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English L–4 People and Places Std – 4

 Vocabulary
1. A type of a deer with large horns that lives in the northern parts of Europe, Asia and South
America – reindeer
2. People who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time
– nomads
3. Very unusual or easily noticed – striking
4. A decorative covering for the head – headdress
 Answer the following question.
1. Describe the traditional Sami clothes.
 The Sami people make bright and colorful trousers, skirts and jackets using reindeer wool.
Usually these are blue but they also color them red, green and yellow. Their clothes have
striking borders. They make their headdress and boots from reindeer fur.
2. The Sami are dependent on reindeer for their clothes. What else do the Sami depend on the
reindeer for?
 The Sami depend on the reindeer for food, clothes and tools. They make tents and boots from
reindeer skin. They also carve needles, spoons and knife from their antlers.
3. What has Sami changed in their lives?
 The Sami were nomads once, but now they live in towns and villages.
4. What do you know about Sapmi?
 Sapmi is the land where the Sami live. It is beautiful in winters. There is snow for seven months
of the year from November to May. The northern lights can be seen from Sapmi, and in
summer, the sun can be seen at midnight.
 Answer the following question briefly.
1. How are reindeer herded?
 They keep the reindeer in one large area. Some herdsmen use snow scooters when they herd
the reindeer. These are much faster than sledges or skis.
2. What are the various uses of reindeer?
 The various uses of reindeer are:
A. Tents and boots are made from reindeer skin.
B. Coats and hats are made from reindeer’s wool.
C. Needles, spoons and knives are made from reindeer’s antlers.
 Fill in the blanks.
1. The Sami arrived in Europe ___________________ years ago.
2. The Sami live in _______________________ European countries.
3. They have _____________________ words to describe reindeer.
4. In Sapmi, there is snow _________________ months of the year.
5. Nowadays, they usually work in ______________, __________________ and ______________.
 Write true or false.
1. The Sami still keep reindeer but very few people follow their herds.
2. The Sami people make trousers, skirts and jackets from wool cloth.
3. It snows from May to November.
English L–6 The Little Doll Std – 4

 Vocabulary`
1. The poet is calling the readers – dears
2. Grassland – heath
3. People – folks
4. Crushed – trodden off
5. To remember the happy times – old sake’s sake
 Answer the following question.
1. What does terribly changed mean?
 Terribly changed means that completely changed, for her paint has been washed away and
does not look pretty anymore.
2. What did she look like before?
 Her cheeks were red and white and her hair was charmingly curled.
3. Why does the poet say for old sake’s sake?
 The poet says this because even though the doll is not pretty any more, it is still his favourite
for all the good times he had spent with it.
4. What do you think the poet is feeling?
 The poet loves the doll and remembers all the good times he spent with it.
 Answer the following question briefly.
1. Who are the dears the poet talks about?
 The readers are the dears the poet talks about.
2. What was the condition of the doll when it was found?
 When the doll was found, her paint was all washed away, her arm was trodden off by cows
and her hair was not the least bit curled.
3. Did the child love the doll? How do you know?
 Yes, the child loved the doll. We know this because even after the doll didn’t look pretty
anymore, the poet still calls her the prettiest doll in the world.
4. Why is the doll still the prettiest in the world to the poet?
 The doll is still the prettiest in the world to the poet because of all the happy memories the
poet had shared with it.
5. According to you, is the child a girl or a boy? Can only girls play with dolls?
 According to me, the child may be a girl or a boy. Everyone can play with the dolls.

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