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Introduction to Accounting

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the definition, nature, function,
and history of accounting.

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to cite specific examples in which accounting is
used in making business decisions.

Learning Competencies:
The learners shall be able to:
1. define accounting
2. describe the nature of accounting
3. explain the functions of accounting in business
4. narrate the history/origin of accounting

November 6-10, 2017

First Day High! Welcome back to school!

ACTIVITY Ask the learners “Is accounting important to you?”. Leave

this question unanswered. Remind the learners that you
will ask this question again after you discuss the
introduction to accounting.

Define accounting “Accounting is the process of

economic events of an organization to interested users.”
(Weygandt, J. et. al) Explain the three highlighted words in
the graphic: IDENTIFYING – this involves selecting
economic events that are relevant to a particular business
ANALYSIS transaction The economic events of an organization are
referred to as transactions. Examples of economic events or
transactions - In a bakery business: • sales of bread and
other bakery products
RECORDING – this involves keeping a chronological diary
of events that are measured in pesos. The diary referred to
in the definition are the journals and ledgers which will be
discussed in future chapters. COMMUNICATING – occurs
through the preparation and distribution of financial and
other accounting reports. Discuss the nature of accounting.
• Accounting is a service activity. Accounting provides
assistance to decision makers by providing them financial
reports that will guide them in coming up with sound
decisions. • Accounting is a process: A process refers to the
method of performing any specific job step by step
according to the objectives or targets. Accounting is
identified as a process, as it performs the specific task of
collecting, processing and communicating financial
information. In doing so, it follows some definite steps like
the collection, recording, classification, summarization,
finalization, and reporting of financial data. • Accounting is
both an art and a discipline. Accounting is the art of
recording, classifying, summarizing and finalizing financial
data. The word ‘art’ refers to the way something is
performed. It is behavioral knowledge involving a certain
creativity and skill to help us attain some specific objectives.
Accounting is a systematic method consisting of definite
techniques and its proper application requires skill and
expertise. So by nature, accounting is an art. And because
it follows certain standards and professional ethics, it is also
a discipline.
Discuss the function of accounting in business Ask the
learners to comment on why accounting is considered as
the language of business. Accounting is the means by
which business information is communicated to business
owners and stakeholders. The role of accounting in
business is to provide information for managers and
owners to use in operating the business. In addition,
accounting information allows business owners to assess
the efficiency and effectiveness of their business
operations. Prepared accounting reports can be compared
industry standards or to a leading competitor to determine
how the business is doing. Business owners may also use
historical financial accounting statements to create trends
for analyzing and forecasting future sales.
Accounting helps the users of these financial reports to see
the true picture of the business in financial terms. In order
for a business to survive, it is important that a business
owner or manager be well-informed.

Discuss the history of accounting Accounting is as old as

civilization itself. It has evolved in response to various
social and economic needs of men. Accounting started as
a simple recording of repetitive exchanges. The history of
accounting is often seen as indistinguishable from the
history of finance and business.

Divide the class into 2 groups. The first group will act out
ABSTRACTION the definition of accounting while the second group will act
out the evolution/history of accounting.

Ask the learners the following questions: Is accounting

APPLICATION important to you? Does it affect your daily activities? How?

Short quiz:
1. Define accounting
2. Give examples of decisions or questions that can be
supported by accounting information.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Checked by:


Principal I

Introduction to Accounting

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the definition, nature, function,
and history of accounting.

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to cite specific examples in which accounting is
used in making business decisions.

Learning Competencies:
The learners shall be able to:
1. define accounting
2. describe the nature of accounting
3. explain the functions of accounting in business
4. narrate the history/origin of accounting

November 6-10, 2017
November 6 – SHS Faculty Meeting
November 7 – Grade 12 Meeting

First Day High! Welcome back to school!

ACTIVITY Ask the learners “Is accounting important to you?”. Leave

this question unanswered. Remind the learners that you
will ask this question again after you discuss the
introduction to accounting.
Define accounting “Accounting is the process of
economic events of an organization to interested users.”
(Weygandt, J. et. al) Explain the three highlighted words in
the graphic: IDENTIFYING – this involves selecting
economic events that are relevant to a particular business
ANALYSIS transaction The economic events of an organization are
referred to as transactions. Examples of economic events or
transactions - In a bakery business: • sales of bread and
other bakery products
RECORDING – this involves keeping a chronological diary
of events that are measured in pesos. The diary referred to
in the definition are the journals and ledgers which will be
discussed in future chapters. COMMUNICATING – occurs
through the preparation and distribution of financial and
other accounting reports. Discuss the nature of accounting.
• Accounting is a service activity. Accounting provides
assistance to decision makers by providing them financial
reports that will guide them in coming up with sound
decisions. • Accounting is a process: A process refers to the
method of performing any specific job step by step
according to the objectives or targets. Accounting is
identified as a process, as it performs the specific task of
collecting, processing and communicating financial
information. In doing so, it follows some definite steps like
the collection, recording, classification, summarization,
finalization, and reporting of financial data. • Accounting is
both an art and a discipline. Accounting is the art of
recording, classifying, summarizing and finalizing financial
data. The word ‘art’ refers to the way something is
performed. It is behavioral knowledge involving a certain
creativity and skill to help us attain some specific objectives.
Accounting is a systematic method consisting of definite
techniques and its proper application requires skill and
expertise. So by nature, accounting is an art. And because
it follows certain standards and professional ethics, it is also
a discipline.
Discuss the function of accounting in business Ask the
learners to comment on why accounting is considered as
the language of business. Accounting is the means by
which business information is communicated to business
owners and stakeholders. The role of accounting in
business is to provide information for managers and
owners to use in operating the business. In addition,
accounting information allows business owners to assess
the efficiency and effectiveness of their business
operations. Prepared accounting reports can be compared
industry standards or to a leading competitor to determine
how the business is doing. Business owners may also use
historical financial accounting statements to create trends
for analyzing and forecasting future sales.
Accounting helps the users of these financial reports to see
the true picture of the business in financial terms. In order
for a business to survive, it is important that a business
owner or manager be well-informed.

