TOR Raw Water System 222

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I. Section 7. Terms of Reference

A. Background
1. Addressing water scarcity is one of Indonesia's economic development priorities.
Reliable water resources are inherently linked to economic development and poverty
reduction. Although the national water security index progressed from 40.9 (over a scale of
0-100) in 2013 to 49.8 in 2016, Indonesia is still at risk.10 The country is deficient in certain
dimensions of water security, especially in household water security, urban water security,
and resilience to water-related disasters, for which progress has been slow.11 Indonesia’s
economic growth spurs urbanization, with the percentage of Indonesians living in urban
areas expected to increase from 53% in 2010 to 65% by 2025. This will put further pressure
on water resources, which will be needed to cope with population and industrial expansion.12
Water for energy demand will increase by a factor of about eight from 2013 to 2040.13
Agriculture consumes 80% of the raw water and is expected to feed an expanding
population. While Indonesia is blessed with an abundance of water resources, rainfall
fluctuates by season and is distributed unevenly among the regions. Climate change is
accentuating these spatial and temporal disparities.

2. While the construction of 65 new dams across the archipelago by 2019 is a

government priority, this will not suffice to fill the gaps. Inadequate spatial planning and land
management has led to substantial development in conservation areas, reducing potential
for groundwater recharge. Deforestation and inappropriate agricultural practices-which result
in erosion, landslides and increased sediment loads in waterways14-are reducing the
capacity of rivers, canal systems and reservoirs. Existing reservoirs and conveyance
systems are operating below their original capacity due to conflicting water allocation
interests and operational modalities among users and high levels of sedimentation.
Increasing domestic, municipal and industrial water supplies taken from declining aquifers is
causing land subsidence, increasing flooding and making coastal cities more vulnerable to
sea level rise. The supply of raw water is increasingly limited due to decreased discharge of
water sources and high sedimentation rates in water reservoirs, lower raw water quality due
to high levels of pollution in rivers and other water sources. On the other hand the demand
for raw water is higher due to the rapid growth of population and industrial development, the
development of human activities, and the inefficiency of water-use patterns.

3. Indonesia has built a large groundwater irrigation network (JIAT) comprising

approximately 6,308 wells with 3,372 wells in good condition, 634 wells lightly damaged, and
1,033 wells damaged. Many of them have experienced changes in use.Data collection is
needed to improve management and sustainability. With an increasing population and water
needs, hydrogeological studies for conjunctive use of those systems are needed.

10 ADB. 2016. Asian Water Development Outlook 2016: Strengthening Water Security in Asia and the Pacific.
11 Household water security progressed from 5 (over a scale of 20) in 2013 to 6 in 2016, urban water security

from 5.6 to 6.3, and resilience to water- related disasters from 3.61 to 4.74. ADB. 2016. Asian Water
Development Outlook 2016: Strengthening Water Security in Asia and the Pacific. Manila.
12 The industrial demand is predicted to double from about 14 cubic meter per second (m 3/s) in 2013 to 29 m 3/s

by 2030. ADB. 2016. Indonesia Country Water Assessment. Manila.

13 Water is needed for cooling of power generation plants.
14 ADB. 2016. Indonesia Country Water Assessment. Manila. About 78 million hectares in Indonesia are


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4. Government Strategy. Water security is a priority in the Government’s 2005–2025

National Long-Term Development Plan and 2015–2019 National Medium-Term
Development Plan.15 Indonesia’s Strategic Plan for Water Resources in the Ministry of
Public Works and Housing (MPWH) for 2015–2019 includes policy measures and priority
investments in 63 river basin territories for $15.34 billion nationwide 16 The National Action
Plan for Climate Change Adaptation further promotes improved water management.17 To
accelerate the development of water supply infrastructure for the community, the
government implements Perpres No. 38 of 2015, Perpres No. 56 of 2018, and Permen
Negara Perencanaan Nasional / Bappenas No. 4 of 2015 to develop Clean Water Supply
System (SPAM) through cooperation between government with business entities under
public private partnership (PPP) arrangement.

5. Investment. Selected raw water supply (RWS) options with great potential and JIAT
groundwater facilities are proposed to be financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Enhanced Water Security Investment Project (EWSIP).18 The EWSIP will promote an
integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach to: (i) improve water resources
planning and management to meet rising demands for irrigation and non-agricultural users;
(ii) minimize spatial and temporal variations in water availability by improving water storage
and conveyance; and (iii) increase resilience to climate change. The International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD) is expected to provide collaborative co-financing to improve
land management in upper river basins.19 The project will increase raw water supply capacity
through a range of infrastructure options.20 Those infrastructure measures will be
complemented by river basin modeling to optimize operation of reservoirs to better adapt to
current and future water demand for water supply, irrigation, and energy needs. To ensure
that full benefits are achieved, the project will facilitate integration with investments in water
treatment and distribution, and improved management of water utilities.21

B. Scope of Works

6. Master planning. The services will help the Center for Groundwater and Raw Water
(CGRW), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) to prepare a master plan for RWS

15 Government of Indonesia. 2015. Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional, 2015–2019.

Jakarta. (National Medium-Term Development Plan).
16 Government of Indonesia, MPWH. 2015. Rencana Strategis Sumber Daya Air, 2015–2019. Jakarta.
17 This includes: (i) infrastructure planning and engineering climate proofing, (ii) enhancement of water

conservation and reduction of hazard and disaster related to climate change, and (iii) improvement
of storage capacity and water infrastructure for safeguarding water balance and disaster prevention
Government of Indonesia. 2014. National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. Jakarta
18 ADB. 2016. Country Partnership Strategy: Indonesia, 2016–2019: Towards a Higher, More Inclusive

and Sustainable Growth Path. Manila. ADB. 2017. Country Operations and Business Plan for
Indonesia, 2018-2020. Manila.
19 Under the following project entry from the 2nd Book – List of Medium Term Planned Loans –

DRPLN-JM 2015-2019, 2016 Revision: Upland Development for National Food Security, Project
No. BB-1519-R0-24-02-0, Book 2, pg 261.
20 These include: (i) improving capacity of storage facilities through dredging, reducing siltation,

protecting infrastructure by raising spillway capacities, and constructing sediment traps; (ii)
addressing deficit water storage by enabling inter-basin transfers where feasible; (iii) upgrading
groundwater infrastructure where resources are sustainable; (iv) constructing small bunded
storage reservoirs to solve wet season flooding and dry season water supply shortages; and (v)
providing water conveyance infrastructure needed to bring water to underutilized water supply
21 Idle capacity is estimated at 50.8 m 3/sec nationally.


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to address current and future needs. Economic and population growths, infrastructure
development, land use and climate change, and environment and social dimensions will be
considered for the formulation of the master plan using a source to tap approach. The
master plan will capitalize on existing river basin plans (POLA/RENCANA) and consider all
type of RWS infrastructures, including but not limited to dam, weir and river intake,
groundwater wells, bunded storage reservoirs, conveyance pipe or canal, and spring. The
master plan will also inform the level of investment required to address the gaps, including
readiness and sustainability aspects.

7. For all outputs, the Consultant shall structure deliverables under the Source-to-Tap
Assessment (STTA) framework as an improved and integrated understanding of the various
components of the water supply system, their strenghts and weaknesses, and the existing
and potential threats to clean water so that informed decisions can be made for effective risk
management. Appendix 1 presents the source to tap framework.

