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SPE 106765

Field Study Results Improve Squeeze-Cementing Success

Michael Cowan, Shell Intl. E&P

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

most squeeze-cementing operations is directly related to the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Production and Operations skill and experience of those designing and executing the
Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 31 March–3 April 2007.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
This paper reports the findings from a series of field
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to studies conducted to improve squeeze-cementing success.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at The first study was initiated in an aging west Texas field
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
where many squeeze-cementing operations were performed
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is and the squeeze-cementing success rate was low. The wells in
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous this field averaged 5000 feet in depth and were between
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
30 and 50 years old. All of the wells in the field were
completed in carbonate producing formations. Most wells had
Abstract been acid stimulated many times over their lifetime. Some
Correlations and practices that improve squeeze-cementing wells had been water flooded, CO2 flooded or both, and there
success in a wide range of applications were developed from a was some type of casing damage in many wells. Despite this
series of field studies conducted between 1992 and 2000. The challenging starting point, a very good set of squeeze-
first study began with analysis of a database of 137 squeeze cementing operations data was collected for analysis.
operations. Statistical analysis of data for successful first- Data analysis from this first field study produced several
attempt squeeze operations from this database identified practical correlations that significantly improved the success
practices and correlations that significantly improved the rate for squeeze cementing in the west Texas field. Results
success rate for squeeze-cementing operations. The from the west Texas study generated interest to do field
correlations developed from this initial data were applied in studies in other operating areas and to evaluate the broad
other operating areas and refined over time. applicability of the correlations developed from the initial data
Prejob injection test data can be used to select basic set.
cement type, recommended cement volume, and cement fluid The entire series of studies ran over a period of eight years
loss based upon correlations developed from these studies. beginning in 1992 and ending in 2000. The correlations and
Guidelines for placement procedures and pumping techniques recommended practices developed from the initial west Texas
were developed from successful field operations. data set were applied in many areas of the continental United
While these practices have significantly improved success States, in offshore operating areas of the Gulf of Mexico, and
in a wide range of applications and geographical areas, in the Sultanate of Oman. These practices and correlations
squeeze cementing continues to defy standardization. The improved the success rate for squeeze cementing in each of
success of most squeeze-cementing operations is directly the areas where they were applied. Additional findings and
related to the skill and experience of those designing and refinements were made as more experience was gained. A
executing the operation. general strategy or framework for the design and execution of
These practices are presented as a reference point for squeeze-cementing operations was developed from these
engineering and operations staff for design and execution of studies for use by engineering and operations staff.
squeeze-cementing operations. For those skilled in squeeze
cementing, this information may be confirmed by others’ Initial Field Study
experience and knowledge to improve success and increase Records from workover operations were collected between
understanding of squeeze cementing. 1992 and 1994 for wells in a west Texas field as part of a
study to determine the low success rate for squeeze-cementing
Introduction operations. Data from service company treating reports and
Squeeze cementing is one of the most challenging areas of workover operations morning reports were collected and put
cementing. It is a multidisciplinary technology requiring into an electronic database. Additional data fields were added
knowledge and skills in grouting, geomechanics, fluid to service company treating reports and rig morning reports to
mechanics, material science and, of course, cementing. After gather all information essential for detailed analysis. An
decades of field and laboratory studies, squeeze cementing engineer or other knowledgeable person in workover and
defies standardization as a general practice. The success of remedial cementing operations extracted the information and
entered it into the database.
2 SPE 106765

