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es e (" FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT | FOR DIESEL ENGINES OPERATOR’S HANDBOOK CONTENTS rs pune sso nm gues ReeDrie Deve rng Feacrantey {ee Ses Tne ore Hears Set Rae Dei Se Puram Te “Conc and Operon ‘eho oe as Pesan Tope af Per Ne ening Tile nt Mason Syed Toe Verte Range Seed Te Pance nd Cerca Open rare > ILLUSTRATIONS Poe FURL mUECTION PUMes Fe 1. Seton tah CAV, nein pomp LE ELT omnioe B 10. CA. te cin nore teas Seite “roost GAY.” none cei seares: § > 1% teeractn pn on twin Ope fice) Pleo be mechan gover 3 Sie etal poremor ee Diez snd incon viemsod AY. eee ig. 1. Section trough CAL. ened camtha type BPESB fuel injcton pump, {ited with mech gover e e FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT for DIESEL ENGINES ein iting (Dien) reson ofthe com foun 18 nue inp es the Ba of com toute the fel charge In sis ee, Strawn ito the cinder the is compressed by the Tig piston £0 8 high presure (about 450-600 Ib. per nq in.) 'which ano produces le noe tener At he eed ne, ee anced Ito the eyliader, whee the Fig.2. GAY. fang mounted ype BPF ful injection pump, setoned to show intern! contraction FUEL INJECTION PUMPS GENERAL. DESIGN ‘The CAY. feel inecon pump is x canropertd, spring reir, ‘lunger pump, with a separate pumping clonent for exch gine nde. "we eypes ace sapped: the " BPE” and’ “N" mndes (Gee Sgr 1 and 3) which corporate their own enclosed casa and {Soper ear andthe" BPR” model (ne fg 2) whch are operated fom a camhaft on the engine and which ae arranged Yor Senge ‘moumng. Mult-elinder unite areavalabe in tv forms Etch pump uni compris the folowing esentl component, which an be realy Hentibed pon tference Bg. 4:— (@) Pump element (bel 3 and ange 4) (8) Datvery vive sd seating 2 ‘are and plunge, vave and senting ave all of highly grove and ardesed se, isd tothe nest its and withthe ghee deree ff preiion to permit of accore operon at high speeds and prewures. ‘Thus each pat must therefore be regarded inseparable ed not inverchangesble ‘Ful 's supplied fom tank her by gravity or by means ofa feed ‘pump, dough arable fer tthe ner conection on the Pup, {nd beeps the common suction chamber in the pump easing fall of ‘kan fel ol, which can then be-drawn realy foto the Pumping [proved in each barcel inorder fo eb the pump to vary he ‘uaty of fel delivered per sole the plunger i peoded with 2 Serta chanel (Sp) extending from ir upper edge to aa anlar [ove he top cig of which ise in te form of hl Breral fbeams (3 and 7, ig. 4) are poviged whereby the plunger can be ‘octet barrel during operation, ‘OPERATION Operon of she pump clement, which comprises the plunger and ‘ei hown if 5, When Ge: pina se BUC. Coto, dead ene) asa (fl can enter through the barrel por citer Sr mri fw fot vend fo em fed ad e 3 i i i ‘ { i 2 : = ‘pumping nr, tape, fied with dralegvea. Fig.) Coty view e e (Gg. 5), ses penile o make tis peat of cual enue, oF lat, in te rroke—compare psios shown a (2) and) which show fil lad half oad and ling respectively. To stop the engine, ‘he pings is tred vo tha be vera! it clade withthe are port G) duriag the whole of te plunger stroke; thus 20 felis daivered. The posto of the plenger Stoke at whic the Bele edge wll Uueoter the pr is acosabl by ruta —O ihe plunger axally by means of wot ‘quadrant 6 (Gg 4), whichis clamped to Sleeve 7, havieg sow engaging the Inge © ofthe plunger ats lowe ed ‘The woothed quadrant 6 meses wih rack, provided oa the. coool ed 3, rhe sully acrsts all he pum ements inthe unl, and is excerolly q csnnste cierto he goveror or ohet k ea-~ Fig. 4. Paomp clement in section, showing metho of cone. ANTLORIBBLE