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This review is based on the premise that if a school successfully achieved Trust School Accreditation, how would this relate to SKPMG2 Level 5
Each SKPMG2 criteria’s “Level of Action” and “Level of Quality” was mapped against the TSSP Assessment Guidelines.

Number of % of % Indirectly Review of the TSSP Level 4 (Accreditation Level) with the
SKPMG 2 Standard SKPMG2 SKPMG2 Covered % Not SKPMG2 Level 5 - Summary
Criteria Level 5 at SKPMG2 Covered
• 86% of the SKPMG2 Level 5 would be achieved with
achieved Level 5
successful Trust School Accreditation
Standard 1: Leadership 12 8 (66%) 3 (25%) 1 (9%)
• 14% of the criteria would not be met explicitly with
successful TS accreditation as they are generally MoE
Standard 2: Organisational
processes in Student Affairs or Co-Curriculum.
Management 9 6 (66%) 3 (33%) 0%
(ie: Psychometric Testing, Co Curriculum Excellence
School Environment
Programme, Student Education Assistance Processes)

Standard 3: Curriculum, Co
• TS Accreditation has a strong focus in the areas of;
Curriculum & Student Affairs
o School improvement Processes
Co Curriculum 7 4 (57%) 0 3 (43%)
o Succession Planning
Student Affairs 7 3 (43%) 1 (14%) 3 (43%)
o Middle Leader Development
Curriculum 7 3 (43%) 4 (57%) 0 o Supporting New / Underperforming teachers
o Distributed Leadership
Standard 4: o Quality and detail of CPD programmes
Learning & Facilitation 8 8 (100%) 0% 0% o Systems and processes for the PMS
o Parent & Community Links
Total 50 32 11 7 o Assessment for Learning
(64%) (22%) (14%)
Standard 5: Student Outcomes • Assessment techniques for Trust School Accreditation
(Designated Instrument) requires evidence of embedded systems with a
Academic 3 2 (66%) 0 1 (33%) triangulated approach used to identify quality processes.
Co Curriculum Outcomes 4 0 0 4 (100%) Documentation and evidence files are only a part of the
Student Development 4 4 (100%) 0 0 accreditation process.
SKPMG2 Level 5 vrs TSSP Accreditation Levels v3 - 10.10.17

SKPMG 2 Criteria TSSP Accreditation Achieved

SKPMG2 Indirectly Not
Note: TSSP area and indicator – yellow highlight Level 5 Covered Covered
Standard 1 – Leadership
1.1 Principal as a Leader
1.1.1 PGB sets the direction for the school systematically (SEF – Data Driven – Indicator 1.1)…………………. √
1.1.2 PGB leads the writing of the School Development Plan (TSIP writing indicator 1.1) ………………………… √
1.1.3 PGB monitoring school operation as planned. (TSIP Tracking – Indicator 1.1)…………………………………. √
1.1.4 PGB leads instructional activities effectively – (GB / Principal’s teaching expectations)……………………. √
1.1.5 PGB leads instructional activities effectively – (LO system- feedback and actions 1.3) …………………… √
1.1.6 PGB leads instructional activities effectively - (Monitoring student outcome data – Indicator 3.5) .... √
1.1.7 PGB manages school operational issues professionally and systematically (TSIP tracking/Leadership) √
1.2 Principal as a Coach
1.2.1 PGB provides coaching for teachers and ML in a professional and systematic manner (1.3 / 1.5 / 2.4) √
1.2.2 PGB provides coaching to empower SLT members in a professional & systematic manner (1.3 /1.5) √
1.3 Principal as a Driver
1.3.1 PGB provides professional support across the school – role model (Leadership Styles)………………….. √
SLT 1.3.2 PGB encourages the school community to provide input at planned times (SEF/Comms - 1.1, 4.2) …. √
1.3.3 PGB motivates, supports & encourages the school community to carry out responsibilities… √

Standard 2 – Organisational Management

2.1 Human Resource Management (Indicator 1.6 – SHCM)
2.1.1 Human resource is managed efficiently (Job Descriptions org /Delegating tasks/monitoring – Ind. 1.5) √
2.1.2 Planning is in place to manage human resource development (Planned CPD – Indicator 1.3, 2.4)………… √

2.2 Asset Management
2.2.1 Managing liquid and fixed assets systematically basic equipment, fixed and non-fixed assets (Ind: 1.4).. √
2.3 Finance Management
2.3.1 Finances are well managed (Indicator 1.4) …………………………………………………………………………………………… √
2.4 Education Resources Management
2.4.1 Education resources are well managed (Indicator 1.4)………………………………………………………………............. √