Data for 137 squeeze operations were compiled and used

for analysis. The database contained fifty-one fields covering Injection pressure
various aspects of workover and squeeze-cementing Injectivity Factor = (Eq 1)
operations. Well type (producer or injector), age of the well, Injection rate
mechanical configuration, formation type, type of leak being
squeezed, squeeze interval length, squeeze technique, where Injectivity Factor = psi-minute/barrel
presqueeze injection pressure and injection rate, cement type Injection pressure = surface pressure gauge reading
and volume, final squeeze pressure, waiting-on-cement time, at injection rate, psi
and post-squeeze test pressure were compiled for each record. Injection rate = fluid injection rate and at
Table 1 lists the general characteristics of the data set along injection pressure, bbl/min
with trends determined from a general analysis of the data.
A total of forty-seven squeeze operations were successful
on the first attempt. This is a 34 percent success rate for first- Determination of injectivity factor is preferentially
attempt squeezing operations. For the ninety squeeze determined by step-rate injection tests with clean, solids-free
operations unsuccessful on the first attempt, the overall fluids. Multiple injectivity factors can be calculated from
success rate for these wells did not exceed 60 percent even multirate tests. The average from all rate and pressure may be
though as many as five squeeze cementing operations were taken if a clear pressure break does not occur during any
attempted in some wells. single rate test. However, if a clear pressure break is observed
Analysis of the data focused on identifying the key during one rate test, this single data point is used in the
parameters that contributed to success on the first squeeze squeeze design process. Reactive fluids, such as acid, may be
operation. This approach was taken for two reasons. First, used to increase injectivity into an interval. An injection test
costs are reduced by success with one attempt. Second, the with a solids-free fluid after the reactive fluid stage is
data showed the probability of achieving complete success did recommended.
not significantly improve with multiple operations. The Injectivity factor was identified as a critical variable for
objective was to develop a squeeze design process that would determining whether normal grinds of API cement could be
improve the probability of success on the first attempt. used or if microfine cements were required to penetrate the
Two types of statistical analysis were performed on the interval. Normal grinds of API cements such as Class A,
data. First, a general descriptive analysis of the data providing Class C, Class G, or Class H could be used to penetrate the
averages, minimums and maximums, and standard deviations interval if the injectivity factor was less than or equal to 2000.
for each variable in the database was performed. The second Microfine cements were more successful when the injectivity
analysis was determination of correlation coefficients for each factor was greater than about 2000.
variable to squeeze-cementing success. This second analysis The injectivity factor value of 2000 as dividing point
revealed key parameters for improving overall squeeze- between the two cement types was determined from the small
cementing success. amount of data in this study. Some normal-grind API cements
had been used successfully for squeeze-cementing operations
Correlations Developed from the Data with injectivity factor as high as 3300 in this data set. The
Presqueeze injection pressure and injection rate, cement type, small amount of microfine particles in API cements may be
cement volume injected into the formation, and squeeze sufficient for success under some squeeze conditions.
pressure were identified as key variables affecting squeeze Application of these correlations over the past ten years has
success. Results from the initial analysis suggested there were confirmed (1) that microfine cements are generally not
significant differences between squeeze operations using required for injectivity factors below 2000, and (2) that
microfine cements and those using normal-grind API cements normal-grind API cements are not as reliable for first-attempt
such as Class A, Class C, or Class H. Therefore, the following squeeze success for injectivity factors above about 2500.
two subsets of the first-attempt success database were created: The recommended volume of cement to inject into the
(1) squeeze-cementing operations using normal or regular interval for a successful squeeze was determined from the
grinds of cement such as API Class A, Class C, or Class H, average injectivity factor, the average interval length, and the
and (2) squeeze operations using microfine cement. Each of average cement volume injected into intervals in successful
these subsets was re-analyzed using the statistical techniques first-squeeze operations.
previously described. Results of analysis from these subsets Successful first-squeeze cementing operations with
provided additional useful correlations. injectivity factors less than or equal to 2000 in this data set
where normal-grind cements were recommended had an
Injectivity Factor. average interval length of 22 feet, an average injectivity factor
Prior to the squeeze operation, common practice is to of 1120, and an average of 20 barrels of cement injected. For
inject fluid into the interval to be squeezed to make sure normal-grind cements where the injectivity factor is less than
cement can be injected into it. The relationship between or equal to 2000, the minimum recommended cement volume
injection pressure and injection rate is a critical piece of (MRCV) for a squeeze operation may be estimated by the
information for design of a successful squeeze operation. The following relationship:
term injectivity factor was arbitrarily assigned to the quotient
of the injection pressure divided by the injection rate (at the
injection pressure):
SPE 106765 3

(20 ∗1120) × Interval Length
(Eq 2)
squeezing. Contamination of the cement may occur. Higher
22 Injectivity Factor volumes of cement may be required to ensure the required
volume of uncontaminated cement is injected. These limits
should be considered when determining the total cement
This can be simplified to the following: volume used for the squeeze operation.

