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[G.R. No. 158693 November 17, 2004]

c. A written notice of termination indicating that grounds have been
FACTS established to justify his termination upon due consideration of all
Virgilio and Jenny Agabon worked for respondent Riviera Home circumstances
Improvements, Inc. as gypsum and cornice installers from January 1992 until
Feb 1999. Their employment was terminated when they were dismissed for In this case, Riviera failed to notify the Agabons of their termination to
allegedly abandoning their work. Petitioners Agabon then filed a case of their last known addresses. Hence, they violated the procedural
illegal dismissal. /// The LA ruled in favor of the spouses and ordered Riviera requirement laid down by the law in the termination of employees.
to pay them their money claims. The NLRC reversed the LA, finding that the
Agabons were indeed guilty of abandonment. The CA modified the LA by 3. No. Constitutional due process is that provided under the Constitution,
ruling that there was abandonment but ordering Riviera to pay the Agabons’ which involves the protection of the individual against governmental
money claims./// oppression and the assurance of his rights In civil, criminal and
administrative proceedings; statutory due process is that found in the
The arguments of both parties are as follows: Labor Code and its Implementing Rules and protects the individual from
The Agabons claim, among others that Riviera violated the requirements of being unjustly terminated without just or authorized cause after notice
notice and hearing when the latter did not send written letters of and hearing.
termination to their addresses.
Riviera admitted to not sending the Agabons letters of termination to their The two are similar in that they both have two aspects: substantive due
last known addresses because the same would be futile, as the Agabons do process and procedural due process. However, they differ in that under
not reside there anymore. However, it also claims that the Agabons the Labor Code, the first one refers to the valid and authorized causes of
abandoned their work. More than once, they subcontracted installation employment termination, while the second one refers to the manner of
works for other companies. They already were warned of termination if the dismissal. A denial of statutory due process is not the same as a denial of
same act was repeated, still, they disregarded the warning. Constitutional due process for reasons enunciated in Serrano v. NLRC.

ISSUES 4. The dismissal is valid, but Riviera should pay nominal damages to the
1. Whether the Agabons were illegally dismissed Agabons in vindication of the latter for violating their right to notice and
2. Whether Riviera violated the requirements of notice and hearing hearing. The penalty is in the nature of a penalty or indemnification, the
3. Is the violation of the procedural requirements of notice and hearing for amount dependent on the facts of each case, including the nature of
termination of employees a violation of the Constitutional due process? gravity of offense of the employer.
4. What are the consequences of violating the procedural requirements of
termination? In this case, the Serrano doctrine was re-examined.
First, in the Serrano case, the dismissal was upheld, but it was held to be
RULING: Valid dismissal but violation of statutory due process = payment of ineffectual (without legal effect). Hence, Serrano was still entitled to the
nominal damages (P30,000) & balance of 13th month pay, etc. payment of his backwages from the time of dismissal until the
1. No. There was just cause for their dismissal, i.e., abandonment. Art. 282 promulgation of the court of the existence of an authorized cause.
specifies the grounds for just dismissal, to wit: Further, he was entitled to his separation pay as mandated under Art.
a. Serious misconduct or willful disobedience of the lawful orders of 283. The ruling is unfair to employers and has the danger of the
the employer or his duly authorized representative in connection following consequences:
with the employee’s work a. The encouragement of filing frivolous suits even by notorious
b. Gross and habitual neglect of the by the employee of his duties employees who were justly dismissed but were deprived of
(includes abandonment) statutory due process; they are rewarded by invoking due process
c. Fraud or willful breach of the trust reposed by the employer or his b. It would create absurd situations where there is just or authorized
duly authorized representative to the employee cause but a procedural infirmity invalidates the termination, ie an
d. Commission of a crime or offense by the employee against the employee who became a criminal and threatened his co-workers’
person of the employer or any member of his immediate family or lives, who fled and could not be faound
his duly authorized representative c. It could discourage investments that would generate employment
e. Any other causes analogous to the foregoing. in the economy
Second, the payment of backwages is unjustified as only illegal
To establish abandonment, two elements must be present: termination gives the employee the right to be paid full backwages.
a. The unjustified failure of the employee to report for work When the dismissal is valid or upheld, the employee has no right to
b. A clear intention to sever e-e relationship, manifested by overt acts backwages.

Here, the Agabons were frequently absent from work for having ADDITIONAL NOTES:
performed installation work for another company, despite prior warning 1. Dismissals based on just causes: acts or omissions attributable to
given by Riviera. This clearly establishes an intention to sever the e-e the employee; no right to claim backwages or to pay separation
relationship between them, and which constitutes abandonment. pay (separation pay is subject to exception, ie if termination is not
based on serious misconduct or a conduct reflecting the moral
2. Yes. While the employer has the right to expect good performance, depravity of a person, separation pay may be granted by reason
diligence, good conduct and loyalty from its employees, it also has the of social justice)
duty to provide just compensation to his employees and to observe the Dismissals based on authorized causes: involve grounds provided
procedural requirements of notice and hearing in the termination of under the Labor Code; employee (and DOLE) is entitled the
his employees. payment of separation pay (redundancy and installation of labor-
Procedure of termination (Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor saving devices: 1 month pay or 1 month/yr of service, whichever
Code): is higher; retrenchment and closure or cessation of business: 1
a. A written notice to the employee specifying the grounds for month pay or ½ month per year of service, whichever is higher)
termination and giving the employee reasonable opportunity to Illegal termination: employee is entitled to the payment of full
be heard backwages as well as reinstatement without loss of seniority
b. A hearing where the employee is given the opportunity to rights and other privileges, inclusive of allowances and other
respond to the charges against him and present evidence or rebut monetary claims from the time compensation was withheld until
the evidence presented against him (if he so requests) reinstatement; if reinstatement is not possible, separation pay
shall be given.

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