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By Stacy Bruce 17 Oct 2018

Home › Manufacturing And QC Blog › Quality Control Inspection Checklists And How To Use Them

“No, I specifically said the promotional keychains should be three inches tall and five inches wide. I didn’t say they should

be five centimeters tall and three centimeters wide. Weren’t you listening to me when I told you what I wanted?”

If this conversation sounds familiar to you, you know that communicating with suppliers can be difficult. Quality standards

and product specifications can easily be lost in translation—or unheard altogether. The result is often products that don’t

meet your or your customers’ expectations.

Quality control inspection checklists can be an easy remedy to this problem. A quality control checklist goes by many

names—an inspection criteria sheet (ICS), a QC checklist, a quality assurance checklist or quality control sheet. All these

names refer to a document that outlines quality requirements and specifications in a clear and concise manner for your

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Inspection checklists are one of the simplest, yet most corporate responsibility weekly

effective, ways to clarify requirements and prevent defects from the REQUEST A
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in your goods (related: 5 Essentials of a Quality Control QUOTE
Checklist [eBook]).

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Why create quality control Email

inspection checklists?

Quality control inspection checklists serve two main


1. Outline quality standards and product requirements the

supplier is expected to meet and

2. Provide objective criteria for inspecting the product to ensure it meets customer’s expectations

It’s helpful to share a detailed quality assurance checklist with your supplier, even before starting production. This gives

the supplier an opportunity to review your requirements and notify you if any are unreasonable or need adjusting before

mass production.

A QC checklist would likely prevent the dimensional issues in the keychain example used earlier, since a checklist typically

specifies dimensional tolerances and measuring methods. Your supplier can refer to this document, along with an

approved sample, to understand your requirements throughout production.

When it comes to checking the product before shipment, the quality control checklist should provide the standard for

inspection as well. The checklist is not only helpful for internal QC staff checking the product, but also essential for you or

any third-party inspector you hire to inspect on your behalf.

Meeting regulatory standards with inspection checklists

Meeting regulatory standards can mean the difference between your product reaching your customers and being seized at

customs. Effective quality assurance checklists can ensure your products meet regulatory standards before shipment.

A QC checklist typically includes a section which defines the market of sale and regulations or standards the product must


For instance, a quality control checklist for a plush toy intended for the US market might include the following section:
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Compliance with ASTM F963 is mandatory for all toy importers under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

(CPSIA). Select Manufacturing Country


Because regulatory requirements differ by country, you

might also consider creating different checklist templates

for different markets—even for the same products. For

example, rather than those sold in the U.S., a plush toy

destined for the EU market will need to meet EN71


In this way, quality assurance checklists can help clarify to

the manufacturer what regulatory requirements the

product needs to meet, especially if you’re exporting to

multiple markets.

Other benefits of creating a QC


One of the less obvious benefits of collaborating with your supplier on developing quality control inspection checklists is

that it can improve your relationship with your supplier.

Your supplier might have their own quality manual. But there are often differences between an importer’s requirements

and the factory’s standards. Ensuring consistency between your requirements and the factory’s requirements helps

minimize miscommunication and prevent quality issues.  

Working with your supplier on the quality control sheet shows them you value their feedback. And your supplier may even

be able to suggest ideas to improve product quality that you might not have considered.

What information should you include in your quality

control checklist template?

Your quality control sheet needs to be direct and written in a clear format. Remember you aren’t the only one reading your

quality control sheet. Your supplier and any third-party inspector you hire also need to be able to easily interpret it. 
It may also be helpful to have the document translated into the supplier’s native language. You can often find a freelancer

on websites like Upwork or Guru for this purpose. REQUEST A

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An effective quality control checklist template should cover the following technical areas.

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Packaging requirements

This first major section should contain details about the shipper carton, any inner carton and any retail carton or

packaging. Packaging requirements are important for your

supplier to reference here, regardless of whether you will

verify packaging during inspection.

The packaging section should typically contain the


Packaging weight and dimensions

Shipper carton labeling and marking requirements

Shipper carton material requirements (e.g. single or

double layer, binding method, white or brown cardboard)

Packaging method and assortment

Retail packaging printings, graphics and labeling

Product requirements

When it comes to creating a quality control checklist template, including a section with product requirements might seem

obvious. But many importers tend to overlook what this section should entail.