Interval Length Total Cement Volume.

MRCV = 1018 × (Eq 3) Total cement volume for the squeeze operation is the sum
Injectivity Factor
of the cement volume injected into the interval, the volume of
cement that will be left in the tubulars above, below and
where MRCV = minimum recommended cement across the squeeze interval, and any cement that will be placed
volume for the squeeze, bbl on top of tools such as retainers (if used). An excess factor
Interval Length = interval length of squeeze may be used to ensure the total amount of uncontaminated
interval in candidate well, feet cement slurry is available for injection into the squeeze
Injectivity Factor = injectivity factor for candidate interval.
well as calculated from Eq 1, Operational limitations must also be considered in
psi-min/bbl selection of total cement volume. Tubular sizes and depth
influence the minimum volume of cement that can be spotted
Practical limits may be required for the minimum cement accurately. This should be considered when spotting cement
prior to the start of the squeeze process. Contamination of the
volume injected into the formation under some conditions. In
cases where injectivity factor is less than 300 and interval cement should also be considered. Excess cement volume
should be used to compensate for the expected volume of
lengths are long, very large cement volumes may be
contaminated cement. Contamination volume should be
recommended. For this condition, an equally high success rate
was obtained by preceeding the cement with a reactive sodium considered when the cement is not spotted across the interval
prior to the start of the squeeze process. Field experience has
silicate flush and limiting the cement volume injected into the
shown that the contaminated cement volume can be as much
interval to 100 bbl.
Successful first-squeeze cementing operations with as three to five times the volume in the tubulars between the
end of the workstring (tubing or drill pipe) and the injection
injectivity factors greater than 2000 in this data set where
microfine cements were recommended had an average interval point.
length of 24 feet, an average injectivity factor of 4900, and an
average of 6 barrels of cement injected. For microfine Squeeze Pressure.
cements where the injectivity factor is greater than 2000, the Squeeze pressure is the increase achieved during injection
minimum recommended cement volume for a squeeze of the cement into the interval. In typical field practice, the
squeeze pressure is the maximum pressure increase observed
operation may be estimated by the following relationship:
on the pressure gauge on the pumping unit on the surface.
This surface pressure reading may not be an accurate
(6 ∗ 4900) × Interval Length
(Eq 4) indication of the pressure increase at the point where cement is
24 Injectivity Factor being injected. Often, high squeeze pressures, pressures
greater than about 1000 psi, have been taken as an indication
of a successful squeeze.
This can be simplified to the following: Squeeze pressures in this data set were a measurement of
pressure increase at the injection point (or mid-point of the
Interval Length interval). This corrects for hydrostatic pressure changes from
MRCV = 1225 × (Eq 5)
Injectivity Factor changing cement column length as the cement is injected.
Squeeze pressure at the injection point can be measured with
reasonable accuracy by reducing the pump rate for a short
where MRCV = minimum recommended cement period. Friction pressures are low and may be negligible at
volume for the squeeze, bbl very low pump rates (less than about 0.25 bbl/minute in
Interval Length = interval length of squeeze normal-size tubings). Reducing or eliminating the friction
interval in candidate well, feet pressure and correcting for the hydrostatic pressure changes
Injectivity Factor = injectivity factor for candidate during cement displacement can provide a reasonable estimate
well as calculated from Eq 1, of the pressure increase at the injection point during the job.
psi-min/bbl The injection pressure at the injection point can provide a
better indication of the progress of the squeeze.
Practical limits may be required for the minimum cement Data from this study showed that a pressure increase of at
volume injected into the formation. Under some conditions, least 350 psi over the initial injection pressure at the injection
very small volumes of microfine cement may be point was sufficient to provide a successful squeeze.
recommended. These volumes may be so small that they Application of this finding in other areas over the past ten
cannot be accurately spotted across the interval prior to years has confirmed the minimum pressure increase at the
injection point is between 300 and 400 psi for a high
4 SPE 106765

