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Nama : Angieta Caesarningrum Nugrahaeni Xanana Putri (1909010033)

Buaya yang Bodoh

Stupid Crocodile

Halaman 1

Siang itu matahari bersinar dengan panasnya. Membuat badan kancil terasa lemas dan
kehausan. “Aku mau mandi ah…!” . Dengan hati tak sabar kancil berlarian menuju sungai. “Waaaaaah..!
Airnya jernih sekali! Pasti sangat segar!”, ujar kancil dengan hati senang.

Page 1

That afternoon the sun shines with the heat. Makes the body deer feel weak and thirsty. "I want
to take a shower ah ...!" With an impatient heart deer running to the river. "Waaaaaah ..! The water is
so clear! It must be very fresh! ", Said the deer with a happy heart.

Halaman 2

Ia pun menikmati dinginnya air sungai, berenang kesana kemari. Mandi sepuasnya hingga
matahari hamper tenggelam. Usai berenang dan berendam, kancil meminum air sungai yang segar itu
sepuas-puasnya. Tanpa disadari sepasang mata buaya mengintai dari balik semak-semak di pinggir
sungai. “Kena kau kali ini Cil!”, desis sang buaya. “Sejak dulu aku ingin menyantaomu hidup-hidup tapi
tak pernah kesampaian. Sekarang aku tak boleh gagal!”.

Page 2

He also enjoyed the cold river water, swimming to and fro. Take an unlimited shower until the
sun almost sets. After swimming and bathing, deer drink the fresh river water to their heart's content.
Unwittingly a pair of crocodile eyes lurked from behind the bushes at the river's edge. "Got you Cil this
time!", Hissed the crocodile. "I always wanted to greet you alive but it never happened. Now I can't fail!

Halaman 3

Buaya itu menyelam ke dasar sungai dengan gerakan cepat ia menuju kearah kancil. “Hup!”.
Sang buaya berhasil menangkap kantong kemaluan kancil. Tentu saja kancil menjerit kaget dan
kesakitan. Sadar buaya telah menangkapnya, akal kancil ternyata tetap jalan. Ia menghentikan teriakan
kaget dan kesakitannya. Sebaliknya malah berkata dengan suara tenang dan penuh wibawa kepada sang
buaya. “Hai buaya, jangan kau gigit dompet sakti milik Nabi Sulaiman itu!”.

Page 3

The crocodile dived into the riverbed with quick movements he headed towards the deer.
"Hup!" The crocodile managed to catch a mouse deer penis bag. Of course the mouse deer screamed in
shock and pain. Aware that the crocodile has caught it, the deer sense is still working. He stopped the
screams of shock and pain. Instead, instead said in a calm and authoritative voice to the crocodile. "O
crocodile, don't bite the Sulaiman's powerful wallet!"

Halaman 4

Buaya terkejut mendengar ucapan kancil. Ia mengendorkan gigitannya. “Apa maksudmu Cil?”
Kancil menjawab, “Yang kau gigit itu adalah dompet keramat Kanjeng Nabi Sulaiman yang dititipkan
kepadaku.”. “Kau mencoba menipuku lagi huh?”, sergah sang buaya. “Oh tidak! Dompet itu bernama
Pao-Pao. Jika sampai sobek kau akan terkena tulah atau kutukan, kau dan anak cucumu ssampai tujuh
turunan akan ditumpas hingga musnah!”.

Page 4

Crocodile was surprised to hear the deer. He loosened his bite. "What do you mean Cil?" Mouse
Deer replied, "What you bite is the sacred wallet of Kanjeng Prophet Sulaiman that was deposited with
me." "You're trying to trick me again huh?", Said the crocodile. "Oh no! The wallet is called Pao-Pao. If
you tear up you will be hit by a plague or a curse, you and your children and children until seven children
will be crushed to death!

Halaman 5

Sang buaya agak gerogi dan takut mendengar perkataan kancil. “Benarkah yang kau katakan,
Kancil?”. “Aku tidak berhak memaksamu, tapi kalau kau mau kau dan anak turunanmu musnah, silakan
robek dompet itu. Ayo gigit sekuat-kuatmu!”, tantang Kancil.

Page 5

The crocodile was rather nervous and was afraid to hear the deer. "Is it true what you said,
Mouse Deer?" "I have no right to force you, but if you want you and your child to be destroyed, please
tear the wallet. Let's bite as hard as you can! ”, Challenged Mouse Deer.
Halaman 6

“Tahukah kau dahsyatnya kutukan itu? Kepalamu akan diremuk-remukan. Sepasang matamu
akan dicungkil. Tulang-tulangmu akan dihancur-leburkan. Keempat kakimu akan dipotong-potong,
wuihhhh! Benar-benar mengerikan!”.

Page 6

"Do you know how terrible the curse is? Your head will be crushed. Your eyes will be gouged
out. Your bones will be crushed. Your four legs will be chopped, wow! Really terrible! "

Halaman 7

Karena takut mendengar ancaman kutukan maka buaya melepaskan gigitannya pada kantong
kemaluan kancil. Tentu saja kancil senang dan segera menyingkir dari hadapan buaya. Ia berenang ke
tepian. Tapi kancil berbalik, “Hai buaya, kalau nyawamu sudah rangkap tiga atau lima barulah kau boleh
coba makan dompet ini. Tapi kalau nyawamu cuma satu buat apa kau berbuat tolol, cari saja makanan
lainnya.” .

Page 7

For fear of hearing the threat of curses, the crocodile releases its bite in the deer pubic pouch.
Of course deer happy and immediately get away from the presence of crocodiles. He swam to the shore.
But the deer turned, "Hey crocodile, if your life has tripled in three or five then you can try eating this
wallet. But if you only have one life for what you are doing stupidly, just look for other food. "

Halaman 8

“Cil! Bagaimanapun aku ingin memakannmu!”, teriak buaya. Kancil berlari ke daratan, “Coba
saja kalau ingin terkutuk!”. Buaya masih grogi, tapi tak mau kancil pergi begitu saja.“Selamat tinggal Pak
Buaya! Jaga nyawamu yang cuma satu itu”.

Page 8

"Cil! However I want to eat you! "Cried the crocodile. Mouse Deer ran to the mainland, "Try it if
you want to be damned!". Crocodiles are still nervous, but do not want to deer go away. "Goodbye Mr.
Crocodile! Take care of your life that only one ".
Halaman 9

Kancil semakin mempercepat larinya. Di air mungkin gerakan buaya bisa gesit, tapi di darat ia
akan kalah cepat dengan larinya kancil. “Wahh, jangan-janhan kancil tadi cuma ngibul!, gumam buaya
ragu. “Kalau begitu aku tertipu lagi! Awas kau kancil!!!” .

Page 9

Mouse Deer accelerates his run. In water the crocodile's movements may be agile, but on land it
will lose quickly with a runny deer. "Wahh, don't just mean that deer just blurted!" Murmured the
crocodile doubtfully. "Then I was fooled again! Watch out you're deer !!! ".

Biodata penulis

Angieta Caesarningrum Nugrahaeni Xanana Putri. Biasa dipanggil Angie. Lahir di Purbalingga
pada 1 Februari 2001. Bertempat tinggal di Majasem kota Purbalingga. Aku seorang yang malas
bersosialisasi. Aku juga pecinta novel, susu, dan kdrama.

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