8. Geographic Information System (GIS) and database will be extensively used for the
study to centralize information collected from various sources, to present key results and to
prioritize RWS investments. Ultimately the GIS information will be integrated into the
information system developed by the CGRW and will be coordinated with the national
mapping agency through the one map policy initiative. Workshops, consultations and
surveys will be organized at key stages of the study.

9. The master plan will cover the main islands of Java, the provinces of Nusa Tenggara
Barat and Timur, Bali, and Kepulauan Bangka Belitung and focus on river basins which have
legalized POLA and RENCANA as of July 2018.

10. Investment preparation. Toward investment under the EWSIP, the services will also
(i) produce a revitalization plan for JIAT wells to support irrigation and raw water
development. (ii) assess the designs and advance readiness of selected RWS systems in
compliance with the source to tap approach for (a) Gandus; (b) Jatigede Dam RWS system;
(c) Serang district RWS system; (d) Sampang; and (iii) review PPP potential for selected
RWS options and prepare recommendations for the feasibility of development under PPP in
compliance with the source to tap approach for (a) Sadawarna Dam RWS system, (b) Karian
Dam RWS system stage 2; and (c) Bintang Bano Dam RWS system, NTB .

C. Outputs
11. The services will have the following outputs:

(i) Output 1: Demand analysis. Prepare and analyze water demand characteristics
and projections until 2040 at district level, and province level for domestic, municipal,
industrial and agriculture users based on the official MPWH methodology. The
analysis will present the profile of water users and usage per administrative or
services areas. To adopt available data of the projections and related analysis : (i)
basin development plans (Rencana) and hydrological models that support their
formulation; (ii) existing water demand characteristics and projections at basin and
district levels; (iii) official projections from the Bureau of Statistics (BPS), (iv) water
treatment and distribution plans from the Directorate General of Human Settlement
(DGHS), MPWH, (v) any other information available from studies such as the country
water assessment, the Java and Sumatra spatial models, idle capacity. Collect
information from the river basin organizations (RBOs), water resources agencies
(WRAs) at provincial and district levels, research centers such as PUSAIR, DGHS
and the Agency for Regional Infrastructure Development under MPWH, and other
relevant institutions. Organized all information in a comprehensive database into GIS
system as water demand key indicators.

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(ii) Output 2: Existing Raw Water Supply Systems Inventory. The consultant will
compile from any source of information the existing RWS systems 22into the GIS
database. The consultant will analyze existing and potential for optimization, existing
conditions23, financial requirement for rehabilitation or upgrading including economic,
social and environment feasibility of such works. This output will be closely
coordinated with the Directorate of Operation and Maintenance (DOM) under the
Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR), MPWH in charge of asset

(iii) Output 3: Potential Raw Water Supply Systems. The consultant will identify
additional RWS systems, capitalizing on collected information and studies,
preliminary planning of potential RWS systems to reduce the gaps in water supply for
2040. The consultant will prepare: (i) hydrogeological analysis for conjunctive use
system; (ii) revitalization plan of groundwater infrastructure where the resources are
sustainable; (iii) construction/upgrading plan of small diurnal storages, consisting of
bunded storage reservoirs to solve wet season flooding and shortage of water supply
in dry season; (iv) plan for new raw water supply systems, from water sources to
service area; (v) plan of water conveyance infrastructure needed to bring water to
underutilized water supply plants. All potential RWS systems will be integrated into
GIS database system to produce thematic maps to support prioritization of
investment. The consultant will then review the potential RWS systems from
economic, financial, social and environment aspects. The consultant will prepare the
master plan for RWS as a follow-up of Rencana Pengelolaan Sumber Daya air
(RPSDA) that have been legalized. For each RWS options, the consultant will
prepare a preliminary scheme (map scale 1:25,000) including location of service

(iv) Output 4: RWS Investment Plan. Based on scale of priority defined in the master
plan as prepared in Output 3, the consultant will prepare an investment plan for RWS
infrastructure to fill the water supply gaps in 2040. The investment plan will cover: (i)
rehabilitation and upgrading of existing RWS systems including groundwater
revitalization prior to be finished as prepared in output 2, (ii) new RWS systems as
prepared in output 3 supported by an economic analysis. The investment plan will
also inform about the readiness of each investment including availability of feasibility
studies, detailed engineering design plan/availability, need for and status of land
acquisition and resettlement, assessment of environment safeguards
plan/availability, available spatial planning. The plan will provide details on agency in
charge, to link to existing or planned water treatment and distribution (WTD) facilities,
for which the consultant will facilitate integration between RWS and WTD
infrastructure under the source to tap framework. The consultant conducts an
assessment (legal and institutional, technical, economic and commercial,
environmental and social, risk, forms of cooperation in infrastructure provision, and
government support needs) and prepares recommendations for existing RWS
designs. The consultant will also consider water demand management, where gaps
could not be filled with infrastructure.

(v) Output 5: Advancing readiness of priority RWS investments. For priority RWS
investments proposed for construction under the ADB funded Enhanced Water
Security Investment Project ((a) Gandus; (b) Jatigede Dam RWS system; (c) Serang
District RWS system, (d) Sampang RWS system), several key actions will be
supported by the consultant as follow: (i) support the related River Basin

22 Shallow groundwater well, rainwater harvesting,

23 Including infrastructure and water quality (KLH or Kesehatan)

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Organization (RBO) in the preparation and initial implementation of the land

acquisition and resettlements plan (LARPs) of RWS investments; (ii) support the
RBOs in coordination with subnational governments in carrying implementation of the
LARPs; (iii) support the RBOs in the preparation and approval process of the
Environmental Impact Asessment (AMDAL or UPL/UKL) as needed; (iv) review and
update feasibility study as needed; and (v) prepare bidding documents for advance
procurement action.

RWS Option FS/DED status LARP status AMDAL status

Gandus 2017 On going On going
Jatigede Dam
2017-2018 On going On going
RWS system
Serang District
2018 On going On going
RWS system
Sampang RWS
On going On going On going

For selected RWS systems proposed for PPP ((a) Sadawarna Dam RWS system, (b)
Karian Dam RWS system; and (c) Bintang Bano Dam RWS system, NTB.), the
consultant will:
(i) conduct analysis on: legal and institutional, technical, economic and financial,
environmental and social, forms of cooperation in infrastructure provision, risk
assessment, government support/guarantees; (ii) coordination and market sounding
(iii) assess the potential for PPP financing in line with outline business case
methodology; and (iv) prepare recommendations for implementation.
The Consultant shall structure a comprehensive Source‐to‐Tap Assessment (STTA)
as an improved and integrated understanding of the various components of the water
supply system, their strengths and weaknesses, and the existing and potential
threats to clean water so that informed decisions can be made for effective risk
management. Appendix 1 presents the source to tap framework.

RWS Option FS/DED status LARP status AMDAL status

Sadawarna Dam
2018 on going on going
RWS system
Karian Dam RWS
2015 2018-2019 2018-2019
system stage 2
Bintang Bano Dam
2017 2017 2017
RWS system, NTB

D. Surveys and Investigation

12. For the master plan preparation, the consultant will conduct field surveys for strategic
and critical areas, including:

(i) Survey for existing groundwater system infrastructure in selected Kabupaten,

as presented in Appendix 2.
Collect data on the use of groundwater infrastructure under Directorate General of
Water Resources (DWGR) authority, covering status, location, type of wells, type of
pumps, power source type, discharge, water use, condition, function, and types of
damage, and management units;

Survey and data collection for existing RWS infrastructure in selected

Kabupaten, as presented in Appendix 3. Collect (a) information on original and
current operating capacity, (b) water treatment and distribution plans from the

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Directorate General of Human Settlement (DGHS) and BPSPAM; (c) data on

unutillized WTP capacity,

(ii) Water Sources data collection. Collect data on water sources that can be utilized
as a source of raw water including types of water sources (rivers, reservoir, springs),
location, available discharge, and conditions.

