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Annual Examination
Computer Science
SESSION 2018-19

TIME 3 Hrs.
M.M. 70
Note: Attempt all questions: Answer question 2-7 with respect to C++ programming

Q1 Answer the following: (10)

a. Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computer. 1
b. Categorize the following printers into impact and non impact. 1
i. Daisy-Wheel Printer ii. Dot Matrix Printer
iii. Laser printer iv. Ink Jet printer.
c. Define the term ASCII and ISCII. 1
d. List any 4 major functions performed by an Operating System. 2
e. Categorize the following into hardware and software. 2
1. Capacitor 2. Internet Explorer 3. UNIX 4. Hard Disc
f. Answer the following 3
i. Define Multiprocessing OS.
ii. What is cold booting and warm booting
iii. Define and give example of Utility Software.
Q2. Explain the following term: (6)
i) Variable ii) Token iii) Array iv) Debugging 6
v) Comment vi) Keyword
Q3. Give differences between the following terms with the help of suitable examples. (8)
a. 1. Parameter and argument 2
2. Syntax error and logical error
b. What are data types ? List all the predefined or fundamental data types in c++ ? 2
c. What will be the size of the given constants? 'x', "x", 1
d. Write the corresponding C++ statements for the following mathematical expressions: 1
i) √ (a2+b2)
(ii) (a+b)/(p+q)
e. Evaluate the following, where p, q are integers and r, f is floating point number 2
variable.The value of p=8, q=4
1. f = p* q + p/q
2. p+q+p%q
Q4. Answer the following (12)
a. Observe the following C++ code carefully and Write the output that will appear on 2
the screen after execution of it.
Important Note:- All the desired header files are already included in the code, which
are required to run the code.
void main()
char *Text=”PUNEETA”;
int *P, Num[]={1,3,5,7};
cout<<*P<<Text<<endl; Text++; P++;
cout<<*P<<Text<<endl; }
b. Based on the following C++ code find out the expected correct output(s) from the 2
option (i) to(iv). Also, find out the minimum and the maximum value that can be
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assigned to the variable Guess used in the code at the time when value of Turn is 3.
void main()
char Result[][10]={"GOLD","SILVER","BRONZE"};
int Getit=9,Guess;
for(int Turn=1;Turn<4;Turn++)
{ Guess=random(Turn);
cout<<Getit-Guess<<Result[Guess]<<"*"; } }


C. Observe the following C++ code carefully and write the output that will appear on the 3
screen after execution of it.
#include <iostream.h>
void Changethecontent(int Arr[], int Count)
for (int C=1;C<Count;C++)
void main()
int A[]={3,4,5},B[]={10,20,30,40},C[]={900,1200};
Changethecontent(A,3); Changethecontent(B,4); Changethecontent(C,2);
for (int L=0;L<3;L++) cout<<A[L]<<’#’; cout<<endl;
for (L=0;L<4;L++) cout<<B[L] <<’#’; cout<<endl;
for (L=0;L<2;L++) cout<<C[L] <<’#’; }

d. An array P[20][30] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the 3
element occupying 4 bytes, find out the memory location for the element P[5][15], if
an element P[2][20] is stored at the memory location 5000.
e. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Also, give a 2
suitable C++ code to illustrate both.
Q5 Answer the following after reading the instructions carefully. (12)
a. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (if any). 2
Underline each correction.
#include <iostream.h>
Struct Pixels
{ int Color,Style; }
void ShowPoint(Pixels P)
{ cout<<P.Color,P.Style<<endl;}
void main()
Pixels Point1;
Pixels Point2=Point1;
Color.Point1 += 2;
ShowPoint(Point2); }

b. b) Convert the following code segment into switch case construct. 3

int ch;
if(ch = = 1)
{ cout<<" Laptop";
else if(ch -

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cout<<"Desktop •
} else if(ch= = 3)
} else cout<<"lnvalid Choice"; }
c. Convert the following code segment into do-while loop. 2
#include<iostream. h>
void main()
{ int i;
for(i= 1 ;i<=20;++i)
cout<<"\n"<<i; }
d. Given the following code fragment 2
int ch=5;
cout << ++ch<< "\n"<<ch<<"\n";

i) What output does the above code fragment produce?

ii) What is the effect of replacing ++ ch with ch + l?
e. Give two differences between entry controlled and exit controlled loops. Give an 3
example of each type..
Q6 Answer the following (6)
.a. Write the name of header file for the following functions. 2
i. isupper() ii) gets() iii. random() iv. sqrt()
b. Evaluate the following 4
i. (12)10 -> (X)2
ii. (A2B0)16 -> (X)8 –> (X)2
iii. (10110010)2 -> (X)2

Q7 Programming in C++ (16)

.a. Write a function CHANGEO in C++, which accepts an array of integer and its size as 3
parameters and divide and replaces all those array elements in the same array by 7
which are divisible by 7 and multiply other array elements by 3.
b Write a a function in C++ chkPrime(int) to check if a number is prime or not. The 3
function should return 1 if the number is prime and 0 if it is non prime.
c. Define a class in C++ with following description: 3
Private Members
A data member Flight number of type integer
A data member Destination of type string
A data member Distance of type float
A data member Fuel of type float
A member function CALFUEL() to calculate the value of Fuel as per the following
Distance Fuel
<=1000 500
More than 1000 and <=2000 1100
More than 2000 2200
Public Members
A function FEEDINFO() to allow user to enter values for Flight Number, Destination,
Distance & call function CALFUEL() to calculate the quantity of Fuel
A function SHOWINFO() to allow user to view the content of all the data Members
d. Write a program to create a structure of employee with the data members Employee 3
Number(int), EmployeeName, salary(float).Accept the details of 10 employees in an
array of structure and display them.
e. Write a program to print a string (accepted from the user) in reverse order.(without 2
using library function).
f. Write a program to print Fibonacci series up to the term n(accepted from the user ). 2
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Annual Examination
Computer Science
SESSION 2018-19

TIME 3 Hrs.

