Exercises Comfort Zone 07 2017

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Exercises to Expand

Your Comfort Zone

Warning: You do all of these exercises at your own risk.
lovelifesolved.com can’t be held liable for your actions. Be careful
and use common sense before doing anything that might pose a
risk to you or others.

Laying down in a public place

Go to a crowded place. Lay down flat on your back. Wait 30


Important: Keep your eyes open and a smile on your face, so

that no one thinks you need help.

Holding eye contact

Hold eye contact with men and women who pass by. Don’t
break it until they do!

Embarrassing T-shirt

Take a plain white T-shirt. Write what you are most

embarrassed about on the front and the back. Go to a place
where lots of women hang out. Approach them and ask them
to sign it. 50 signatures minimum!

Day without daily hygiene

It’s easy to act confident when you feel great. But can you still
feel comfortable if you didn’t shower and brush your teeth?
Spend a day outside and interact with other people without
having showered or brushed your teeth within the last 24

Break routines: find new routes to work, fitness,


I bet you always take the same route to work, or school. Well,
not today. I want you to find new routes that you haven’t
taken before. It’s probably a detour, but on the other hand,
who knows what you will discover on your new route.

This exercise is not hard at all, but great nonetheless, because

most people hate change. This is a way to get a little bit more
comfortable with it.

Cold calling strangers

If you are uncomfortable cold calling strangers, then this

exercise is for you. Write down 10 things that you don’t know
but would like to know. E.g., “How did they prove the
existence of gravitational waves?” Then call up strangers that
might know the answer and try to get the answer from them.
If they don’t know it, let them refer you to someone who might

Going out alone

This exercise is scary as hell the first time you do it but

surprisingly fun after a few times. Pick a nightclub and go
there all by yourself.

Nude model

Find a job as a nude model. You know, like the ones that sit in
front of a painting class. Your sexual confidence will skyrocket
and you are probably going to meet a few cool people there.

Travel to a country with no knowledge of the

language (and culture)

Go there alone!

If this step is too hard, then just travel your own country alone
for a while. It’s much easier and prepares you well.

Join Toastmasters and hold a speech

Toastmasters is an organization that helps people with public

speaking. Go to one of their meetings and volunteer.

Go to a class or join a club...alone

Throughout your life you will be the “new one” countless

times. So you better become comfortable with that role. Find
a class that interests you. Sign yourself up. Go there.

Record yourself on video and post it to Youtube

Speaking to a camera feels weird at first. As does hearing

your own voice. So record a video of yourself! Afterwards
publish the video on Youtube. I don’t care what you talk about
in the video as long as you are fully visible. Feel judged
already? ;)

Go to a restaurant and just order a surprise

Picky eaters listen up! Go to a restaurant, preferably a good

one, and let the chef surprise you. Admitted, this exercise isn’t
too bad.

Improv class

If you have problems maintaining conversations, this is for

you! Sign up for an improvisation acting class. Uncomfortable
at first, a lot of fun later.

Sign up for a competition where you are sure to
finish last

When everyone in a competition is way better than you, two

things happen: 1. You feel like you don’t belong there. 2. You
are in the spotlight. Therefore, it’s the perfect exercise for
everyone who dislikes being the center of attention.

Example: Eric Moussambani - worst olympic athlete ever

Approaching women sober

Talking to women is still one of the most uncomfortable

exercises to most men – especially without alcohol in the
bloodstream. So, go out, don’t overthink (count to 3 and go),
and say hello to the women you want to meet.

Overcome a fear of yours

Everyone has fears that seem ludicrous to others. I, for

example, have a fear of height and snakes. You, on the other
hand, might get the creeps at the sight of a germ infested
towel. Everyone has different fears. Write yours down, come
up with small steps that will challenge your fear, and do some
of them every single week.

Example: Fear of heights – go rock climbing, start low

and climb higher until the fear gets too strong.

Over time, you will defeat your fears and, as a reward, raise
your confidence.

Before you start
All the exercises described here will only be beneficial to you if
you hit the sweet spot between “not uncomfortable enough”
and too scary. In our graphic this zone is called ”LEARNING”.

It’s much like growing muscles. Use too light weights and you
won’t have any muscle growth. Use too heavy weights and
you will hurt yourself.

So always do exercises that are neither too scary, nor too

easy. Take those that make you somewhat uncomfortable, but
seem doable.

Get our Free Resources
If you enjoyed this list, chances are you would love our Free
Resource Bundle. It is designed to turn
you into a man that women gravitate
towards naturally.

What is included in the bundle?

• Ebook Desirable Man Blueprint

• Practical Guide to Happiness
• 8 Essential Exercises for Success With

You can download it here: https://www.lovelifesolved.com/


P.S: Could you do us a favor?

The more people have this list, the better. So please help us
spread it by sharing it with a friend or sending your friend a
link to the Lists page: https://www.lovelifesolved.com/lists
They will surely appreciate it.

Thank you so much!

Julian & Kristina

Founders Lovelifesolved.com

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