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Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592

Metal oxide photoelectrodes for hydrogen generation

using solar radiation-driven water splitting
V.M. Aroutiounian *, V.M. Arakelyan, G.E. Shahnazaryan
Yerevan State University, 1 Alek Manookian St., Yerevan 375025, Armenia
Received 28 April 2003; received in revised form 2 February 2004; accepted 10 February 2004
Available online 4 March 2004
Communicated by: Associate Editor Ali Raissi

Metal oxide semiconductors are today the most promising materials for photoelectrochemical production of
hydrogen by the method of the photoelectrolysis of water as the problems of the stability of photoelectrodes are
basically solved only for such materials. The aim of this short review paper is the presentation of results in this field
obtained both worldwide and by the authors of this paper. The factors determining the efficiency of photoelectrolysis
and possible ways to increase the photocatalytic activity of semiconductor photoelectrodes are analyzed. It is shown
that the development of new photoelectrodes made of solid solutions and more complicated multicomponent com-
positions are most promising. Possibilities to use porous and nanocrystalline oxide photoelectrodes in photoelectro-
chemistry are also discussed. Photoelectrolysis setups for the photoelectrochemical conversion of solar energy into
hydrogen are briefly described.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Oxide semiconductor; Photoelectrode; Water splitting

1. Introduction immersed in the electrolyte solution comprises the basis

of the photoelectrochemical cell. If an aqueous electro-
When a semiconductor is immersed in a solution, a lyte is chosen, the reaction of water oxidation on the
charge transfer occurs at the interface because of the semiconductor anode and the reaction of hydrogen
difference in the electron affinity or electrochemical po- reduction on the cathode take place, so we deal in this
tential of the two phases. The net result is the formation case with the photoelectrolysis of water (radiation-dri-
of space charge regions at the surface of the semicon- ven water splitting). Photoelectrolysis of water with use
ductor and in the electrolyte. If the semiconductor of semiconductor photoelectrodes (PE’s) is a non-pol-
electrode absorbs radiation, electrons move towards the luting, wasteless, renewable method of energy produc-
bulk of the n-type semiconductor, while holes move tion as water is a combustion product of hydrogen.
towards the surface and are injected into the electrolyte The problem of coordination of the energetics of an
(Fig. 1). Excited electrons have a possibility to pass to electrochemical reaction with the spectrum of solar
the second electrode, which is connected with the first radiation is a difficult one. It is necessary to solve it in
electrode through a conductive wire. The second elec- order to raise the efficiency of photoelectrochemical
trode may be metallic or made of other type (p-type) conversion (PEC) of solar energy. Photogenerated holes
semiconductor. The combination of two such electrodes may cause the oxidation of the semiconductor surface,
producing a blocking layer or the dissolution (corrosion)
of the electrode. The stability and mode of operation of
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +374-155-5590. electrodes can be attained by suitable choice of solution
E-mail address: (V.M. Aroutiounian). and redox couple, as well as by the electrode surface.
0038-092X/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
582 V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592

e- solar energy to hydrogen fuel using semiconductor PE’s.

