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Sl. No.

Question Option a Option b Option c Option d

Which of the following storage device is a temporary storage device? ROM Hard disc drive Drive D RAM
A device that is used for computing and processing information and data is
Hard Disk Computer Hardware Software
2 known as :
3 The operating system (OS) is installed in – C drive D drive Any drive O drive
4 Which one of the following is not a web browser? Open Office Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari
The web pages that support financial transactions are secured using HTTPS. Hyper Text Hard Text Hyper Text Hyper Text
5 HTTPS refers to – Transfer Transfer Protocol Trainer Protocol Transfer
6 Which view of Impress software is used to print 4 slides per page? Handout Outline Notes Slide Sorter
7 What is the standard for colour of cell boundary in ICICI Bank? White Grey Black Any colour
The option used to move from 7th slide to 12th slide in Impress presentation is
Navigation Hyperlink Transition Interaction
While resizing a picture in order to maintain proportion, always click on the
Control key Shift key Alt key TAB key
9 image and use:
Right click on
Discard the file as Go to edit and Go to Insert
the file and
An Impress file saved looks like a junk file. The solution for correcting it is to – it cannot be change the file and add file
retrieved. extension extension
10 rename option
11 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and Demote button Bullets on/off Move up
Drag and place Left alignment in Use delete
Which one of the following option is the correct option to place a paragraph in Text Anchor
the paragraph at formatting tool keys and move
the top left corner of the text box? option
12 the centre bar the text at the
13 In a table inserted in impress, the heading cells should be of: 20% grey 10% grey 30% grey 40% grey
14 Which of the following option is used to create a flow chart in Impress? Standard Tool Formatting Tool Status Bar Drawing Tool
Mr Ravi wants to create an Open Office Impress document. He wants to insert
ICICI Bank template as default template. For this, he has to select ______option Export Insert Templates Wizards
15 under File Menu.
Open Open office ODF Open
File extension .odp represents:
16 Document presentation Drawing(ImpressDocument
17 How many bits are there in a byte? 8 4 1024 64
18 Data privacy is a relationship between collection and ………………. of data. Organising Dissemination Bundle Group
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal Information Privacy
Data Breach Safeguard Breach
19 information is known as: Breach Breach
20 In a paragraph slide, the number of lines should not be more than: 4 to 8 3 to 6 4 to 5 6 to 10
21 The short cut Key used for Paste Special is – Alt+Shift+V F5 Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+V
While creating a Flow Chart, the options/steps used to duplicate the required Edit>Duplicate>Format>Duplicate>Insert>Duplicate>Tools>Duplicat
22 shape is – No. of No. of duplicates No. of duplicates e>No. of
To create a graph in Impress, Calc file is used to create the graph. The steps to
Insert>Object Insert>Graph Insert>Chart Insert>Picture
23 create a graph after selecting the data in a calc file is-
The menu option in the Task Panel used to provide special effects and sound in
Interaction Transition Navigation Hyperlink
24 an Impress presentation is –
25 In a slide show, displaying the bullet points one by one is called as – Custom slide Transition Slide design Custom
26 To create a hyperlink in a slide the main menu used is – Insert>Object Insert>Chart Insert>Hyperlink Edit>hyperlink
Which of the following file extension is used to save an Open Office Impress
.otp .odt .ppt .ods
27 Template?
28 Which option would you use to present some selective number of side? Custom Custom Slide Hyperlink Interaction
The Title slide and Normal slide in ICICI Bank template is interchanged using
Slide Layout Insert Master Page Edit
29 the option –
As per ICICI Bank I T Security policy, a pass word should be at least ________
10 7 8 5
30 characters in length.
31 A user must change his/her password after the password is in use for: 45 Days 30 Days 60 Days 50 Days
32 Which is the appropriate drive to save a new file or folder? Document D:/ C:/ Download
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal Information Privacy
Data Breach Safeguard Breach
33 information is known as: Breach Breach
34 Data privacy is a relationship between collection and ………………. Of data Organising Dissemination Bundle Group
You need to record the duration of each slide in a presentation. Which of the Auto slide Rehearse Rehearse Slide
Rehearse timings
35 following options is used for the same? show animation show
Mr. Ravi wants to create an Open Office Impress document. He wants to insert
ICICI Bank template as default template. For this, he has to select ______optionExport Insert Wizards Templates
36 under File Menu
The setting to be changed to get ICICI template automatically when impress Set as Set as Set
Set as default
37 software is opened every time is: template background permanently
38 The following is not a view of impress: Hand out Notes Images Outline
Giving effects Give effects to the Give effects to Give effects to
39 What is the use custom animation feature in Impress? to the objects impress file the whole slide only text
Open Office Impress has ______ views that are used to fine tune your
Four Six Five Three
40 presentation before it is finally presented to the audience.
41 Which of the following option is used to create a flow chart in Impress? Standard Tool Drawing Tool Bar Formatting Tool Status Bar
Double click on Click on edit Right click on the Click on tools
42 In order to edit a graph in an impress file, the option to be used is: the graph option on the graph and select option on the
43 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and Bullets on/off Demote Move up
___________option allows you to create a separate set of slides that consists of Custom Slide Custom Slide Custom Slide Custom Slide
44 the selected slides to be shown to a particular group of audience Design format Transition Show
The bulleted Text in a slide is to be shown one by one. Which of the following Custom Slide Custom
Slide animation Transition
45 Tasks is used for the same? Show Animation
Aligning Adding animation
