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By Sadhu Chellappa

Animal Sacrifice
Many learned Vedic commentators of India of the past and present agree that animal
sacrifices in India are true and actual.

Shankara and Ramanuja who were recognized as religious leaders of the past, both
recognize the practice of animal sacrifices in ancient time. In India during the Vedic
period, saints observed Nara Medhya Yagnam (Cow body sacrifice), and Ashwa
Medhya Yagnam (Horse body sacrifice). 18/5/17, 09<22

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(Abel offering Sacrifice)

The great scholar P.B. Kane has written volumes of books on Indian animal sacrifices.

Mahavira and Gowthama Buddha alienated themselves from Vedic animal sacrifices.
It was during Buddhist rule in India, animal sacrifices to gods and goddesses were
forbidden. But, even then, in many villages and small towns these animal sacrifices are
still followed by people.

Many religious scholars are struggling to disprove and get away from the fact of
ancient animal sacrifices during the Vedic period.

They are seeking to write apologetic literatures, giving figurative interpretations to ritual

There is nothing wrong in spiritualizing the sacrifice (Yogna) for Yagna (sacrifice)
indeed is the shadow of reality. At the same time one cannot deny the history of animal
sacrifices in the Vedic period.

One cannot discard the evidences of Rig Vedha 10th mandala, chapter 91 and Yazar
Vedha chapters 22, 23.

The Bible too presents the accounts of many animal sacrifices, ordained by God under
the Law of Moses. But here again, it is mentioned as shadow for the real sacrifice of
God himself. 18/5/17, 09<22

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The real and supreme sacrifice was to take place upon the cross of Jesus Christ.
Christians do not observe animal sacrifices. They believe that the Lord and savior Jesus
Christ has fulfilled all animal sacrifices in his one and only sacrifice. My humble
opinion is, disciples of the Vedanta would make a grave mistake if they deny the old
heritage of animal sacrifices of the Vedic times. It does not mean that these animal
sacrifices need to be revived again.

All animal sacrifices both in Vedic times in India and in Old Testament times in
Palestine are shadows for the real sacrifice of God or Prajapatti

(Praja = People; Pathi = god, so God is called god of people).

The animal sacrifices are practiced even today in Indian Soil, though it is forbidden by
the Government.

Every home sacrifice many young lambs for their god. Christians will surely understand
that how the Jewish animals sacrifices has a place in Indian soil, because Jews migrated
to India especially to South India even before the birth of Jesus Christ.

People in India still believe that by sacrificing an animal, the curses and sins of
their family will be gone.

In Tamil Nadu, India, I have personally witnessed such animal sacrifices and often
spoke to the people about the parallels of Old Testament and Indian Vedic scriptures,
which were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

For many educated people it is an eye opener.

Read the book of Moses 2, Leviticus Chapter 1" 1-9. 18/5/17, 09<22

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Jesus is the fulfilment of all animal sacrifices.
Hebrews 7: 28; 9:28, 10: 10, 12,14

Atonement for Sins

In the beginning, God allowed mankind to sacrifice animals, so as to make them
understand that there is atonement for everyone's sins, as it is written in Thertiriya
Aranyaka verse 3, Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam which means
that the atonement is through shedding of blood only.

Though the animal's blood is not a substitute, it was expected that man would repent
and turn away from his sinful ways by seeing the animal, which is being sacrificed on
his behalf. But mankind started practicing it just as a ritual, and thus came into

If mankind were to be saved from this predicament, as Thertiriya Aranyaka 3rd verse
says again, "thad raktham Paramatmena punyadana baliyagam" which means that-
blood has to be through the sacrifice of God himself.

The Purusha Sukta says, there is no other way other than the sacrifice of Purusha
Prajapati. Purushao vava yagna (Chandokya Upanishad 3.16.1), God, the Purusha is
the sacrifice.

Not only by acknowledging but also by accepting this sacrifice as one's own, and for
one's own sake, the identity of one's self with the Divine Self is achieved. 18/5/17, 09<22

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Vedic requirements for the Sacrificial Purusha
The Rig Veda specifies ten important requirements for the sacrificial Purusha.

1. Should be without a blemish (Nishikalanga Purusha)

Kaatyaayana Srautasootram describes in chapter six, that the water and fire were to be
used for the purification of the animals, since blameless (defect less) animals are not
available in this world.

2. The Purusha has to be separated from others

While sacrificing the horse, the sacrificial horse is always separated from other horses.
A bush of thorns is usually placed on the head of the horse to inform the people that this
horse is separated from the sacrifice.

Also the head of the horse is considered to represent the Purusha (Sathapatha Brahmana
13th kanda, 6.22).

3. The Purusha has to be rejected by his own people

In Itareya Brahmana it is written that the sacrificial animal should be rejected by its
father, mother, brother, sister and friends (2.16).

4. The Yagna Purusha has to suffer silently

Rig Veda 5.46.1 says, "Like a horse I have yoked myself, well knowing to the pole. I
seek neither release nor turning back". 18/5/17, 09<22

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5. The Purusha has to be tied to a post

In Satapata Brahmana it is written, never do they immolate an animal without tying it to

a pole. "Na varute yapaat pasum alabhate kadachana (III -7.3.1)". It is important to tie
the animal to a sacrificial pillar before it is sacrificed.

