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Nervous U.S. Allies Brace for Iran

Gulf and European countries are eyeing Trump with trepidation as they fear more
reprisals from Iran.

aught off guard by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to order the
killing of the most powerful Iranian general, the United States’ longtime Gulf
and European allies are eyeing Washington nervously and bracing for
further retaliation from Tehran.

The strike on Qassem Suleimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, was an
unexpected blow to Tehran after months of a muted U.S. response to the regime’s
increased aggressiveness across the region. And it seems to have demonstrated that
the United States was serious about enforcing the president’s red line—the death of
an American.

But it also caught close U.S. allies in the Middle East and Europe flat-footed and—
despite an apparent de-escalation in the wake of a token Iranian missile attack on
Jan. 8—has sparked fears of an uptick in violence that would be primarily felt in
their backyard. Trump’s unpredictable behavior and inflammatory rhetoric have
these nations worried that, while the U.S. president will respond forcefully when
American lives are at stake, he may not have their backs if regional interests are
threatened. Trump, for instance, declined to respond after Iran allegedly struck key
Saudi oil facilities last September, a surprisingly subdued response for an
administration that has said protecting Saudi Arabia is a policy priority.

“On the one hand, they are happy that Trump is willing to sanction and pressure
and take Iran down a notch,” said Ilan Goldenberg, an expert on Middle East issues
with the Center for a New American Security. But on the other: “They are nervous
that he is unsteady and goes too far. … No one really knows what Donald Trump will

Although there is no love lost for Suleimani, who is responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of American and coalition forces in Iraq alone, behind closed doors, Gulf
nations, in particular, blame the United States for unnecessarily escalating the
crisis, current and former officials told Foreign Policy. After the strike, Saudi Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly was so alarmed that he dispatched his
younger brother Khalid bin Salman, the deputy defense minister, to Washington to
urge restraint.

Riyadh’s vulnerability to Iran was on sharp display in September by the drone and
missile attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq oil processing facility. Next time, officials
worry that Tehran could go after even more critical infrastructure—such as
desalination plants, which provide clean water to the population.

Barbara Leaf, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, said Gulf
allies are watching Trump with trepidation—particularly his comments signaling
that he wants to bring U.S. troops home from the Middle East and touting U.S.
energy independence.

“There is huge relief, even glee, I’m sure in private quarters, but great uncertainty on
both counts: How will the Iranians ultimately respond because [the missile strike]
was just an initial dish on the menu, and then what does the U.S. administration
intend to do, and what is its larger strategy?” Leaf said.

Top administration officials insist that killing Suleimani will make Iran think twice
before lashing out at the United States again, though they still acknowledge that
Iran poses a lingering threat. “We now enjoy a great position of strength regarding
Iran. It’s as good as it has ever been, and Iran has never been in the place that it is
today,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a speech at Stanford University on
Monday. “We have reestablished deterrence, but we know it’s not everlasting, that
risk remains. We are determined not to lose that deterrence.”

Retired Gen. Jack Keane, a close confidant of the president, said the attack on
Suleimani was a “turning point” that has caused Iran to reevaluate its dealings in
the region. Keane noted that the retaliatory strikes on U.S. and coalition troops in
Iraq, which did damage to infrastructure but did not cause a single death, were
“rather insignificant” compared with the regime’s rhetoric.

It is “noteworthy” that Iran took direct responsibility for the strikes, rather than
handing the job over to proxies, because it wanted to “control the outcome,” he said.

“Khamenei blinked,” Keane said, referring to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei. “He’s only done it twice in 40 years, and both times it had to do with
American use of force.”

But privately, some current and former officials said U.S. allies were not so sure.
“None of them think we’ve deterred Iran,” one former U.S. administration official
Many Gulf and European partners are “panicking” because no one understands the
U.S. strategy or can predict what Iran will do next, said Ariane Tabatabai, an
analyst with the Rand Corp., a U.S.-based think tank. She said she was struck by the
lack of coordination ahead of the attack and confusing messaging from the
administration afterward.

With its actions over the last six months since Iran started lashing out, the United
States has sent a signal that it will respond only if U.S. interests are threatened—and
even then the red line is unclear. In the eyes of U.S. allies, the Trump
administration’s response to Iran’s aggression is difficult to predict. After Iran shot
down a U.S. drone in June 2019, Trump said he approved and then abruptly called
off strikes against Iranian targets.

“We will go from 0 to 100 if there is a single American casualty, but we’re not going
to do anything if Iran attacks major facilities” in the region, Tabatabai said.

Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, two countries that have taken a hard line on Iran, were
likely more supportive of the strike than some other countries, but there is still
concern about the impact on the region, Tabatabai said. The Emiratis are also tough
on Iran but have economic interests—for example, tourism and the flow of energy—
that could be hurt by any escalation in the region. Oman and Qatar, meanwhile, are
more sympathetic to Iran and have tried hard to balance the opposing interests in
the Gulf.

Among America’s Western allies, countries with forces in the region, such as Britain
and Canada, have moved to temporarily withdraw or reposition their troops,
bracing for further Iranian reprisals. NATO also paused its training mission in Iraq
after Suleimani’s killing, citing concern for the safety of its personnel. These moves
exacerbated tensions between Washington and its European allies, who privately
remain angry that they weren’t notified in advance that the United States would
carry out a strike on Suleimani—even after Trump sought to ease tensions with
Tehran, experts and several European officials said.

Tom Tugendhat, a top Conservative member of the British Parliament, complained

about allies being left in the dark on such decisions. “I’ve long believed that the
purpose of having allies is that we can surprise our enemies and not each other, and
it’s been a pattern, sadly, which has been a bit of a shame, that the U.S.
administration of late has not shared with us, and that is a matter of concern,” he
said in an interview with BBC News after Suleimani’s assassination.

“European allies are understandably frustrated,” said Rachel Rizzo, a Berlin-based

expert on trans-Atlantic relations with the Center for a New American Security. She
said keeping allies in the dark on major policy decisions is part of a pattern under
this administration.

“The fact that no allies were notified of the impending strike is exactly the kind of
surprise from the Trump administration that places stress on the U.S.-European
relationship,” she said. “It’s similar to when the administration suddenly announced
it was pulling U.S. troops from Syria and the Europeans were caught totally off

Although Iranian officials have ratcheted down rhetoric in recent days, experts
caution against taking Tehran at its word that the conflict is over. While they
acknowledge that Iran’s direct retaliation is done, the regime will likely enlist its
many global proxies to carry out attacks against Western forces.

“They are going to take their time, and they are going to revert to the playbook of
indirect action—that’s where they have the advantage,” Leaf said.

Lara Seligman is a staff writer at Foreign Policy. Twitter: @laraseligman

Robbie Gramer is a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy. Twitter: @RobbieGramer


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