Product requirements shown on the quality control sheet should include:

Product weight and dimensions

Material and construction

Product color (consider including Pantone color codes where applicable)

Markings and labeling (e.g. UL or the voltage rating for electronics)

On-site tests and checks

Almost any product inspection should contain some on-site tests and checks. Including this information in your QC

checklist helps inform the supplier of what tests you expect the product and packaging to pass.
This section should also outline the procedure for each test or check, the

criteria for pass or fail and any related tolerance for the inspector (related: REQUEST A
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How Product Inspectors Use Quality Control Checklists). QUOTE

Some examples of on-site tests and checks are: Select Manufacturing Country


Barcode scan check (for any items with a barcode)

Carton drop test (for packaging)

GSM check (for fabric density)

Moisture check (for wood items, such as furniture or moldings)

Cross hatch adhesion test (for enamel-coated cookware items)

Vulcanization test (for rubber items, especially footwear)

Function test (applicable for most items)

Hi-pot test (for electrical items)

Required inspection equipment

Let’s say you’ve told your inspector they need to conduct a GSM check of fabric used at your supplier’s factory. Without

notifying the supplier in your QC checklist, that inspector might arrive at the factory to find the equipment needed for the

GSM check isn’t available.

Since you wouldn’t have any way to verify fabric density at that point, you might be forced to:

Reschedule the inspection, needlessly costing time and money or

Ship the goods without knowing fabric density, which could result in unhappy customers or receiving unsellable

product if density is too low.

Simply stating the required tests and checks for a product isn’t always adequate. It’s highly recommended that you also

include which equipment is necessary for each test and check. If you aren’t sure which equipment is needed, your supplier

or third-party inspector should be able to advise.

Specifying who will provide equipment

Just as important as specifying the required equipment is clarifying who will provide it.

In the fabric density example above, you might have included this test and the required equipment in your quality control

inspection checklist. But the supplier could mistakenly think the inspector will bring the testing equipment.
Likewise, the inspector might assume the factory will have

the equipment available on-site. To prevent this mix up, REQUEST A

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include who should provide each piece of equipment in your QUOTE

quality control checklist template.

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Suppliers generally should be responsible for providing any

larger equipment that’s difficult to transport, such as a

metal detection machine for garments or a large container

scale. The inspector typically brings smaller tools like

calipers, measuring tape and Pantone color swatches

(related: 6 Essential Tools for Product Inspection).

Defect classification

This part of a quality control sheet is one that many importers are familiar with—though often less directly and in limited


You might mention specific quality defects or other issues to your supplier and tell them which ones you can and cannot

accept. You might even provide photos of these and describe the level of severity of different issues that’s acceptable.

But a much better way to provide objective tolerances for quality issues is to include a section in your QC checklist for

classifying defects. This section should point out any and all potential quality defects and classify each as either “minor”,

“major” or “critical” (related: 3 Types of Quality Defects in Different Products).

This section of your quality control checklist template also tells the supplier and inspector about your tolerances for

product defects.

For example, you might classify a gap between product components as “minor” if it measures 3 mm or less but “major” if it

exceeds 3 mm. You might specify that glue residue on a product is a “minor” defect if it can be easily removed but “major”

if it cannot be removed.

Clarifying defects in a QC checklist ensures that everyone is using the same standard for assessment.


Creating a quality control inspection checklist should be among the first steps you take to develop an effective quality

control program. Creating a quality control checklist template for all subsequent inspections will help ensure consistency
in reporting and results.

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A detailed checklist can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. As a handy reference for workers on the factory floor, it
can prevent sub-standard or non-conforming goods. And since this document is in writing, it can also serve as a reference

if you have a disagreement with the factory about product standards. Select Manufacturing Country


Getting an absolutely perfect production run every single time is nearly impossible. But you can bring that goal closer to

reality by preventing confusion and conveying expectations with a clear QC checklist.

And don't forget to check out the manufacturing podcast episode that covers this topic!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and


Do you have any tips for what else is important to include in a QC checklist? Share them in the comments below!

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Kyler 4/27/2016, 10:20:33 PM

I can definitely see the importance of having a quality control inspection checklist. If the customers expectations are not being met, then there is definitely

something wrong. It makes sense to have a format that is direct and written clearly. Thanks for sharing this post. REQUEST A
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John Niggl 4/28/2016, 12:37:15 PM

Hi Kyler,

Thanks for showing your appreciation. Certainly quality control checklists are one of the best ways to clarify expectations and avoid later frustrations or

disappointment. Many importers don't realize the value of a checklist when coordinating manufacturing, distribution and quality control and making sure all parties

are on the same page.

I hope this article is able to help a few people realize that getting the product they want doesn't have to be like pulling teeth.


vinay soni 5/18/2018, 1:03:53 PM

hello Jhon

can you please provide me the quality control of soft goods and hard goods including all products with detailed information.

Best regards

Vinay soni


John Niggl 5/18/2018, 3:09:16 PM

Hi Vinay,

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Thanks for your message. QUOTE

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Can you clarify what your request?

InTouch helps clients create QC checklists for various products, including softline and hardline goods. We typically charge $85 an hour to assist clients with

creating these checklist.

If you're interested in help with product inspections for these products, I can provide more information on that.