Changing the Formatting
paragraph in a to the paragraph
font colour font size
46 Text anchoring helps in: slide appearance
47 You can save an Impress presentation as : .txt file .xls file .odt file .ppt file
48 What is the file extension for any impress file? .odt .ods .ppt .odp
49 In which view option you can only see text data of all slides in impress file Normal Outline Notes Handout
50 Which is the wrong keyboard shortcut for slide navigation in slide show mode TAB Page up/down Arrow keys Space Bar
51 What is the option using which you can link two slides in one impress file? Animation Slide show Interaction Organise
52 Which is not the internal channels for resolution of issues in ICICI Bank? I –Care I Mobile Whistle Blower Gender
According to social medial guidelines – “Never publish official matters and ICICI bank issues
Mail to boss I - Care Social Media
53 grievances on _______” . fill the blank with correct word resolution portal
According to social medial guidelines – “Make you profile in your _________ and Personal Responsibility, Name, official Own detail, all
54 use it with _______” Fill in the blanks capacity, Personal Capacity designation colleagues
What is the minimum number of characters an ideal password should consist
5 6 7 8
55 of?
56 Identify the strongest password as per the IT security policy. ICICI This$pw Icici123 Thi$1spw
Which one form the following does not come under personal details in Data Name and
DOB Contact Details Food habits
57 Privacy? address
Retain sensitive
Leaving Sending
Keeping PC or
personal data in
confidential emails that
safe custody only
documents on contain
58 What will you do to ensure Data privacy protection? till such time it is
unattended personal data
Read Access Random Access Random Ready Access
59 The full form RAM is Memory Memory Available Memory
What is keyboard shortcut to begin slide show from current slide in open office
Shift F5 F5 Ctrl F5 F4
60 impress?
61 What is the font style used in our bank? Arial Black Calibri Zurich BT Zurich Italic
62 Which one of the following is not a social media? Face Book Google Plus WhatsApp Gmail
Never hide Never disclose Respect your
Which one of the following guidelines which you should not follow, while your true your name and audience and
63 expressing your views in social media? identity where you are Use a disclaimer co workers
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal Information
64 information is known as: Data Breach Safeguard Breach Privacy Breach Breach
65 As per Bank’s format a paragraph in a slide should not exceed more than: 5 lines per slide3 lines per slide 6 lines per slide 10 lines per
Adding Changing the font Aligning Formatting
66 Text anchoring helps in: animation to colour paragraph in a font size
The bulleted Text in a slide is to be shown one by one. Which of the following Custom Slide Custom
67 Tasks is used for the same? Show Animation Slide animation Transition
___________option allows you to create a separate set of slides that consists of Custom Slide Custom Slide Custom Slide None of the
68 the selected slides to be shown to a particular group of audience Design Show Flow above
69 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and Bullets on/off Demote Move up
Left – 1.6”, 1” 1” for left and 1.6” for right,
for right, top right; 1.6” for top 1” for left, right, left, top and
70 The standard margins for creating a document include : and bottom and bottom top and bottom bottom
71 In writer, the page setting to be selected is: A4 Landscape Portrait A5
72 Control+F3 key in writer is used for: Auto correct Auto text Auto help Auto check
73 To open the navigator in the open office document, you have to press : F4 F5 F3 F8
74 In Mail merge, the letter document is linked to Calc file by inserting – Hyperlink Fields Interaction Transition
Using a mouse or touch pad of a laptop how do you select an entire paragraph Four right
75 in one go? Two left clicks Three left clicks Four left clicks clicks
Core Banking Centralised Common Core Banking
76 CBS indicates Solution Banking Solution Banking Solution System
77 In I core, maker-checker concept provides : Single control Single posting Dual control Single
Finacle is Finacle is both Finacle is not
account Finacle is customer & customer &
78 Which of the following statement is TRUE centric customer centric account centric account
Customer Community Customer Customer
Relation Relationship Relationship Relationship
79 CRM stands for Management Management Manager Management
Multiple Sign Using different Not possible to
80 Finacle users would be able to access multiple Finacle solutions using ____ On User ID and login multiple Single Sign On
Transactions Only inquiries Transactions andOnly
and inquiries across multiple inquiries across transactions
81 Multi entity implies : across single entities multiple entities across
Exchange rate Parameter for Pool balance can Exchange rate
code for regularization of be calculated in code for
sweeping of funds can be set the single sweeping of
82 Multi currency implies all the following EXCEPT funds can be at Manual or auto currency funds can be
Multiple sign Login credentials Single Sign on/
83 Login credentials can be changed through _____ on/off cannot be off FINCORE
Enter; Posting; Enter;ModificationEnter;Posting; Enter;
84 Three stages of transaction are : Verification Posting Modification Verification:
85 Most of the options in Fincore are prefixed with 'H'. H indicates Hyper Test Hyper Text Hyper Text Hidden Text
Customer Customer Identity Customer Customer
86 CIF stands for Identification Form Identification Identification
87 Which one of the following is not a feature of Finacle 10x version? Multi lingual Multi currency Multi trading Multi entities
You have to fill customer details while creating CIF ID. Which is not the correct Demographic Customer's
88 form the list Generel Detail Detail Currency Detail other
Be easily Not be a birth Have
89 To ensure security, a password should: guessable date or telephone Be written consecutive
Sum of values in a column of cells can be calculated by clicking on the following
90 symbol: ± α equals (=) ∑
Alt + page up / Alt + control + Control + page Tab + control +
91 The short cut to move from one sheet to another in calc is: down arrow page up / down up / down arrow page up /
A group of spread A group of cells A group of