DEVICE ‘When the bei edge ofthe pump plunger uncovers the port in tbe pup bare near the eo of the every stoke, the presae of foe Emmott reduced so that the davery tive at once rope fe esting, thr curing off communication berween the pump. 8nd ‘he nal unl the net delivery soake the pace Tp coming oft test to aot #nom-era valve, the delivery tale meer made o © © © © © Fig. 5. Pump Darel, showing carious plunger poston valve seating with «plunger acon, thus increasing the space in che ‘datvery pie (by an amount ual othe volume of te small pon par of the valve ule) before the valve any sets fall” The fic of this incense of volume fa the dtvery pipe sstem i of ours, tht of sueniyredcing the prestre of the fl therein {har the ozs valve ithe nossle Can map” to its se, tt instantaneously tinting the Hay of fol In he eylidereaiely wth ate, CONTROL OF OUTPUT “The word Stop” and an arrow engraved on the 19 he consol rod 3 (Gg 4) ident which way the cone be moved to snp the engine. A pump element “"angne stopped poison ts shown a () (Be 3), Wh rod 3 willbe Stop” poston andthe vera cane unger wl be oppor the rt-hand pot ins pump Darel ha ‘te che engine fe moved o fet wil be pumped ‘When the engine isto be stared the contel Tod Is moved over fom the wopped potion tothe raring postion. The elements sre 10 Fig. Detiery ealoe (BPE type) Shen ot asin rt ox cots apg whe hey ae al ‘pamping more furl than normally reed ith the cgine a load: This condion is generaly tegured at starting co facate ming of she fuel prese piping, ec 10 thatthe engin wl art Readily AR VENTING 1 dhe fuel sytem hasbeen opened at any tne, sy foram overhal, {ein oeceary to enue tha A sr bas en reaned before emp Ing sar the eagine. This shouldbe done ss flows: — [BPE Pumps (encoted camshaft ype) 1 arly unscrew closing plug immediately above contol rad stp 7 (ig 1) and urn te eine unl fel Bow rely witout any it Sibbia 2 Move contol sod 6 (6. 1) to maim lad pon and crn ‘he eagae by band agai unl fal ses Freely from the paey ‘coupled ion sts af the prewar pipes atthe nel hades BFF Pumps (Range mounted type) 1. I no special vet cack provided for venting the suction system, secthe contd rod ia the Sop” positon and unscrew the net pe connection 4 (6g 2) 2 Lite saa fet ows freely witout EP atts 2 Set the ool “Masi Our oii ed pe 8 fsrokes ith the hand priming Iver (or rm the engine 9F a i he presore pipes are fl when the engine should Be {LUBRICATION PE Pumps (enclosed cama type) ‘The ler par ofthe pump housing i filed upto the comet dipstick level on scl with best quality engine of, Subequen oping up ‘inot necasry © adonal ils saplid by bck leaage o fs ti pase de pump flanges. On ealy type pnp wtbout open rain plo, periodic inapecton i necemary to eure Ua the ll does ‘ot rise shove the comet lee a ted the pack. If evel {eo high, suri ol sould be drsned of ia the din i {iter modes are provided with an open ol leve drain ping 0 the side of the fet pump howsng fom which saps ili dened ‘This ‘arrangement ensures the cores ol level being taicained ‘somata. ‘Where pumps ae duse-proofed the dpsick is omined, and the Teel ofthe eli governed bythe poston of the drain pg BPE Pumps (fange mounted type) ‘The only bration ruled is ha of puting ite engine oll on to the plangergulde 3 (Eg. 2) from time ro tne, trough the Inspec Sioa widow. ‘The pump ploger needs no lbecaon 8 suicen is ‘eis fom the Nel § ° o @ Fig. 7. Inspection window marks FITING—TYPE BFF PUMPS. ‘When fing a pump 10 an engine (or insane after an oer it 12 nprtant to er tat the covet eran is Provided athe tp of the stroke betwen the plonger andthe delivery vale. Tn the case ‘OUEPFIA sad BPFIB pump ths cearane is