3.1.2 Subject Management Grant per capita aids for subject is utilised optimally (Teachers - PCG usage – Indicator 1.4) …………. √
Standard 2 – Organisational Management
School Environment
2.5 Climate
2.5.1 The physical environment is maintained in a systematic manner…………………………………………………………… √
2.5.2 A comfortable and harmonious environment is created in a systematic manner (Indicator 3.3, 4.2)…….. √
2.6 Managing the Unity
2.6.1 Understanding, accepting & appreciating that diversity of Malaysian society is managed systematically. √
(Indicator 3.3)
2.7 Strategic Collaboration
SLT 2.7.1 Strategic collaboration is cultivated strategically – parents & community (Indicator 4.2 & 4.3)……………. √

Standard 3 – Curriculum Management, Co Curriculum and Student Affairs

Co-Curriculum (PKKK responsibilities) (Co Co Framework) Co-curriculum implementation is managed systematically (Indicator 3.2)………………………………………. √ Club/Societies are managed systematically and efficiently. (Indicator 3.2) …………………………………….. √ Uniformed bodies are managed systematically and effectively. (Indicator 3.2) ………………………………. √ Sports/games are managed systematically and effectively. (Indicator 3.2) …………………………………….. √ The Co-curriculum For Excellence Programme is managed systematically and effectively………………… √ The Sports for All Programme is managed systematically and effectively…………………………………………. √ Co-curriculum assessment is implemented systematically and effectively……………………………………….. √

Student Affairs (PKHem responsibilities) Implementation of students’ affairs managed systematically. (Indicator 3.1)……………………………………. √ Student discipline is managed effectively. (Indicator 3.4)…………………………………………………………………. √ Student safety is managed systematically and effectively…………………………………………………………………… √ Student health service and programmes are managed systematically and effectively………………………… √ Student education assistance are managed systematically…………………………………………………………………. √ Guidance and counselling services are managed effectively. (Indicator 3.1)………………………………….... √ Psychometric assessments are managed systematically and effectively……………………………………………… √
Standard 3 – Curriculum Management, Co Curriculum and Student Affairs

3.1.1 Assessment of the Curriculum Guidelines are established to ensure coordinated implementation and compliance with the national √
3.1.2 Subject Management The needs of Subject Panels are managed systematically – data, planning (Every Panel Head)…………… √ Teachers Improvement & quality are managed effectively (Teacher CPD – indicator 2.4)………………….. √ Students performance improvement programme is managed effectively (Indicator 3.5) ………………….. √

Standard 3 – Curriculum Management, Co Curriculum and Student Affairs

3.1.3 Instruction Time Management Management of effective teaching and learning time (Indicator 1.6)………………………………………………… √

3.1.4 Student Assessment Management Systematic and planned assessments/examinations-including analysis and next steps (Indicator 3.5) √

Standard 4 – Learning & Facilitation (Note TC refers to TS Teaching Competency)

4.1 Teachers as Planners

4.1.1 Teachers plan for the implementation of learning/facilitation, professionally & systematically TC 1,2,13) √
4.2 Teachers as Enforcers
4.2.1 Teacher enforces learning process effectively. (student engagement / lesson objectives) (TC 2) √
4.2.2 Teacher controls the learning environment professionally and effectively – emotional (TC 5) √
4.3 Teacher as a Mentor
4.3.1 Teachers guide students professionally and effectively (support students). (TC 5,6,7, 13) √
4.4 Teacher as a Motivator
4.4.1 Teachers encourage students thinking in carrying out learning activities as planned. (TC 9, 10, 11, 12) √
4.4.2 Teachers encourage student emotional development in carrying out learning activities effectively. (TC 5) √

4.5 Teachers as Evaluators

4.5.1 Teachers perform evaluations in a systematic and organized manner (Afl / feedback) (TC 6, 7, 8, 13) √

4.6 Students as Active Learners

4.6.1 Students are effectively engaged in the learning process (TC 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) √
Standard 5 – Student Outcomes (Quantitative only)
5.1 Student Academic Outcomes
5.1.1 Percentage of students achieving the annual target set in the Current Year (Special Needs) √
5.1.2 School Grade Point Average in Public Examination for Primary School (UPSR) √
5.1.3 School Grade Point Average in Public Examination for Secondary School (SPM) √

5.2 Student Co Curriculum Outcomes

5.2.1 School Grade Point Average in Clubs/Societies √
5.2.2 School Grade Point Average in Uniformed Bodies √
5.2.3 School Grade Point Average in Sports / Games √
5.2.4 Total School Grade Point Average in Co-curriculum √
5.3 Student Personal Development Outcomes
5.3.1 The average percentage of student attendance in the Current Year. √
5.3.2 The percentage of students who engage in Misconduct (Light Disciplinary Cases) in Current Year. √
5.3.3 The percentage of students who engage in Misconduct (Moderate Disciplinary Cases) in Current Year. √
5.3.4 The percentage of students who engage in Misconduct (Major Disciplinary Cases) in Current Year. √

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