probability of success on the first squeeze. Current practice is Results from all the field studies showed that combining
to achieve a minimum pressure increase of 500 to 700 psi at these techniques generally improved the first-squeeze success
the injection point (or mid-point of the interval), if possible. rate. When combining these two pumping techniques,
approximately 25 to 50 percent of the total injected cement
Placement Technique. volume is pumped using a continuous pumping method. One
Placement technique had a significant impact on first- third of the total injected cement volume is an average value.
attempt success rate for long intervals. The first-attempt If the pressure at the injection point has not increased by at
success rate was 71 percent for intervals over 30 feet in length least 100 psi after approximately one third of the cement has
when cement was spotted before the start of a squeeze been injected, pumping is stopped and the remainder of the
operation. This success rate was based upon squeeze squeeze operation is completed using a hesitation technique.
operations in 5.5- and 7-inch diameter casings. However, the Combining these two techniques has been particularly
success rate has proven to be about the same for casing sizes successful for squeezing long intervals where cement cannot
up to 14¾-inch for the same interval lengths from application be spotted across the entire interval before starting injection of
in other areas. Wherever possible, spotting cement prior to the cement.
squeezing is preferred, regardless of interval length. Hesitation (static, non-pumping) time varies. The purpose
of hesitations is to allow the cement to develop gel strength
Fluid Loss. and build filtercake through loss of water from the slurry.
The proper fluid-loss control for squeeze cementing has Typically, the first hesitation is a minimum of 10 minutes.
been a topic of discussion for many years. A laboratory study Fifteen minutes is recommended for the first hesitation. Gel
was conducted as a part of this study to help correlate API strength development data and data from tests illustrated in
fluid-loss values to squeeze operations. Figure 2 are used to estimate and justify hesitation times.
The first part of the study was to calibrate the API 325- Prejob cement slurry testing should include 10-second, 10-
mesh screen filter media to an equivalent formation minute, 15-minute, 20-minute, and 30-minute gel strengths.
permeability. This was done by measuring filtration rate data Except for thixotropic slurries, a significant increase in gel
from the 325-mesh screen and comparing it to filtration rate strength often requires at least 15 to 20 minutes of static (non-
data from core disks of different permeabilities. Figure 1 pumping) time.
shows that filtration rates for the API 325-mesh screen After each hesitation, pumping of the next stage of cement
compare closely to the permeability of a 2000 mD formation. is performed at the lowest possible pump rate. This is done to
The second part of the study was to illustrate the time prevent breaking down the gel strength of the slurry or
required for the cement slurry to lose water for different filtercake formed during the hesitation period.
combinations of formation permeability, differential pressure
and API fluid loss. Figure 2 is an example of one combination Waiting-on-Cement Times.
of differential pressure and API fluid loss for several Waiting-on-cement times are often highly influenced by
formation permeabilities. These data show that very low rig costs and operational schedules. Many variables affect
fluid-loss cements may require hours of squeeze operations to cement setting and compressive strength development.
lose sufficient water to build sufficient volume of filtercake. Waiting-on-cement times prior to testing the squeeze are
These results supported using higher fluid loss in low- difficult to generalize. If a sufficient number of squeeze
permeability formations in order to build squeeze pressure operations are routinely conducted in a field or area, waiting-
more quickly. on-cement time recommendations may be developed from
The data in Figure 2 were used to develop fluid-loss field success data.
control guidelines based upon formation permeability. These Where sufficient field data do not exist, laboratory tests
recommendations are provided in Table 2. This is particularly may be used to develop the recommended waiting-on-cement
useful for squeezing perforated intervals where the time. Setting time, compressive strength development rate,
permeability of formations may be known. Sufficient and ultimate compressive strength and material properties are
experience was gained from field studies to develop fluid-loss often significantly different for the cement slurry and the
recommendations based upon injectivity factors shown in filtercake formed during squeezing. It is difficult to accurately
Table 3. These data are useful for squeezing channels or test filtercake set time and compressive strength. Simple tests
fractures where an effective permeability for the leak path is illustrated in Figure 3 can provide sufficient information that
better for determining cement fluid-loss values. All of these has been used to develop recommended waiting-on-cement
values are presented as practical guides but have been good time.
starting points when no other reference information is Figure 3 compares the compressive strength development
available. for a 12.5 lb/gal slurry and the filtercake created. In this
example, the filtercake was created from a fluid-loss test
Pumping Technique. where all of the unbound water was filtered from the slurry.
Hesitation and continuous pumping (‘running’ or This filtercake was removed from the fluid-loss cell and
‘walking’ squeeze) are the two basic pumping techniques used placed in a device that measures set time and compressive
for most squeeze operations. Squeeze operations are often strength development using an ultrasonic velocity technique
designed to use either one technique or the other. Cement (ultrasonic cement analyzer).
properties, particularly fluid loss, are tailored for the pumping Preparing sufficient volume of filtercake to perform
technique. compressive strength tests can be very difficult when the
SPE 106765 5

