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Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Considerations

Folic Acid Reduced form of folic acid, Treatment of megaloblastic Presence of known allergies Allergic reactions, pain and Pernicious anemia should
required for nucleoprotein anemia due to folate to these drugs or to their discomfort at injection site be ruled out with Schilling
synthesis and maintenance deficiency components test and vitamin B12 blood
of normal erythropoiesis level before initiating

Assess for therapeutic

improvement: improved
sense of well-being, relief
from iron deficiency
symptoms (fatigue,
shortness of breath, sore
tongue, headache, pallor)

Patient/family teaching
Eat foods rich in folic acid
including fruits, vegetables
organ meats

Hydroxocobalamin Essential for nucleic acid Treatment of vitamin B12 Presence of known allergies Itching, transitory Assess for any known
and protein synthesis; used deficiency; to meet to these drugs or to their exanthema, mild diarrhea, allergies to these drugs or
for growth, cell increased vitamin B12 components anaphylactic reaction, heart drug components, other
reproduction, requirements related to failure, pulmonary edema, anemias, pregnancy,
hematopoiesis, and disease, pregnancy or blood hypokalemia, pain at lactation and nasal erosion
nucleoprotein and myelin loss injection site
synthesis Assess baseline status
before beginning therapy to
determine any potential
adverse effects. This
includes affect, orientation,
and reflexes; pulse, blood
pressure, and perfusion;
respirations and
adventitious sounds, and
CBC to determine
effectiveness of drug
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Considerations
Hydroxyurea Inhibits DNA synthesis Reduction of frequency of Presence of known allergies Dizziness, headache, rash, Obtain bone marrow
without interfering with painful crisis and need for to these drugs or to their erythema, anorexia, nausea, studies, hepatic/renal
RNA synthesis or protein blood transfusion in adult components vomiting, stomatitis, bone function tests before
patients with sickle cell marrow depression, cancer therapy begins, periodically
anemia thereafter.
Obtain Hgb, WBC, platelet
Increases fetal hemoglobin count, serum uric acid at
production in the bone baseline weekly during
marrow and dilutes the therapy. Those with marked
formation of abnormal renal impairment may
hemoglobin S develop visual or auditory
hallucinations, marked
hematologic toxicity

Monitor daily pattern of

bowel activity
Monitor for hematologic
toxicity, symptoms of

Assess for skin for rash,

Monitor CBC with
differential platelet count,
Hgb, renal/hepatic function,
uric acid

Patient/family teaching
Promptly report fever, sore
throat, signs of local
infection, unusual
bleeding/bruising at any
Encourage patient to drink
10-12 glasses of water each
day while taking this drug

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