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Mahabir Kishore and Others v State of MP


Supreme Court

31 July 1989

Appellant was allotted contracts for manufacture and sale of liquor for 1959 at 2,56,200 and from
1/1/1960 to 31/3/1961 for 4,71,900 by the govt. 7.5% was charged as mahua and fuel cess. Firm paid
extra of 54,606.

Writ petitions pending in court to challenge this. Therefore, question of stopping it was under
consideration of the govt.

17/10/1961-Forest department wrote a letter- MP HC decided that the levy of the cess was illegal and
cannot be recovered from the liquor contractors. Also, no free supply of mahua or fuel should be

Appellants got to know about it in September 1962.

17/10/1964- Appellants served a notice to the govt. under S.80 of CPC requesting refund.

24/12/1964- Suit for recovery was filed.

Appellant’s argements:

 Had no opportunity to know about the ruling with reasonable diligence.

 Limitation period begins from a week after the date of the letter.

Respondent’s argument:r

 Limitation period starts from 17/10/1961. The suit was barred.

 Appellants should have known about the govt’s decision on the same day.


 The money realized was under a mistake and without the authority of law.
 Principle of unjust enrichment requires: (To justify restitution)
1. The defendant has been enriched by a receipt of a benefit.
2. This enrichment is at the expense of the plaintiff.
3. The retention of the enrichment is unjust.
 No situation of pari delicto because if the appellants had not paid the money, they would not
have given the contracts.
 According to 17(1)(c) of the Limitations Act,
1. Mistake of fact: Starts when the plaintiff discovers the mistake or with reasonable
diligence, should discover it.
2. Mistake of law: Starts when a court makes a declaration as to the invalidity of the law.
 Period of limitation of 3 years will start from the date of knowledge of the particular law, under
which money is paid, being declared void.
 Suit within the limitation period.

Appeal is allowed.

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