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JL. AFFANDI MRICAN 5  562487 FAX. (0274) 562487 YOGYAKARTA
 55281 e-mail :


TAHUN AJARAN 2018/2019

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Lintas Minat)

Kelas : X MIPA
Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Desember 2019

Petunjuk Umum
1. Berdoalah sebelum Anda mengerjakan soal.
2. Laporkan pada pengawas apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas.
3. Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas

Petunjuk Khusus
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menyilang huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar
jawaban yang tersedia.

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


1. What do you call this kind of form?

A. Requisition form D. Return train ticket
B. Reservation form E. One way train ticket
C. Cancellation form

2. Which statement is correct based on the form above?

A. Prem Rkishnan P does not consume meat.
B. Prem Rkishnan P was away for three days.
C. Prem Rkishnan P cancelled his return ticket.
D. Prem Rkishnan P booked one way ticket to TUP.
E. Prem Rkishnan P is a woman travelling on a train.

3. What will the passenger probably do after he gets this form?

A. He will keep it as a receipt.
B. He will use it to board the train.
C. He will sell it to other passengers.
D. He will change it into the train ticket.
E. He will show it to the train conductor.

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


4. What do you call this form?

A. label D. biography
B. resume E. advertisement
C. brochure

5. People usually use this text as attachment for letter of .......

A. order D. collection
B. inquiry E. application
C. Complain

6. From the text above, it can be concluded that

A. The teacher experienced only in teaching young learners.
B. The teacher offers all kinds of musical instrument coaching.
C. The teacher is very skillful and has vast variety of experience.
D. The teacher only serves live performance in wedding or birthday party
E. The teacher cannot deal with difable students or having learning restriction

7. “ Talented piano teacher with ....”

What is the closest meaning to the underlined word?
A. gifted D. provided
B. pointed E. interested
C. granted

Training of Internet Aplication as Educational Media

Nirmala Computer, Software, Hardware and Network
Address: jl Cigantung Sp.1 Amin Jaya Bogor, telp:089-376-0554/079-378-1523, email
Full name Hanggoro Kusuma
Date of birth Jakarta, 11 November 1990
Job Teacher
Adress Jl. Rangkobar Cihampelas 205 Bogor
Contact number 081-322-986
Training program Computer basic, Browser, Document text, Text file from web,
Image web type, and Text web to Ms.word
Days for training  Monday-Tuesday
 Wednesday – Thursday
 Friday – Saturday *tick your choice
Times for training  14.00 – 15.30
 16.00 – 17.30
 19.00 – 20.30 *tick your choice
Duration 48 times meetings + pre and post tests
Course cost Rp. 650.000
Course start On 20 Oktober 2017
Course length 6 months
Payment When the form is returned to the office.

8. What is the form about?

A. Selling computer
B. Reserving training
C. Booking a hardware
D. Ordering something
E. Purchasing software

9. What will the participant mostly learn during the course?

A. Web program
B. Graphics lesson
C. Software system
D. Hardware training
E. Computer business

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


10. What is the currency commonly used in the transaction above?

A. six months
B. three weeks
C. one and half day
D. one and half hour
E. one hundred minutes

Dea : Hi ...Kevin. How is the progress of your group project on musical drama?
Kevin : It is not good, I am afraid. The script is not ready yet. It should have been completed
last week.
Dea : Oh it? You should work harder. My group has rehearsed twice this week.
Kevin : I see. Some of my group members are very busy preparing for the competition.
Dea : I think you should invite some of them to finish the script and ask the others to proof
Kevin : Wow... good suggestion, so we do not have to wait for all members to gather. Thanks
Dea : The hardest time is when we have to act out the dialogs using fluent English with good
pronunciation and intonation. It takes a lot of energy and time.
Kevin : Okay, I’ll do it soon. Will you help us?
Dea : Sure. With pleasure.

11. What is Kevin’s problem related to the group project on musical drama?
A. Time restriction
B. Financial matter
C. Weak teamwork
D. Mismanagement
E. Lack of members

12. Dea suggests inviting some of Kevin’s group members to finish the script and ask the
others to proof read for the following reasons, except ....
A. There must be clear job description.
B. The scenario has not completed yet.
C. Not all members can join the rehearsal.
D. The script will guide the next rehearsal.
E. Dea’s group has already rehearsed twice.

13. “It should have been completed last week.” (line 2). That sentence means that ...
A. The script should be revised.
B. The script was ready yesterday.
C. They did not finish the script yet.
D. The script has been used to rehearse.
E. They have made the script since yesterday.

