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Business Process Automation

Mapping eCommerce Processes

Remove manual administration and reduce hidden
order processing costs
Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

 eCommerce Integration and Process Automation

Automated order processing provides you with the opportunity

to automatically capture, track and ship customer sales orders.
Key areas and subprocesses covered
Codeless Platforms’ customisable integration and automation
in this process model include:
capabilities enable you to automate the delivery of eCommerce
activity between your web shop, courier service and your in-
• Receiving orders from your
house business software.
eCommerce system
The following documentation provides you with an example of a
• Processing order information
common order management process that has been automated,
helping to remove manual administration and reduce hidden
• Shipping
order processing costs. This process example can be used as
a starting point to plan your eCommerce process automation
requirements to meet your exact business needs.

Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes
Automated order processing provides you with the opportunity to automatically capture, track
and ship customer sales orders. Codeless Platforms customisable integration and automation
capabilities enable you to automate the delivery of eCommerce activity between your web shop,
courier service and your in-house business software.

The following documentation provides you with a common order management process that has
 Top Level
beenProcess: Typical
automated to remove manualeCommerce Process
administration and reduce hidden orderFlow
processing costs.
The process example can be used as a starting point to planning your order processing
automation requirements to meet your exact business requirements. Key areas and sub-
The process below identifies covered
the in thiswithin
key stages process
a model
eCommerce integration solution. Each step within the process will
have its own series of subprocesses (+) which can be customised to meet your exact business requirements.
• Receiving orders from your eCommerce system
• Processing order information
• Shipping
Diagram: Overview of a typical eCommerce process flow

Diagram: Overview of Order Management Process



Receive Order in Ship

Orders Warehouse Products

At the top level of an eCommerce integration process the following can be easily identified:

• Orders are received in your eCommerce system

• Order details, including customer information, payment details and transaction IDs, are automatically entered
into your business software and an order confirmation notification is provided to the customer

• Order is sent to the warehouse to be processed with an order processed

notification automatically created and distributed to the customer

• Order is placed for fulfilment with an automated dispatch notification created and distributed to the customer

Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

 Subprocess: Receiving Orders

This process enables you to synchronise orders from your eCommerce system and automatically place them into your business
software (ERP/CRM etc.). If required, orders can be pulled on a timed or scheduled basis e.g. every 15 minutes.

Diagram: Automatically receiving orders from an eCommerce system and placing into business software

Diagram: Automatically receiving orders from an eCommerce system


Receive orders

Enter Order
Receive Check order
order integrity

Resolved Enter
Bad Resolve personnel
issue information

bad order

• Sales order received from eCommerce system including customer information,

description and ID of product ordered, payment details and transaction ID

• Sales order data is automatically checked for a correlation with your business rules e.g. full address, invalid characters etc.

• Order and customer details are then automatically placed into your business software

• An email is then automatically sent to the customer confirming their order placement

• In the event that relevant information is missing the customer may need to be contacted to resolve the issue

• If the issue can’t be resolved an order cancellation notification is issued

• Any customer contact details obtained are automatically entered into the database for re-marketing purposes

• Order is then passed to the warehouse for processing

Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

 Subprocess: Receiving Orders

Other areas for consideration:

• Automate payment reconciliation processes

• Automate sales report creation and distribution via email

• Integrate email marketing software for re-marketing to

the customer

• Synchronisation of orders taken by telephone/offline

methods to your eCommerce system

 Notes


















Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

 Subprocess: Processing Orders in the Warehouse

Once the order integrity process has been completed the sales order is automatically passed on to the warehouse for processing.

Diagram: Automatically processing orders in the warehouse

Process Order In Warehouse

Database Picking list

All products
Check order
against picking Yes
picking list
Pick & pack
No products

shipment Yes
Picking list
Pick & pack

• Warehouse receives notification of an order to be processed

• Order is automatically checked against pick list criteria e.g. stock availability, item location in warehouse etc.

• Pick list is automatically created and printed

• Depending on your business rules, if multiple items are included in the sales order, and not all products are in stock, orders
can be part shipped as they become available. In this instance a notification will be automatically sent to the customer

• If products are in stock and available, the order is picked and packed

• Order is now ready for the shipping process

Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

 Subprocess: Processing Orders in the Warehouse

Other areas for consideration:

• Automated stock level notifications

• Automatic creation and distribution of purchase order

requisitions when an order depletes stock levels below
agreed thresholds

• Automated creation and distribution of stock reports

• Stock receipt notifications (email/SMS)

• Inventory re-order point notifications (email/SMS)

• Low stock notifications (email/SMS)

 Notes















Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

Subprocess: Shipping Products

Once the order has been picked it is now ready to be placed with a courier for fulfilment.

Diagram: Automatically shipping products for fulfilment


Ship Products


Decide Inform Print label Send order

shipping Shipping and delivery shipping
route company note confirmation

• Package data, such as weight, size and destination, is entered into your courier provider system

• Shipping labels and delivery notes automatically printed

• Shipping confirmation notification sent to customer

• Business software updated with tracking numbers

• Proof of delivery synchronised with your business software

Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes

Subprocess: Shipping Products

Other areas for consideration:

• Customer portal

• Barcode scanner system integration

 Notes













 More Information

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Codeless Platforms via the following;

Tel: +44 (0) 330 9988 700


Business Process Automation
Mapping eCommerce Processes


The copyright in this document is owned by Orbis Software t/a

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transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or
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without the prior written consent of Orbis Software.

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Codeless Platforms
Suite 1 & 2 Bourne Gate
25 Bourne Valley Road
BH12 1DY
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 330 9988 700



Orbis Software owns the registered Trademark ‘TaskCentre’.

Orbis Software t/a Codeless Platforms.

All other Trademarks used within this documentation are

acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.

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Want to learn more?
Discover how Codeless Platforms can help your business by improving
performance, boosting efficiency and cutting costs.

+44 (0) 330 99 88 700

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