cement fluid loss is very low (less than 50 mL/30 minutes). into the formation plus the volume remaining in tubulars
For low-fluid-loss cements, the filtercake may be simulated by and the wellbore at the end of the pumping operation.
mixing the cement with less mix water than is required to 6. Monitor pressure increase at the injection point (or mid-
produce the slurry. Reducing the mix water by 30 to point of the injection interval) as the squeeze pressure for
60 percent can produce a paste to simulate the filtercake. the operation.
Temperature is the single most important variable affecting 7. High squeeze pressures are not required for success. A
cement hydration. Setting time and compressive strength pressure increase of 350 to 700 psi measured at the
development tests should be performed with accurate injection point can be sufficient for success. These
temperature information. It is particularly important to pressures indicate development of plugging and filtercake
understand the temperature versus time profile in the interval development before the cement has set and developed
after the squeeze. Computer programs have been successfully compressive strength.
used to estimate temperatures before, during, and after 8. Spot cement across the squeeze interval prior to the start
squeeze-cementing operations. However, accurate data and of cement injection whenever possible. Spotting cement
careful modeling of the operations are necessary for accurate significantly improved success for interval lengths greater
results from temperature simulators. Wherever possible, than about 30 feet.
actual measurement of downhole temperature is 9. Tailor fluid loss of the cement to formation permeability
recommended. or injectivity factor data.
10. Combine the hesitation technique with continuous
Key Issues for Success pumping technique when squeeze pressure is not
Every squeeze-cementing operation has one or more critical increasing. Consider injecting part of the cement (25 to
variables that have significant or controlling impact on 50 percent of the volume to be injected) with a low-rate
success. Some of these variables include the following: (<2 bbl/minute) continuous pumping technique before
• Contamination of the cement slurry during placement and starting hesitations.
injection; 11. Determine the waiting-on-cement time before clean-out
• All perforations or leak paths open to accept cement and testing from successful field data, if available. Use
slurry during injection; laboratory tests to determine waiting-on-cement times if
• Open sizes large enough to accept the cement slurry or field data or experience is not available.
other sealant. While these practices have significantly improved success
These critical variables must be identified and addressed in in a wide range of applications and geographical areas,
well preparation and squeeze design and execution to ensure a squeeze cementing continues to defy standardization. The
high probability of success. Failure to address the critical success of most squeeze-cementing operations is directly
variables significantly reduced the probability of success even related to the skill and experience of those designing and
though great attention was given to other aspects of the job. executing the operation.
These practices are presented as a reference point for
Summary engineering and operations staff for design and execution of
Correlations and practices have been developed from field squeeze-cementing operations. For those skilled in squeeze
studies to improve the probability of success on the first cementing, this information may be confirmed by others’
squeeze operation. These correlations and practices improved experience and knowledge to improve success and increase
squeeze-cementing success in every field in which they were understanding of squeeze cementing.
applied. These include the following:
1. Identify critical variables affecting success for the
squeeze operation and address these variables in the
design of the job. Failure to identify and address the
critical variables significantly reduces the probability of
2. Perform a prejob injection test, preferably with solids-free
fluids to determine an injectivity factor for the squeeze
3. Select the basic type of cement to use for the squeeze
based upon the injectivity factor. Either normal API
cement or microfine cements will be recommended based
upon the injectivity factor.
4. Determine the minimum recommended volume of cement
for injection into the squeeze interval. This may be
calculated from equations developed from successful
first-attempt squeeze operations and used as a guide.
5. Determine the total cement volume for the job. Total
cement volume includes the volume of cement injected
6 Field Study Results Improve Squeeze-Cementing Success SPE 106765