This pillar is called "Yupastampa (sacrificial pillar)", which has now become a flag

6. The blood of the sacrificial man should be shed

Bruhad Aranyaka Upanishad ( says, "Tvacha evasya rudhiram, prasyandi

tvacha utpatah, Tasmaattadarunnaat praiti, raso vrukshadi vahataat",

As the sap comes out of the cut tree, blood comes out of the Purusha who is cut.

7. The sacrificed animal's bones should not be broken

In Itareya Brahmana 2.6 it is stated that the sacrificer separates the twenty-six ribs of the
animal without breaking them

8. The sacrificed Purusha should return to life

The Bruhad Aranyaka Upanishad says,

"Yad Vruksho vrukshano rohati, mulannavatharah punah, martyah svinmrutyuna

vruknah, kasmaanmulaat prarohati, Retasa iti maavocata, jivatastat praja yate, dhanaruh
a iva vai crau vruksho, anjasaa pretya sammbhavha",

which means, if the tree is cut, it will grow again from its root. But after the man
(martyah) was cut off by death, from which root does he come forth? Do not say that
has is from the ratas (seed or semen) because ratas comes from the one who lives.
Remember this man is dead. But this man (Purusha) comes alive, on his own. 18/5/17, 09<22

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9. The flesh of the Purusha should be eaten by his saints

In Satpata Brahmana(,2) we find that Prajapati gave Himself up to them, thus the
sacrifice became theirs, and indeed the sacrifice is the food of the gods (saints).

10. The sacrifice is for all

Verse 8 in Purusha Sukta explains,

Tasmaad yagnatsarvahutah, pasuntamscakre voayaryaa, naananyaan gramyaasca ye.

By that sacrifice, all these originated: sprinkled ghee and all kinds of animals of the sky,
forest and country. The significance of sprinkled ghee represents the original sacrifice.

Verse 9 of Purusha Sukta says:

Tasmaad yagnat sarvahuta, nucha samaari jagnire, Chandaamsi jagnine, tasmaad

yajustas naada jaayatah.

From that sacrifice, Purusha offered everything that he had, including the Rig, Sama,
Yazur Vedas and the Chandas (sacred writings).

How meticulously these Vedic requirements have been

fulfilled in Jesus Christ of Nazareth
1. Jesus Christ was without any blemish

In the Old Testament Bible it is written, "Do not bring anything with a defect, because it
will not be accepted on your behalf"(Levi 22:20). "Whether male or female, present 18/5/17, 09<22

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before the Lord an animal without defect " (Levi 3:1).

The New Testament says, "In Him (Jesus Christ) there was no sin"(1 John 3:5).

2. Jesus Christ was separated from others

The Bible says,

"the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a
purple robe" John 19:2, thus separating Him from others.

3. Jesus Christ was rejected by his own people

The Prophet Isaiah wrote,

"He (Jesus Christ) was despised and rejected and they shouted to crucify him".

Jesus said on the cross, "Eloi Iama sabaktani", which means, "My God, My God, why
have you forsaken me?" (Mathew 27:46).

4. Jesus Christ suffered silently

"He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open his mouth. He was led like a lamb
to the slaughter and as a sheep before the Shearer's is silent" (Isaiah 56:7).

5. Jesus Christ was tied

Ps. 118:27 says, "Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar". 18/5/17, 09<22

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6. Jesus Christ's blood was shed

This was fulfilled in Jesus Christ when he was nailed to the cross.

"He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but entered the most holy
place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. Without
shedding blood there is no redemption" (Heb 9:12,22).

7. Jesus Christ's bones were not broken

In the Bible, Exodus 12:46 says that the bones of the animal should not be broken.
Three hours after crucifixion,

"when they (soldiers) came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not
his legs"(John 19:33).

8. Jesus Christ rose again from the dead

"Him (Jesus Christ) God raised up the third day, and showed him openly" (Acts 10:40).
"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept"
(1Cor. 15:20). 18/5/17, 09<22

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9. Jesus Christ gave his body to be eaten

At the last supper Jesus took the bread, gave thanks and gave it to his disciples saying,

"Take and eat; this is my body. Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and offered it to
them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the new covenant, which is
shed for many, for the forgiveness of sins" (Mat. 26: 26,27).

10. Jesus Christ was given to all

"He who did not spare His own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also,
along with him graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32) 18/5/17, 09<22

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God’s plan for Moksha
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the
LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6.

For He has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in him. II Corinthians 5:21.

The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Romans 6:23.

And according to the law almost all things are purged with the blood, and without
shedding of blood there is no remission. Hebrews 9:22.

But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us. Romans 5:8.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent His Son to be the
propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10.

That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart
that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9.

Or do you underestimate His wealth of kindness and tolerance and enduring patience,
unmindful that God's kindness is meant to lead you toward repentance? But in line with
your obstinacy and impenitence of heart you are treasuring up for yourself anger for the
day of anger and the revealing of the righteous judgment of God, who will reward each
person according to his deeds. Romans 2:4-6.