(iii) Groundwater survey(s).

Conduct field investigation to assess Groundwater potential for conjunctive use:
- Conduct geo-electric investigations in 120 points and existing well pumping tests
(80 wells) to obtain information on groundwater volumes that can be developed.
For these surveys, the consultant may associate with other companies/ firm who
have the qualification requirement (for example as sub consultants).
- Conduct a field survey to identify the condition and performance of groundwater
- Conduct Laboratorium water test from sources of selected RWS system
proposed for PPP consist with 2 samples each.

- Sustainability data collection. Collect data on existing major Raw Water System
infrastructures including Groundwater, O&M management: budget, organization,
officer education, task and responsibility, provincial / district / city spatial plans,
conservation plans for the sustainability of water resources for raw water supply,
and existing environmental maintenance data to maintain the sustainability of
water delivery.

- Market Sounding for the (a) Sadawarna Dam RWS system, (b) Karian Dam
RWS system stage 2; and (c) Bintang Bano Dam RWS system, NTB will consist
of 2 time meeting with potential investors, local governments and water utilities.
The purpose is to request input from stakeholders regarding the government's
business partnership plan (PPP) for the selected RWS options.

E. Workshops and Training

13. The purpose of the workshops is to convey information about the RWS development
programs to the concerned parties.

Workshop and Meetings Purpose Location and stakeholders

Inception report workshop Discussion of methodology, Jakarta, Direksi dan PUSATAB
schedule, and reporting
Socialization of the study-1 To inform into stakeholders Jakarta, Pemda, PDAM
about the study
Socialization of the study-2 To inform into stakeholders Surabaya, Pemda, PDAM
about the study
Interim report meeting Progress and action plan PUSATAB office
Draft of RWS system Master Public consultation of region Jakarta, Pemda, PDAM
plan-1 workshop West Java province, Central
Java province, D.I.Y.province
,and Bangka Belitung province
Draft of RWS system Master Public consultation of region Surabaya, Pemda, PDAM
plan-2 workshop East Java province, Bali
province, NTB province , and
NTT province
Draft Final report meeting Discussion on draft final report PUSATAB office, Direksi,
Socialization of the study-1 To inform into stakeholders Jakarta, Pemda, PDAM

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about result and

implementation plan of the
Socialization of the study-2 To inform into stakeholders Surabaya, Pemda, PDAM
about result and
implementation plan of the
Market Sounding meetings To request input from TBC
stakeholders regarding the
governments business
partnership plan (PPP) for the
selected RWS options.
Monthly Report meeting Discussion on progress of the PUSATAB office

14. The objective of the training is to improve knowledge on the management and
updating of GIS map data. The river basin organization will be the main target audience for
the training.

Training Purpose Location and stakeholders

Transfer of knowledge on the
GIS Training-1 management and updating GIS Jakarta, BBWS, BWS
map data
Transfer of knowledge on the
GIS Training-2 management and updating GIS Surabaya, BBWS, BWS
map data
capacity building of raw water
Management Training-1 Jakarta, BBWS, BWS
supply system management
capacity building of raw water
Management Training-2 Surabaya, BBWS, BWS
supply system management

15. The purpose of socialization is to inform key stakeholders about the findings and
recommendations of the RWS master plan to support local governments in improving clean
water services, and to request input to support the implementation of the study. Socialization
activities will be carried out in each provinces of the study and carried out two (2) times at
the beginning and midterm of the study.

F. Implementation Arrangements
16. The services will be implemented over a period of 14 (fourteen) months tentatively,
starting 14 (fourteen) days after contract signing. The Centre for Groundwater and Raw
Water will be the executing agency. The government will provide counterpart support in the
form of counterpart staff. Consultants will closely work with government counterpart to
improve the technical competence of Center for Groundwater and Raw Water employees.

17. Consultant should prepare and responsible for validation of each invoices.
Consultant must follow Standar Biaya Umum from Kementerian Keuangan.

18. The input will be 8 person-months for international consultants and 266 person-
months for national consultants. A summary of specialist inputs is shown in Table 1.

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Table 1: Summary of Estimated Man-month Requirement for the period of 14 Months


No Professional A Man Mon No Professional B Man Mon Sub- Professional Man Mon
th th th
1 Groundwater Specialist / 1 8 1 Team Leader / 1 14 Assistant Water 1 11
Hydrogeologist Water Resources Resources Engineer for
Management West Java & Bangka
Specialist Belitung region
2 Hydrologist/Model 1 7 Assistant Water 1 11
er for West Java & Resources Engineer for
Bangka Belitung Central Java & DIY
3 Hydrologist/Model 1 7 Assistant Water 1 11
er for Central Java Resources Engineer for
& DIY East Java & Bali region
4 Hydrologist/Model 1 7 Assistant Water 1 11
er for East Java & Resources Engineer for
Bali NTB & NTT region
5 Hydrologist/Model 1 7 Assistant Hydrogeologist 1 11
for NTB & NTT for West Java & Bangka
region Belitung region
6 Water Resources 1 13 Assistant Hydrogeologist 1 11
Management for Central Java & DIY
Specialist for region
region West Java
& Bangka Belitung
7 Water Resources 1 13 Assistant Hydrogeologist 1 11
Management for East Java & Bali
Specialist for region
Central Java &
8 Water Resources 1 13 Assistant Hydrogeologist 1 11
Management for NTB & NTT region
Specialist for East
Java & Bali
9 Water Resources 1 13 Assistant Hydrologist for 1 11
Management West Java & Bangka
Specialist for NTB Belitung region
& NTT region
10 Hydraulic 1 8 Assistant Hydrologist for 1 11
Design/Structural Central Java & DIY
Engineer for West region
Java & Bangka
Belitung region
11 Hydraulic 1 8 Assistant Hydrologist for 1 11
Design/Structural East java & Bali region
Engineer for
Central Java &
DIY region
12 Hydraulic 1 8 Assistant Hydrologist for 1 11
Design/Structural NTB & NTT region
Engineer for East
Java & Bali region
13 Hydraulic 1 8 Assistant Mechanical- 1 6
Design/Structural Electrical Engineer for
Engineer for NTB West Java & Bangka
& NTT region Belitung region
14 Economist/Financi 1 7 Assistant Mechanical- 1 6
al Project Electrical Engineer for
Management Central Java & DIY