14. Which is the correct statement based on the dialog above?

A. Kevin denied Dea’s suggestion.
B. Dea’s group is much better than Kevin’s.
C. Making drama script is the most difficult part.
D. Performing English drama needs much practice.
E. Dea and Kevin collaborated to perform the same project.

15. ”Wow... good suggestion, so we do not have to wait for all members to gather”
The underlined word refers to
A. Kevin and Dea
B. The writer and te reader
C. All students in the classroom
D. The members of Dea’s group
E. The members of Kevin’s group

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


Questions number 16 and 17, choose the right option to complete the dialog.
Haidar : What are we having for dinner tonight?
Mayang : Do you have any ideas? I want to try a new recipe, roasted guramee.
Haidar : Terrific. But have you bought the fish yet?
Mayang : Not yet. I __________ (16) it by on line. It’s easy.
Haidar : You should have done it. It is 3 p.m. and it takes a lot of time to make
it.Mayang : Don’t worry too much. The fish is ready to cook. I just need to marinate with
seasoning and roast it
Haidar : _______________ (17) Mary and Frankie?
Mayang : That’s good. We should also invite Jane and Tom.
Haidar : Is the food enough for six people? If not, we should prepare fried chicken.
Mayang : Okay, I’ll call Rahayu Chicken right away.
Haidar : Good. I’ll prepare vegetable salad.

16. The appropriate expression is ...

A. will order D. should be ordering
B. must order E. should have ordered
C. should order

17. The appropriate expression is ...

A. Please invite
B. Do you invite
C. Can you invite
D. Shall we invite
E. Should you invite

The followings are not related to the text above.

18. Anis : I am fed up with the more and more complicated home assignment. It’s
Jeffrey : ... ,so you don’t have to work all things by yourself.
A. Why don’t you leave the school?
B. I think you should collaborate with others.
C. You have to protest and reject such assignment.
D. It’s better to complete the task after the semester test.
E. What about asking your friend and paying some money.

19. Mia : I plan to go to Jakarta next Thursday.

Bob : ….. According to the weather forecast, there will be heavy rain and storm
around this week.
A. May I come with you?
B. Let’s take business class.
C. You should come back soon.
D. You had better postpone your flight.
E. It’s better for you to take a cheaper ticket.

20. Tim : It’s hard for me to understand the text because of the difficult words.
Lidya : ….. The technology really helps us.
A. Why don’t you ask me?
B. You should bring a dictionary.
C. You had better take the source.
D. If I were you, I would ask the teacher.
E. You can look it up in a digital dictionary.

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


Questions number 21 - 23, choose the right option to complete the dialog.

Melly : Bob, what is your planning after leaving high school?

Boby : I am interested in music. I ___________ (21) classical music in ISI. And you?
Melly : I don’t know yet. I have not decided where and what to study later.
Boby : Oh no...., Melly. We need to plan long in advance so you will not regret.
Melly : Are you serious to learn classical music? What makes you so?
Boby : You see, I am not good at math nor physics. My passion is on music.
Melly : Like father like son, you take after your father, a talented musician.
Boby : You are smart enough Melly, you have many choices to study in favourite
Melly : I am still confused, I want to take Faculty of Medicine in UI but my Mom does not.
Boby : It’s awesome, I am sure you ___________ (22) the entrance test. But why does your
Mom disagree?
Melly : She has logical reason, If I am majoring at Medicine, by the time I finish six years
studying, the number of doctors _______________ (23) much more than needed.
Boby : Her calculation is smart. You had better take IT.
Melly : That is what my mom wants me. Next month I will be taking two week courses on IT.
Boby : Thanks for this meaningful sharing.

21. The best answer is ...

A. will learn
B. will be learnt
C. will be learning
D. will have learned
E. am going to learn

22. The appropriate one is ...

A. will pass
B. will be passed
C. will be passing
D. will have passed
E. are going to pass

23. The suitable choice is ...

A. will reach
B. will be reached
C. will be reaching
D. is going to reach
E. will have reached

In this excerpt from Understanding Social Media: How to Create a Plan for Your Business That
Works, digital marketing expert Simon Kingsnorth presents 10 predictions on the future.

If we continue to believe in Moore’s law, which has proved itself reliable to date, then we can
expect significant increases in computer and internet connection speed over the coming years.
If we consider Google’s Loon project we can also expect the number of internet users to grow
as internet penetration grows. If we assume that consumer confidence in the internet also
continues to grow then we can expect more people to shop online, and if we look at Amazon’s
delivery drones then we can see this becoming the norm.