O There are books and review papers available today,
where the general principles of operation of photo-
E E electrochemical converters of solar energy and problems
concerning the efficiency of photoelectrochemical pro-
e- duction of hydrogen are perfectly described (readers can
e- e ϕ fb -
O see, for example, books: Myamlin and Pleskov, 1967;
O Ec Gr€ atzel, 1983; Pleskov, 1985, 1990; Zamaraev and Par-
hν mon, 1985, 1991; Pleskov and Gurevich, 1986; Kulak,
H+/H2 Eg 1986; Gruzdkov et al., 1991; Fujishima et al., 1999. See
also some of review papers published in last 15 years:
H2O/O2 Levy-Clement, 1988; Arutyunyan, 1989; Memming,
1991; Aroutiounian, 1991, 2000; Yoneyama, 1993; Fox
+ p + and Dulay, 1993; Linsebigler et al., 1995; Nozik and
Memming, 1996; Mills and Le Hunte, 1997; Peral et al.,
Metal Electrolyte Semiconductor
1997; Malato et al., 2002; Bak et al., 2002. Earlier papers
Semiconductor: H2O+ 2p+ = 2H+ + ½ O2↑ can be found, for example, in review papers of Tom-
Counterelectrode: 2H+ + 2e- = H2 ↑ kiewicz and Fay, 1979; Zamaraev and Parmon, 1980;
Total reaction: H2O = H2 +½ O2 Nozik, 1981; Bagdasaryan, 1982; Gerisher, 1982; Trib-
utsch, 1982, 1986; Bicelli, 1983; Heller, 1981, 1984;
Fig. 1. The energetic diagram of photoelectrochemical cells
Kalyanasundaram, 1985; Aroutiounian, 1985, 1986;
with n-type semiconductor photoanode and metallic counter-
At the same time, in our opinion, a systematic pre-
sentation of the results of investigations of the efficiency
The efficiency of photoelectrochemical production of of photoelectrolysis achieved today with the use of PE’s
hydrogen is determined by a combination of such made of metal oxide semiconductors is absent in the
factors as imperfections of crystalline structure, bulk literature of recent years. Such metal oxide semicon-
and surface properties of the semiconductor PE’s, their ductors are the most promising materials for this pur-
resistance to the corrosion in aqueous electrolytes, and pose today, as the problems of stability are basically
ability to drive the water-splitting reaction. Therefore, solved only for such PE’s. The aim of the present short
research is developing today in two directions: the first review paper is the presentation of results in this field
one is further investigations of known semiconductors, obtained both in the literature and by the authors of
with the aim of optimization of their electrophysical and this paper, as well as our colleagues at Yerevan State
photoelectrochemical parameters, and the second one–– University.
discovery and manufacture of new semiconductor PE’s.
After the pioneering work of Fujishima and Honda
(1972), where the possibility to electrolyze water to 2. Manufacturing of semiconductor oxide PE’s
hydrogen fuel using a solar-driven TiO2 PE–electrolyte
cell was shown, the main attention of investigators was As starting materials for the fabrication of PE’s made
attracted to such semiconductor oxides or solid solu- of very cheap oxides, powders of commonly occurring
tions, which are resistant to photocorrosion. Although TiO2 , ZnO, Fe2 O3 , SrTiO3 and other oxides and mate-
impressive results for the efficiency of PE’s made of rials have been used in our laboratory. Of course, as a
conventional semiconductors like Si, GaAs, InP, Cu- rule, we are working with good insulators in this case. In
InSe, CdTe, etc., were obtained, only such PE’s could be order to minimize ohmic losses in the circuit, it is often
used in the photoelectrolysis operation mode for a very necessary to increase the electroconductivity by many
short time and only after a modifying the surface or orders of magnitude in the process of the preparation of
coating it with different catalytic metals. Unfortunately, polycrystalline and ceramic PE’s from powders. In
these semiconductors, used successfully in modern elec- Yerevan State University, different technological meth-
tronics and solar power engineering, in addition to their ods of preparation of ceramic, thin film, and polycrys-
high cost, are unstable in aqueous solutions. talline PE’s were proposed and investigated. We have
In describing the general situation concerning pho- experimentally investigated also the electrophysical,
toelectrochemical production of hydrogen, we noted photoelectrochemical, photoelectrical, optical, lumines-
continuing large interest in this problem and more than cence, reflection, electroluminescence, electroreflection,
a thousand publications in this field. It is obvious that it photocorrosion and other properties of metal oxide PE’s
is impossible in the framework of this short review paper (see, for example, review papers of Aroutiounian, 1985,
to present even the fundamentals on the problem of PEC 1991, 2000 and papers cited there). We consider some
V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592 583

