Application For Building Permit Form

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N8C FORMS NBCFORUNO 8.01 Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL API RC RUONT FOR BOING PERMIT CH ReNewa Thanenoxrory APPLICATION No. AREA NO [ U 30K 1 (10 BE ACCOMPLISHED PRINT BY THE APPLICANT) ur so use (DANERIAPPLICANT TAST NANE FIRST RENE [TW ao eee FOR CONSTRUCTION OWED FORMOF OWNERSHIP t BY AV ENTERPRISE | TODRESS WO, STREET ANGRY, TTYL TPOGE EERE W. TOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION LOTNG,__LKNO____TOTWO.___TARGEC. Wo. STREET, ____saeangey crv uic ary SCOPE OF WORK [ Newooxsraucron —] RENGVATION OI russ © erecrion___ J conversion_____[] kccessonveuupnsetauctuns Do moro Qe omnes soe By ateranow 1G wowns ‘USE OR CHARACTER OF OCCUPANT Cl orovra:resmenmaLoveunas C]. crowr-moustam, J OTHERS Sosa Co croure: aesioewTau nore, arearuens [] GROUP 6 NOUSIRAL STORAGE ANG HAZARDOUS Gy orourc: eaucaTiona. recacarions. ] GROUPH RECREATIONAL, ASSEMBLY OCCUPANTLOAD LESS THAK 1000 1 croup: nstrumiona [Elforoup i: recnearionals Assevevy 0¢cWPOr LoAD reo cACRE i croure-suswess»nonercaxmis C2 a0uP J AGRICULTURAL, ACCESSORY TERPIRET CREED, zk TLE TrALeStnaTEDcOST P_ ea ne ig MOPAREDDNE OF Costin a z ECTED CATE OF COMPLETION BOK FULL-TIME WEPECTOR AND SUPERUSOR OF CONSTRUCTION WORKE (REPRESENTING THE OWNER) ess PRENS way ‘ARGHITEGT OR CV ENGINEER PIRNe Daienas (Saeed axe Sete Over Pred nae} oe ‘eon 7H OT BOK APPLCARTE WH NV CONGENT, LOT OWNER. ae, ae, Biaive Ore Pre tane] Sara er PEST Tae ices CEN [Bete ies Faceted ICN aie saad Pas mal Tors ePLGLG OF THE PHUPPAES ie ] CITVAMUICEALITY OF 132" BEFORENE. ate Capa se tong ie se cH OREN — erew a (toon gc wages 9 Gnas os) shove signtuesagpoorhrioabee, known a mete be te ste persons who execute fis sandr c onledged aha tesa is ih ‘uray ac and geo fe Freseroedtord and acknowledged oma tha is oe WVTNESE MY HAND AND Ge nthe date ard pace above wntan Ge se ae ome ~WRTARY PE bara BOKG (10 BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE PROCESSING AND EVALUATION OMSION) ‘ASSESSED FEES ‘ASSESSEDBY_|__AWOURTDUE OR MMSE FNS FEE PROCESSNGFEE TOCATIONAUEORING OF AND USE TIRE AWD GRADE Goode) FENG ARCHITECTURAL ‘GVUSTRUCTURAT ELEDIICAL WECHANCAL SANTART PME ELECTRONS TRTEROR ‘ONE ALF OOF FRE SERGE FLROPSFL a o o o o o o o o o o o o o TOTAL ‘OKT (70 BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE BULDNG OFFICIAL) BUILDING PERMIT uN PERMIT OFF CL RECEIPT No. SETEISSUED ATE PAD TEDDY wuaaTy Pormit's issued to for the proposed ———ioed under. , of Group_ located at Lot No.. Block No. OCT/TCT No. sOreGreet Barangay, . CltyiMunicipalty of subject to the folowing: 1. That vner Ariel 1723 fe Cnt Code f a Piping, te engine: orate who cron u tw plans and spackatons a bulgur abe for clamages if win fier (15) years fen the congleon of he buldegistuct, the sara shoul cotepse due 0 dec in he pens 0 spefeatns o defects in the ground. Tho engnan' rare whe supersos Ine cortucien shal be solely kale wi the canraccr shoul He ef claps dus io detec ine ‘erstusion or house cfinerr rata. 2. Tiger stab oxcopaniod