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SFQ - Level Three Spring Forest Qigong Level Three Manus Cri 203207 Ca Lin. All mei i ae send ‘erty owe ‘The-Yi- Yang Cie wh et Cig” ming ada of “Gant nan Seng Fo ine Second ig A 200 ove Thi man an al Sig Fst Qos hing and ‘ein tt ede ror enon of al races “Ths mad th to are trae om = sept ay ed oi ay by ac ce ‘erent heathen prove at han ihe he ing nals ef oop youd our eng ‘beh an wl penne noel ie af tea opts Ay piano haben i ml and ‘her mig mist ede ttn ed wie ove sign by Pe Fas aod RAD digs LLC ‘Manns by Andes Wels a ips ag Biography | } Cchunyi Lin ia certified intrmationa genre maser a4 the creator of Spring Forest Qigong. His ene i rserous Chinese dialects provided him #77 “Spportunity to sty with many ofthe mes pen caching gong master in hs native China He as bem CE {igong and using qigong techniques to help oe than twenty years Master Lin was formerly a college profesor in Guansden vate chin ad caren eves i of voce programs a Anoka-Ramscy Comunity CES iene Presta He also sees penpe ine etn saeie athe Spring Forest Qigong Cet Prairie, Minnesota, teaches four levels of Spin Forest ‘Qigong; and has ereated a series of tearing materials for ions Hei fequent keynote speak at maton! Reh conferences. Since coming to the United States in 198 Master Li fue tousinds and thousands of penne bn He erful eating benefits of Spring Fest 08 po evote all of his time tothe teaching SANE Fest ‘Gigong and to belping other, His visas of"# ET Svery family and a world without pain” Master Lin ves with his family in theTnin ctl 4 OF Minnesota Table of Contents Introduction Purpose Objectives, Focus Spirituality and Healing “The Teachings ofthe Teo Consciousness Undetsanding How to Use Your Consciousness Using Your Consciousness to Help Otters ‘The Importance of Your Belief System. ‘The Difference Between Spirit and Soul ‘The Empiness/Oneness Behaviors & Techniques That Help with Deep Meditation ‘Third Eye Training Opening Your Thitd Eye ‘When Your Third Eye Opens Different Levels of Third-Eye Opening ‘Building a Strong Foundation Fasting How to Fast, ‘Two-Day Fast ‘Three-Day Fast ‘Swallowing Energy Long-Distance Healing ‘Unuerstanding Long-Distance Derecting Techniques for Long-Distance Detecting Visualization Techniques Body Techniques “Techniques for Long-Distance Healing 6 Standard Healing 46 Telephone Healing 48 Finger-Growing Game 30 Group Healing 2 Face-to-Face Group Healing 3 Long-Distance Group Healing 58 Color Healing 9 Message Water a “Technique One a ‘Technique Two @ Message Water Practice 64 ‘Htping People with Specific Problems 0 | Cancer 6 "New Outlook on Life a ‘Cancer-Clearing Technique % ‘Kidney Energy 2 Pancreas and Liver Energy n ‘Skin, Throat, or Large Intestine Cancor B Kidney Cancer “ ‘Breas, Prostate, or Bladder Cancer 5 Brin Tumor n Lung Cancer D Children with Cancer 80 Help Technique for All Cancers 8 Colle Bone Points 81 stroke 2 Stones 4 ‘Apatomy 85 ‘Call Upon Your Master's Energy For Protection 86 Protecting Your Family and Yourself Introduct Purpose ‘The primary purpose of Level Three is o help you awaken andéor strengthen your spiritual energy and take i to higher level of consciousness, where you experience stronger connection with the vibration of unconditional love in the universe. This leads to living a more heart- centered and loving ie along with bing able to help ‘yourself and others heal more quickly and from mere ‘rccal health challenges. Objectives To achieve this you will be focusing on four objectives: 1. Opening your third eye 2. Expanding your understanding ofthe universe and consciousness 3. Deepening your spiritual growth 4. Learning more advanced techniques to heal ‘yourself and others of more critical health ‘challenges Focus Advanced techniques of energy work all relate tothe thind eye. When your third eye opens, your ability to use your unconditional love and spiritual energy {increases dramatically and so does your confidence in ‘your ability to help others, In order to open the third eye you have tbe able to. control your mind while in meditation. You do this by increasing your ability © focus on one object fora longer time, which enables you