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The True method of Meditation ( Discussion on the role of Intents in Karma ) -

Second Edition

Rajat Kalia and Monika Thakur

It is clear that Intents play a great role in our karma, as to how clearly we
justify between right and wrong. Every person has an inbuilt connection to god to
distinguish between a good deed and a bad deed. I would like to further enforce
this bare truth that Good karma is calculated not on what you do but with what
intentions you are doing it. So, say if a barber is shaving the heads of people
say some brahmin, it doesn't mean that he is killing his father but it means he
is doing his job to earn bread if the intentions are right. I would like to
further elaborate with examples.

1. Intentions can be in percentage, accurately known to last but one bit decimal
calculated upto infinity places, last bit left for everybody/everyone/all as
unclaimed as calculating it can cause extreme calculation error. Anyways this is
my calculation of the design of the world i understand, it might not be true as
to what God actually does but i think God does it that way. Sham Giri says that
the last bit is calculated on the basis of previous residual karma.

2. In old panchtantra stories we read stories like, a thief tried to hid himself
in a sadhu's home when he was teaching students, now sadhu doesn't disclose to
the people who were after that person that he is inside and saves his life. The
story ends here as per panchtantra. But then as per my calculations that
person/guy might be running after killing/rape/stealing and might be a sought out
offender as per law and God also, but it depends on that Sadhu's judgement
whether he did a good job in saving that person/guy. If he coudn't judge
properly, it's an error as per me, however if he could properly figure out the
person's present state , in that case he is right if the person was not an
offender but was falsely projected.

3. Further India is a place where safai karamchari's are a major fraction of

govt. jobs but then toilets are unclean and later even closed down . Believe me
Shiv will never say close down potholes, if he is saying so, he is not real Shiv.
In Duggal's function one guy who was claiming to be pandit was giving lecture
that potholes are a problem. It seems saare bewde ek jagah ikatthe ho gaye hon.
Tu tatti nahi karta iska matlab kya koi bhi tatti nahi karta?? Clearly the
intentions are wrong.

"First Edition"

It starts with the very first mantra,

Ik Onkar Satnaam karta purakh nirbhau nirvair akal murat ajuni saibham gurparsad.

It's also known as the mool mantar and is never found to fail. It's for the
nirgun roop of GOD.
{ Their are claims by people saying that Sat naam is different from Satnam and
Akaal is different from Akal , so we have written this verse keeping their theory
too and in place not disturbing the original verse. However there is possibility
that these claims are mere spoilers. The user is suggested own descretion. }
Then their is the ram naam , ram is one of the many sagun roops of god.
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Sri ram jai ram jai siaram
Sri ram jai ram jai siaram
Sri ram jai ram jai siaram

The muslim verse namaz is being given here,

Alhamdullilaha-e-Rabbil Almin ur Rehman nir Rahim, Maliki Ummadin, e-aagan aabdu,
waiya Kanasteen, ehi dins siratal Mustakin. Siratal Al-Azeena An amtalahim
Gayaril Magdubi Alaheem, waladua layeen. Aamin.
No mention of a Christian verse. But then the whole of English based education is
the gift of the west. It's the scientific approach. However I do give a verse
which is not even a verse but a rule. It is
God is One.
Apart from these three verses there is another method , in it you need to tighten
your body and once completely tightened , you are set in meditation. It's exactly
opposite of the other form which animals do while dying in which body is
completely relaxed and let die to ease out the painful process of death. So
eveverybody knows meditation in some form or the other , what matters is you
should know which method is the most benificial at a particular instant. For this
method , the body is the mandir and you need to take proper care of it, is being
These methods end here. Other second line methods like spirtual text reading or
tirtiary methods like yoga , or mantra training from a trained guru are useful
if the primary methods are not working. Some people say that tantric methods and
mantras are also useful if these methods don't work. However I don't recommend
them. Some short spiritual texts contain a prayer stanza in the beginning and a
pungent tantric mantra in the end of the text and have become the custom these
days. The last tantric mantra is for the training guru and the opeing stanza is a
short prayer of the devta whom one is worshiping.

Psychotropic drugs like Risnia can offer you a lifetime of tough medtiation but
should be avoided as far as possible unless your parents suggest it be taken.
Reason being they reduce the sexual power to a large extent while the main
benifit of traditional meditation is increase in sexual power.
Ability to fly and Darshans of God are few benifits of meditation.
Feminine meditation can be slightly different, one of the prominent mantra being
the Gayatri Mantra. I am not aware of the difference in this regards but my
female family members guide that this mantra is useful for them although it
didn't work for me.
Oum bhoor bhuwah swaha, tat savitur vareniyam, brago devasya dhimahi, dhiyo
yonaam prachodaya, swaha.
{ However their are further ambiguity claims in the word Savitur and some claim
it's sat vitur. }

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