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No Professional A Man Mon No Professional B Man Mon Sub- Professional Man Mon
th th th
Specialist for region
masterplan for
West Java &
Bangka Belitung
15 Economist/Financi 1 7 Assistant Mechanical- 1 6
al Project Electrical Engineer for
Management East Java & Bali region
Specialist for
masterplan for
Central Java &
DIY region
16 Economist/Financi 1 7 Assistant Mechanical- 1 6
al Project Electrical Engineer for
Management NTB & NTT region
Specialist for
masterplan for
East Java & Bali
17 Economist/Financi 1 7 Assistant Irrigation 1 7
al Project Engineer for West Java,
Management Bangka Belitung, Central
Specialist for Java and DIY region
masterplan for
NTB & NTT region
18 Economist/Financi 1 6 Assistant Irrigation 1 7
al Project Engineer for East Java,
Management Bali, NTB and NTT
Specialist for pra- region
19 Spatial Planning 1 6 Assistant OM Specialist 1 8
for West Java & for West Java, Bangka
Bangka Belitung Belitung, Midle Java and
region DIY region
20 Spatial Planning 1 6 Assistant OM Specialist 1 8
for Central Java & for East Java, Bali, NTB
DIY region and NTT region
21 Spatial Planning 1 6 Assistant 1 6
for East Java & Environmentalist for
Bali region West Java, Bangka
Belitung, Midle Java and
DIY region
22 Spatial Planning 1 6 Assistant 1 6
for NTB & NTT Environmentalist for East
region Java, Bali, NTB and NTT
23 Environmental 1 6 GIS Technician for West 1 12
Specialist Java & Bangka Belitung
24 O&M Specialist 1 8 GIS Technician for 1 12
Central Java & DIY
25 Cost Estimator 1 8 GIS Technician for East 1 12
Java & Bali region
26 Legal and 1 6 GIS Technician for NTB 1 12
institutional & NTT region
27 Irrigation 1 7 Data surveyor for West 10 5
Specialist Java & Bangka Belitung
28 Social 1 6 Data surveyor for Central 10 5
Development Java & DIY region

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No Professional A Man Mon No Professional B Man Mon Sub- Professional Man Mon
th th th
Expert for West
Java & Bangka
Belitung region
29 Social 1 6 Data surveyor for East 10 5
Development Java & Bali region
Expert for Central
Java & DIY region
30 Social 1 6 Data surveyor for NTB & 10 5
Development NTT region
Expert for East
Java & Bali region
31 Social 1 6
Expert for NTB &
NTT region
32 Resettlement 1 5
33 Mechanical- 1 6
Electrical Engineer

34 GIS Expert 1 12

Total 1 8 Total 34 266 Total 66 266

Supporting Staff
Jakarta Office
1 Office Manager 1 14
2 Operator Computer/CAD 4 14

3 Bilingual Secretary 1 14

4 Office Boy 2 14
5 Driver 2 14

Total 10 70
Base Camp
1 Administrator 3 5
2 Office Boy 3 5
Total 6 10

The Total MM of Professional A 8 MM, Total MM of Professional B 266 MM,

Total Assistant/Sub-Professional B 446 MM and Total Supporting staff 170 MM
(central office + site office)

G. Consulting Services
I. International Experts (Professional A):
1. Groundwater Specialist/Hydrogeologist (International, 8 person-months).
The consultant should have a Masters degree in hydrogeology or geology and most prefer
6 years professional experience in hydrogeology study and modelling in the last 4 year
outside Indonesia and most prefer 2 years practical experience of working. He/she should
be familiar with computerized data processing, GIS systems and advanced computer
analysis techniques. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to work in a
multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication in English (written and oral)

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skills. The major duties: (i) bring international best practices in developing the master plan;
(ii) ensure deliverables meet ADB’ quality standard for raw water supply investments to be
potentially financed under the EWSIP; (iii) ensure transfer of knowledge on innovations for
raw water supply and responsibilities will also include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

Review areas that have built irrigation and raw water from
1 groundwater at the study site, and develop a geo-electric Task
survey plan and an existing well-pumping test;
Identify the data needed to support this work (eg,
2 groundwater basin maps, deep / medium / shallow wells Task
already built);
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist to
3 prepare data base of Existing Raw Water Supply Systems Assist
including existing Groundwater;
Review the condition of the existing groundwater irrigation
4 network (JIAT) and in the study area. Task

Prepare TOR for Geo-electric Survey and Existing Well

5 Pumping Test that will be done by sub-consultant. Task

Conduct a field survey to identify the condition and

performance of groundwater infrastructure as listed in
6 appendix 3 and identify characteristics of agricultural land Task
use and production
Assessment the condition and performance of groundwater
7 infrastructure and analyzing alternative development of JIAT, Task
and identify of groundwater volume availability
Prepare data base of existing/current groundwater
8 infrastructure, including location, condition, performance, Task
agriculture information, Issues and problems
Prepare a revitalization plan and calculate the estimated cost
9 of each component for the sustainability of performance Task

10 Prepare plans and stages for implementing revitalization Task

Calculate the financial benefits of revitalization and the

11 calculation of the correlation of benefits to agricultural Task
Prepare a revitalization map on a scale of 1: 20,000 and a 1:
12 5000 scale revitalization classification map Task

Hydrogeological analysis for conjunctive use to support the

13 supply of raw water from groundwater Task

Analyze the need and prepare recommendation for land

14 conservation and spatial planning revision (if required); Task
Assist the Team Leader to prepare the inventory of (plan)
potential RWS systems to reduce the gaps in water supply
15 for 2040 as a follow-up of the water resources management Assist
plan that has been determined by the watershed;
16 Assist the Team Leader to prepare an investment plan for Assist

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No. Description Concept

RWS infrastructure to fill the water supply gaps by 2040;
Assist the Economic/Financial Management specialist to
17 prepare financial needs for O&M of the existing and planned Assist
RWS infrastructure;
Assist the Raw Water Specialist to assess capacity gaps of
18 RBOs to better manage RWS system, from planning, design, Assist
O&M and data management;
19 Prepare a groundwater section annex to the Final Report. Task

II. National Experts (Professional B) :

1 . Team Leader/Water Resources Management Specialist (National, 14 person-

The consultant must have a Master’s degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering or water
resources engineering. He/she should have most prefer 10 years of work experience, in
the field of water resources management with specific experience in raw water supply
management in the last 5 years in Indonesia and most prefer 4 years practical experience
of working as Team Leader. The Water Resources Management Specialist should be
familiar with all aspects of the tasks listed in the scope of work. The major duties and
responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Act as a team leader of the consultant team and manage the Task
consulting services, providing work programs and updated
staff schedules when required;
2 Coordinate with all related agencies in Central as well as in Task
target Provinces for smooth and timely implementation and
completion of the project;
3 Identify tasks on the critical path and ensure that Task
implementation schedules follow an integrated approach;
4 Review the water resources development strategy (pola) and Task
plans (rencana) of the river basins related to raw water
supply management and identify the gaps between planned
activities and realization, analyze and explore strategy to
overcome the problem;
5 Review related study reports, analyze data and prepare water Task
demand characteristics and projections of the target
6 Identify gaps between existing RWS capacity and the Task
projected demand until 2040;
7 Develop a methodology to identify additional RWS systems; Task
Directed the Raw Water Specialist to prepared the inventory
of (plan) potential RWS systems to fill the gaps in water
8 supply for 2040 as a follow-up of the water resources Task
management plan that has been determined by the
To review the potential RWS systems from economic,
9 Task
financial, social and environmental aspects;

Page 14 of 170

10 Review the regional spatial plan, analyze the required land Task
conservation area and recommend action plan or measures to
be taken to ensure the raw water systems sustainable;
11 Prepare an investment plan for RWS infrastructure to reduce Task
the water supply gaps in 2040;
12 Prepare quarterly, annual progress reports, and any required Task
specific report for submission to DGWR and ADB.
Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation

Prepare a pre-feasibility study report on the construction of a

1 water supply system with a public private partnership system Task
Prepare a recommendation of readiness implementation
2 Task

