.
Object Address The Object Address is derived from the address details
assigned to the functional location or equipment
referenced in the Notification.

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BSC Manual – Glossary

Operation An action, usually defined by a service, listed in the

work order operations tab during work order creation.
When the work order is received by the contractor, these
operations may be adjusted to better meet the
requirements of the service request.
Opportunity-Based Maintenance Pro-active maintenance that applies to any part of the
estate (other than estate elements covered by
performance based maintenance).
Order Type A term used to refer to a work order category. Refer to
‘Work Order Type’ for further details.
Partner A person, organisation, group of persons, or group of
organisations in which Defence has a business interest.
Partner Function A definition of the rights and responsibilities of a
business partner in a business process. The standard
SAP partner functions (sold-to party, bill-to party, or
payer, for example) can be supplemented with further
user-defined partner functions (eg; recipient of duplicate
invoice) Find out more here.
Planner Group A value used to identify the contractor trade type.
PMActType A unique value indicating the maintenance activity type
for the work order. These values will vary according to
the type of work order being raised.
Portal (SAP and/or Customer)
Priority Indicates the importance of the processing of the
Notification. Response time parameters are
Property Property is used to define a location in a Base Support
Area related to a common occupancy or stewardship
arrangement where Defence has rights over the land. A
Property may encompass an entire occupied ‘locality’
such as a Defence base with multiple buildings and
infrastructure, a training area, individual buildings and
any combination thereof. Properties also relate to
leased and other areas where Defence has an interest.
Purchasing Group
Reference Notification An existing notification used as a reference document.
Details such as functional location, main work centre,
planner group and more are copied from the reference
notification into the new notification being created. This
saves time and effort and also ensures that the new
notification has all of the correct reference details.
Reference Work Order An existing work order used as a reference document.
Details such as functional location, operations required,
scheduling details, costing details and more are copied
from the reference work order into the new work order.
This also ensures that the two (or more) work orders are
linked within the document flow. All related (linked)
work orders can then be reported on in an accurate

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BSC Manual – Glossary

Region Reflective of the five graphical locations of Australia as

defined by Defence (i.e. NNSW, SNSW, etc.)
REL - Released A GEMS SAP system status applied to a work order
that has been successfully released to the contractor for
further action.
Release (Work Order) An action performed by the GEMS SAP system (may
also be a manual action) in which the work order is sent
to the external contractor system for action. A
successful release will result in the work order system
status being set to REL.
Reported By A free text field in which the PMKEYS or ODS
identifier can be entered. PMKEYS identifiers can be
searched via the match code button in this field.
Requested Service Requested services includes the following:
o customer requested services covered under a
fixed fee or volumetric contract arrangement
o customer paid service requests
o survey and quote services.
Requestor The person submitting the initial service request via any
one of the allowable submission pathways.
Responsive Maintenance Responsive maintenance covers unplanned, reactive or
corrective maintenance required to rectify defects or
repair damage to Defence estate property. It also
includes opportunity based maintenance, which is pro-
active maintenance that applies to any part of the estate
(other than estate elements covered by performance
based maintenance).
Revision Revisions are used to track the operational and resource
activities associated with an event. Revisions are unique
identifiers which enable the grouping of related
maintenance and service activities. Revisions are
commonly associated with composite requested services
work orders to track and schedule the operational and
resource activities associated with an event.
R.O.E. – Rate of Effort A unit of measurement that defines number of tasks (or
other quantum) taken to complete a work order
operation. For example, the number of uniforms dry
cleaned, the number of drinks served at the mess.
Scheduled Services Scheduled services are predetermined service activities
to be conducted on the Defence estate. Scheduled
services are planned for delivery on a regular basis.
Service Master An element of master data used to define a service.
Service Request The initial request submitted by the requestor for either
a break-fix or service. Service requests may be
submitted via phone, fax, email, AE547 form or directly
online via the GEMS SAP portal.

Short Description Text used to describe an element or function. Short

Garrison and Estate Management System 74
BSC Manual – Glossary

descriptions are typically restricted to 40 characters in

Sort Field A free text field used to optimise search results when
searching for functional locations. This field holds old
(legacy) building numbers.
Survey & Quote
System Status A code (up to four letters long) applied by the GEMS
SAP system to indicate changes in the status of a work
TECO – Technically Closed A system status applied to a work order once the
contractor has confirmed completion of the work order
Transaction (Code) A GEMS SAP mechanism for carrying out a particular
function or activity. Transaction codes are typically (but
not always) designated by letters followed by numbers.
An example of a transaction code is IW21 – Create
User Status A status (up to four letters long) set by the user during
the creation of a notification or work order. For
example, a user status of SVNQ can be set on the work
order when a Survey & Quote is required. User status
values are manually updated.
Wild Card An asterisk included in a search term, used to designate
any allowable value or string of values. For example,
searching *Barracks* in a description field will return a
list of all descriptions which include the word
“Barracks” with a capital B (anywhere within the
Workflow A GEMS SAP mechanism for routing system
information between modules and/or stakeholders. For
example, when a work order status is set to ‘technically
completed’, a workflow is activated to send a system
message to the requestor informing him/her of work
order completion.
Work Order The second of two initial documents created in response
to a service request. The Work Order contains details of
operations required, any applicable costing, rate of
effort and more specific scheduling details. The work
order is the formal instruction to the contractor to
commence action.
Work Order Type A GEMS SAP system value used to identify the type of
work order being created. Allowed values are:
ZM01 – Responsive Works
ZM02 – Scheduled Maintenance
ZM03 – Estate Appraisal
ZM04 – Requested Works/Services
ZM05 – Scheduled Services

Garrison and Estate Management System 75

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