92 Range name is used to identify: A workbook sheets from different cells in a
93 In a spread sheet, the status bar contains the following function: Subtraction Multiplication Division Average
94 Ctrl+Shift+V is used for _____ Cut Paste special Copy Paste only
Select the data Select the data Select the data Select the data
In a calc database file you are at cell B1 and you have pressed available in available in available in Row available in
95 CTRL+SHIFT+Down Arrow- this would Row 1 Column 1 B Column B
96 In a calc database file you need to go to cell A1. the sortcut key is CTRL + End Home Shift + Home CTRL+Home
97 To pass any financial transaction in Fincale, which module would you go CRM FINCORE SSO Change
98 To approve a CIF ID created by you friend, you would go to Edit Entity Delete Entity New Entity Entitiy Queue
According to ICICI Bank Standerd, Any abbreviation used in the note should be At the bottom At the end of the At the first Need not be
99 defined: as reference note as glossary instance of defined
You can access entire text content of an Impress presentation by switching
100 ____ Normal view Notes view Slide sorter view Outline view
101 Which one of the following is not a Key Privacy principle of ICICI Bank? Purpose Disclosure Accuracy Agreement
102 Which of the following storage device is a chip based memory? Hard Disk DrivePen Drive Random Access Read Only
While resizing a picture in order to maintain proportion, which additional key is
103 used along with left Key and drag? Control key Alt key Tab key Shift key
104 Which is the file extension to save an Impress presentation template? .pdf file .txt file .xls file .otp file
Customer Address of the Date of birth of Customer
Which one of the following is not a privacy breach as per ICICI Bank’s policy?
105 name customer the customer name and
Which option is used to interchange Title slide and Normal slide while using Styles and
106 ICICI Bank Template? Slide Design Slide Layout Page Formatting
Which view is used to reorganize the slides on the presenter’s choice in an
107 Impress presentation? Slide Sorter Normal Outline Handout
108 The ICICI Bank standard for border colour for Table is – Black Black and white Any colour Grey 20 %
Fill the blank space Another slide Create a new Provide special
109 Interaction is to move to _________ in the same file document. effects and A Webpage
110 The font used in “Subject” after address block in a letter is: Calibri Zurich Blk BT Zurich Bold Zurich BT
Single left click Triple left clicks on Four left clicks onDouble left
111 To select a sentence in a text document, the short cut keys used are: on sentence sentence sentence clicks on
In a text document in writer, to create different levels in bullets and numbering
in a list is done under the menu option Bullets and Numbering by selecting the
112 option: Options Outline Position Graphics
After typing short cut under Auto Text in a Text document, the short cut key to
113 be used to populate the text content is: F2 F7 F3 F5
114 In Mail merge, the menu option selected in the Menu Bar to go to fields is: Tools Edit Insert Format
115 As per ICICI Bank standard, the separator format used for all numbers is: Hundred Million Thousand Billion
The line spacing selected under paragraph formatting in writer for all
116 documents as per ICICI Bank standard is: Double Proportional Single 1.5 lines
117 The correct way of typing ‘Pin Code’ after the name of a city is: Mumbai 400 Mumbai – 400001Mumbai 40 00 01Mumbai – 400
Which one of the internal channels is not used for resolutions of problems in Whistle blower Gender Privacy breach
118 ICICI Bank? I Care policy Neutrality Policy policy
119 Terabyte is equal to: 1024 1024 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 1024
120 Which of the following Keys is used to run a slide show? F5 Demote F3 F2
You can access entire text content of an Impress presentation by switching to
121 ____ Outline view Notes view Slide sorter view Normal view
Aligning Adding
Fill the blank space paragraph in a Changing the font Formatting font animation to
122 Text anchoring helps in ____________ slide colour size the paragraph
Top-1”, Top-1”, bottom-1”, Top-1”, bottom-1”Top-1”,
123 For a document, the margin to be left on all four sides is: bottom-1”, right-1.6”, left-1” , right-1”, bottom-1”,
Which of the following file extension can be used to save an Impress
124 presentation? .pdf .ppt .xls .txt
125 In writer, the paragraph alignment is: Left aligned Justified Right aligned Centre aligned
Customer Community Customer Customer
Relation Relationship Relationship Relationship
126 CRM stands for Management Management Manager Management
Multiple Sign Using different Not possible to
127 Finacle users would be able to access multiple Finacle solutions using ____ On User ID and login multiple Single Sign On
Which module captures and manages signatures, photographs and ID cards of
128 customers? SSO SRM CRM SVS
129 Which one of the following is not a benefit of Finacle? Brand image Faster operations Robust cross sell Customer
Single Sign on/ Login credentials None of the Multiple sign
130 Login credentials can be changed through _____ off cannot be above on/off
Customer Customer Identity Customer Customer
131 CIF stands for Identification Form Identification Identification
132 In which module addition of PAN number is done? FCRM CRM I Sense SFA
Modification of Addition of Addition of
133 Which of the following is not done through CRM? address Cash withdrawal Aadhar card passport
134 Financial transactions are maintained in CRM server FCRM server Fincore server I sense server
Enter; Enter;Posting; Enter; Posting; Enter;
135 Three stages of transaction are : Modification: Modification Verification Verification:
136 What is the shor cut key to select entire sheet in calc file CTRL+All Shift + A CTRL+A CTRL+End
137 What is the short cut key to move from one sheet to another sheet in Calc PG up/Down CTRL+PG up/ CTRL+ Right SHIFT+Pg up/
138 What is the shorcut key to delete a range name Shift + F3 F3 CTRL+F3 CTRL+A
139 What the file extension type for any Calc file .ODT .ODS .ODP .OTP
140 To select an entire row in a calc file, the shortcut key is SPACE BAR SPACE BAR BAR BAR
141 Computers or processes that manage network resources are called: Database Drives Applications Servers
National payment Base 24
