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Report Writing
This report has been prepared to meet one of the requirement of English Subject



Jl. Rancabolang No.10 Bandung
Telp.7318287-7313923.Bandung Email:
Praise us for praying for the presence of God Almighty for His grace and grace so that the
author can complete the Industrial Work Practices Report (PRAKERIN) well. This activity is a
very important activity because by carrying out this activity vocational students can get to
know and know the world of work and the real business world, after graduating students will
have enough experience in the world of work.

The purpose of preparing the Report is as one of the requirements for joining UJIKOM
and UN in the Computer and Network Engineering Skills program of MEDIKA.COM
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, BANDUNG. It is also useful as proof of student responsibility for
implementing street vendors in the industry.

With the preparation of the final report, the authors would like to thank all those who
have helped both morally and materially in carrying out activities and in the preparation of
this report. As the authors, thank you profusely to:

This thank you is also the author to say:

1. Mr Dovmen Lubis, S.E, M.M., as the Principal of SMK MedikaCom Bandung.

2. Mrs. Iis Ismawati, S.Kom., M.Kom, as PKS for Curriculum.

3. Mr. Ariantonius Sagala, S.Kom. as PKS in Academic Development.

4. Mr. Agus Nurdin, S.Sn, as WKS in Industrial Relations.

5. Mr Hendra Hermawan, S.Tr Kom as Homeroom Class.

6. Mrs. Rikyah Mawaddatul Mukarramah, S.Pd as a Supervising Teacher.

7. Mr. Aniba as HCD Manager Rabbani Factory.

8. Mr. Zaki as Head of IT Section Rabbani Factory.

9. Staff employees at Rabbani Factory.

10. Parents and friends who always support the writer both morally and materially.
The author realizes that this report is far from perfect with all its shortcomings.
For this reason, the authors expect criticism and suggestions from all parties for the
sake of perfection of this practical work report. Finally, the writer hopes that this report
can be useful for readers as well as increase knowledge about Field Work Practices.

Bandung, October

Table of Content
Chapter 1


A. Bakcground

It is important to realize that until now SMK graduates have not been able to be absorbed
directly by the business world or industry. In plain view, it is proven that almost every business
/ industry world when recruiting workforce graduates of vocational schools still apply
education and training for those who have passed the recruitment selection for an average
of 3 (three) months.

Based on the research in CV. Suho Garmindo that often experience Trouble shooting on
Rabbani employee pc, for example the pc performance is not smooth, which interferes with
employee work inhibition

After what has been checked by the author, the problem that happened to Suho's
employee pc was due to a dusty pc, not optimal RAM, a full hard drive, or a virus.

Based on this, the authors provide solutions and choose the title "BECOME IT SUPPORT
TECHNIQUES". The reason for the writer to raise the title is because the author can explore
deeper knowledge about hardware, especially Trouble shooting on PC. this becomes the
incentive for the writer to choose the title

B. Purpose

In our opinion, the Internship has several benefits, namely:

1. Can feel firsthand the atmosphere of the industrial world

2. Gain new knowledge and experience

3. Become more disciplined and independent

4. Make more responsible

Practice to be patient
Chapter 2


A. Place and Facilities

CV SUHO GARMINDO. Jl. A.H. Nasution, Pasanggrahan, Kec. Ujung Berung, Kota

In This Place, The Facilities are:

1. Working with the senior

2. Office
3. A wifi
4. a pleasant place to work professionally

B. The Schedule

At CV. Suho Garmindo, Prakerin students are given a different schedule than the

• For Prakerin Students, 9:00-14:00 (Monday-Thursday)

• For Employees, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Monday-Saturday)

C. Activities

1. Install windows 10

2. Cleaning pc

3. Build pc

4. Make utp cable

5. Install wifi

6. Repair pc\
D. Problem and Solution

no problem and solution solution

1 dusty pc clean using a blower, replace ram

2 pc hangs reinstall os, d frag the harddsik

3 utp cable is damaged make new utp cable

4 in a division need a pc build a new pc

Chapter 3

Conclusion and Suggestion

A. Conclusion

The conclusion is that what often happens in Rabbani companies is damage to the
pc,And the pc hangs, therefore we will give some advice for maintaining the pc

B. Suggestion

1. Do not download applications haphazardly that cause the pc to hang

2. Always clean your pc so it does not experience a hang
3. Upgrade the pc components so it does not hang

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