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How to turn Negative experience into a Positive outcome

As a student, we usually took the easy road, we want all things well be
in our side and sometimes when failure comes in our way, we tend to give up
easily. This in turn can make it hard for us to validate the mistakes we make
and problems we experience. And we often second-guess ourselves and
question our abilities; and as a result, a lot of student nowadays are facing
stress, depression and worst sometimes it can result to suicide because most of
them can’t accept and move on about their failure.

I have here three steps that can help you turn any negative experience into
a positive outcome to become a better person in future:


When we do experience difficulties in life, it is okay to get down on

ourselves. It is okay to get upset, disappointed and fail. Our goal however is to
not stay down.

“Remember Pia Wortzbuch? Our Miss Universe 2015 Pia fails many times
but she never gave up on her dreams and accept failure as a part of a
process and because of that at the end she wins the prize” we should be like
pia; we may fail many times but me must not stay in that failure.


Reflect on what happened and being brutally honest with ourselves on why it
happened and what the cause of that failure. However, if we don’t do this, we
don’t learn, and if we don’t learn then we risk failing insanely.


We think our failure are meant to delay our journey, but sometimes failures
may actually lead us to a faster pace towards the finish line. Let’s just endure
the process and never cease to move forward.

“Highly successful people are the ones who have failed the most.”
Music in every Teenager’s life
"Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It's transporting, for sure. It can
take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in
your life. Its uplifting, its encouraging, its strengthening". - Late, great singer,
Aretha Franklin

It is more than 2000 years have passed since music was discovered. It started out
as a simple striking of materials that produced sound and was later developed
with the use of musical instruments. Music is one of the most precious gifts of
God bestowed on mankind. It plays an important role for every soul on Earth.

And now, let me ask you a question, have you listened to a piece of music in
different language? So before, because of the influence of a friend, I become a
fan of a K-POP group named EXO and I love listening to their music even if I
can't understand the song, then someone asked me, " Why do you love to listen
to that kind of music? You can't even understand it?". For me, I think i don't need
to understand the language to appreciate the music because music is universal.
Regardless of the language, I was mesmerized by the song and it uplift my mood
even if i don't understand it. That's how powerful music is.

We, teenagers love listening to music especially in tough times because music
can uplift us and be a powerful source to alter our mood if we're feeling down.
Now we are at this stage, can you still imagine life without music? It is almost
unthinkable to experience how life is without music. It serves as a link between
emotions, memories, and experiences. Whenever you get fed up, you have music
that will help you toward success.

Before ending this speech, i would like to leave you one interesting fact, "
Listening to music is the only activity involves all areas of the brain".

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