142 All ICICI Bank ATMs transactions data is processed through - IDRBT switch switch VISA switch switch
Which one of these computer component connects otherwise two separate
143 applications? Middleware Router Client Switch
144 Which one of the following is not a component of computer network? Internet Router IP address Switch
145 Identified SRs which are not delivered within TATs are classified as: Critical Complex Exceptional Escalated
An employee is transferred from one branch to another. The transferee branch
146 has to change his Group Tray Primary BC TAT Self Tray
147 In FCRM, Type – 1 refers to – Service line Product line Complaints Branch
148 Before taking up SRs by users to resolve them, they are to be transferred to- Group Tray Self Tray Individual Tray Primary Tray
149 The SRs in FCRM that require to be acted upon by multiple teams is known as: Multiple Step TAT Regular TAT Quick kill
B row is 5th column is Cell address B5 is
150 In a formula A3+$B$5, which of the following statement is true? constant constant constant A3 is constant
151 In the formula B3+$C$3 Column C is Cell 3 is constant Cell C3 is Row 3 is
Combination A single Combination of Empty
152 A workbook is: of more than worksheet all work sheets worksheet
The function used to merge two cells in a calc sheet to get the contents of both
153 the cells into one single cell is known as: Concatenate Length Merge Trim
Control + page Alt + control + Tab + control + Alt + page up /
154 The short cut to move from one sheet to another in calc is: up / down page up / down page up / down down arrow
In a data base file, you are required to replace all the cells containing “Biology”
155 to “Botany. The option to replace all cells is ____ Ctrl+F Shift+F3 Shift+F Ctrl+F3
156 In Calc, ‘sort’ option is available under - Data menu Edit menu File menu Tools menu
The line between two column headers which is used for adjusting the space of Adjustment
157 a cell is called: line Divider line Space line Drag line
Edit or delete Convert
158 The short cut keys Ctrl+F3 is used for Print preview range name Edit a formula formulas to
sumif(Virat; sumif(Virat;”Cash”sumif(Virat,Cash,sumif(“Virat”;
159 Which is the correct way of writing SumIf function? Cash;ICICI) ICICI) ICICI) Cash;”ICICI”)
160 Which of the following short cut key is used to edit a cell or formula? F5 F7 F2 F9
161 Which icon is used to duplicate data in sequentially selected cells? Name box Column Header Fill Handle Duplicate
162 Which menu is used to show a hidden sheet? Edit Insert Format Window
Tools menu – Edit menu – Cell – Format menu – Insert menu –
163 In a CalC file wrap text can be done through ___ Cell – Wrap Wrap Text Cell – Wrap Text Cell – Wrap
164 Which one of the following is a logical function: If H lookup Countif Sum product
if(C2>=75;” if(C2>=75; if(“C2>=75”;” if(C2>=75;
165 Identify the correct function. Distinction”;” Distinction;Pass) Distinction”;” ’Distinction’;
166 As per Bank’s standard format, the correct format for date is: Jan 1, 2016 1st January 2016 01.01.2016 January 1,
To align the first letter of ICICI Bank logo in the letter head to the text, the left
167 margin fixed is – 1 inch 1.5 cm 2 cm 1.6 inch
168 In writer, the page setting to be selected is: Landscape Portrait A5 A4
169 The short cut key used for Auto Text option is – Ctrl + F2 Alt + F3 Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + F3
170 To insert a table in a writer, which function key is used? Shift+F12 Ctrl+F10 Shift+F10 Ctrl+F12
171 In Mail merge, the letter document is linked to Calc file by inserting – Hyperlink Interaction Transition Fields
Drag and placeLeft alignment in Use delete
In a Text slide, which one of the following option is the correct option to place a the paragraph formatting tool Text Anchor keys and move
172 paragraph in the top left corner of the text box? at the centre bar option the text at the
There should a There should not There should not There should
single space be single space be any extra be two spaces
173 Select the correct option as per Bank’s format: before or after between the space before or between every
While sending draft letters to top management, double line spacing should be As it is As per the To facilitate Is not
174 used: considered to employee’s reading and mandatory
Top-1”, Top-1”, bottom-1”, Top-1”, bottom-1”Top-1”,
175 For a letter, the margin to be left on all four sides is: bottom-1”, right-1”, left-1.4” , right-1”, left-1.6” bottom-1”,
‘The’ to be Do not use Write ‘to’ before/ Pin code
mentioned commas/full stop above any should have a
176 In a letter, the following is incorrect: while at the end of each address gap after 3
177 The font to be used for drafting a letter as per ICICI Bank’s standard is: Zurich Blk BT Zurich BT Zurich blue Zurich BT bold
178 The separator format for all numbers is Hundred Thousand Billion Million
179 The option to bring the text to surround an inserted picyure in Writer is - Crop Wrap Insert Resize
180 Which Operating System is used to run Finacle? Linux Unix Windows XP Macintosh
181 Which module is used to update PAN number of Customer in Finacle? SVS CRM Fincore SSO
182 Which module is used to change Pass word of user in Finacle? Change CRM Fincore SVS
Signature Signature View System Verified Signature
In Finacle, SVS stands for:
183 Verification System Signature Verified Status
184 In a financial transaction, the ledger balance in the account gets updated at - After Posting After Entering Non of these After verifying
The menu option used by checker to approve CIF ID created by maker in Finacle
185 is - Entity Queue Verify Entity New Entity Edit Entity
While creating CIF Id in Finacle, which one of the following is not a mandatory Psychographic Identification Demographic
186 detail? detail General details document detailsdetails
187 Under Contact details in Finacle, which one of the following is mandatory? Mobile number Email Id Employer Mailing
Relational Rational Data Relational Data Relational
188 RDBMS stands for - Data Base Base Base Data Base
189 In Finacle, the software used in the backend is - Linux RDBMS Unix Oracle
Group Tray and Self Tray and Business
While approving CIF ID in IMA Finacle , the option to be selected under Tray Self Tray and submitted for Submitted for Centre Group
190 Type and Action are - Saved approval approval and General
Sl. No. Question Option a Option b