to get inte the ‘emptiness/oneness of the universe It is inthe ‘emptinessioneness that you can mone deeply purify ‘yourself and come tothe realization thatthe most Yoweri healing energy in the universe and i yous finconditional love. |When you understand the reality ofthe universe and Consciousness, you can go more quiekly and much Taos deeply into the emptiness/oneness, which allows Suto stingtten your spiital energy and inerease {he connection to your God Then the healing for SJourselfand othors happens fester, more powerfully And more completely ‘But please remember that while opening your third Efe very helpf and important fr tapping smo your GReper healing abilities, iis just a technique: ‘Techniques, lke the specific ones you learned in Level ‘Tove, mi always of secondary importance. The most iraportant aspect a healing yourself and helping others Te poal more completely is your sincere desie help iad the love, kindness, and forgiveness you holdin your feart_ your unconditional lave forall, ‘As your spiritual growth despens, you experience AS yotmoments of enlightenment, more moments pan you see and experience the truth ofthe universe, wala grore consistent connection of oneness with Jour God, Ths allows unconditional love o direct your life, Spirituality and Healing qj ‘The Teachings of the Tao ; Understanding the universe is very important for our pws meditation nd aso for healing ourselves and helping » ‘others heal. In Spring Forest Qigong, out guiding, principles come from the teachings ofthe Tao 7 In Tao teaching, an empty cirle i @ symbol representing the beginning of the universe, which is 1 | perfect emptiness/oneness, The ‘emptiness/oneness i a source of limitless energy th beginning oftime as we know it I always has been and always willbe. The Tao teaches that when the energy inthis emptiness/oneness reaches a cerain point, two kinds of energy are ereated. One is ealied yin energy. ‘The other isealled yang energy has existed since before the Thcse vo kinds of nt ae tre cach other When these energies ect cach oe a ie tines, Arent sped sn in teen spaces Siren wil cone no ing Eveyiingin tse Uivere wa seated ths wa To Appreciate the power et hs dynamic one iim needs oot a the inte diversity of species and natural objects. e ds of creatures and things Thete are sever characteristics of yin and yang: ‘They are always present in everything inthe They ae attracted to each other. ‘They are opposite ofeach other. ‘They cannot exist without each ther. ‘+ They are always together: within yin energy there is yang energy, and within yang energy there is yin nergy: ‘+ Incettain circumstances yin can change into yan, and vice vers, "Nothing inthe universe is statio—everyting is always changing. As things change imbalance between yin and ‘yang is created. The tension between balance and Jmbalance is where change occurs, and a that place is ‘where the potential for growth is. Imbalance in any ‘stem, inclading human, isnot inherently good or bad. It justis, “This isthe basic teaching ofthe Tao. Ieisimportant at this level of gigone taining that you Understand the universe ona deeper level. central {question you must ask is, “Who or what is it that creates these two types of energy—yin and yang—and then causes them to join together at diferent times, n different spaces, and at different speeds?” In Tao Te Ching teaching, Lao Tzu sid that To gives birth to One, One gives bisth to Two, Two gives birth to ‘Three, and Three gives birt to all things, This teaching is ‘ery important and help fous in understanding and tnastering our meditation and healing practice. “Tao is Tao thas erated all life and everything inthe tmniverse and the universe itself Yet itis beyond our ability to comprehend. Tao cannot be described, No matier how ‘deeply philosophical or spiritual an explanation isin trying to describe the Tao, at bes itcan only describe an aspect of {tc Thoughts and words wll aways give an incomplete ‘explanation. “Tao gives birth to One, What is One? One means the cempliness/oneness ofthe energy in the universe. isan “Ebsence of form of matter but a presence of perfect energy.

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