theoretical mechanisms and models in our papers (see Mo, W, Nb, Re, Cr, V, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Al, etc.æ,
Aroutiounian, 1986, 1991; Aroutiounian et al., 1994, Fe2 O3 ÆSn, Ge, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ti, Ta, etc.æ, ZnOÆAl, Y, In,
1997a,b; Arutyunyan et al., 1981, 1992; Arutyunyan, etc.æ, SrTiO3 ÆNb, Cr, La, etc.æ, TiO, etc. (Aroutiounian,
1989; Margarian et al., 1997; Melicksetian et al., 1997). 1985, 1991, 2000; Shakhnazaryan et al., 1994; Sarkiss-
Results of these investigations will not be discussed here, yan, 1995; Sarkissyan et al., 1997; Aroutiounian et al.,
as the aim of this short review paper is rather narrow–– 1998, 1999, 2000a, 2002b,c, 2003). We manufactured Y–
to give the information about the efficiency of the con- Ba–Cu–O and Bi–Sr–Ca–Cu–O high temperature
version of solar energy into hydrogen fuel by the use of superconductor ceramic with different compositions
metal oxide PE’s. containing Li, Cs, Al, Ca, Cr, Na, Fe, Ga, Zr, Hf, Nb,
Photosensitivity is considerable only in the region of etc. and studied them as very cheap photocathode
fundamental absorption for photocorrosion-stable oxi- (Sarkisyan et al., 1992).
des (usually in short-wavelength part of the solar spec-
trum). This is the main reason for rather low efficiency
of solar energy conversion encountered in the photo- 3. Sensitization of oxide PE’s
electrolysis of water. We succeeded in lowering by many
orders of magnitude the specific resistance of PE’s made It is very important try to shift the sensitivity range of
of reduced oxide materials after corresponding techno- the PE’s closer to the maximum of the solar spectrum.
logical procedures. For example, during conversion of We have carried out investigations of the possibility of
stoichiometric TiO2 to its reduced form (TiO2x ), we PE sensitization to visible light by a doping of oxide
realized a drop in the dark specific resistance of PE’s of semiconductors with impurities mentioned above (Fig.
10–12 orders of magnitude, ZnO to ZnO1x ––5–7 or- 2). It was established that the doping of semiconductor
ders, etc. It led to dramatically decrease ohmic losses in electrodes alter the spectral dependence of photocurrent,
circuit and a remarkable increase in the efficiency as for example, for TiO2 doped with chromium, vanadium
compared to non-reduced samples. In particular, the and manganese and ZnO doped with aluminum and
alloying of semiconductor oxides was usually carried out others. Note that PE’s made of TiO2 ÆCræ are sensitive up
at high temperatures in the CO or He atmosphere or in to 600 nm, TiO2 ÆVæ––up to 750 nm (see review papers of
vacuum, fully adequate to the partial reduction of Aroutiounian, 1991, 1998b, 2000). Analogous works
semiconductors. The same procedure was undertaken were carried out by other authors (Bicelli, 1983; Pleskov
when we added some impurity atoms to the oxide or and Gurevich, 1986; Kokorin et al., 1999, 2001, 2003;
solid solution. Kulak, 1986, etc.).
It is reasonable to assume that the impurity atoms Note that in a series of papers (see, for example, Khan
and oxygen vacancies have identical influence on the and Akikusha, 1999; Khan et al., 2002 and some papers
properties of PE’s. The following samples have been in the corresponding table in the review paper of Bak
synthesized and investigated in our laboratory: TiO2 ÆTa, et al., 2002) the noticeably overstated efficiency of solar
Photocurrent, a.u
Photocurrent, a.u


0.25 0.25

3 1

250 350 450 550 650 750 380 460 540 620
(a) λ, nm (b) λ, nm

Fig. 2. (a) Photocurrent spectra of polycrystalline photoelectrodes TiO2x (1); TiO2 ÆCræ (2), TiO2 ÆVæ (3), and TiO2 ÆMnæ (4); (b)
Photocurrent spectra in the impurity range of photoelectrodes TiO2 doped with Cr in concentrations of 0 at.% (1), 0.5 at.% (2), 1 at. %
(3), and 2.5 at.% (4).
584 V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592

Photocurrent, a.u

Photocurrent, a.u
1 3 2
0.25 0.25

250 450 650 250 350 450 550

(a) λ,nm (b) λ, nm

Fig. 3. Photocurrent spectra of polycrystalline photoelectrodes: (a) TiO2x (1); TiO2 ÆNb, Cræ (2), and TiO2 ÆNb, Væ (3); (b) ZnO1x (1);
ZnOÆAlæ (2), and ZnOÆCdæ (3).