Which of the following storage device is a temporary storage device? ROM Hard disc drive
A device that is used for computing and processing information and data is Hard Disk Computer
2 known as :
3 The operating system (OS) is installed in – C drive D drive
4 Which one of the following is not a web browser? Open Office Software Internet Explorer
The web pages that support financial transactions are secured using HTTPS. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Safe Hard Text Transfer Protocol
5 HTTPS refers to – Secure
6 Which view of Impress software is used to print 4 slides per page? Handout Outline
7 What is the standard for colour of cell boundary in ICICI Bank? White Grey
The option used to move from 7th slide to 12th slide in Impress presentation is Navigation Hyperlink
While resizing a picture in order to maintain proportion, always click on the Control key Shift key
9 image and use:
Right click on the file and choose Discard the file as it cannot be
An Impress file saved looks like a junk file. The solution for correcting it is to – rename option and add the
10 retrieved.
extension “ odp”
11 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and numbering Demote button
Which one of the following option is the correct option to place a paragraph in Text Anchor option Drag and place the paragraph at
12 the top left corner of the text box? the centre
13 In a table inserted in impress, the heading cells should be of: 20% grey 10% grey
14 Which of the following option is used to create a flow chart in Impress? Standard Tool Bar Formatting Tool Bar
Mr Ravi wants to create an Open Office Impress document. He wants to insert
ICICI Bank template as default template. For this, he has to select ______option Export Insert
under File Menu
16 File extension .odp represents: Open Document Print Open office presentation
17 How many bits are there in a byte? 8 4
18 Data privacy is a relationship between collection and ………………. of data. Organising Dissemination
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal Data Breach Safeguard Breach
19 information is known as:
20 In a paragraph slide, the number of lines should not be more than: 4 to 8 3 to 6
21 The short cut Key used for Paste Special is – Alt+Shift+V F5
While creating a Flow Chart, the options/steps used to duplicate the required Edit>Duplicate>No. of duplicates Format>Duplicate>No. of
22 shape is – duplicates
To create a graph in Impress, Calc file is used to create the graph. The steps to Insert>Object Insert>Graph
23 create a graph after selecting the data in a calc file is-
The menu option in the Task Panel used to provide special effects and sound in Interaction Transition
24 an Impress presentation is –
25 In a slide show, displaying the bullet points one by one is called as – Custom slide show Transition
26 To create a hyperlink in a slide the main menu used is – Insert>Object Insert>Chart
Which of the following file extension is used to save an Open Office Impress .otp .odt
27 Template?
28 Which option would you use to present some selective number of side? Custom Animation Custom Slide Show
The Title slide and Normal slide in ICICI Bank template is interchanged using Slide Layout Insert
29 the option –
As per ICICI Bank I T Security policy, a pass word should be at least ________ 10 7
30 characters in length.
31 A user must change his/her password after the password is in use for: 45 Days 30 Days
32 Which is the appropriate drive to save a new file or folder? Document Folder D:/
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal Data Breach Safeguard Breach
33 information is known as:
34 Data privacy is a relationship between collection and ………………. Of data Organising Dissemination
You need to record the duration of each slide in a presentation. Which of the Auto slide show Rehearse animation
35 following options is used for the same?
Mr. Ravi wants to create an Open Office Impress document. He wants to insert
ICICI Bank template as default template. For this, he has to select ______optionExport Insert
under File Menu
The setting to be changed to get ICICI template automatically when impress Set as template Set as default
37 software is opened every time is:
38 The following is not a view of impress: Hand out Notes
Giving effects to the objects in a Give effects to the impress file
39 What is the use custom animation feature in Impress? slide
Open Office Impress has ______ views that are used to fine tune your Four Six
40 presentation before it is finally presented to the audience
41 Which of the following option is used to create a flow chart in Impress? Standard Tool Bar Drawing Tool Bar
Click on edit option on the Menu
Double click on the graph
42 In order to edit a graph in an impress file, the option to be used is: Bar
43 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and numbering Bullets on/off
___________option allows you to create a separate set of slides that consists of Custom Slide Design Custom Slide format
44 the selected slides to be shown to a particular group of audience
The bulleted Text in a slide is to be shown one by one. Which of the following Custom Slide Show Slide animation
45 Tasks is used for the same?
Aligning paragraph in a slide Adding animation to the
46 Text anchoring helps in: paragraph appearance
47 You can save an Impress presentation as : .txt file .xls file
48 What is the file extension for any impress file? .odt .ods
49 In which view option you can only see text data of all slides in impress file Normal Outline
50 Which is the wrong keyboard shortcut for slide navigation in slide show mode TAB Page up/down
51 What is the option using which you can link two slides in one impress file? Animation Slide show
52 Which is not the internal channels for resolution of issues in ICICI Bank? I –Care I Mobile
According to social medial guidelines – “Never publish official matters and ICICI bank issues resolution
Mail to boss
53 grievances on _______” . fill the blank with correct word portal
According to social medial guidelines – “Make you profile in your _________ and Responsibility, Personal
Personal capacity, Responsibility
54 use it with _______” Fill in the blanks Capacity
55 What is the minimum number of characters an ideal password should consist 5 6
56 Identify the strongest password as per the IT security policy. ICICI This$pw
Which one form the following does not come under personal details in Data
Name and address DOB
57 Privacy?