2. Hydrologist/Modeler (National, 7 person-months).

The consultant should have a degree in Geography or Civil/Water Resources Engineering
and/or a related field with most prefer 8 years experiences in hydrological studies practical
experience of working in similar environment. He/she should be familiar with computerized
data processing, GIS systems and advanced computer analysis techniques. The candidate
should have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent
communication in English (written and oral) skills. The major duties and responsibilities will
include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

Carry out a review of the related data with regard to hydrological

1 analysis and draw attention to changes, which may have become
necessary since their preparation including climate change

Assess the suitability and reliability of hydrological data required

2 Task
for the raw water system development in each target province;

Review on the findings of hydrological studies and their

3 Task
implications on the potential raw water system development;

Conduct hydrological analysis to determine the potential of water

from each watershed (DAS) to fill the gap of raw water supply for
4 Task
2040, and plotted on the water balance chart between water
demand and potential water;

Consider potential development of reservoirs, retarding basins,

5 small dams options (if any) and their contributions to the raw Task
water supply management in the target provinces;

Assist the Team Leader to develop a methodology to identify

6 Assist
additional RWS system;

Page 15 of 170

Assist the Raw Water Specialist to prepare the inventory of (plan)

potential RWS systems to reduce the gaps in water supply for
7 Assist
2040 as a follow-up of the water resources management plan that
has been legalized;

Review on the findings of hydrological studies and their

8 Task
implications on the potential raw water system development;

9 Prepare a Hydrology annex to the Final Report; Task

10 Assist the Team Leader in the timely preparation of reports. Assist

3. Water Resources Management Specialist (National, 13 person-months).

The consultant should have a Masters degree (S2) with 6 years experience or S1 with
10 years experience in civil engineering or water resources management. Most prefer an
Ahli Sumber Daya Air Madya certificate holder with 6 years professional experience
(ever done) in water development and management projects, which most prefer 4 years of
experience as Deputy or Team Leader. He/she should be familiar with computerized data
processing, GIS systems and advanced computer analysis techniques. The candidate
should have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent
communication in English (written and oral) skills. The major duties and responsibilities will
include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Guide the Assistant Raw Water Specialist to prepare data base Assist
existing water demand characteristics and projections at basin and
district levels base on data from the Bureau of Statistics (BPS) with
boundary basin river basin (watershed);
2 Guide the Assistant Raw Water Specialist to prepare data water Assist
demand of treatment and distribution plans from the Directorate
General of Human Settlement (DGHS);
3 Guide the Assistant Raw Water Specialist to prepare data Water Assist
demand of agriculture based on data from river basin organizations
(RBOs), water resources agencies (WRAs) at provincial and district
levels, research centers such as PUSAIR, DGHS and the Agency for
Regional Infrastructure Development under MPWH, and other
relevant institutions;
4 Prepare data base of water use characteristic for each district, and Task
Recommendation of existing water use characteristic
5 Make scenario of the level of raw water needs: Task
- Analyzing economic development plans and population
growth rates of a district to be associated with the growth of raw
water needs
- Analyze the carrying capacity of a district / city in terms of
water resources to still be able to meet the needs of raw water
Formulate scenario based on items above
6 Calculation of raw water demand : Task
- Calculate existing water use from PDAM, irrigation, water permits,
water treatment and distribution plans from the Directorate
General of Human Settlement (DGHS), MPWH, etc.;
- Recommendation of existing water use (efficiency level, serving
quality, demand management, etc )

Page 16 of 170

Calculate water demand projection for each scenario

7 To prepare water demand analysis report; Task
8 Guide the Assistant Raw Water Specialist to prepare data base of Assist
Existing Raw Water Supply Systems including existing Groundwater
and raw water system design that has been conducted;
9 Review the water resources development strategy (pola) and plans Task
(rencana) of the river basins related to raw water supply
10 Prepare database of existing Raw Water Supply Systems, and list of Task
unutilized raw water and drought prone village
11 Analyze existing and potential capacity of existing raw water system Task
including existing conditions, financial requirement for rehabilitation or
upgrading including economic, social and environment pre-feasibility
of such works;
12 Prepare raw water system existing report; Task
13 Assist the Team Leader to develop a methodology to identify Assist
additional RWS System;
14 Prepare potential water data base from water sources obtained from Task
collected information and studies;
15 Analysis small diurnal storage capacity, consisting of bonded storage Task
reservoirs to solve wet season flooding and shortage of water supply
in dry season
16 Prepare construction/upgrading/rehabilitation plan of small diurnal Task
17 Gap analysis of raw water supply until 2040, Task
18 Prepare alternative development / improvement of raw water supply Task
system to meet raw water demand until 2040, with consideration of
support of existing groundwater structures;
19 Analysis of underutilized water supply plants; Task
20 Prepare plan of water conveyance infrastructure needed to bring Task
water to underutilized water supply plants;

21 Prepare raw water master plan from water resources to service area Task
as a follow-up of the water resources management plan that has
been determined by the river basin organization;
22 Prepare a plan for the financing of the implementation of the system Task
of raw water supply per year up to 2040;
23 Assist the Team Leader to review the potential RWS systems from Assist
economic, financial, social, spatial planning, and environment

24 Assist the Team Leader to prepare an investment plan for RWS Assist
infrastructure to reduce the water supply gaps by 2040
25 Assist the Team Leader prepare raw water supply system inventory Assist
26 Assist the Team Leader prepare an investment plan for RWS Assist
infrastructure to reduce the water supply gaps by 2040;
27 Keep a close communication and coordination with all related Task
stakeholders in provinces/river basins and as well in central
28 Organize Assistant Water Resources Engineers in data collection and Task
management needed for the study, such as from BPS, Perpamsi.
Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation project in
selected RWS system

Page 17 of 170

1 Investigation of the level and quality of existing services and Task

identification of RWS problems and deficiencies.
2 Analysis of affordability of prices, quantity, and quality of existing and Task
proposed development of water supply system.
3 Analysis of water demand and their projections, according to the Task
survey results of the real need for clean water.
4 Prepare a pre-feasibility study report on the construction of a clean Assist
water supply system with a public private partnership system (PPP).
5 Identify all stages of development until the financial close Task
6 Identification of roles, responsibilities, and agreements between all Task
involved to carry out their respective roles and responsibilities
7 Consider the time needed in all stages of construction, and assess Task
the reasonableness of the method and the need for execution time.
8 Assist the Team leader prepare a pre-feasibility study report on the Assist
construction of a clean water supply system with a public private
partnership system (PPP)

4. Hydraulic Design/Structure Engineer (National, 8 person-months).

The consultant should have a graduate or S1 degree in civil engineering or water

resources management and most prefer an Ahli Madya Sumber Daya Air certificate
holder with 5 - 6 years professional experience in hydraulic structure modeling and design.
He/she should be familiar with computerized data processing, GIS systems and advanced
computer analysis techniques. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to work in a
multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication in English (written and oral)
skills. The major duties and responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Collect the type of infrastructure and specifications on the Task

existing raw water supply system,
2 Study the type of selected infrastructure to be use on the Task
new raw water supply system
Assist the Raw water specialist to prepare the inventory of
(plan) potential RWS systems to reduce the gaps in water
3 supply for 2040 as a follow-up of the water resources Assist
management plan that has been determined by the
Conduct field surveys on infrastructure location plans to
4 assess hydraulic and morphological aspects Task
Study the design of existing raw water systems including
5 readiness criteria; Task
Assist the Team Leader to review the potential RWS
6 systems from economic, financial, social, and environmental Assist
Prepare a typical concept of the design structures of raw
water supply systems based on water discharge, including
7 infrastructures of raw water sources (embungs, small dams, Task
weirs), intakes, pre-sediments, pumps, transmission lines,
pipe bridges, press release structures;