energy conversion with the use of the semiconductor 330–420 nm and tail absorption in the range 420–520
oxide PE’s is claimed. Such efficiency (for example, nm. The sum of both ranges corresponds only about 22–
11.0% (Khan et al., 2002) for chemically modified TiO2 23% of the solar constant. Such ‘‘production’’ is
PE’s 1 or 4.92% (Khan and Akikusha, 1999) for nano- impossible even for tandem solar cells covering most of
crystalline Fe2 O3 PE’s) have no any relation to the effi- the solar spectrum.
ciency of the conversion of solar energy to hydrogen fuel Spectra of the flame-produced and oven-produced
as in all cases the measurements were carried out under samples in Fig. 2 in the paper Khan et al. (2002)
the 150 W xenon lamp illumination. Note that the radi- did not compare correctly. Different arbitrary units for
ation spectrum of this lamp considerably differs from the absorbance were used, which led to incorrect
solar spectrum, especially in the ultraviolet range, which absorbance values for the tail part of the spectrum of
is very important for flame-produced titanium oxide the flame-produced sample in comparison with the
PE’s, which have a shift to the shorter-wavelength range corresponding value for the fundamental absorption of
of the spectrum. This circumstance leads to errors. It is the oven-produced samples of TiO2 . As seen from Fig.
well known that a xenon lamp with a set of narrow-range 1 in above-mentioned paper, the X-ray patterns did not
interference filters can be used only for some qualitative show remarkable changes in band structure for
estimation mostly for extraterrestrial applications, and samples made by different technologies. Proofs for the
can never be used for quantitative analysis of the effi- creation of a new solid solution with band gap 2.32 eV,
ciency of conversion of solar energy under terrestrial as mentioned in the paper, were absent.
conditions. Besides, the xenon lamp in the investigations Samples made under flame are more porous in
of Khan et al. (2002) illuminated samples with only half comparison with oven-produced samples, but it seems
of the power density, corresponding air mass 1.5. It is not that the authors did not take into account the dramatic
clear how the efficiency changes under one sun illumi- increase of effective surface area of the flame-produced
nation conditions. samples during estimation of the photocurrent density
It is difficult to understand how the authors of the and efficiency. Correlation between Figs. 3 and 4 in the
paper by Khan et al. (2002) could report an 11% con- paper Khan et al. (2002) at applied potential 0.3 V is
version efficiency for the flame-produced titanium absent. Authors should have subtracted from the stan-
dioxide samples, when, according to the data of authors, dard potential 1.23 V the value of the potential applied
the main fundamental absorption range lies in the range to full circuit during estimation of the efficiency of the
conversion, which is more than the electrode potential
0.3 V. Water splitting can be realized under short-cir-
In the early eighties, we together with T. Vardapetyan
cuited conditions. Any data about production of
carefully investigated the possibility of manufacturing chemi- hydrogen was not given in the paper. Therefore, values
cally modified TiO2 electrodes using the same technology, of the efficiency for oxide PE’s reported by Khan and
which did not lead to an increase in the efficiency of solar cells Akikusha (1999) and Khan et al. (2002) cannot be
mentioned by Khan et al. (2002). considered as true.
V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592 585

tion of introduced acceptor impurities up to the value

necessary for the splitting of discrete levels in an impu-
rity sub-band and overlapping this sub-band with the
valence band of the semiconductor.
The ceramic semiconductor PE’s made of TiO2
doped simultaneously with Nb (donor) and Cr or V
(acceptor) were manufactured by us, and their charac-
teristics, depending on the types and concentrations of
impurities, were investigated. Extension of the photo-
2 sensitivity range up to 560 nm was shown for PE’s made
6 6
of TiO2 ÆNb, Cræ (Fig. 3a). The increase of the impurity
concentration was accompanied by an increase of the
photocurrent long-wave maximum. There are spilt dis-
crete levels in the impurity sub-band placed 0.4 eV above
the bottom of the valence band with more than 2 at.%
1 4 increase in the chromium concentration. The long-wave
photosensitivity of the TiO2 ÆNb, Væ PE’s exceeds a
photosensitivity stipulated by main transitions in some
cases and covers wavelengths up to 800 nm. The intro-
duction of two types of impurities results, however, in
strong distortion of the crystal lattice, appearance of
many dissipation centers, and an increase of the number
of centers of surface recombination. The above negative
consequences of double doping probably prevail over
Fig. 4. Photoelectrolysis setup with compound cylindrical
concentrator: (1) body of photoelectrochemical cell; (2) quartz
the contribution to the long-wave photosensitivity.
windows; (3) semiconductor matrix; (4) electrolyte; (5) ion- Therefore, the efficiency of such PE’s remains low. The
exchanging membrane; (6) cylindrical concentrator. same situation was found in the case of SrTiO3 PE’s
doped with Cr and Ta (Sayama et al., 2002).