Feel free to reply to my comment directly or email me at and I'll be happy to send you more information.

vinay soni 5/18/2018, 3:52:06 PM

hello Jhon,

i only needs to learn about quality control of soft goods and hard goods not more than this, can you please provide me the materials by the help of which I

can learn and follow the steps accordingly 'your advice for quality control.

John Niggl 5/18/2018, 3:57:50 PM

Hi Vinay,

I unfortunately can't send you existing QC checklists for hardlines or softlines products because they contain proprietary information sensitive to our


We have a VERY comprehensive guide on garment inspections, which you can download for free here:


We don't currently have any similar guideline for hardlines goods. But we plan to develop one later this year.
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Sadha 5/10/2016, 7:22:42 PM


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Can you give me some quality cintrol inspection for leather footwear production in?


John Niggl 5/11/2016, 3:01:57 PM

Thanks for your message, Sadha. No problem--we'll send you an email within the next 12 hours with details about how we can help.


Hoang Minh Ha 10/25/2016, 7:54:26 AM

Hi John Niggl,

I found that your quality blog is really helpful to help us improve the quality of product and meet the requirement of customer. I am working at the trading company

which have multiple supplier and also products type such as Furniture fitting, Architect hardware, Sanitary and Home Appliance. Could you please give me a better

idea how to make a QC checklist for my firm? Really appreciate for what you have done!


John Niggl 10/25/2016, 11:16:56 AM

Hi Minh Ha,

Thanks for showing you're appreciation. To learn more about how create a QC checklist, you can take a look at this related blog article: REQUEST A
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I'm also happy to send you an example QC checklist to give you a better understanding.

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supriya reddy 1/24/2017, 12:20:49 PM

Very good idea you've shared here, from here I can be a very valuable new experience. all things that are here will I make the source of reference, thank you friends.


evabrenda amo 4/25/2017, 3:19:09 PM

Can you give me some quality cintrol inspection for bottled sweets (nata de coco) production in?


Matthew Milasius 4/26/2017, 11:33:15 AM

Thank you for reaching out to us. One of our representatives will contact you directly.


Angie Mendez 7/6/2017, 8:26:40 PM

What if there is something out of tolerance but it was accepted by a concession? should we add failed in the checklist and then listed the concession number, or we

add passed and listed the concession number? REQUEST A

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John Niggl 7/7/2017, 9:27:51 AM

Hi Angie,

Good question. Anytime a concession is made to overlook or excuse a case where something was found out of tolerance during inspection, that tends to be the

exception to the rule. You would only adjust tolerances in the QC checklist if that concession will be the new rule in future inspections. If you don't plan to make

the same concession during future inspections, then you don't want to change the QC checklist because you want the standard for pass/fail to remain the same.


Nurul Islam 2/19/2018, 11:57:24 AM

Hi John Niggl,

I found that your quality blog is really helpful to help us improve the quality of product and meet the requirement of customer. I am working at the trading company

which have multiple supplier and also products type such as Furniture fitting, Architect hardware, Sanitary and Home Appliance. Could you please give me a better

idea how to make a QC checklist for my firm? Really appreciate for what you have done!


John Niggl 2/22/2018, 10:11:39 AM

Hi Nurul,

Thanks for your message.

Our best resource on making a QC checklist is currently our eBook, 5 Essentials of a QC checklist which you can see linked in the above article as well as theA
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banner image at the end of the article. The eBook includes details about general points to consider including in your own checklist, as well as examples

sections of actual checklists to show how those might look.

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It's difficult to be specific about what points to include without being more familiar with your product and quality requirements. But if you'd like help creating

your checklist, InTouch offers that service. Please let me know if you're interested and I'll email you with more information.


Steve Miller 5/16/2018, 11:32:54 PM

If a product is dual sourced, can the QC Checklist from supplier A be shared with Supplier B? Who owns the checklist, the supplier or the customer?


John Niggl 5/17/2018, 9:07:59 AM

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your message.

If you're sourcing an identical product from two different suppliers and have the same quality expectations for both, it's valuable to collaborate with both

suppliers to create one checklist.

Assuming the checklist contains some unique intellectual property (IP), who it belongs to will depend on whatever contractual agreement you have with each

supplier. If you have a legally binding agreement that entitles you to maintain control of your product's design and exclusive manufacturing rights, then the QC

checklist could be considered part of that.

But contracts with overseas factories can very greatly. And as I'm not a legal professional, I'd suggest consulting a local lawyer when drafting such an

agreement. If you're manufacturing in China, China Law Blog has a lot of helpful information here: REQUEST A
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Stacy Bruce

Stacy Bruce comes from Adelaide, Australia and joined the InTouch team after working and studying in Shanghai and Beijing. She loves

to exercise, learn languages and write novels. She worked with InTouch as a Client Manager from 2015 to September 2016.

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