Retain sensitive personal data in

Keeping PC or laptop unlocked safe custody only till such time it
is necessary
58 What will you do to ensure Data privacy protection?

Read Access Memory Random Access Memory

59 The full form RAM is
What is keyboard shortcut to begin slide show from current slide in open office
Shift F5 F5
60 impress?
61 What is the font style used in our bank? Arial Black Calibri
62 Which one of the following is not a social media? Face Book Google Plus

Which one of the following guidelines which you should not follow, while Never disclose your name and
63 expressing your views in social media? Never hide your true identity where you are working
An unauthorised access to or collection, use or disclosure of personal
64 information is known as: Data Breach Safeguard Breach
65 As per Bank’s format a paragraph in a slide should not exceed more than: 5 lines per slide 3 lines per slide
Adding animation to the paragraph
66 Text anchoring helps in: appearance Changing the font colour
The bulleted Text in a slide is to be shown one by one. Which of the following
67 Tasks is used for the same? Custom Slide Show Custom Animation
___________option allows you to create a separate set of slides that consists of
68 the selected slides to be shown to a particular group of audience Custom Slide Design Custom Slide Show
69 To add sub bullet points, the option in the formatting tool bar to be used is: Bullets and numbering Bullets on/off

Left – 1.6”, 1” for right, top and 1” for left and right; 1.6” for top
70 The standard margins for creating a document include : bottom and bottom
71 In writer, the page setting to be selected is: A4 Landscape
72 Control+F3 key in writer is used for: Auto correct Auto text
73 To open the navigator in the open office document, you have to press : F4 F5
74 In Mail merge, the letter document is linked to Calc file by inserting – Hyperlink Fields
Using a mouse or touch pad of a laptop how do you select an entire paragraph
75 in one go? Two left clicks Three left clicks

76 CBS indicates Core Banking Solution Centralised Banking Solution

77 In I core, maker-checker concept provides : Single control Single posting

78 Which of the following statement is TRUE Finacle is account centric Finacle is customer centric

Community Relationship
79 CRM stands for Customer Relation Management Management
Using different User ID and
80 Finacle users would be able to access multiple Finacle solutions using ____ Multiple Sign On Passwords

Transactions and inquiries across Only inquiries across multiple

81 Multi entity implies : single entity entities
Parameter for regularization of
Exchange rate code for sweeping of funds can be set at Manual or
82 Multi currency implies all the following EXCEPT funds can be defined at bank level auto
Login credentials cannot be
83 Login credentials can be changed through _____ Multiple sign on/off changed

84 Three stages of transaction are : Enter; Posting; Verification Enter;Modification:Posting

85 Most of the options in Fincore are prefixed with 'H'. H indicates Hyper Test Marked Hyper Text Manage

86 CIF stands for Customer Identification Form Customer Identity Form

87 Which one of the following is not a feature of Finacle 10x version? Multi lingual Multi currency
You have to fill customer details while creating CIF ID. Which is not the correct
88 form the list Generel Detail Demographic Detail
Not be a birth date or telephone
89 To ensure security, a password should: Be easily guessable number
Sum of values in a column of cells can be calculated by clicking on the following
90 symbol: ± α
Alt + control + page up / down
91 The short cut to move from one sheet to another in calc is: Alt + page up / down arrow key arrow key

92 Range name is used to identify: A workbook A group of spread sheets

93 In a spread sheet, the status bar contains the following function: Subtraction Multiplication
94 Ctrl+Shift+V is used for _____ Cut Paste special
In a calc database file you are at cell B1 and you have pressed Select the data available in
95 CTRL+SHIFT+Down Arrow- this would Select the data available in Row 1 Column 1
96 In a calc database file you need to go to cell A1. the sortcut key is CTRL + End Home
97 To pass any financial transaction in Fincale, which module would you go CRM FINCORE
98 To approve a CIF ID created by you friend, you would go to Edit Entity Delete Entity
According to ICICI Bank Standerd, Any abbreviation used in the note should be At the end of the note as
99 defined: At the bottom as reference glossary
100 You can access entire text content of an Impress presentation by switching Normal view Notes view
101 Which one of the following is not a Key Privacy principle of ICICI Bank? Purpose Disclosure
102 Which of the following storage device is a chip based memory? Hard Disk Drive Pen Drive
While resizing a picture in order to maintain proportion, which additional key is
103 used along with left Key and drag? Control key Alt key
104 Which is the file extension to save an Impress presentation template? .pdf file .txt file

Which one of the following is not a privacy breach as per ICICI Bank’s policy?
105 Customer name Address of the customer
Which option is used to interchange Title slide and Normal slide while using
106 ICICI Bank Template? Slide Design Slide Layout
Which view is used to reorganize the slides on the presenter’s choice in an
107 Impress presentation? Slide Sorter Normal
108 The ICICI Bank standard for border colour for Table is – Black Black and white
Fill the blank space
109 Interaction is to move to _________ Another slide in the same file. Create a new document.
110 The font used in “Subject” after address block in a letter is: Calibri Zurich Blk BT

111 To select a sentence in a text document, the short cut keys used are: Single left click on sentence Triple left clicks on sentence
In a text document in writer, to create different levels in bullets and numbering
in a list is done under the menu option Bullets and Numbering by selecting the
112 option: Options Outline
After typing short cut under Auto Text in a Text document, the short cut key to
113 be used to populate the text content is: F2 F7
114 In Mail merge, the menu option selected in the Menu Bar to go to fields is: Tools Edit
115 As per ICICI Bank standard, the separator format used for all numbers is: Hundred Million
The line spacing selected under paragraph formatting in writer for all
116 documents as per ICICI Bank standard is: Double Proportional
117 The correct way of typing ‘Pin Code’ after the name of a city is: Mumbai 400 001 Mumbai – 400001
Which one of the internal channels is not used for resolutions of problems in
118 ICICI Bank? I Care Whistle blower policy
119 Terabyte is equal to: 1024 Megabytes 1024 Kilobytes
120 Which of the following Keys is used to run a slide show? F5 Demote
You can access entire text content of an Impress presentation by switching to
121 ____ Outline view Notes view
Fill the blank space
122 Text anchoring helps in ____________ Aligning paragraph in a slide Changing the font colour
Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1.6”,
123 For a document, the margin to be left on all four sides is: Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”, left-1” left-1”
Which of the following file extension can be used to save an Impress
124 presentation? .pdf .ppt
125 In writer, the paragraph alignment is: Left aligned Justified

Community Relationship
126 CRM stands for Customer Relation Management Management
Using different User ID and
127 Finacle users would be able to access multiple Finacle solutions using ____ Multiple Sign On Passwords
Which module captures and manages signatures, photographs and ID cards of
128 customers? SSO SRM

129 Which one of the following is not a benefit of Finacle? Brand image Faster operations
Login credentials cannot be
130 Login credentials can be changed through _____ Single Sign on/off changed

131 CIF stands for Customer Identification File Customer Identity Form
132 In which module addition of PAN number is done? FCRM CRM