All of the above indicates to me that there are several directions that social media will take, and
so I will conclude by making some bold forecasts. Biz Stone, founder of Twitter, recently stated
that he believes social media is ‘just getting started’. So there is a long road ahead, and I would
encourage you to try to expand on this list:

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


1. Social media will make all of its content, including individual posts, searchable via

2. Shopping will become more common on social media channels.

3. Social media sites operating within specific verticals will have increasing success, such
as sport, finance, automotive, music, film and other large-volume opportunities.

4. Social pages will become more conducive to enabling customers to respond directly
without creating potential brand damage.

5. Creating and sharing media will become increasingly easy as wearable technology
becomes mainstream.

6. Businesses will get smarter about how they use social. No longer shouting about their
greatness, they will develop strong content strategies and have unique strategies for
each social channel, only operating on the channels that are relevant.

7. Everything will be mobile. Responsive and able to work on any device will be the norm.
Pinching and swiping to try to read content will disappear as a concept. Social will be at
the heart of this as it reaches 100 per cent mobile usage.

8. People will use social media more to partake in crowd-based activities with individuals
that they don’t know but do have things in common with. Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer
lending opportunities will grow. The world will increasingly become one community.

9. SMS text messaging will virtually disappear, perhaps only remaining for emergencies,
as messaging apps take over.

10. Cloud content will increase as people become comfortable with the concept and begin
to release their psychological attachment to ownership. This will further enable sharing.

24. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. Responsive and able to work on particular device will be the fixed norm.
B. The number of internet users keeps decreasing as internet penetration grows.
C. Social media sites operating within general verticals will have increasing success
D. Making and sharing media will become harder as wearable technology becomes
E. Comforts with the concept and begin to free their psychological attachment to
ownership makes cloud content increases.

25. “Biz Stone, founder of Twitter, recently stated that he believes social media is ‘just getting
started’ ....
What does the sentence imply?
A. There must be a time when social media disappears.
B. The development of social media tends to fade away soon.
C. People start avoiding social media as often getting deceited.
D. There must be further sophisticated development of social media.
E. The social media has already reached the highest peak development .

26. “ ... and so I will conclude by making some bold forecasts. What is the synonym of the
underlined word ?
A. Prediction
B. probabality
C. segregation
D. assessment
E. phenomena

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


The followings are not related to the text above.

27. Today is still Tuesday. Jack says he _____________ his assignment by the end of this
A. Will complete
B. Will be completed
C. Will be completing
D. Will have completed
E. Will have been completed

28. Sany : Lintang, Where are you heading?

Lintang : I am going swimming in the spring near the river.
Sany : But ... look at the black clouds. __________ Take an umbrella with you!
Lintang : Sure. It’s Okay.
A. It will rain
B. It will be raining
C. It is going to rain
D. It will have rained
E. It is going to be raining

29. Maya : Billy, can I see you at 4 pm tomorrow afternoon?

Billy : Oh ... sorry. _____________ It starts at 3.30 and ends at 4.30 pm.
A. I will play soccer
B. I will be playing soccer
C. I will have played soccer
D. I am going to play soccer
E. I will have been playing soccer

30. Meli : Oh my God, I left my wallet at home. How can I pay for this Go_jek?
Kafi : No worries. ____________________ you can pay it back next time.
A. I will lend you mine
B. Can you borrow mine
C. Can you lend me some
D. I will borrow yourmoney
E. I am going to borrow yours

The following does not have relation with the text

31. ... seller and consumer need to establish trustworthy for long term business relationship.
A. that
B. both
C. either
D. neither
E. not only

32. Those vegetarians consume ... steak nor chicken. They prefer fruit salad.
A. that
B. both
C. either
D. neither
E. not only

33. In milleneum era, students are requested to achieve .... hard skills but also soft skills so
it is easier for them to deal with other people.
A. that
B. both
C. either
D. neither
E. not only

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


34. Andin : What would you like to drink, Jim, avocado or guava juice?
Jum : ..., I like any juice.
A. that
B. both
C. either
D. neither
E. not only

35. Linda loves travelling. Vita loves travelling too.

The best combination is ...
A. Both Linda and Vita love ravelling.
B. Both Linda and Vita loves ravelling.
C. Either Linda or Vita loves travelling.
D. Neither Linda nor Vita loves travelling.
E. Linda not only loves travelling but also Vita.

