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No. 16 STRANGER IN PARADISE 63 Warning: CALIPH: T know. Most things I love dowt exist eltner. About. about your daughter’ father, You say bes a gardener? Cue: L happen to be & gardener too Moderato (Caliph touches Marsinats hond.) (Dialogue continues.) catestely i Piano’ (Waning: Marsinah ‘and Caliph isa) MARSINAH: 7On, why do theleaves of the mulberry tree whis-per_dit FL Ps why fs the night mul-ber - ry bough? ry ‘some most mys-te-"i-ous rea- son This ee reas ee Va, Ca! a So or Par-a-dise now that was On-ly a gar-den a __mo-ment a - go! z z 2 z ig [ 4 Fem vs P 126-168 Broadly (But with movement) cauieH: —_——— Tyke my _ band, Tm @ stran-ger in Par-a-dise, | NY ‘A stranger in Thats a dan-ger in Par-a-dise For mortalswho F101 = = Pid_mosso face Cio Paant68 rT of com - mon = plaice In-to_the Ganges fips, Tee. r ———— Some-where in ang sus - pend - ed Vigs Cl s Pp Poco rall. A tempo Won't you an-swer the fer = vent a stranger in gt els Celio ~ c o Dont send me in dark de - From all that I hhun-ger for, =| TJ HL ATi Fiepirn Piseise Fr But o-pen your an-gel’s arms To the stran-ger in vis, —_—— alt And tell him that he need be A stranger no more. ww ral, Cas - you say youre a gardener, What kind of flowers should I plant along the fence? You say—you say youre ag ¥ e eon SR a pp Ses CALIPH: I must go in a moment Will you meet me here aguin this evening? MARSINAM: I thought hyacinths Fi Solo, 7 alii ————— CALIPH: At moon MARSINAH: Yes, yes, CALIPH: You_woalt but perhaps oleanders,— vise? Here In the "of course. ‘forget? You woot garden? fail me? Pize-t63 67 MARSINAH: ‘Tempo as in first refrain ‘saw your And I as -cend - e¢ ——— Out of the Somewhere in _—_________I_ hang sus - pend - ed CALIPH: Somewhere in Thang sus - pend - ed Vigycls ‘There's a chancethatyou cares Till the mo-meat T mp = —— Five-t68 4 sran-ger = But 0 = pen your Z ——————— From all that 1" hun-gerfor, == But_o- pen your - (2 tg an-gels arms —— Tu the stran-ger in Par-a -dise an-gels arms To the stran-ger in Par-a-dise. toe Bay) temo a tempo Stfan=ger_no fon Eng ‘A stran-ger no more! oy thn th qf ‘atempo ve. = [—E Segue on Applause Presse,

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