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 1
1. An individual who organizes or operates a business is known as ______

A. employee

B. entrepreneur

C. speculator

D. agent

2. The word entrepreneur has been derived from the French word which is called _______

A. entroprenture

B. entreprendure

C. entreprenture

D. ontreprendure

3. The resistance of employees in an organization against flexibility, growth and diversification can be overc

A. Entrepreneurship

B. Intrapreneurship
C. Managerial domain

D. Administrative domain

4. Entrepreneurs are never satisfied with traditional or existing sources of materials due to their _____

A. unimaginative nature

B. habitual nature

C. traditional nature

D. innovative nature Correct answer

5. An individual who has prior business ownership experience is called a(n) ____________ entrepreneur.

A. Novice

B. Habitual

C. Serial

D. Portfolio

6. Which of the following is not one of the four phases of entrepreneurial development?

A. The growth of the business

B. The closure of businesses that are not sufficiently attractive

C. The development of a business to exploit the opportunity

D. The development of superior relationships with customers and suppliers

7. __________ is the ability to bring something new into existence from either an existing or new idea

A. reality

B. ability

C. creativity Correct answer

D. capacity

8. Task presentation , Preparation , Incubation, Idea generation, Idea validation, Outcome assessment are all

A. stages of creativity

B. arena of creativity

C. result of creativity

D. loops of creativity

9. entrepreneurs are ________ in need-achievement

A. low

B. high

C. average

D. nutral

10. which of these is not a characteristic of an entrepreneur

A. dependence

B. vision

C. value addition

D. optimism

11. Entrepreneurs do not shoot in dark, they are not gamblers, Yes they do take risks but only __________ .

A. calculated risk

B. unspecified risk

C. vague risk

D. uncertain risk

12. entrepreneurship procedure is in which of these sequence ??

1. They see opportunities where others don’t.
2. They have a ‘vision’, a clear understanding of the concept and of what they’re trying to do.
3. They persuade others of their vision, they can communicate the concept effectively.
4. They gather resources to make their vision become a reality (money, people, things).
5. They organize these resources to create a new venture, product or market (leadership, teams).
6. They constantly change/adapt themselves according to the changing demands of the market.

A. 5>4>3>2>1>6

B. 1>3>2>5>4>6

C. 3>2>5>6>4>1

D. 1>2>3>4>5>6

13. What are the benefits of franchising?

A. Overseas expansion with a minimum investment

B. Franchisees’ profits tied to their efforts

C. Availability of local franchisees’ knowledge

D. All of these

14. Mc Donald is an example of _______.

A. Contract

B. Franchising
C. Joint venture

D. Agreement

15. The combination of skills permits _______ in dealing with local market conditions and yet provides the p
reasonable degree of control.

A. Flexibility Correct answer

B. Non flexibility

C. Only Non flexibility

D. Both (Flexibility) and (Non flexibility)

16. What are the challenges in new product development?

A. All of these

B. Idea Generation

C. Idea screening

D. Commercialization

E. Testing New Products in National Markets

17. Which of the following was used by Sunbeam Appliance Company to assist in redesigning its many lines
A. consumer usage and attitude survey

B. consumer attribute and benefit survey

C. product line sales and market share simulations

D. conjoint analysis

E. All of these

18. ______ Is the starting point of the technology transfer process.

A. Valorisation

B. Detection

C. Protection

D. Exploitation

19. TTO stands for

A. Technology Transfer offices

B. Technological Transfer officers

C. Transfer Technology offices

D. None of these

20. Which theory assumes that the consumer is a rational decision maker with well-defined, stable preference
skills to calculate which option will maximize his or her value and will choose on this basis?

A. dual coding theory

B. attribution theory

C. rational choice theory Correct answer

D. calculated theory

E. affect theory

21. A metagoal refers to _________ .

A. None of these

B. the overall amount of energy devoted to any given purchase

C. the conscious thinking of all decision processes

D. using nonfinancial criteria to make purchase decisions

E. the general nature of the outcome being sought Correct answer

22. A limited capacity for processing information is known as _____.

A. bounded processing

B. working memory

C. bounded memory

D. bounded rationality Correct answer

23. In the context of public service, ________ aims at bringing the result of research laboratories to public us

A. Technology transfer

B. Inter regional exchange

C. Detection

D. Exploitation

24. ________ detection should also involve a first assessment of the commercial potential before taking the f

A. None of these

B. Quality

C. Quantity

D. Both of these
25. Which of the following is a type of consumer choice process?

A. attribute-based choice

B. affective choice

C. attitude-based choice

D. (affective choice), (attitude-based choice) and (attribute-based choice) Correct answer

E. (affective choice) and (attitude-based choice)

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