133 Which of the following is not done through CRM? Modification of address Cash withdrawal
134 Financial transactions are maintained in CRM server FCRM server

135 Three stages of transaction are : Enter;Modification:Posting Enter;Posting;Modification

136 What is the shor cut key to select entire sheet in calc file CTRL+All Shift + A
137 What is the short cut key to move from one sheet to another sheet in Calc PG up/Down CTRL+PG up/Down
138 What is the shorcut key to delete a range name Shift + F3 F3
139 What the file extension type for any Calc file .ODT .ODS
140 To select an entire row in a calc file, the shortcut key is CTRL+ SHIFT+ SPACE BAR SPACE BAR
141 Computers or processes that manage network resources are called: Database Drives

142 All ICICI Bank ATMs transactions data is processed through - IDRBT switch National payment switch
Which one of these computer component connects otherwise two separate
143 applications? Middleware Router
144 Which one of the following is not a component of computer network? Internet Router
145 Identified SRs which are not delivered within TATs are classified as: Critical Request Complex Requests
An employee is transferred from one branch to another. The transferee branch
146 has to change his Group Tray Primary BC
147 In FCRM, Type – 1 refers to – Service line Product line
148 Before taking up SRs by users to resolve them, they are to be transferred to- Group Tray Self Tray
149 The SRs in FCRM that require to be acted upon by multiple teams is known as: Multiple resolution Step TAT

150 In a formula A3+$B$5, which of the following statement is true? B row is constant 5th column is constant
151 In the formula B3+$C$3 Column C is constant Cell 3 is constant
Combination of more than one calc
152 A workbook is: file A single worksheet
The function used to merge two cells in a calc sheet to get the contents of both
153 the cells into one single cell is known as: Concatenate Length
Alt + control + page up / down
154 The short cut to move from one sheet to another in calc is: Control + page up / down arrow key arrow key
In a data base file, you are required to replace all the cells containing “Biology”
155 to “Botany. The option to replace all cells is ____ Ctrl+F Shift+F3
156 In Calc, ‘sort’ option is available under - Data menu Edit menu
The line between two column headers which is used for adjusting the space of
157 a cell is called: Adjustment line Divider line

158 The short cut keys Ctrl+F3 is used for Print preview Edit or delete range name

159 Which is the correct way of writing SumIf function? sumif(Virat;Cash;ICICI) sumif(Virat;”Cash”;ICICI)
160 Which of the following short cut key is used to edit a cell or formula? F5 F7
161 Which icon is used to duplicate data in sequentially selected cells? Name box Column Header
162 Which menu is used to show a hidden sheet? Edit Insert

163 In a CalC file wrap text can be done through ___ Tools menu – Cell – Wrap Text Edit menu – Cell – Wrap Text
164 Which one of the following is a logical function: If H lookup

165 Identify the correct function. if(C2>=75;”Distinction”;”Pass”) if(C2>=75;Distinction;Pass)

166 As per Bank’s standard format, the correct format for date is: Jan 1, 2016 1st January 2016
To align the first letter of ICICI Bank logo in the letter head to the text, the left
167 margin fixed is – 1 inch 1.5 cm
168 In writer, the page setting to be selected is: Landscape Portrait
169 The short cut key used for Auto Text option is – Ctrl + F2 Alt + F3
170 To insert a table in a writer, which function key is used? Shift+F12 Ctrl+F10
171 In Mail merge, the letter document is linked to Calc file by inserting – Hyperlink Interaction

In a Text slide, which one of the following option is the correct option to place a Drag and place the paragraph at theLeft alignment in formatting tool
172 paragraph in the top left corner of the text box? centre bar

There should a single space before There should not be single space
173 Select the correct option as per Bank’s format: or after a ‘/’ between the words
While sending draft letters to top management, double line spacing should be As it is considered to be a
174 used: professional format As per the employee’s decision
Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”,
175 For a letter, the margin to be left on all four sides is: Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”, left-1” left-1.4”

‘The’ to be mentioned while Do not use commas/full stop at

176 In a letter, the following is incorrect: addressing to a position/office the end of each line in address
177 The font to be used for drafting a letter as per ICICI Bank’s standard is: Zurich Blk BT Zurich BT
178 The separator format for all numbers is Hundred Thousand
179 The option to bring the text to surround an inserted picyure in Writer is - Crop Wrap
180 Which Operating System is used to run Finacle? Linux Unix
181 Which module is used to update PAN number of Customer in Finacle? SVS CRM
182 Which module is used to change Pass word of user in Finacle? Change credentials CRM

In Finacle, SVS stands for: Signature Verification System Signature View System
184 In a financial transaction, the ledger balance in the account gets updated at - After Posting After Entering
185 The menu option used by checker to approve CIF ID created by maker in FinacleEntity Queue Verify Entity
While creating CIF Id in Finacle, which one of the following is not a mandatory
186 detail? Psychographic detail General details
187 Under Contact details in Finacle, which one of the following is mandatory? Mobile number Email Id
Relational Data Base Management Rational Data Base
188 RDBMS stands for - System Management Solution
189 In Finacle, the software used in the backend is - Linux RDBMS

While approving CIF ID in IMA Finacle , the option to be selected under Tray Group Tray and submitted for
190 Type and Action are - Self Tray and Saved approval
Option c Option d

Drive D RAM

Hardware Software
Any drive O drive
Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari
Hyper Text Trainer Protocol Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Secure Secure
Notes Slide Sorter
Black Any colour
Transition Interaction

Alt key TAB key

Go to edit and change the file

Go to Insert and add file extension
Bullets on/off Move up
Left alignment in formatting toolUse delete keys and move the text
bar at the correct position
30% grey 40% grey
Status Bar Drawing Tool Bar

Templates Wizards

ODF Drawing(Impress) Open Document Text

1024 64
Bundle Group
Information Breach Privacy Breach
4 to 5 6 to 10
Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+V
Insert>Duplicate>No. of Tools>Duplicate>No. of duplicates
Insert>Chart Insert>Picture