At present, the solar energy–hydrogen conversion

efficiency under conditions of AM1 (‘‘one sun’’) for our 5. Tandem cells and solid solutions
stable ceramic electrodes equals to 1.5–1.9% for TiO2x ,
TiO2 ÆReæ, and ZnO1x , ZnOÆAlæ, etc., 1% for Fe2 O3 ÆTi Recently, interest in III–V semiconductor alloys has
or Taæ and SrTiO3 ÆLaæ (see review papers of Aroutiou- recommenced. Several groups of investigators have
nian, 1998b, 2000). Note that despite the fact that the investigated use of multi-band-gap semiconductor–elec-
efficiency of PEC was remarkably increased in compar- trolyte systems for the hydrogen production. Efficient
ison with earlier efforts in this field, it is still lower than is solar-driven water splitting can be realized by the use of
necessary for large-scale practical applications. Further multilayer tandem solar cells that produce a photovolt-
efforts should be made on the increase in efficiency of age value that is higher than the electrolysis potential.
PE’s made of oxide semiconductors in order to reach High hydrogen production efficiency was realized
commercially desired values. using a monolithic tandem p-n-GaAs–p-n-GaInP2 –Pt
cell (12.4–16.5%) (Kocha et al., 1998; Khaselev and
Turner, 1998; Khaselev et al., 2001; Gao et al., 1999),
4. Double doping of PE’s multilayer GaAlAs–Si–CoS (or Pt) and multilayer Ga-
AlAs–Si–RuO2 –Pt cells (18.3%) (Licht, 2001; Licht
The main difficulty on the way to achieving high et al., 1998, 2001, 2002), as well as triple-junction p-i-n a-
efficiency in TiO2 and similar oxide PE’s is connected to Si (Pt) cells (7.8%) (Khaselev et al., 2001). Such out-
their too wide band gap (more than 3 eV) effectively standing results were realized with the use of rather
permitting absorption of only several percent of the expensive structures. Of course, the problem of photo-
incident solar radiation. Therefore, a possibility to im- corrosion of such systems needs to be solved, and exposed
prove characteristics of PE’s made of TiO2 by simulta- semiconductors should be modified. Results mentioned
neous doping with donor and acceptor impurities was above were obtained using stacked multijunction tandem
investigated. This allows one to sensitize them into the systems, the top cell of which absorbed higher-energy
visible light range and to overcome some difficulties photons, whereas subsequent layers absorbed lower-en-
originating from usual doping with acceptors. In par- ergy photons. Taking into account an energy balance of
ticular, there is a possibility to increase the concentra- the photoelectrolysis process (1.23 eV is necessary for
586 V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592

