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How Does It Work?

The Zentangle Method works because

 It is fun
 It is simple to learn
 Each stroke is easy to draw
 There are no mistakes
 There are no preplanned outcomes, yet
 You always know what to do next
 The result is unexpected and beautiful . . .

. . . and all this occurs with gratitude and appreciation.

When you create with the Zentangle Method, you also discover new skills and abilities
as you create your beautiful and unexpected results.

How does all that happen?

One reason is almost every person discovers they can create something unexpected
and beautiful in about 15 minutes or so. That feels good, particularly for people who
believed they couldn't draw.

Another reason is it enables you to deliberately access a state of relaxed focus, wake
up your imagination and express it creatively with confidence. According to many
anecdotes, the physical, mental and emotional benefits of this are significant.

I was lacking something and then I found Zentangle. My empty

spot has been filled. My confidence to create art and, well, do
anything I put my mind to, has increased tremendously thanks to
– Terri
We can (and often do) go on and on to describe how the Zentangle Method works, but
you will really understand how the Zentangle Method works for you when you put pen to
paper according to the Zentangle Method.

The best ways to begin are to:

 Take a class with a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT)

 Purchase one of our Zentangle Kits,
 Read our books, and
 Explore this website.
The Zentangle Method works because it is simple, fun and effective and it helps you get
out of your own way.

You focus on each immediate stroke without worrying about what to do next or what the
end result will be.

You discover you know what to do when the time comes to do it.

The method's "elegance of limits" enhances your creativity, and expressing it feels

I am profoundly grateful for finding the Zentangle Method. It

brought me back art that I thought had been all but lost. I had
been a commercial artist and jewelry designer for many years,
when I was stopped on my tracks by stage 4 cancer. During the
treatment years, I thought it was all lost, I could not create
anything for work, let alone for pleasure. Then I found Zentangle,
and it brought back art in the most unexpected way, in a calm,
soothing, meditative way, not the high strung way it had been
before while working for clients. Thank you SO much for bringing
that joy to me.
– Eni Oken
You are more imaginative, talented and creative than you think.

You will be amazed at what you can create.

We invite you to find out.

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