Navigation Hyperlink
Slide design Custom animation
Insert>Hyperlink Edit>hyperlink
.ppt .ods
Hyperlink Interaction
Master Page Edit

8 5
60 Days 50 Days
C:/ Download Folder
Information Breach Privacy Breach
Bundle Group
Rehearse timings Rehearse Slide show

Wizards Templates

Set as background Set permanently

Images Outline
Give effects to the whole slide Give effects to only text

Five Three
Formatting Tool Bar Status Bar
Right click on the graph and Click on tools option on the Menu
select edit option Bar
Demote Move up
Custom Slide Transition Custom Slide Show
Transition Custom Animation

Changing the font colour Formatting font size

.odt file .ppt file
.ppt .odp
Notes Handout
Arrow keys Space Bar
Interaction Organise
Whistle Blower Policy Gender Neutral Policy

I - Care Social Media

Name, official designation Own detail, all colleagues

7 8
Icici123 Thi$1spw

Contact Details Food habits

Leaving confidential documents Sending emails that contain

on unattended printers personal data in subject headings

Random Available Memory Ready Access Memory

Ctrl F5 F4

Zurich BT Zurich Italic

WhatsApp Gmail

Respect your audience and co

Use a disclaimer workers

Privacy Breach Information Breach

6 lines per slide 10 lines per slide

Aligning paragraph in a slide Formatting font size

Slide animation Transition

Custom Slide Flow None of the above

Demote Move up

1” for left, right, top and bottom 1.6” for right, left, top and bottom
Portrait A5
Auto help Auto check
F3 F8
Interaction Transition

Four left clicks Four right clicks

Common Banking Solution Core Banking System

Dual control Single verification
Finacle is both customer & Finacle is not customer & account
account centric centric

Customer Relationship
Customer Relationship Manager Management
Not possible to login multiple
solutions Single Sign On

Transactions and inquiries Only transactions across multiple

across multiple entities entities
Exchange rate code for sweeping
Pool balance can be calculated of funds can be defined at
in the single currency customer level

Single Sign on/off FINCORE

Enter;Posting;Modification Enter;Verification:Verification
Hyper Text Marked Hidden Text Marked

Customer Identification Format Customer Identification File

Multi trading Multi entities

Currency Detail Customer's other investment

Have consecutive identical
Be written characters

equals (=) ∑
Control + page up / down arrow Tab + control + page up / down
key arrow key
A group of cells from different
spread sheets A group of cells in a spread sheet
Division Average
Copy Paste only
Select the data available in Row Select the data available in
B Column B
Shift + Home CTRL+Home
SSO Change Credentials
New Entity Entitiy Queue

At the first instance of usage Need not be defined

Slide sorter view Outline view
Accuracy Agreement
Random Access Memory Read Only Memory

Tab key Shift key

.xls file .otp file
Customer name and account
Date of birth of the customer number

Page Styles and Formatting

Outline Handout
Any colour Grey 20 %
Provide special effects and
sound. A Webpage
Zurich Bold Zurich BT

Four left clicks on sentence Double left clicks on sentence

Position Graphics

F3 F5
Insert Format
Thousand Billion

Single 1.5 lines

Mumbai 40 00 01 Mumbai – 400 001

Gender Neutrality Policy Privacy breach policy

1024 bytes 1024 Gigabytes
F3 F2
Slide sorter view Normal view
Adding animation to the
Formatting font size paragraph appearance
Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”,
left-1.10” Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”, left-1.6

.xls .txt
Right aligned Centre aligned

Customer Relationship
Customer Relationship Manager Management
Not possible to login multiple
solutions Single Sign On


Robust cross sell frame work Customer Delight

None of the above Multiple sign on/off

Customer Identification Format Customer Identification Form

I Sense SFA

Addition of Aadhar card number Addition of passport number

Fincore server I sense server

Enter; Posting; Verification Enter;Verification:Verification

CTRL+ Right arrow SHIFT+Pg up/Down
Applications Servers

VISA switch Base 24 switch

Client Switch
IP address Switch
Exceptional Requests Escalated Requests

TAT Self Tray

Complaints Branch
Individual Tray Primary Tray
Regular TAT Quick kill resolution

Cell address B5 is constant A3 is constant

Cell C3 is constant Row 3 is constant

Combination of all work sheets Empty worksheet

Merge Trim
Tab + control + page up / down
arrow key Alt + page up / down arrow key

Shift+F Ctrl+F3
File menu Tools menu

Space line Drag line

Edit a formula Convert formulas to numbers

sumif(Virat,Cash,ICICI) sumif(“Virat”;Cash;”ICICI”)
F2 F9
Fill Handle Duplicate
Format Window

Format menu – Cell – Wrap Text Insert menu – Cell – Wrap text
Countif Sum product

if(“C2>=75”;”Distinction”;”Pass”) if(C2>=75;’Distinction’;Pass’)
01.01.2016 January 1, 2016

2 cm 1.6 inch
A5 A4
Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + F3
Shift+F10 Ctrl+F12
Transition Fields

Use delete keys and move the text

Text Anchor option at the correct position

There should not be any extra There should be two spaces

space before or after a ‘/’ between every word
To facilitate reading and
correction Is not mandatory
Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”, Top-1”, bottom-1”, right-1”,
left-1.6” left-1.12”

Write ‘to’ before/above any Pin code should have a gap after 3
address digits
Zurich blue Zurich BT bold
Billion Million
Insert Resize
Windows XP Macintosh
Fincore SSO
Fincore SVS

System Verified Signature Signature Verified Status

Non of these After verifying

New Entity Edit Entity

Identification document details Demographic details

Employer address Mailing address
Relational Data Base Relational Data Base
Maintenance System Management System
Unix Oracle

Self Tray and Submitted for Business Centre Group and

approval General Banking

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