M.M. 70
Note: Attempt all thequestions. Answer question 2-7 with respect to C++ programming

Q1 (1
a. Define Mini computers and Micro Computers 2
b. Define system software. What are its two main types Give examples. 2
c. Differentiate between ASCII and UNICODE. 2
d. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter. List any two languages using each. 2
e. Convert -22 in 8 bit sign magnitude. 1
f. What do you understand by Spooling (with reference to function of Operating System. 1

Q2 Explain the following term: 6

.a. i) Keywords
ii) Literals
iii) Derived data types
iv) Identifiers
v) Comment
vi) Escape sequences

Q3 Answer the following. (8

a. Give differences between the following terms with the help of suitable examples. 2
i. Implicit type casting explicit type casting
ii. Procedural language and OOPs

b. What do you understand by comments in C++? Give the symbols used for the two types of comments 2
in C++.

c. What will be the size(in bytes) of the constants? 'a', "a", 1

d. Write the corresponding C++ expressions for the following mathematical expressions: 1
i) √ (p (a + b))
(ii) (x + y) / (z + x)

e. Evaluate the following, where p, q are integers and r, f are floating point numbers. 2
The value of p= 6 , q=4 and r=2.5
i. f = p / q * 3
ii. p + q + r * 5
Q4 Answer the following: (1

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a. Observe the following C++ code carefully and write the output, which will appear on the screen after 2
execution of it. Important Note: - All the desired header files are already included in the code,
which are required to run the code.
void main()
char *String —"SARGAM" ;
int*Ptr, A[ ] = {l,5,7,9};
Ptr = A ;
cout<<*Ptr <<String <<endl;
String++ ;
Ptr += 3 ;
b. Based on the following C++ code find out the expected correct output(s) from the option (i) to(iv). 2
Also, find out the minimum and the maximum value that can be assigned to the variable Chance.
void main( )
randomize( );
int Arr[]={9,6},N;
int Chance=random(2) + 10;
for (int C=0; C<2 ; C++)
cout<<Arr[N] + Chance<<”#”;
(i) 9#6# (ii) 19#17# (iii) 19#16# (iv) 20#16#
C. Write the output of the following code snippet. 3
#inc1ude <iostream.h>
struct POINT
int X, Y, Z;
void StepIn(POINT & P, int Step=1)
P.X += Step;
P.Y -= Step;
P.Z += Step;
void StepOut(POINT & P, int Step=1)
{ P.X -= Step;
P.Y += Step;
P.Z –= Step;
void main ( )

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POINT P1={15, 25, 5}, P2={10, 30, 20};

d. An array P[50] [60] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the element occupying 2 3
bytes, find out the memory location for the element P[10][20], if the Base Address of the array is
e. What do you understand by Function overloading or Functional polymorphism? Explain with the 2
help of suitable example.
Q5 Answer the following: (1
a. Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (if any). 2
##Define float MaxSpeed=60.5;
void main()
int MySpeed
char Alert='N' ;
if MySpeed>MaxSpeed
Alert='Y' ; cout<<Alert<<endline; }

b. b) Convert the following code segment into switch case construct. 3

char ch;
cout<<”A for Aeroplane “;
cout<<”E for Elephant “;
cout<<”I for Igloo “;
cout<<” Invalid character”;

c. Convert the following code segment into for loop. 2

void main()
{ int i=10;
while(i < 20)

i +=2;

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} }
d. What do you understand by unary operator. Give example and explain any 2 unary operator in C++. 2

e. Give two differences between entry controlled and exit controlled loops. Give an example of each 3
Q6 Answer the following: (6
.a. Write the name of header file for the following functions. 2
i. setw() ii) strcmpi() iii. clrscr() iv. cos()
b. Evaluate the following 4
i. (18)10 -> (X)2
ii. (B2C0)16 -> (X)8 –> (X)2
iii. (11110010)2 -> (X)10
Q7 Programming Section (1
.a. Write the definition of a function Change(int P[], int N) in C++,which should replace all the 3
multiples of 10 in the array to 10 and rest of the elements as 1.
b Write a function chkNum(int) in C++ to check if a number is ARMSTRONG or not . The function 3
should return 1 if the number is Armstrong number and 0 if it is not an armstrong number.
NOTE: A positive integer is called an Armstrong number if the sum of cubes of individual digit is
equal to that number itself. For example: 153 is Armstrong Number.
153 = 1 * 1 * 1 + 5 * 5 * 5 + 3 * 3 * 3

c. Write the definition of a class Photo in C++ with following description: 3

Private Members
Pno //Data member for Photo Number(an integer)
Category //Data member for Photo Category(a string)
Exhibit //Data member for Exhibition Gallery(a string)
FixExhibit() //A member function to assign Exhibition Gallery as per Category as shown in the
//following table
Category Exhibit
Antique Zaveri
Modern Johnsen
Classic Terenida
Public Members
Register()// A function to allow user to enter Values Pno,Category and call FixExhibit() function
ViewAll() //A function to display all the data members
d. Write a program to create a structure of employee with the data members Employee Number(int), 3
EmployeeName, salary(float).Accept the details of 10 employees in an array of structure and display
e. Write a program to check if a number is Palindrome or not.( without using library functions ) 2
f. Write a program to print multiplication table of a number up to the range. 2
Note both number and the range has to be inputted from the user.

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