by tne varius eppicbl ancilan ord accescry pet, pars and speciation slgned an sale bythe corespending desion piotesonate wna shal bo reaper fr tha cemprohaneva and ceveebwrs of Be pare ncomplarca ee oceans AR and oat appleabe lara codes {pressed reply ioe 41 That he proposed consrucinlroxiovedsovaheraiontereveteloowerionreparinevagieroison, at. skal ben canfornty wih te provisions of he Natora icing Code, ands RR ‘a Th rer tocammmercemnt of the proposed pects and contin an aca weacaton survey shllbecondxcod by a dy loosed Geodetic Engineer 13 Thal Boor cominoncng ine excavation he person mating of causing he axcaraion tobe mado sha natty my wrag ba owner ejonng propery ret acs tran ter 0) dys below such excavation so berate er show how te ado property shu be pai. Taino pcan shal usa or occupy ast, ally o puble dewalt perfrmanco of wo covered by abulng parm. | Thatro parson sal peorm any work or any bung o:stuctue ajacent i a puble way in gereral use for peas rave, uns he padosrars ae etc. 8 Thal re supervsngfschitaciCilEngineo tal oop ate cbse a alts a logbook of ealyconsrusin acts where te actual daly poets ct consiucton ncudig tests conducted, wedher condton and cher perinant deta ae t be recoded, sare shel be mide avalable ox scuiny and cemmens b the OBO reresertave ding ihe conduc his/her inspector pytuant 1p Sacon 207 ol ho Nasonal Bulag Cove That uran complain of he corsiucion he sad cased supensy KciteciCiil Engneat shal suet the Buldng fc culy signe and seats logbook, s-bll plas and ener doeuretts and shall zo prepare end sub 2 Cerca of Comeleton cf the prc tang Dal the carshucicn othe bling conor tothe prowsion of he Cota te BR ae wala he pars and epecicaon 9 A. wch changes, moctcatens enc aleratons shal ikewse be submited lo te Bulking Olcial andthe subsecert anendetay peri ser sued before any work on gai changes, modfcatone ane aerators chil De sted The ae bil lens and spacfealons maybe at 2 adery and ‘camgrehensve complain oa cocurents nbc ince the onal subtle ls ad specicabns ofall ameter thaw 3s aay ul th ‘maybe an ertrey oo sao lant and specications scoratl certiog andr retacg thre he bing wal but 4 That no bulirpbtuctue stall be used ul ho Baldr Ofc fas issued a Cartteatp of Occupancy feo’ at provded Ie Coge. Howe, 2 pani ertcat of Oceupancy may be seved for ha UslOscupancy fa poten porns ca buldrgltu pcre he completion ote ene buidglstveure 5 Tha his emt shal cot save as an exempsin tom secunng wren claxanes fom vanous Qoveminant suPontios eareng regu funsion teeing bulingalsucties, 8 Man corel uaa crc wo tal nb ytd ad peo rtd pwn ie pov Caner 7 The Ownaceerntoa shal som a uly scecmpienedprogoibadNotie of Construction" oho OMe othe Bulng Oil rt any consacton cy 8 The Owne:Perraie shal pute Biking Penni sign which compiles win the presses Greers andintxmaten, whch shal ran pasos on he cotton sa rb drat of constrain PERMIT ISSUED BY: BUILDING OFFICIAL (Sianive Over Peta Hane) Oa, NoTE® THS PERMIT MAYBE CANCELLED OR REVOKED FURSTANT TO SECTONS 25 AND 306 OF THE"WATONAL BULDINS CoE” 273

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