apprinatly hall = flint minima: in the case of BPFIZ and BPFIC pumps, {nilinene: BPFIX pumps, 12 mllimeres; and BPFID pumps, ide relative tothe howng are shown i Big 7 1 Pap ie at contig 9, Bogie side Bal pling Fig. &. GAY. clot slot coupling ‘The eagae shold then be turned uni) No. 1 cylinder isin she foton (analy bout 10° before sap dead cease) at which foe [ejection should commence. The engine dive and pun can then be Mtr wich foal ajsenents may be made y means of the set fioge. NOZZLES AND NOZZLE HOLDERS SINGLE HOLE NOZZLES Sing Hla ate te em ig, 9. CAV. ful injection moana (ea fg. 10. MULTLHOLE NOZZLES Mali-tolenozales can have varying aumbers of oles bored io boss end under the nore mouth ‘These oles are ual arranged radially ina cre yt even pitch aboot te ans of the nazle—ceir Sumber, size and" tele angie” depending upon te requirement of ‘he eaioe Skies oo aS ty ig. 10. CAV. ful injection novaes (se aio fi 9). PINTLE NOZZLES 1 the nozzle is ofthe pode typ, such a wed in“ arcelh” awit Chamber or pre-smbuston chamber expat, for example he stem St the oes valve, already decribed, i extended to form a ltl or Plate which provades troup the mew of te nezle bod. By Srying the te and tape of the pind spay varying from alow Deralclsided pens fria upto # holo coue with en angle of 60° fe more ean be provided. DELAY NOZZLES CCersin precombostion chamber type engines requre pores with Peclar apey characteris i order fo obtain queer runing a Ting specie) These roms are produced by a modifcaton of the finde ty means af waich there of injecdon iy redoced at the ‘ign of the Jelery, eee of tia belag, tity, co reduce (Se moter of fol i the combunion chamber’ whea combosion ‘Stumcnces hos dinunthing " disel kaock” "The wore refered {O° cal the "deny" nore (x. 10), DD ot immediatly astume, however, thatthe nezales are the cause ofthe tote for such featre a fay engine valve ming, badly leaking engine valves, cores pump timing, dry of fuel ‘tery usutable fi Slo, rong fos we i fal lective fae Lubecadon or “Boe” bearings may che sla sgn Of ‘eres. ‘Aruming, therfore, that everthing ele is In ord and the nozales ste sll suspect, de parcular namie caung tble can ten be Srcermined by rang the pipe union mot on cach psa blde a ‘are, With the eaglae runing ad Heng tothe ling performance of each of the other cinders Tn order to test the doubt nore, Sint remove the nuts fom it ‘oge, and hen widhdeaw the complete vai (i nel holder sod ‘ozs from the cylinder bead tring ie round te al eed pipe 20 thatthe pole punting outwards way from the capac, Net sthcen te unio of the ether porte holder oll fed piper to Prevent fel belngspeyed into thr ender) and turn the’ engine Stl the sspected sosse sprays favo the nr when it wil fe oat cose i the aray i in oie, te spray fs endly “wet” o “sea o obviously t oe side, or If che norte “dete,” compet the toit and replace with 5 Camprein ace 4 Spine apt Valve inte 13, Peeing Fig. 11. Section drouph peal CAV. nosle holder the camplete spre unit (ane ter and orl) fom the tol Kt ‘esr kd en preter eng enact with the sprays wit case oi to penerts the sin Wi ees PE When fing the nozle holder In positon, care shouldbe taken to ‘ee hae ran ery athe elder head tac! and onthe olding- ‘down sa so tat ican be paced own on the copper ont witht owes of any Kad I the nenle end sure tight in te nestor poce, {be pocket ihuld be cleaned outwith Pete of hardwond. ‘Thevecerag ut should be ghened own evealy in order io prevent the enzle being canted and wo “nipped” inthe cylinder bead. This {ser porn sce any unevenness in debts dowa may ese ‘ioron ef the norte, and sbseqoent flare ofthe late. ‘Afr Sting the sare noeale bolder and