water electrolysis, and overvoltages are really about The increase in cadmium concentration in solid solu-
1 eV), we can conclude that catalytically active semi- tions results in a displacement of the photosensitivity
conductor materials (including oxides) with a band gap maximum and long-wave absorption edge to the long-
2–2.5 eV can be used as effective catalysts for water wave range (Fig. 3b). It showed that the band gap of
splitting. However, the distribution of photon energies solid solutions is decreased when the cadmium concen-
the over solar spectrum shows that the maximum of en- tration is increased. The efficiency of PE’s made of solid
ergy conversion corresponds to semiconductor materials solutions rises when the cadmium concentration is in-
with band gap 1.1–1.4 eV. Elementary semiconductors creased, and reaches a maximum for the composition
and III–V or II–VI compositions, as well as oxides with Zn0:95 Cd0:05 O. The solubility of CdO in ZnO is limited
such a band gap, are, as a rule, unstable in aqueous by differences in the crystalline structures of these oxi-
electrolytes. The search for continuous solid solutions of des. Two-phase compositions are formed when the
semiconductor oxides with heightened stability to cadmium concentration is more than 10 at.%; a pro-
photocorrosion, smaller band gap, and best arrangement gressively less photosensitive phase of CdO falls out,
of allowed bands on the energy axis, which allows one to resulting in the decrease in the efficiency of PE’s.
decrease the overvoltage in the system and losses due to The investigations of PE’s made of solid solutions
charge carriers overcoming the flat band potential, is very have been extended in recent years. Murata et al. (2000)
important. Unfortunately, today’s photoelectrolysis cells investigated the solid solutions (Ti, M)O2 , containing 5
require an additional voltage supply or difference in pH mol.% M (M: Nb, Mo, Ta, W). The largest photocur-
between cathode and anodic compartments. In all cases, rent was observed in the composition (Ti, Nb)O2 , it
the use of solid solutions and multicomponent semicon- exceeded almost 2 times the photocurrent in the pure
ductors opens possibilities to absorb a larger part of the TiO2 . Photocatalysts made of solid solutions TiO2 –
incident solar photons. Therefore we investigated several In2 O3 and TiO2 –VO2 were obtained (Srivastava et al.,
types of solid solutions of semiconductor oxides with the 2000; Karn et al., 2000). These authors reported on the
purpose of increasing the part of the solar spectrum, hydrogen gas evolution rate 14.6 and 16.1 l/h m2 for
which can be absorbed. TiO2 –In2 O3 and TiO2 –VO2 PE’s, respectively. Elec-
One of the ways of improving solar absorption is the tronic structure compositions InMO4 (M ¼ V, Nb, Ta)
synthesis of new semiconductor phases made of solid and BiVO4 , promising for water decomposition in the
solutions with wide band gap oxide (more than 3 eV) visible wavelength region, are reported in Oshikiri et al.
and rather small band gap oxide (corresponding to the (2002). The band gaps are 2.6 and 2.5 eV for InTaO4
maximum of the solar radiation spectrum). In this re- and InNbO4 , respectively. The efficiency was effectively
gard, the pair TiO2 (Eg  3 eV)–MnO2 (Eg  1:3 eV) is increased after doping such PE’s with Ni (Zou et al.,
of practical interest. The identical phases are present in 2001b).
their homological series. The similarity of crystalline We manufactured and investigated also new PE’s
structures and electronic configurations of these oxides made of solid solutions in the system Fe2 O3 (Eg  2:2
enables one to assume the existence of a wide range of eV)–Nb2 O5 (Eg  3:5 eV). An attempt was made to
solid solutions in the system TiO2 –MnO2 . Our investi- combine the best characteristics of each material: a
gations of solid solutions in the TiO2 –MnO2 system led negative flat band potential of Nb2 O5 PE’s for sponta-
to manufacturing semiconductor phases with a degree of neous water photoelectrolysis and sufficiently large
dissolution of MnO2 up to 4 at.%. Such PE’s of the (30%) absorption of solar energy by rather narrow
TiO2 –MnO2 systems are more sensitive in the visible band gap PE’s made of iron oxide, Fe2 O3 . We synthe-
range of the solar spectrum (Fig. 2a). Thereat, undesir- sized homogeneous phases with FeNbO4 structure. The
able problems arising by the usual doping of TiO2 such region of spectral photosensitivity for PE’s made of solid
as, the shift of main peak absorption to the short-wave solutions of FeNbO4 coincides practically with the re-
range and sharp decrease in the integral efficiency of gion of spectral photosensitivity of PE’s made of doped
PE’s, were avoided. However, the synthesis of solid Fe2 O3 and covers the wavelength spectrum from 270 up
solutions with large content of MnO2 was accompanied to 670 nm. A noticeable negative shift of the flat band
by the formation of non-photosensitive phases of potential took place for the FNbO4 PE’s; the photo-
MnTiO3 . current onset was observed at smaller external bias than
We started also investigations of the system TiO2 – for the doped Fe2 O3 PE’s. Expected displacement of the
Cu2 O (see also paper Siripala et al., 2003). Mixed TiO2 – flat band potential to the negative energy range led also
WO3 oxide electrodes were used for photocatalysis of to the increase in the photocurrent for PE’s made of the
toluene (Fuerte et al., 2002). The solid solutions made of solid solution FeNbO4 . The rate of the H2 evolution was
ZnO (Eg  3:2 eV) and CdO (Eg  2:1 eV) are also of equal to 22.4 lmol/h cm2 for FeNbO4 PE’s under
definite interest. We synthesized a series of composition mercury lamp illumination. The results of the analysis of
Zn1x Cdx O ð0 6 x 6 1Þ. The substitution solid solution the frequency dispersion of real and imaginary parts of
is formed at a cadmium concentration up to 10 at.%. the complex impedance of the electrochemical cell with
V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592 587