Table 1: Overview of Data for Squeeze Operations from West Texas Database − All Data
Data Item Average Value
Well Depth, feet 5135
Squeeze Interval Depth (mid-point), feet 1618
Squeeze Interval Length, feet 82
Injectivity Factor, psi-minute/barrel 1587
Squeeze Pressure (at mid-point of squeeze interval), psi 590
Cement Density, lb/gal 14.2
Volume of Cement Injected into Squeeze Interval, barrels 15
Squeeze Test Pressure (after waiting-on-cement time), psi 680

Total Number of Squeeze Operations in Database 137

Number of Squeeze Operations Successful on First Squeeze 47
Number of Squeeze Operations Successful on First Squeeze Using Normal-Grind (API) Cements 35
Number of Squeeze Operations Successful on First Squeeze Using Microfine Cements 12
Number of Intervals with Length Less Than or Equal to 30 feet 34
Number of Intervals Greater Than 30 feet Length 37

Type of Fluid in Well During Squeeze Water/Brine

Average Water/Brine Density, lb/gallon 9
Formation Type Carbonate/Shale

Table 2: Recommended Cement Fluid Loss Values

Based Upon Formation Permeability and Pumping Technique
Formation Permeability (1) Recommended API Cement Fluid Loss
Pumping Technique
(millidarcy, mD) (mL/30 minutes)
Hesitation 100 to 150
Continuous 175 to 250
> 500
Combined 150 to 200
Hesitation 125 to 175
Continuous 200 to 250
250 to 500
Combined 175 to 225
Hesitation 150 to 200
Continuous 225 to 275
100 to 250
Combined 200 to 250
Hesitation 175 to 225
Continuous 250 to 400
< 100
Combined 250 to 350
(1) Pumping technique definitions:
Hesitation: Periods of pumping divided by periods of non-pumping.
Continuous: Continuous, non-stop injection of cement into the interval.
Combined: Approximately 1/3 of the total cement injected is pumped into the formation by the continuous
injection technique. After approximately 1/3 of the cement has been injected, pumping is
stopped and the remainder of the cement is injected using the hesitation technique.

Table 3: Recommended Cement Fluid Loss Values

Based Upon Injectivity Factor and Pumping Technique
Injectivity Factor (1) Recommended API Cement Fluid Loss
Pumping Technique
(psi-minute/barrel) (mL/30 minutes)
Hesitation 25 to 75
Continuous 50 to 100
> 2000
Combined 75 to 100
Hesitation 125 to 150
Continuous 150 to 200
1500 to 2000
Combined 150 to 175
Hesitation 150 to 200
Continuous 175 to 250
1000 to 1500
Combined 175 to 225
Hesitation 175 to 225
Continuous 200 to 300
500 to 1000
Combined 225 to 250
Hesitation 225 to 300
Continuous 300 to 400
< 500
Combined 275 to 350
(1) Pumping technique definitions:
Hesitation: Periods of pumping divided by periods of non-pumping.
Continuous: Continuous, non-stop injection of cement into the interval.
Combined: Approximately 1/3 of the total cement injected is pumped into the formation by the continuous
injection technique. After approximately 1/3 of the cement has been injected, pumping is
stopped and the remainder of the cement is injected using the hesitation technique.
SPE 106765 7

Figure 1: Comparison of filtration rates for API 325-mesh fluid-loss screen and 2000 mD core disk. Cement density:
16.2 lb/gal. API fluid loss of cement slurry: 65 mL/30 minutes. Test Temperature: 150°F, 1000 psi differential pressure during

Figure 2: Effect of formation permeability on time required to build filtercake. Cement Density: 16.2 lb/gal. API fluid loss of
cement slurry: 134 mL/30 minutes. Test temperature: 150°F, 1000 psi differential pressure during test.
8 SPE 106765

Figure 3: Effect of fluid lost from slurry during squeeze-cementing operations on compressive strength. Cement density:
16.2 lb/gal. Test temperature: 150°F, 3000 psi confining pressure during test.

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