Page 18 of 170

No. Description Concept

Prepare preliminary plan of raw water at each water source to

8 support of raw water master plan; Task

Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist to

9 prepare raw water master plan; Assist

Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation

project in selected RWS system
Survey infrastructure site plans, alignment, and planning
1 systems of raw water supply system designed Task

Assess planning system, site plan, hydraulic and structural

2 calculations of infrastructure raw water supply system Task
Prepare recommendation technical feasibility of raw water
3 supply system planed for readiness to implementation and Task

5. Economist/Financial Project Management Specialist-1 (National, 7 person-


The consultant should have a master’s degree in Economics or Finance. He/She should
have 5 years professional work experience with 4 years experiences in project
economic planning and analysis of externally funded projects. His/her experience should
preferably include 4 years experiences in preparing projects of a similar nature
particularly water resources management projects. His/her tasks will include but will not
limit to:

No. Description Concept

1 Collect data in preparation for project appraisal, feasibility Task

studies and financial planning;

2 Financial analysis based on the stages of implementing a Task

new raw water supply system to meet water demand until

3 Prepare an investment plan of rehabilitation and upgrading Task

of existing RWS systems including groundwater
revitalization, and investment plan of new raw water supply

4 Assist the Team Leader review the potential RWS systems Assist
from economic, financial, social, and environmental

5 Conduct sensitivity analysis to determine the potential Task

impact of negative changes in key variables/assumptions
on sub project viability;

6 Identify sub project’s indirect benefits and potential risks; Task

Page 19 of 170

7 Assist the Team Leader to prepare an investment plan for Assist

RWS infrastructure to reduce the water supply gaps in

8 Prepare an economic and financial annex to the Final Task


6. Economist/Financial Project Management Specialist-2 (National, 6 person-


The consultant should have a master’s degree in Economics or Finance. He/She should
have 5 years professional work experience with 4 years experiences in project
economic planning and analysis of externally funded projects. His/her experience should
preferably include 4 years experiences in preparing infrastructures projects of a similar
nature particularly water resources management projects. His/her tasks will include but will
not limit to:

No. Description Concept

Conduct market sounding from potential investors, local

1 Task
governments and drinking water companies
To analyze direct and indirect costs required in the construction of
2 Task
a raw water supply system.
3 To analyze the direct and indirect benefits obtained by the
community with the existence of a raw water supply system
To calculate economic feasibility which includes Net Present Value
4 Task
(NPV) and Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)
To analyze the project's financial feasibility in terms of revenue and
5 Task
cost accounting
To analyze financial support needs from central / provincial / district /
6 Task
city governments.
To analyze funding sources and requirements needed when using
7 Task
funds from banks.
To identify risks that may arise with the development of a clean water
8 supply system, and mitigation that needs to be done to reduce the Task
impact or reduce the possibility of risk
To conduct risk evaluation in order to develop a risk priority scale
9 Task
based on the possibility of risk
To conduct a risk analysis with an approach: sensitivity analysis,
10 Task
scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation
To conduct a risk analysis with several financing scenarios to
11 Task
maximize value for money (VFM)
12 Prepare feasibility recommendations in economic and financial terms Task
13 Assist the Team Leader prepare a pre-feasibility study report on the Assist

Page 20 of 170

No. Description Concept

Conduct market sounding from potential investors, local

1 Task
governments and drinking water companies
construction of a raw water supply system with a public private
partnership system (PPP)

7. Spatial Planning Specialist (National, 6 person-months).

The consultant should have a degree (S1) in Civil Engineering or Urban Planning or related
field and be a Madya certificate holder with 5 years of experience in water resources
development or management projects. He/she should be familiar with computerized data
processing and advanced computer analysis techniques. The candidate should have
demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication
in English (written and oral) skills. The major duties and responsibilities will include, but are
not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

Collect spatial planning data: plans, maps, GIS systems. Confirm
1 the location of existing and proposed water supply facilities Task
within government spatial plans;
Closely coordinated with agencies in charge such the Ministry for
2 Agraria, the CRD and with the forest management agencies Task

Identification of potential conflicts that might occur due to land use

3 Task
with regional spatial plans (RTRW)

Prepare stages for the necessary approvals and the necessary

4 steps in obtaining permission to build of raw water infrastructures Task
that proposed in the Master Plan;
Assist Team Leader to develops a methodology to identify
5 additional RWS systems particularly in considering spatial Assist
Discuss with officials in provinces/basins to conduct necessary
6 steps to incorporate the proposed raw water supply systems in the Task
provincial spatial plans point of view.

8. Environmental Specialist (National, 6 person-months).

The consultant should have a d egree on Environmental Science or Environmental
Management, and most prefer hold an AMDAL certificate. He/she have most prefer 5 years
of relevant experience on the planning and conducting of environmental impact assessment
which including water supply projects. He/she should be familiar with computerized data
processing and advanced computer analysis techniques. The candidate should have
demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication
in English (written and oral) skills. The major duties and responsibilities will include, but are
not limited to the following :

Page 21 of 170

No. Description Concept

Collect existing environmental maintenance data in order to
1 Task
maintain the sustainability of water delivery;
Collect data and conduct assessments on current water quality in
2 Task
the water bodies and existing raw water systems;
Analyze the activities needed for environmental conservation in
3 Task
order to maintain the quality and quantity of raw water;
Assist Team Leader in developing a methodology to identify
additional RWS systems particularly in considering the water Assist
quality and environmental aspects;
Carry out initial environmental examinations of options and projects
5 Task
selected for feasibility studies;
Assess boundary of the catchment area that affect the
6 sustainability of raw water availability in each raw water supply Task
Prepare recommendations conservation plan and spatial planning
7 Task
to ensure sustainability of RWS investments
8 Assist the Team Leader to prepare sustainability plan report. Assist
Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation project in
selected RWS system
Study the applicable laws and regulations concerning the
management & protection of the environment, and about the
1 Task
procedure and assessments that become the reference for the pre-
feasibility study.
Assessment of criteria needs to be carried out by an environmental
2 impact analysis (AMDAL) Task

3 Prepare recommendations for impact handling actions Task

Asses of the existing document available regarding Initial
Environmental Examination, including the Environmental
4 Task
Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan of the
Assess the adequacy of the process such as participation,
5 consultation, grievance resolution; and mitigation of Task
environmental impacts associated with project implementation;
Provide recommendation on AMDAL readiness for the project to
6 Task
be implemented

9. O&M Specialist (National, 8 person-months).

The consultant should have a degree (S1) in Civil Engineering. He/She should have a
Madya certificate with most prefer 5 years professional work experience in operation and
maintenance planning and preparation of water resources management projects. He/she
should be familiar with computerized data processing and advanced computer analysis
techniques. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary
team and having excellent communication in English (written and oral) skills. His/her tasks
will include but will not limit to :

No. Description Concept

1 Collect data of existing Raw Water System infrastructures, Task

O&M management: budget, organization, task, and

Page 22 of 170

responsibility including Groundwater;