nozse ut he fel unit ‘oald te placed in the tool Mi secarely repped in cean gente ref paper or rag for avention bya CAL. Agent, The dsmantiog, ening and resmbling ofthese wuts «highly shilled bsioess ‘Sd demands the we of pec ese equips FUEL FEED PUMPS PLUNGER AND DIAPHRAGM TYPES “To cavute the comaiseat woking of + fol injesion pump itis ‘Gecal hat an wlaterupted mppty of foe is avaible. Wh many CG engines the oa practical pontdo for mounting the fue tanks Telew the engine lee, which necesiates the provision of some ‘eto of ising the fl tothe injeton pump’ With highspeed ‘al englos with eter spent necnary tht the ouput of fel SBould vary io proportion te tbe amount demanded by the eagle fer to cape wth varyag leas. ‘Tis mean es necessry that tht ‘Stouat of fuel dlvered by the feed pump should vary correspond. ina in oder o avid saving or convercly overfoting he os {ajenion pump. ‘With any form of fuel feed the possibilty always exists ofthe fa wank ‘ecomingsbclutely empey, duc peraps tthe vehi or machine Sdergoing repr ox the operator fling to replenish the soppy i (Fond tne The inevitable ren of th am alelocked sate which, {Bite abuse of sane form of pining device, neeatates ovr the engine y means ofthe decries, or turing by hand, ent the sytem fee fom ale" Arte former method means prole Aran onthe batery, «end primer is ncorporated inthe fal feed pup by which it fan be operated with te eapbe at re inorder fo pring the piping and expel ll ai PLUNGER TYPE CONSTRUCTION Refetrng to fig, 13, twill be ween thatthe CAV. plunger type fel {eal pump cots of sn Banged body 20 lato whic ae sewed the fl tlt and outer connections 9 and Under the ero projecting beragoal eads 17 ae the wpringloded ‘aves 6 and 8 UK plasger If; machined wa clove Sin the Body, i acrnted via the ‘ulde Zi and opine 12 bythe injecon pup cams, trough the Eppa oln2 "TRE pomile ‘ceepage of fuel slog the spindle 12 and into the Camalate housing ofthe injecon pump ar bees eliminated by [roriding an ll oanectng groove and making the spindle a pison- The houag. A ble ie ord fromthe oll rove ft the inlet ping ‘amber 0 that any alee fn the grove Is sucked nt he net oltfow Should any ditcuy be experience in Heping fe in the main atk fre fom Curve iii nweary to ea preliminary ‘fer to the {od pump, a shown In gp. Td 13. ‘Be el de gee 1h oe mice mah wild tiny peices of din the fl large enough to cause damage 1 {het Ferd parsp plunger, oto prevent the ales resesting. The fer {mounted within s mca cominer 21; this amped to an inlet ‘lug comecor of special shape and is deuchable to permit the ‘Sesniog of the Se element, ‘Tas preimiary fer afte only upon request an takes the place the sl fle pug Ser peu 24, ned ws wanda It us, foweres be cent) ubdertood that Ge Stig of any peliinary fer doc nor dapease withthe scesty of proviing a main fier teeween the feed ad inecion pumps (OPERATION When the cam 1 isin the portion of mlaimum lift as shown. in from the over f, The fier cement can thea be ely watts from # Dowsing: A. sludge pug 11 is provided a the base of the bowing through which any drt depost can be dened, [No atenpe shuld be made to clean the iter oth, a this avaiably ‘este in tome ofthe impure ting trasered tothe lean de ofthe Alter Used fer cbs sould thertore be carded ad Se oot ted e Fle Type Fier ~The fl lament Ser shown in fg 18 i of she orn ‘pe se comptes «ta nm Seth he cenit of a eis of ft pad 6, built wp on a perforated sport tube 8, the fel flow being fm the oumise to the inde of te seen “The ter clement canbe cleaned, sing peo o carbo verachlrde, Titi ioc sectmmended tha an let be cleaned more than i four ts tlre replaces. When sein th deme ‘ante cae