the FeNbO4 PE’s showed that slow diffusion processes spherical particles of about 15 nm diameter. They also
in the semiconductor and large capacitance of the contain mesopores between the spherical particles, so as
Helmholtz layer on the interface were the reasons for the to have higher surface area and surface roughness.
modest photocurrent(Aroutiounian et al., 2002a). Probably, such films are beneficial to the transfer and
The manufacturing and investigations of more com- separation of photogenerated electrons and holes inside
plicated, three and four-component compositions, is of and on the surface of titania. They have much larger
also very promising also (Kato and Kudo, 2001; Zou surface area, smaller pore size and larger pore volume.
et al., 2002, 2003; Sato et al., 2002). Perovskite materials But again, a higher degradation rate was detected for
with a generic composition of Am Bm O3m þ 2 (m ¼ 4, 5; mesoporous titania.
A ¼ Ca, Sr, La; B ¼ Nb, Ti), highly doped with Ni, were Note that new applications of nanocrystalline and
investigated (Kim et al., 1999). The quantum yield of microporous semiconductors (including improved pho-
such catalysts reached 23% under UV irradiation, and tocatalytic activity) open new directions in photoelect-
the rate of hydrogen evolution was 402 lmol/h. These rochemistry of semiconductors (see, for example, review
authors obtained also the perovskite photocatalyst papers Tomkievich, 2000; Lewis, 2001). In order to
La4 CaTi5 O17 , which produced hydrogen at rate 499 better understand the physical, optical, and photoelect-
lmol/h. Layered perovskite tantalates RbLnTa2 O7 rochemical processes at the porous PE–electrolyte
(Ln ¼ La, Pr, Nb, Sm), were studied; their efficiency interface, we started theoretical consideration of trans-
is effectively increased when doped with nickel (Machida port phenomena at such an interface making the fol-
et al., 2000). A new series of photocatalysts with pyro- lowing assumptions, which should be confirmed
chlore structure Bi2 MNbO7 (M ¼ Al3þ , Ga3þ , In3þ ) were experimentally.
synthesized and investigated (Zou et al., 2001a). The Note that a dramatic increase in specific surface area
Bi2 AlNbO7 photocatalyst exhibited the best photocata- and correspondingly available active sites, as well as
lytic activity with a rate of gas evolution 710 lmol/h fractal phenomena, lead to changes of the charge car-
under UV irradiation. rier’s transport phenomena in porous materials (see, for
example, Aroutiounian and Ghoolinian, 2000, 2003;
Aroutiounian et al., 2000b; Aroutiounian and Ghuli-
6. Discussion of prospects of the use of porous nyan, 2003). Along with free diffusion in the energy
and nanocrystalline oxide PE’s in photoelectrochemistry bands, we have to take into account the drift of charge
carriers in the inner electric field arising due to an in-
It is known that nanoparticles of TiO2 , ZnO, Fe2 O3 , crease of band gap of the porous electrode because of
WO3 , and SnO2 show remarkable photocatalytic activity the size quantization phenomena in non-uniform porous
and photoconductivity (Uekawa et al., 2002; Yu et al., media (especially near the interface). The latter changes
2002; Gao and Zhang, 2001; Wang et al., 2000; Bamw- not only optical properties and the rate of reaction in a
enda and Arakawa, 2001). Various applications for drastic manner, but also the electrical properties of
photocatalysis, such as, manufacturing of dye-sensitized nanocrystalline porous electrodes. We have to take into
solar cells and low cost photovoltaic devices, removing account hopping processes. It is evident that the density
pollutants from air and water, are well known. We will of different traps will be very high as a consequence of
not consider the use of nanocrystalline porous TiO2 and very high surface-to-volume ratio. The major part of the
other oxides in dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical electrical current will be flow via traps by the percolation
cells, which are producing electricity (see, for example, mechanism. On the other hand, high porosity can lead
Gr€atzel, 2000). The particle size, lattice strain, specific to a decrease in the surface recombination velocity at the
surface area and physical properties can be regulated by semiconductor–electrolyte interface (in contrast to the
the heating time of gels at high temperature during the case of the contact of porous media with ambient air).
particle formation process (usually, by sol–gel method). Note that an increase in the band gap at a porous
Low light absorption and unsatisfactory stability in time electrode made of a relatively narrow band gap semi-
are, unfortunately, typical for nanoparticle systems conductor can lead to radical changes in the stability to
today, if the nanoparticle powder is added to a solution. corrosion and oxidation of PE’s, and a passivation of
Besides these systems, photoinduced super-hydrophilic electrical defect sites on the semiconductor surface. We
properties of the photocatalytically active surface of expect the band bending to be reduced in the porous
mesoporous titania thin films were recently used as anti- electrode, which will favor the electron transport.
fogging, self-cleaning, and biologically active materials Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions needs further stud-
(especially, in Japan) (Fujishima et al., 1999). It was ies. Above-mentioned peculiarities of porous PE’s make
found that such mesoporous thin films showed higher theoretical analysis of transport phenomena and corre-
photocatalytic activity and better light-induced hydro- sponding computer simulations very complicated and
philicit than TiO2 nanometer range thin films. Meso- stubborn. But it is necessary to do as we expect an in-
porous films are composed of small monodisperse crease in the current through PE and their efficiency due
588 V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592

