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Democracy tends to advocates popular control over decision making, freedom and equality
between people in exercising that control. Popular control over decision making can be
achieved by inclusive participation and representation not just politically but also economically
and socially in all aspects of society. These processes of popular decision making should give
each citizen an equal right and opportunity to participate in and contribute to decision making.
The absence of citizen participation, the rights, freedoms, and means of participation, the
principle of taking control over government would not be realized. The lack of representation in
decision making, public institutions that involved socially representative of citizens would not be

Democracy should be an inclusive system of government, whereby all groups of society despite
their educational background, origin, religious, sexually, gender and political affiliation can
participate and all voices to be heard. It should also be a system that encourages transparency
and accountability of politicians and head of governments, so as to work together in the
absolute interests of the people. Democracy should give people a real say, which means people
should be included in crucial decisions of their country and their country’s destiny. In recent
years, democracy has been under attack all around the world and it should be our primary
responsibility to take action and defend the freedom and the rights that democracy gives us by
all means necessary especially youths because we are the future leader and whatever
happened now will surely affect our future.

I believe the most effective way to safeguard is to trust in politics and political institutions which
promotes strong and inclusive representation of the people and also building democratic
societies where each and every citizen will be heard and where human rights are respected.
This can be realized if we start with dialogue and trust-building between people in our societies,
as youths we can create dialogue platforms with the help of the social media, where various
actors in society can work together towards a future which is democratic. Through dialogue
various actors of society can create foundations for long-lasting understanding and long-term
collaboration. By creating these platforms for dialogue, it can serve as a safe space where
people to engage in debates and agree on issue affecting them or important issues about their
country and come up with proposals that are mutually agreed for democratic reforms in their

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