36. Veve : I plan to enjoy this semester holiday visiting European countries.
Ardi : Would you like to go to Madrid or Lisabon?
Veve : Neither. The tour leader has scheduled to visit Paris, London, Amsterdam, and

What is inferred from the dialog above?

A. Ardi wants to go to Madrid and Lisabon.
B. Veve wants to go to Madrid and Lisabon.
C. Veve does not intend to visit Madrid and Lisabon.
D. Ardi plans to go to, London, Amsterdam, and Switzerland.
E. Veve does not intend to London, Amsterdam, and Switzerland.

37. Which sentence is gramatically correct?

A. Both Tom and Suzan is good at presenting in English.
B. Either you and I are interested in outdoor sport.
C. I do not only work for me but also for others.
D. You are not only wealthy but also generous.
E. Neither Jim nor his brothers are friendly

38. Which sentence is gramatically correct?

A. I am interested either in music nor sport.
B. Neither my father nor I has ever been to Bali.
C. Tony is not only expert in software and hardware
D. Dea wants to apply for both secretary or receptionist.
E. Both Lisa and Budi was schoolmates when they were children.

39. Which sentence is gramatically incorrect?

A. Both English and IT are badly needed in this era.
B. Either teacher or students have to keep learning forever.
C. Neither Jakarta nor Yogyakarta are getting more and more crowded.
D. BJ Habibi is famous for not only his expertise but also his personality.
E. Learning English covers not only theory but also practice over and over.

40. Both of us ... not here yesterday, we did not know what went wrong with this damage.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Have
E. Were

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


Questions number 41 – 44 based on this following text.

Military and Indonesian politician A.H. Nasution was born in Kotanopan (Sumatra) in
1918. After becoming a hero in the struggle for the independence of Indonesia, became to
occupy important positions in the Government of the country.

He studied at the Academia Militar Dutch Bandung, where he graduated with the degree
of officer. During the second world war he served in the army of the Dutch Indies. At the
outbreak of the war of independence in Indonesia, he led one of the major guerrilla groups
fighting on the island of Java against the Dutch, who refused to accept that the Declaration of
independence on August 17, 1945 spread beyond this island. After the promulgation of the
Constitution of 1950, Indonesia is stating a unitary Republic, he was appointed head of the
largest state of the Indonesian army. Sukarno, who had won in the elections of 1957, at the
head of his party's nationalist-minded appointed him to the post of Chairman of the Board of
Chiefs of staff. In 1959 he joined the Government as Minister of Defense, a position he would
occupy until 1966.

On October 1, 1965 he had to face from his post to the coup d'Etat led by the head of
the presidential guard, lieutenant general Untung. The coup attempt, known as of September
30, which presumably had the support of Sukarno, were joined the Communist Party and
several military prochinos. The rebels stopped and killed six General of staff of the army, but
failed in his attempt to stop to Nasution. He was wounded when trying to escape from his house
to save life and he could not prevent the death of his daughter and his assistant. Once stifled
the revolt, order in Jakarta was restored and the activities of the Communist Party were
banned. The violent repression that followed the restoration of the order caused at least
500,000 dead in Java and Bali between militants of the left-wing parties and the members of
suspect loyalty of the army. Nasution, who accused China of being behind the rebels, promoted
a campaign of violence against the inhabitants of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia.

On December 14, 1965, Nasution was named President of the Supreme operational
command, institution that took some of the powers of the Government in its foundation decree
by Sukarno. Gradually it was becoming the strongest man of the country, since the Supreme
operational command was stripping to Sukarno of almost all its powers. The great personalities
who opposed his actions were subject to summary processes and imprisoned. His opinion was
decisive for Suharto was appointed head of Government in 1966. In a last attempt to retain
power, Sukarno deposed on February 21, 1966 as Minister of Defense, prompting sparking
violent protests which forced Sukarno to resign and to hand over all powers to Suharto on 11
April of the same year. When the new Government was formed he became the Chair of the
Advisory people's Congress, which remained until 1972, in which retired from public life. In
1979 he published a history in eleven volumes on the struggle for independence in Indonesia.

41. What is the correct information about A.H. Nasution?

A. He was killed during Communist’s rebellion.
B. He participated in the struggle to get independence
C. He was the only general who survive from communist’s rebellion
D. A personal assistant of General Abdul Haris Nasution.
E. A hero who was buried in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery.

