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Free On-Line Human Design Report

First Key

Your Human Design TYPE

Prepared for



Discover the Person You Were Born to Be!

Hello Amy

Learn more about the REAL you! Something all babies and small children do naturally is: Be Themselves!
When you were first born, you expressed your natural self. But, somewhere along the road, we are
encouraged by well-meaning parents, educators, advertisements, and even peers to “act properly”, or to
be like someone else. Knowing your Human Design “Type” is the first step in uncovering the real you…..



Type: Generator
Authority: Follow your gut
Profile: 5/2


for Amy Grant

born on 09.11.1972 local time 21:09
in Metairie, USLA U.T. 03:09
090W09' 00", 29N59' 00"



You will notice your Life Chart has a red square center in the lower middle of the chart. This means your
Sacral Center is activated. Your defined Sacral Center is literally the generator of Life Force Energy that
propels you to energize all aspects of living. You produce pure life-force energy within you every moment
of your life! It may surprise you to know that not everyone has this capacity. What does this mean for
you? Well, one thing we know for sure is that you are an enormously busy person, always ‘on”, ready for
action from daylight to dawn! The great question for every Generator, is, “to what and to whom shall I
commit this indefatigable energy?”

Your life force energy is not a manifesting energy, and is therefore not designed to commit to anything
and everything wholesale. As a Generator, yours is a responsive energy and herein lays your dilemma:
Yes, you have a great resource of energy, but no, you cannot unleash that energy wholesale towards
anything and everything and automatically expect to find fulfillment….. You are almost guaranteed to find
frustration and exhaustion unless you are really careful in how you utilize this energy.

With your Generator Design you find that once you commit yourself to someone or something, you are
compelled to finish what you started. If you jump into an endeavor and later find that it does not suit you,
it is often too late to change, and you discover that you must complete, or at least attempt to complete,
what you started. Quitting, for you, is never a good option. In fact, you never like to quit, never give up,
and never surrender. From dawn to dusk and into the night, you keep on “keeping on”, until sometimes
you literally collapse from exhaustion. You have the most amazing sustaining energy! No one, except
other Generators can hope to keep up with you. Think of Madonna, and you will begin to get the idea. If
you are not experiencing this continued pulse of life force energy compelling you into action, it can only
be because you are physically no healthy, or you have been conditioned since childhood to live in a way
that is counter to your natural energy, and you have depleted yourself. Knowledge of your Human Design
can help you to regain your vital spark.

The greatest, most important, and most constant question for you is, “How do I know when to commit my
considerable energies?”

There are two options in the way you complete your day: One, when you put your head on the pillow and
say: “I’m exhausted, burned out, finished….I don’t even know why I bothered getting up today. Nothing
worked out satisfactorily. It was all one gigantic hassle……..just shoot me!”

Or, two, when you put your head on the pillow and say: “I’m exhausted but exhilarated! Wow! What a
day! All kinds of things happened, I’m tired, but I’ m really complete and fulfilled with everything.” Once
you comprehend the workings of your Design correctly, you will continuously experience the second
scenario. Think about the implications of this in your life for a moment… if you continually commit to
activities and people who fail to bring you fulfillment, how happy will you be in life? How fulfilling will
your work be over the years? Your relationships? The secret to a life that works lies in making right
choices. It all really comes down to committing to the right situations and interactions in your life.

So, how do you know to what and to whom to commit your energy? Here’s an important Key for you:
Although you may not be aware of it, as a Generator, you have one of the most amazing inbuilt guidance


systems that Existence has provided for anyone: that of the Sacral or “gut” response! This “gut” response
comes from the lower belly and can either come in the form of a sound, or can be experienced as an
internal rising or falling of energy that happens in response to whatever life offers you. The sound can be
heard “Uh-huh!” (“Yes!”) or, “Un-un!” (“No!”)

The gut response can come in a natural way to someone asking you a question to which there is only a
“yes” or “no” reply, for instance: “Can I ask for your help with something?” Or, “Do you want to go out
with me?” Or, “Would you like me to prescribe you this medicine?” Such questions have an implied “yes”
or “no” response.

