AP Psychology Semester 1 Final Study Guide

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Name: ___________________________

AP PSYCHOLOGY—SEMESTER ONE STUDY GUIDE Date: ________________ Period: _____

1. 7 approaches to
psychology (key people,
key ideas,

2. Empiricism

3. Structuralism

4. Functionalism

5. Nature vs. nurture

6. Types of research (i.e.


7. Types of psychology (i.e.

clinical, etc.)

8. Wundt/Hall/James/calkin

9. ALL parts of an
experiment (write them
10. Hindsight bias

11. Critical thinking

12. Types of research

methods (what they are,
application, pros & cons
of each)

13. Process of collecting

data/stats (diff. types,
parts of the process)

14. Standard deviation

15. Ethics of experiments

16. Different parts of the

neurons (functions, etc.)

17. Different parts of the

brain (location, functions,
18. Central nervous system
(parts, functions, etc.)

19. Peripheral nervous

system (parts, functions,

20. Glands (location, function,


21. Split brain

22. Duel processing

23. Broca

24. Wernicke

25. Gazzaniga

26. Sperry

27. Twins

28. Evolutionary view

29. Parts of eye, ear, nose,

taste buds (functions)
30. Absolute threshold

31. Difference threshold

32. Adaptation

33. Light

34. Color

35. Sensation

36. Perception

37. Bottom up processing

38. Top down processing

39. Weber’s law

40. Monocular cues

41. Gate-control theory

42. Kinesthesia

43. Illusions (visual cliff, etc.)

44. Sleep (theories, etc.)

45. Dream (theories, etc.)

46. Sleep disorders

(symptoms, etc.)

47. Psychoactive drugs

(effects, categories, etc.)

48. Manifest vs. latent

49. Suprachiasmatic nucleus

50. Near death experiences

51. Circadian rhythm

52. Classical conditioning (all


53. Operant conditioning (all


54. Thorndike

55. Garcia

56. Tolman

57. Bandura

58. Social learning

59. Coping

60. Motivation

61. Control

62. Mirror neurons

63. Reinforcement schedule

64. Cognitive maps

65. Memory (all aspects, i.e.

STM, LTM, etc.)
66. Processing

67. Forgetting
68. Cognition

69. Language

70. Algorithm

71. Heuristics

72. Framing

73. Ebbinghaus

74. Loftus

75. Chomsky

76. Motivation theories (all)

77. Yerkes-Dodson laws

78. Maslow

79. Emotion theories (all)

80. Stress & illness

81. Masters & Johnson

82. Schachter

83. Selye

84. Tend & befriend

85. Lymphocytes

86. Coronary heart disease

87. Type A

88. Type B

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