Discuss the history of accounting Accounting is as old as

civilization itself. It has evolved in response to various
social and economic needs of men. Accounting started as
a simple recording of repetitive exchanges. The history of
accounting is often seen as indistinguishable from the
history of finance and business.

Divide the class into 2 groups. The first group will act out
ABSTRACTION the definition of accounting while the second group will act
out the evolution/history of accounting.

Ask the learners the following questions: Is accounting

APPLICATION important to you? Does it affect your daily activities? How?

Short quiz:
1. Define accounting
2. Give examples of decisions or questions that can be
supported by accounting information.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Checked by:


Principal I

Introduction to Accounting

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the definition, nature, function,
and history of accounting.

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to cite specific examples in which accounting is
used in making business decisions.

Learning Competencies:
The learners shall be able to:
1. define accounting
2. describe the nature of accounting
3. explain the functions of accounting in business
4. narrate the history/origin of accounting

November 27 to December 1, 2017
November 20 – Last canvassing for Mr. & Ms. HNCHS
November 22 & 23 – High School Day
November 24 – 1st Parents Day

First Day High! Welcome back to school!

ACTIVITY Ask the learners “Is accounting important to you?”. Leave

this question unanswered. Remind the learners that you
will ask this question again after you discuss the
introduction to accounting.

Define accounting “Accounting is the process of

economic events of an organization to interested users.”
(Weygandt, J. et. al) Explain the three highlighted words in
the graphic: IDENTIFYING – this involves selecting
economic events that are relevant to a particular business
ANALYSIS transaction The economic events of an organization are
referred to as transactions. Examples of economic events or
transactions - In a bakery business: • sales of bread and
other bakery products
RECORDING – this involves keeping a chronological diary
of events that are measured in pesos. The diary referred to
in the definition are the journals and ledgers which will be
discussed in future chapters. COMMUNICATING – occurs
through the preparation and distribution of financial and
other accounting reports. Discuss the nature of accounting.
• Accounting is a service activity. Accounting provides
assistance to decision makers by providing them financial
reports that will guide them in coming up with sound
decisions. • Accounting is a process: A process refers to the
method of performing any specific job step by step
according to the objectives or targets. Accounting is
identified as a process, as it performs the specific task of
collecting, processing and communicating financial
information. In doing so, it follows some definite steps like
the collection, recording, classification, summarization,
finalization, and reporting of financial data. • Accounting is
both an art and a discipline. Accounting is the art of
recording, classifying, summarizing and finalizing financial
data. The word ‘art’ refers to the way something is
performed. It is behavioral knowledge involving a certain
creativity and skill to help us attain some specific objectives.
Accounting is a systematic method consisting of definite
techniques and its proper application requires skill and
expertise. So by nature, accounting is an art. And because
it follows certain standards and professional ethics, it is also
a discipline.
Discuss the function of accounting in business Ask the
learners to comment on why accounting is considered as
the language of business. Accounting is the means by
which business information is communicated to business
owners and stakeholders. The role of accounting in
business is to provide information for managers and
owners to use in operating the business. In addition,
accounting information allows business owners to assess
the efficiency and effectiveness of their business
operations. Prepared accounting reports can be compared
industry standards or to a leading competitor to determine
how the business is doing. Business owners may also use
historical financial accounting statements to create trends
for analyzing and forecasting future sales.
Accounting helps the users of these financial reports to see
the true picture of the business in financial terms. In order
for a business to survive, it is important that a business
owner or manager be well-informed.

Discuss the history of accounting Accounting is as old as

civilization itself. It has evolved in response to various
social and economic needs of men. Accounting started as
a simple recording of repetitive exchanges. The history of
accounting is often seen as indistinguishable from the
history of finance and business.

Divide the class into 2 groups. The first group will act out
ABSTRACTION the definition of accounting while the second group will act
out the evolution/history of accounting.

Ask the learners the following questions: Is accounting

APPLICATION important to you? Does it affect your daily activities? How?

Short quiz:
1. Define accounting
2. Give examples of decisions or questions that can be
supported by accounting information.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Checked by:


Principal I

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