to the increase in the concentration of free charge car- heated up to no more than 60 C. That is why the
riers, their mobility and, as a rule, electroconductivity of necessity for a cooling system did not arise.
the electrode. In the equipment with a Fresnel lens and rutile PE’s
(Vardapetian and Vartanyan, 1991), the output of
hydrogen was 7 l/h; the size of the equipment (in mm)
7. Photoelectrolysis equipment was 3600 · 2300 · 300, the size of one PE was 1 cm2 . The
weight of this solar-hydrogen equipment was about 80
It is well known that colloids of TiO2 catalysts are kg. Mean efficiency of solar energy conversion to
widely used now for cleaning water, environmental hydrogen was less than 3%. Cheap nickel electrodes were
media, photosynthesis, etc. We will not discuss such used. In order to compensate for the overpotential, sil-
applications of oxides; there are many investigations in icon photoelectric cells, illuminated through the Fresnel
this field (see, for example, Ilysz et al., 2002; Hernandez- lens, were used. Polycrystalline rutile PE’s were manu-
Alonso et al., 2002; Tripanagnostopoulos et al., 2002; factured by the layer-by-layer sintering technique. A
Saiton and El-Ghetany, 2002). Descriptions of how the new type of photoelectrochemical converter an aerobic
photolysis of water can become an important segment of one, was discussed by Arutyunyan and Vardapetyan
wastewater treatment technology related to the degra- (1983).
dation of very persistent toxic compounds is given for The equipment for effective production of hydrogen
example by Malato et al. (2002) and Aguando et al. using a silicon photovoltaic array and an electrolyzer is
(2002). Such a pilot plant is working now at Plataforma well known. It is much more expensive in comparison
Solar la Almeria (Spain). with a setup for direct photolysis of water by use of
In order to obtain hydrogen under natural conditions metal oxide semiconductor PE’s. For example, for the 5
and investigate the efficiency of solar energy conversion, kWp setup, the photovoltaic hydrogen production and
several versions of the photoelectrolysis equipment have storage was evaluated (Hollmuller et al., 2000). Results
been created and tested at Yerevan State University of our investigations were reported by Pleskov et al.
(Aroutiounian, 1991, 2000). One of these equipment (1985). Silicon solar cell array had the area about 950
versions is presented in Fig. 4. cm2 and 9% efficiency. The electrolyzer with a solid
With the first equipment version, hydrogen had been polymer electrolyte had 80%––efficiency of conversion.
obtained on PE’s with small area (1.5–2 cm2 ) at high So, more than 7% efficiency of solar–hydrogen conver-
concentration of solar radiation (up to 50 W/m2 ). The sion was realized. The information about solar–hydro-
equipment had a concentrator in the form of a parabolic gen studies in Armenia reported also earlier
mirror with the area of 0.2 m2 , having the photoelec- (Aroutiounian, 1993, 1996, 1998a,b, 2000).
trolysis cell in its focus. This equipment, with PE’s from
reduced and doped TiO2 , allows producing 0.04 l/h
hydrogen. However, such equipment, despite the low 8. Conclusion
cost of PE’s, is not economically profitable because of
the rather expensive parabolic mirror and tracking sys- After the pioneering work of Fujishima and Honda
tem. Besides, additional water-cooling is necessary at (1972), where authors have shown the possibility to split
such concentrations of solar radiation. water to hydrogen fuel and oxygen using a solar-driven
A matrix of PE’s with overall area up to 550 cm2 was TiO2 –electrolyte cell, the main attention of investigators
used in other versions of photoelectrolysis equipment. was attracted to semiconductors which are resistant to
The first setup had no concentrator; in the second, the the photocorrosion in aqueous electrolytes. Researchers
solar radiation concentration had been doubled using a focused their attention on oxide semiconductors (TiO2 ,
parabolic-cylindrical concentrator. Other technologies ZnO, SrTiO3 and other oxides) and cheap technologies
proposed by us allow preparing large area electrodes for manufacturing materials and PE’s using such oxides,
with the use of a metallic sheet covered by TiO2 powder as the problems of the stability of PE’s were basically
and conductive glue. These systems did not require a solved only for such materials. Different technological
complicated tracking system. The engine placed in the methods of the preparation of ceramic, thin film, and
lower part of the apparatus was switched on several polycrystalline PE’s were proposed and investigated.
seconds every hour to rotate the equipment around the The best efficiency for photoelectrolysis of water was
vertical axis by 15 grad. With this equipment, supplied detected in metal oxide PE’s, which were partially re-
with a parabolic-cylindrical concentrator and the rutile duced and contained an optimal concentration of cor-
PE’s matrix with area of about 100 cm2 , the output was responding impurities (one or two types). The
equal to 0.046 l/h of solar hydrogen. Output of 0.028 l/h correspondingly doped PE’s had the photoabsorption
was realized without the concentrator. The solar radia- sensitivity range extended to the visible part of the solar
tion density was about 80 mW/cm2 , and the electrolyte spectrum, which increased the efficiency of PEC. At-
and PE’s matrix, after operating for a long time, were tempts were made to prepare effective PE’s with nar-
V.M. Aroutiounian et al. / Solar Energy 78 (2005) 581–592 589

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