2 Assist the Raw Water Specialist to analyze existing and
potential capacity of existing raw water system including
existing conditions, financial requirement for rehabilitation or
upgrading including economic, social and environment pre-
feasibility of such works;
3 Review existing O&M management, institutions, human Task
resources capacity, manuals, and propose an improvement or
4 Prepare financial needs for O&M of the existing and planned Task
RWS infrastructure;
5 Assess the organizational capability of Operation & Task
Maintenance management in performing task, including
planning, design, O&M, and data management;
6 Prepare a capacity building program of raw water system Task
management of RBO’s officers;

7 Prepare financial estimates for O&M and programs for the Task
capacity building report.

10. Mechanical-Electrical Engineer (National, 6 person-months)

The consultant must have a bachelor's degree (S1) in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering. He
/ She must have an Associate Certificate with the most 5 years of professional work
experience in planning water resources management projects. He must be familiar with the
mechanical-electrical field work. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to work on a
multidisciplinary team and have excellent communication in English (written and oral) skills.
His duties will include but will not limit to:
No. Description Concept
Review data on groundwater irrigation networks (JIAT) that
1 have been built in the study area Task
Prepare a plan for reviewing the groundwater irrigation
2 network (JIAT) which has severely damaged infrastructure Task
Analyze damage of infrastructure and determine how to
3 improve it. Task
Prepare plans of improve infrastructure of groundwater
4 irrigation networks. Task
Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation
project in selected RWS system
Review the design of the facilities for the electrical machine Task
1 infrastructure of the raw water supply system
Assess the feasibility of the mechanical electrical
2 infrastructure facilities to be used Task
Prepare recommendations for the feasibility of the planned
3 mechanical-electrical infrastructure. Task
Study and evaluate mechanical-electrical facilities of RWS
4 system, includes the type and kind that suitable to the Task

Page 23 of 170

11. Cost Estimator (National, 8 person-months).

The consultant should have a degree (S1) in Civil Engineering. He/She should have a
Madya Certificate w i t h most prefer 5 years professional work experience in planning of
water resources management projects. He/she should be familiar with computerized data
processing and advanced computer analysis techniques. The candidate should have
demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication
in English (written and oral) skills. His/her tasks will include but will not limit to:

No. Description Concept

1 Collect data of local unit prices of raw water supply materials, Task
labour wages, and current contracts;
2 Prepare unit price estimate analysis; Task
3 Prepare bill of quantities of the proposed infrastructures and Task
facilities based on a typical concept of structures;
4 Prepare cost estimate of the proposed raw water supply Task
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist to
5 review the potential RWS systems from economic, financial, Assist
social and environment aspects;
Assist the Team Leader prepare an investment plan for RWS
6 infrastructure to fill the water supply gaps in 2040; Assist

7 Prepare cost estimate and bill of quantity report. Task

12. Legal and Institutional Expert (National, 6 person-months)

The consultant should have a degree (S1) in Law. He/She should have a Certificate with
most prefer 5 years professional work experience in planning of construction management
law. He/she should be familiar with computerized data processing and advanced computer
analysis techniques. The candidate should have demonstrated ability to work in a
multidisciplinary team and having excellent communication in English (written and oral)
skills. His/her tasks will include but will not limit to:

No. Description Concept

Assessment of applicable regulations in joint ventures with
business entities (PPPs) and possible obstacles that include:
1 establishment of a legal entity, investment, PPP scheme, land Task
acquisition, funding, feasibility support and guarantees from the
Institutional studies involved in joint efforts, including: what
2 institutions are involved, the responsibilities of each institution, Task
and agreements that need to be made to strengthen work ties
Studying various PPP scheme that can be applied in this
3 business collaboration. Task
Establish the desired output / target and activities needed in a
4 joint effort Task
Arrange an organizational structure that functions to provide Task
5 services, so as to maximize VFM

Page 24 of 170

Distribute risk to the parts of the organization for risk

6 management Task
Establish legal and financial structures in order to obtain
7 clarification on the regulation of legal and financial aspects Task
Preparing recommendations for the form of public private
8 partnership organizations (PPP) Task
Study of the government's commitment in granting permits to
private investors and the government's commitment to land
9 acquisition that will be used in the project location according to Task
the planned time schedule
Study of the government's commitment to provide financial
contributions to construction costs and the government's
10 commitment to provide fiscal contributions in cash or non-cash Task
during operations (tariff subsidies)
Study of government’s commitments in other fields which are
11 determined in law Task
Prepare recommendations for commitments given by the central Task
12 / provincial / district / city government
Assist the Team Leader prepare a pre-feasibility study report on
13 the construction of a clean water supply system with a public Assist
private partnership system (PPP)

13. Irrigation Specialist (National, 7 person-months).

The consultant should have a Master Degree (S2) in irrigation with most prefer 4 years
experiences in planning, execution and management of government and agriculture aspect,
and experienced in EIA study arrangement. The major duties and responsibilities will
include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Assess water requirement efficiency for groundwater Task

irrigation and water irrigation;
2 Develop alternative ways of efficiency water use for Task
groundwater irrigation and water irrigation;
3 Assess crop water requirements and preparing water Task
balances to support the Water Resources Management
4 Prepare recommendation of efficiency irrigation water use. Task

14. Social Development Expert (National, 6 person-months).

The consultant should have a degree (S1) in Sociology or other related discipline. The
Social Development Expert should have most prefer 5 years professional work experience
in planning and implementation of water resources management projects. The candidate
should have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent
communication in English (written and oral) skills. His/her tasks will include but will not limit

No. Description Concept

1 Inventory the potential social impacts arising from the Task

Page 25 of 170

application of development of raw water systems;

2 Conduct social safeguard impact analysis; Task
3 Prepare a social impact assessment for the raw water supply Task
project identified from the perspective of resettlement and
4 Review applicable laws and regulations and ensure overall Task
project compliance with the relevant regulatory framework in
5 Develop ways to solve social impact problems resulting from Task
the development of planned raw water systems;
6 Assist The Team Leader to prepare Draft Final Report; Assist
7 Prepare social impact and problem solving report. Task
1 Consult with the community (PCM) who will be affected by Task
the construction of a clean water supply system
2 Inventory of potential social impacts that will be affected from Task
the implementation of the development of the clean water
system, and calculate the estimated compensation costs.
3 Prepare proposals for social-safeguard for communities Task
affected by the development of the clean water supply
4 Identification of relevant social basic issues that have the Task
potential to emerge in the pre-construction, construction, and
post-construction stages.
5 Conduct mitigation plan and calculate the estimated costs. Task
6 Assist the Environmental Specialist to prepare Assist
recommendations for impact handling action.
7 Prepare social safeguard report Task