Your gut response can also come in reply to an inner musing as to whether to commit yourself to
something or not. For instance, if you are sitting in a restaurant, looking down a menu and sensing an
inner, “ uh-huh!” gut response to something being offered there, that may be the healthiest and most
satisfying thing for you to eat; or glimpsing a photo of Hawaii and having a huge gut response:“Uh-huh!”
indicating a clear energetic interest in a potential vacation.

Your Sacral Center has a response mechanism that comes from the lower belly. Life Force has its own
intelligence; it knows exactly what is right for you and what is not. It is a pure energetic response. It does
not involve itself with philosophy, politics, religion or anything outside itself. Your sacra response is pure,
raw intelligence that you were born with. But, it is an intelligence that, from an early age, has most likely
been diverted through conditioning. You might have been told, “Don’t make those noises, use words!” or,
“Think about what you are doing!” or “come on, it will be fun!” In this way, your amazing source of energy
has been diverted towards things that for the most part do not suit you at all.

You have probably been put through a schooling process in which you were instructed to use your mind
to make decisions, and this is just one way the natural intelligence of your Life Force has been bypassed. It
is not that your mind is not clever, it is just that it is always split, it could choose one way or another,
logical or otherwise. The thinking function is meant to register, access, and store data, but your wisdom
and inner guidance cannot be found there. Your gut response is clear and decisive.

As a Generator you are caught in a potentially difficult situation: you have a continuous stream of Life
Force energy available to you, but to date, you have probably become conditioned to work with people
and ideals that do not necessarily bring you personal fulfillment. Now you can reclaim your own natural
and direct relationship with Existence. Whenever something is offered to you, you have your own
immediate gut response to tell you whether you have an energetic interest in it or not. So, if you have
found yourself frustrated in life and earnestly seek to find personal fulfillment in everything you do, you
are about to have your life changed for once and for all. Here is your instruction:

Pay attention to your gut response.

The very simple, yet profoundly important Key for you is, Wait until you feel a response! Your whole
journey though life is fulfilled by paying attention to your gut response. “Uh-huh!” = “Yes!” or “un-un!” =
“No!” These sounds give an instant clue as to whether to follow through with something or someone or


This sound is simply saying, either: “Yes, I have Life Force energy that is showing an interest for this
endeavor.” Or, “No, this is not something that I will commit my considerable energy towards!” It is an
instantaneous energetic (and not a mental) response that you might easily overlook. It is a process that
your educated mind might say is way too simple, and yet it is wholly relevant for you.

If you are being confronted by something and you are not getting any gut response, simply wait! Maybe
the timing is not right, or whatever is being offered is meant for someone else. Remember, you have
spent your whole life committing to people and things simply because you have generated life-force
energy to offer, not necessarily because you were going to be taken into experiences that bring you

Here’s a fascinating experiment: Try listening out for those people in your world who give you the chance
to have a gut response to whatever they are offering before they expect you to commit to them. Whether
it is “yes” or ‘no”, notice what happens when you follow your immediate gut response.

Alternatively, be alert for those people who unwittingly or not, bypass your gut response in order to try
and get you to “work” for them. They might approach you with an intellectual question that you can easily
answer but which does not allow you to get your gut response first to see if you have energy for it or
them or not. Notice what happens in your life when you go along with something without having engaged
your life-force energy. Not feeling very fulfilled?

Appreciate the non-Generator’s point of view: This may seem nearly impossible, but, can you imagine the
sensation of not having the sustaining energy to do just about anything? Can you see how someone might
try to persuade you to do everything for them, if they can somehow get you to commit yourself?


• People can take advantage of your seemingly limitless energy.

• Once you set your energy in motion it is difficult to switch gears, which can leave you
energetically “stuck in a rut”. You can have a hard time stopping and relaxing.

• Current models in society do not support your trusting an innate “gut response”.

