General Science

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General Science Practice Test

1. A person weighs more in an elevator, which is:

accelerating upward. moving up with constant velocity

moving down with constant velocity. accelerating downward

2. Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the:

Thyroid glands. Pituitary glands

Salivary glands. Pancreas

3. Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain?

Bismuthates. Nitrates

Sulphonates. Bicarbonates

4. Which one of the following is not a chemical change?

Conversion of milk into curd Rusting of iron

Magnetization of iron Digestion of food

5. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is:

Carbon dioxide Ethylene

Acetylene Ethane

6. Who formulated the geocentric theory?

Ptolemy Newton

Galileo Copernicus

7. Deep blue color is imparted to glass by the presence of:

Cobalt Oxide Cupric Oxide

Iron Oxide Nickel Oxide

8. A body is taken from the earth to the moon:

its mass and weight will be different

both mass and weight will be different

its mass will be different but weight will remain the same

its mass will remain the same but weight will be different

9. Mumps is a disease caused by:

Bacterium Fungus

Protozoa Virus

10. Which of the following is common bleaching agent?

Sodium Chloride’ Calcium Chloride

Chlorine Sodium Hydroxide

11. When two mercury drops are brought into contact, they merge to a bigger drop because
liquids have tendency to possess:

Minimum surface area Minimum volume

Maximum volume Maximum surface area

12. You are at the Kennedy Space Center, sitting in your rocket, ready to launch. You look out
the window and view the sky. You are currently sitting at the lowest level of the
atmosphere. What is this level called?

Lithospher Earthosphere

Terrasphere Troposphere

13. Earth has how many natural satellites visible to the naked eye?

1 4

3 2
14. Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of:

Electrons (beta particles) All of these

Protons (alpha particles) Gamma rays (short wave electromagnetic waves)

15. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because:

It emits visible radiation.

Its concentration remains always higher than other gases.

It absorbs infrared radiation.

16. It is used in photosynthesis.

When velocity is doubled:

Momentum is doubled Kinetic energy is doubled

Potential energy is doubled Acceleration is doubled

17. Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements below is

By electrical discharges in the atmosphere

By denitrification

By industrially synthesized fertilizer

By cyanobacteria

18. The weight of a body is:

the same everywhere on the surface of the earth.

more on the hills than in the plains.

maximum at the pole.

maximum at the equator.

19. Natural radioactivity was discovered by:

Marie Curie Henri Becquerel

Ernest Rutherford Enrico Fermi

20. Optic fibers are mainly used for which of the following?

Communication Musical instruments

Weaving Food industry

21. The current explanation for the geologic processes behind the Ring of Fire is that large
pieces of the Earth's surface, called plates, are moving around. What is the name for the
field of study which investigates this motion?

Crust kinematics Oceanography

Plate tectonics Terrology

22. Which is/are the important raw material(s) required in cement industry?

Clay Limestone

Limestone and Clay Gypsum and Clay

23. It is a special area of the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays
emitted by the sun.

Ionosphere Thermosphere

Van Allen belts Ozone layer

24. It is easier to roll a barrel than to pull it because:

Rolling friction is much less than sliding friction.

The full weight of the barrel comes into play when it is pulled.

The surface area of the barrel in contact with the road is more in case of pulling.

None of these

25. Of the planets below, which has the largest number of satellites?:
Pluto Mercury

Neptune Jupiter

In vulcanization, natural rubber is heated with:

Phosphorous Carbon

Silicon Sulphur

The living material comprising the bulk of a cell is called the:

Protoplasm Cytochrome

Chloroplast Genes

26. The following are the half lives of four active isotopes. Which one of the following is the
most dangerous to handle?

0.01 minute 100 years

3 billion years 13 days

27. Which one of the following is a source of methane emission into the atmosphere?

Wetland Automobile exhaust fume

Industrial chimney Mining

28. Rate of change of velocity is called:

Speed Acceleration

Momentum Weight

29. Organisms in temperate zones are able to time their activities to cues given by the
photoperiod, since:

All organisms need time to rest.

Light is a limiting factor.

All organisms have a biological clock.

Day length is always constant for a specific locality and season.

30. Around what body of water will you find the region known as the Ring of Fire?
Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean

31. Which of the following items could best be called biodegradable?

Cellulose Phosphate detergents

Polystyrene cups Polyvinylchloride pipes

32. The hardest form of carbon is?

Graphite Charcoal

Coke Diamond

33. The mass number of a nucleus is:

always less than its atomic number.

always more than the atomic weight.

the sum of the number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus.

a fraction

34. Glass is made of the mixture of:

Salt and quartz Quartz and mica

Sand and silicates Sand and salt

35. Your rocket eventually reaches an altitude of approximately 1,000 km (620 mi) above the
Earth's surface. Here you will reach an area where belts of radiation surround the Earth.
What are these belts called?

Von Braun belts Einstein belts

Van Allen belts Hawking belts

36. Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called:

Ultrasonic supersonics

Infrasonic audio sounds

37. Earth rotates in about _______ hours.

18 6

12 24

38. The fossil of Archaeopteryx represents the evidence of origin of:

reptiles from amphibians. mammals from reptiles.

birds from reptiles. mammals from birds

39. If the distance between the earth and the sun were twice what it is now, the gravitational
force exerted on the earth by the sun would be:

one-fourth of what it is now half of what it is now

twice as large as now four times as large as it is now

40. One should not connect a number of electrical appliances to the same power socket

this can damage the electrical meter.

this can damage the appliances due to overloading.

the appliance will not get full voltage.

this can damage the domestic wiring due to overloading

41. The universal law of gravitation was propounded by:

Nicolas Copernicus Isaac Newton

Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei

42. The Earth's diameter is approximately how many kilometers?

12,756 9,655

15,448 6,542

43. During summer, we feel comfortable under a fan because it:

Throws cool air on us.

Set the air in motion, thereby increasing the evaporation of sweat.

Produces air which takes heat away from us.

Produces convection currents.

44. Why should we wear light colored clothes during summer?

Light color is a good radiator of heat. Light color soaks sweat faster.

Light color absorbs less heat. Light color allows body heat escape faster.

45. The existence of microorganisms in the human gastric system is an example of:

Phylesis Mutualism

Meiosis Parasitism

46. The gravitational force with which the sun attracts the earth:

is less than the force with which the earth attracts the sun.

is more than the force with which the earth attracts the sun.

is same as the force with which the earth attracts the sun.

is constant throughout the year.

47. One finds it more difficult to walk on ice than on a concrete road because:

The friction between the ice and the feet is less than that between the concrete and feet.

None of these

Ice is soft and spongy where as concrete is hard.

There is more friction on the ice than on concrete.

48. Isotopes of an element contain same number of:

Neutrons but different number of protons.

Protons but different number of neutrons.

Electrons and neutrons.

Protons and neutrons.

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