For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11.

So today if you hear His Voice, harden not your heart, but come boldly unto the throne
of grace, that you may obtain mercy and pardon. Hebrews 3:15

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given 18/5/17, 09<22

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among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12.

Testimony Sadhu Chellappa: Finding Jesus

Christ from Vedas
Sadhu Chellappa is an avid writer, Christian evengelist from South India who has written 28 books
in Tamil and English language. He has mastered the knowledge of the Vedas (Ancient text of
Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit language) and the other Hindu scriptures. He teaches about a
connecting link between Vedas and Jesus Christ.

His Life story:

Sadhu Chellapa came from a very religious

family from Tamilnadu, India. He recalls his
grandfather being a conservative religious
person but his father being a little lenient. When
he was at a very young, 1st World war was
going on. The times were very difficult and his
family was in search for a better livelihood. It
was also the time of British Raj in India. Hindu
caste system was very prevalent. The lower
caste people were inhumanely treated by the
Brahmins and the upper class people. While at
the same time, the British did not discriminate between the high and the low caste and they
welcomed anyone who would be ready to serve them. So his father who was well educated and
respected in the society decided to embrace Christianity for the quality of life for himself and his
family. By doing so, he also could please the ruling British empire.

His father was working with a Missionary who was from Britain. Everything went well until his
father demanded a salary raise. In response to that, he lost his job. The family was stranded. They
had nowhere to go. Even everyday food for the family became a challenge. One day, young
Chellappa went to the temple to eat the food which was offered to the idols; he liked the temple
and especially food. So every day, he would go to the temple to eat and while eating he would
listen carefully to the shlokas recited by the priest of the temple. Soon he memorized many of the
shlokas by heart. One day the priest saw and heard him reciting the same shlokas and was very
impressed. He asked the young boy to come and help him in the duties of the temple. He readily
accepted because that meant more food during the day and no starvation. Slowly people noticed
him at the temple reciting shlokas and were very impressed. His fame grew and people also offered
him gifts and food.

One day, he realized while reciting the Shlokas about a legend “Prajapati” (the lord of the people)
which is mentioned in the Vedas. This historic figure was supposed to take the sins of the world 18/5/17, 09<22

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and die for it. He also had to remain sinless and a wild thorny creeper on his head. He was to die
for the sins of the world and resurrect. Sadhu Chellapa was really interested in this deity
“Prajapathi” who is mentioned in Rig Veda as a “silent sufferer”. So he started searching for him.
He asked many questions to other priests and Brahmans in the temples. He was determined to
search out his Prajapathi. But he did not find any satisfactory answers. He was only 19 years old at
that time and felt very disillusioned. So he thought to himself may be there is no God and
everything is purposeless.

During this time, he met another atheist who had a long conversation with him that there is a god,
but the world has many names to this god. People say there is a Christian god, a Muslim god, a
Jewish god and thousands of Hindu gods, So it is better to believe there is no god. It makes more
sense to just ignore God!

Some time went by, and his parents wanted him to get married. One of his Uncles insisted that he
would marry a good Christian girl. He did not know why he believed that, but he agreed to it. So he
married and had children. Life went on but he was not at peace, he started smoking, drinking and
also went under a huge debt. Due to his ill habits of smoking, he suffered from TB. There was no
proper cure in those days so he suffered a lot. On top of this he always had guilt in himself that he
is neither a good husband to his wife or a good father to his children. Day by day the guilt of
family, disillusionment from god and the tensions of debt led him to depression.

One day he was travelling in the train with all the problems and worries of his life and he thought
of a way to escape from it. He decided to commit suicide. He went to the door of the gushing train
to throw himself down. Right at that moment he heard a mysterious voice saying, “He that
conceals his sin will never prosper.” This verse struck him to his core. He felt why he heard
something like this? What was the purpose? Was there a message for him? As soon as the train
stopped he got down and he saw a huge Christian gathering in an open place. He started walking
towards it, thinking that Jesus Christ is a Christian and foreign god of the West. But he felt
compelled to go there. In the meeting he heard the pastor speak about sin which he understood very
well from his knowledge of Vedas. But then, the pastor said that only Jesus Christ, who is born of
the virgin can take away the sins of world, for He alone is sinless and he is the atoning sacrifice on
behalf of all the people. Sadhu Chellapa recalled that about “Prajapathi”, written in the Vedas too.
He could not believe the exact connection. That night the pastor invited the congregation to come
forward and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. He ran in front, prayed and accepted Jesus into his
heart. Since that day he started sharing his testimony and preaching the Word of God in all the

You can read more about him, his mission, and his audio and video preaching on his website His testimony is published in a leading British
magazine “The Edge”. You can also listen to 10 part testimony here on youtube where he talks in
detail about the Vedas and its fascinating yet much ignored passages which may point to Jesus
Christ. (The videos are set into playlist, so you can continually watch all parts without any more

Video testimony of Sadhu Chellappa 18/5/17, 09<22

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