• Once you stop an activity, you can have a difficult time revving your energy back up – you will
regularly need something to respond to in order to get going.


• You are literally a powerhouse, capable of sustaining energy for activities long past anyone else’s
fatigue point.

• You have the simplest and most accessible avenue to your own truth and clear decision making.

• You are continually flooded with life force energy which, when you stop and tune into it, is
blissful beyond description.


• By carrying the essence of life force energy with you, you seed the potential for accomplishment
wherever you go.

Just because someone needs something, or because something needs to get done, it does not
automatically mean that it has your name on it! Listen to your gut response, follow it, and set your world
to rights. Watch how your appropriate interactions ripple into the world around you and everyone with
whom you interact. Notice how fulfilled and satisfied you feel at the end of the day.

This one simple Key unlocks the true story of your life…the one you were meant to live!

Also, other people in your life are most likely Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Projectors or perhaps
even Reflectors, so it can be very helpful for you to learn about the nature of all five Types. When you
read the charts of your family, friends, and associates to discover their Human Design, you begin to truly
understand the significant people in your life, and how to best interact with their unique nature!


When you purchase your Complete HD Chart Interpretation, a $35.00 value, today, you receive our
Introductory price! Save $15.05 off the list price. Buy now for $19.95!


What you have just read is the mere beginning of the inside story of who you are; the opening chapter. It
introduces you, it sets the scene, it provides an overview of the type of person you are -- this compelling
character at the center of a unique story. But it is a story to be continued...

As with everyone who first meets you, and likes what they see, there is a curiosity to know more: to
discover what makes you tick, how you think, how you relate, what you expect, and what hidden secrets,
strengths and talents you possess. But wouldn't you like to know and understand all that for yourself
first? After all, that is what Human Design is about:

Understanding how you are designed to 'be' in this world, handing you the Keys to greater success and
fulfillment. That is why we now encourage you to continue from the introduction of your Chart
information to get your Complete Human Design Chart Interpretation; the full story revealing your inner-
make-up in extraordinary detail like never before! If you have ever truly wanted to better understand
yourself, this is a must-read. It is, effectively, the Universe narrating your autobiography as intended at
birth: detailing your true nature, paving the way for increased fulfillment and restoring your faith in your
own personal truths.

Your full HD Chart Interpretation breaks down and details the smorgasbord of characteristics, traits,
behaviors, temperaments, emotions and idiosyncrasies that make-up who you are. It details the other key
components of your Human Design: explaining, along with your Type, the right decision-making Authority
for you; a description of the 9 Centers you have turned on (defined), and what that means about who you
are; which of the 12 Profiles matches your design; and which of the 36 channels you have activated,
revealing your character blueprint. All these ingredients are thrown into one melting pot to make-up your
as-unique-as-a-fingerprint Design.


The full Human Design Chart Interpretation is, quite simply, your true nature laid bare on a page and
explained in full. Among its insights are:

• What kind of role you are meant to play in this life.

• How your Type and Profile affects the way you naturally work with other people.

• How your decision-making Authority leads you to the right people, places, and experiences, every

• How your profile influences the ways in which you relate with others in your life.

• Which particular capabilities and sensitivities you have based on your channels.

• How to be completely comfortable with yourself in every circumstance.

• What aspects of your character you need to be aware of in social situations.

In these times when we are challenged to be both individually unique and authentic, knowing your
Human Design allows you to step out and be true to yourself. Learning more about the REAL you is, as we
have found with countless clients, one of the most empowering discoveries -- and reads -- you can


When you purchase your Complete HD Chart Interpretation, a $35.00 value, today, you receive our
introductory price! Save $15.05 off the list price. Buy now for $19.95!


Want to learn about your partner’s Human Design?

Or your children’s and other family members?

Get Their Complete HD Chart Interpretations for the same low introductory price and, take advantage of
our volume bonus: Get 2 Chart Interpretations:
Buy two Reports now for $29.95 You save a total of $40.05 !
This is a Limited Time Offer, add a second person's Comprehensive Human Design Report to your order

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