mst be ten fo eal the exposed eres with deat ‘ics and fo sea me br to remove ie Goring imei Inthe ‘ening fl nn sl te fe pb ened ig te cen ‘Speaio, ae ths wl nl in spreading the escent increase the pombly off geting trough to the njecdon Pump. ‘When required, new felt pads bauble Trem CAV. depts) ould te ited to the filter frame. This operation, of coune, demands © ‘able di free wortbop. ‘Combined Cloth and Felt Type Filer —These fers are basally Singin design to the fle ype bu ia chis case the Felt pods are Srey clots clament throug Which te uel het Bt pass ore seating the felt ement ‘When servicing this pete dry cloth element mux not be cleaned {ut shuld be carded nthe ute manner at when ering 4 cloth ‘ope Ste. The fet clement ahold be cleaned as desrbed ove, plaog the felt pads if aecesary. Final, anew cloth cement ‘ould be Sted and snembled on 1 the ter frame Duplex Fiters—These cosis of two standard singe units connected togeber by means of «common cover, and may be Bed with eer tla or fl ype element A two-way vale located terween the fers, which operates onto ae and ou connections, purpoee triage dic the fol to eter one of the two fiers ‘The rave is ‘operted by convenient handed with pater, wlth lay marked Fig 19. Imteton ple om in te ler. index psions acuding vensig pone (ef 19), By this means the eticing of oe unit may be Carried cut le the oder i ‘Before replacing or cleaning the elements, turn the poioter to the posto B or B, which wil sbuc othe roppy of fe! tothe fier ‘ich iti dented to remove, and then proceed ax desesibed above for Slot or fat type Mersin, before wing a serviced duplex Ser fe aecemery wo se yea Ue ult by turing te poier 1 Dron A or C and opeaing the eat [AIR VENTING [AL CAN. fers ae Sted with an sr vent vale for this purpose I rde wo le vet «iter, open the reat vale and tum the engi ‘sal fe pours out fe frm ir bobble. “Then tighten VEN a6 GOVERNORS ‘Among the probiens created by the development of te diel engine "ie charecanic tendency of lat pe of cagioe to aall oF "Tia when iiog, Ie wa, therlore, found derale to provide foveroor for Hing condition sich would automtcally coool the fit delivery in actordance with x pretence engine ing peed ‘The ies watrally followed Yo combine ins device an arrangenet rich woud enable to limi ao the seman speed of te eae CAV. govemors are designed for either mechanical, paeumatic or Tydeaié mean of contro fally deed descriptions and methods of ‘jommeot aad mamtenance of same Seng deat with In separate ‘ublcatons, copie of hich may te obtained ed request. MECHANICAL GOVERNOR IDLING AND MAXIMUM SPEED TYPE Ia prisciple thie governor comprises centifaly acted, spring loaded weights comple mith sable Uiskage Which anti the tmoton of te weighs to the fel pap contra rod as woe in ‘The opernon of the goreror is sown dagrammaccaly by fi. 20, from which wil be srn the she two Welgts 8 ae ousted ona tension ofthe fl pomp camshaft, and to thee weighs ae atached tel rank levers? wich in tur, ae commeted to the Beating leer 3 by coupling in & ‘When the engine is accelerate, the goveroe weights tad fy out trans under cenugal force and tr pall the cont rod of the Dutiptowasds the" Stop potion (ech C), a4 ret of whch tbe cegine i owed down, ‘These weight ae Bowever, rained by springs oo that if the engine sped falls the spings move the weighs ‘var when the deer of foe (ond comeuenly the speed of te ‘engi i lnreated (etch 8) . e e 2 Cuan le © Se ‘i 0 ra Fig 20, Principle of the mecha governor. a ig. 21. Operation of mechanical governor weigh springs ‘The light outer springs 2 (Gg. 21) contol te idling wped and bear

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