42. Paragraph three tells about Nasution’s ...

A. Military career as general.
B. Academia Military education.
C. Efforts to rescue his daughter.
D. Struggle against communist rebellion.
E. Personality and persisitant fight against rebellion.

43. What is implied from the last paragraph?

A. A.H Nasution is good at writing history.
B. A.H Nasution led rebellions aganst Soekarno.
C. A.H Nasution prompted sparking violant protest.
D. A.H Nasution became the spoke man in Soekarno’s era.
E. A.H Nasution sacrificed his life to reach our independence.

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


44. “.. order in Jakarta was restored and the activities of the Communist Party were banned.”
The underlined word can be best replaced with the word ....
A. forgiven
B. forgotten
C. forbidden
D. dismissed
E. deminished

Questions number 45 – 47 based on the following text

Born on September 4, 1962, in Osaka, Shinya Yamanaka was a Japanese physician and
researcher who developed a revolutionary method for generating stem cells from existing cells
of the body. This method involved inserting specific genes into the nuclei of adult cells, a
process that resulted in the reversion of cells from an adult state to a pluripotent state.
Yamanaka received a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the Osaka City University in 1993. Upon
graduation, he went to the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, U.S.A as a scientist where he
first learned genetics and the use of embryonic stem cells. In 2004 he began his landmark
studies on finding ways to induce pluripotency in cells. He announced that he had succeeded in
generating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in 2006. The following year Yamanaka and
James Thomson reported that they succeeded in reprogramming human adult skin cells into
iPS cells. Yamanaka’s discoveries together with those of Thomson’s led to a dramatic rush in
research on stem cell. They actively engaged in iPS cell research towards regenerative
medicine as a research tool for drug discovery and the possible use of these cells in the
modelling and treatment of human diseases.
Yamanaka received multiple prestigious awards for his contribution to stem-cell research.
The significance of iPS was culminated with Dr Yamanaka and British developmental biologist
John B Gourdon being awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the
discovery that mature cells could be reprogrammed.

45. What does the text mostly discuss ?

A. A Japanese physician and researcher.
B. A multiple prestigious awards for Yamanaka
C. A biologist who developed pluripotency in cells
D. A pharmacolog from the Osaka City University
E. A revolutionary method for generating stem cells

46. Which statement is not correct ?

A. Shinya Yamanaka was a Japanese physician and researcher
B. Yamanaka first learned genetics and the use of embryonic stem cells in OCU.
C. Yamanaka received a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the Osaka City University in 1993
D. Yamanaka developed a revolutionary method for generating stem cells from existing
cells of the body.
E. Yamanaka received multiple prestigious awards for his contribution to stem-cell

47. When did Yamanaka James Thomson published that they succeeded in reprogramming
human adult skin cells into iPS cells?
A. 1993 C. 2006 E. 2012
B. 2004 D. 2007

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X


Questions number 48 – 50 complete this text.

General Offensive of 1 March 1949

The Dutch launched a military (48) ___________on 19 December 1948 which it termed
Operation Crow.
By the following day it had conquered the city of Yogyakarta, the location of the
temporary Republican capital. By the end of December, all major Republican held cities in Java
and Sumatra were in Dutch hands.
The Republican President, Vice-President, and all but six Republic of Indonesia
ministers were captured by Dutch troops and (49) ____________on Bangka Island off the east
coast of Sumatra.
In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Republican forces refused to surrender
and continued to wage a guerrilla war under the leadership of Republican military chief of staff
General Sudirman who had escaped the Dutch offensives. An emergency Republican
government, was established in West Sumatra.
On March 1, 1949 at 6 am, Republican forces launched March 1 General Offensive. The
Offensive caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part, Hamengkubuwono IX allowed his palace
to be used as a hide out for the troops. For 6 hours, the Indonesian troops had control of
Yogyakarta before finally retreating.
The Offensive was a moral and diplomatic success, inspiring demoralised troops all
around Indonesia, as well as proving to the United Nations that the Indonesian army still existed
and were capable of fighting. On the other hand, the offensive had demoralized the Dutch
forces, because they never thought that Indonesian forces could assault and control the city,
even for a few hours.

48. The best word(s) to fill the blank space is…

A. offensive
B. defensive
C. exclussive
D. permissive
E. progressive

49. The best word to fill the blank space is…

A. exported
B. emptied
C. existed
D. ended
E. exiled

50. The best word to fill the blank space is…

A. are established
B. was established
C. were established
D. will be established
E. has been established

*Best of Luck*

PAS SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan _English Language and Literature X

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