15. Resettlement specialist (National, 5 person-months).

The Resettlement Specialist is preferred to have a degree in sociology or related field with
about 6 years of relevant work experience in the design and implementation of resettlement
action plans and participatory rural appraisal for community development. He/She must
have demonstrated experience in directly managing or leading the execution of the
preparation and implementation of resettlement plans and resettlement frameworks for the
ADB, World Bank or other development partner with similar resettlement requirements and
having good knowledge of the current Indonesian regulations including the new Land Law
2/2012 and on indigenous people. He/She will be part of the DED work and incorporate
social safeguards (land acquisition and involuntary resettlement and indigenous people),
which will help the project implementing agency in preparing documents for land acquisition
and resettlement plan as well as the updates, if required, support implementation and
conduct internal monitoring. He/She should have strong interpersonal and communication
skills, fluent in written and spoken English, and having proven ability in report writing for
professional purposes. He/she will be responsible for but not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Inventory of required land area and total assets of residents Task

who will be affected by the project location

Page 26 of 170

2 Prepare a land acquisition plan and calculate the required cost Task
3 Analysis of risks that may arise at the time of land acquisition Task
4 Arrange the implementation plan and plan for monitoring land Task
Prepare recommendations on land acquisition and Task
5 resettlement
Pre-FS of PPP project and readiness implementation
project in selected RWS system
Brief the relevant stakeholders on LARF (Land Acquisition
1 Resettlement Framework); Task
Carry out project screening to determine the impacts of land
acquisition and resettlement (LAR) and indigenous peoples
2 (IPs). Develop measurements to avoid minimize and/or Task
mitigate the adverse impacts;
Conduct feasibility study related to social safeguards and
prepare required social safeguards planning, land acquisition
and resettlement plan (LARP) in compliance with ADB SPS
2009 and Indonesian government prevailing law and
3 regulations and/or Social lmpact Management Plan (SIMP) in Task
the case that land to be acquired has been owned by the
executing/implementing agency and occupied by the people
or Indigenous People Plan (IPP) and/or Combined LARIPP in
the case of the proiect triggers indigenous people
Review the prevailing laws and regulations and ensure overall
project compliance with Indonesia’s relevant regulatory
4 frameworks. Consider international safeguards principles in Task
the case that the project might be financed by multilateral
financing institutions;
Carry out census/IOL on the entitled parties/affected persons
(EPs/APs) and their losses (land acquisition objects or
Conduct a socio-economic survey (SES) of the EPs/APs
including vulnerable groups and severely EPs/APs. The
5 census and SES might need to be contracted to a Task
professional consultant or team. In such cash prepare a TOR
for the assignment). If indigenous people safeguard is
triggered, social impact assessment on the project to
indigenous people safeguards needs to be prepared in
addition to theSES;
Carry out a replacement cost survey for land and non-land
6 assets. Calculate the budget for safeguards activities Task
Prepare relocation strategy that consider the existing social
economic and cultural parameters both for the people affected
7 and of any host populations if required. Design necessary Task
livelihood restoration program to ensure the EPs/APs will not
be worse off because of the project;
Ensure adequate consultations with APs/EPs beneficiaries,
8 and government institutions. Pay special attention to gender Task
and vulnerable groups;

Page 27 of 170

Prepare indicative schedule of activities for LARP or IPP or

LAR-IPP or SIMP and its implementation and monitoring to be
9 synchronized with the project schedule of civil works Task
Assess and design institutional capacity building plan for
10 selected agencies to implement social safeguards Task
Write the LARP/IPP/SIMP documents for the Qroject and
11 secure the Task
endorsement of the documents from the imolementina aaencv
If indigenous people safeguard is triggered social impact
12 assessment on the project to indigenous peopie safeguards Task
needs to be prepared in addition to the SES;
Conduct the evaluation and monitoring implementation social
safeguard and LAR and assist the team leader and deputy
13 leader in timely preparation of reports and in delivering the Task
social safeguards assessment report on a timely manner, as
per guidance received·
Ensure that appropriate measures are taken to mitigate any
negative impacts of LAR including Special attention to the
14 vulnerable groups and severely affected. Verify and finalize Task
entitlements for all affected persons (APs) document this in
the updated LARP·
Work closely with gender Specialist and environmental
15 Specialist to ensure gender consideration and environmental Assist
impact are addressed accordingly;
Assist in the preparation of EIA and delineation of riparian
16 zone; Assist

Assist the detail engineering design team in the preparation of

17 the projects from a social safeguard point of view Assist
Conduct a field survey of environmental conditions affected by
the planned raw water supply system, based on reports of
18 land acquisition and resettlement project (LARP), including:
socialization, land mapping and land ownership, willingness to
be released, involving relevant agencies
To assess and coordination with relevant agencies to Task
19 accelerate the approval of AMDAL
Prepare recommendation on LARP readiness for the project Task
20 to be implemented
Assist the team leader in timely preparation of reports and in
delivering the monitoring reports on a timely manner, as per Task
21 guidance received

16. Assistant Water Resources Engineer (National, 4 person- 11 months).

He/she should have degree in civil engineer degree related field and most prefer 3 – 5 years
experience in water resources studies. The major duties and responsibilities will include, but
are not limited to the following:

Page 28 of 170

No. Description Concept

1 Data collection and management needed for study, such as Task

from BPS, Perpamsi;
2 Organize and guide Water demand surveyor and Raw water Assist
system existing and water source surveyor to collect data
and information from the river basin organizations (RBOs),
water resources agencies (WRAs/Dinas), research centers
such as PUSAIR, DGHS and the Agency for Regional
Infrastructure Development under MPWH, and other relevant
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist to
create a database of existing raw water systems and raw Task
3 water system design that has been conducted based on the
results of data inventory;
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist analysis
the characteristics of raw water demand and calculate the
4 projected raw water demand up to 2040 at sub-district, district
and provincial levels for domestic, residential, industrial and
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist identify
5 gaps between existing RWS capacity and the projected
demand until 2020
Assist the Water Resources Management Specialist prepare
alternative development / improvement of raw water system Task
6 to supply raw water demand until 2040, with consideration of
support of existing groundwater irrigation structures;
Keep a close communication and coordination with all
7 related stakeholders in provinces/river basins and as well in Task
central government.

17. Assistant Hydrologist (National, 4 person- 11 months ).

He/she should have degree in geography related field and most prefer 3 – 5 years
experience in hydrological studies. She/he will have extensive work experience in a related
field, good knowledge and understanding of hydrological conditions of tropical river basins.
The major duties and responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Organize and guide Hydrology data surveyor in collecting Task

hydrological data, stream flow, rainfall, and climatology;
2 Follow hydrology expert to hydrological analysis and draw Assist
attention to changes, which may have become necessary since
their preparation including climate change considerations;
3 Assist the Hydrologist expert to conduct hydrological analysis Assist
to determine the potential of water from each watershed (DAS);
4 Assist hydrologist expert for preparation of hydrology reports. Assist

18. Assistant Hydrogeologist (National, 4 person- 11 months ).

He/she should have degree in geologist engineer related field and most prefer 3 – 5 years
experience in geology or hydrogeological studies. She/he will have extensive work

Page 29 of 170

experience in a related field, good knowledge and understanding of hydrogeological

conditions of tropical river basins. The major duties and responsibilities will include, but are
not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Collecting geological maps, groundwater basin maps (CAT), Task

existing groundwater well data (status, location, discharge,
water use, condition, necessary improvements, OM
2 Assist the Groundwater Specialist/Hydro-geologist supervise Assist
the implementation of geo-electric surveys and pumping
3 Assist the Hydro-geologist conduct a field survey to identify Assist
the condition and performance of groundwater infrastructure
and identify characteristics of agricultural land use and
4 Assist the Hydro-geologist analyzing the condition and Assist
performance of groundwater infrastructure and analyzing
alternative development of JIAT
5 Assist the Hydro-geologist conduct Hydrogeological analysis Assist
for conjunctive use to support the supply of raw water from
6 Assist Hydro-geologist specialist assessing the achievement Assist
plan (output) compared to the existing
7 Assist the Hydro-geologist prepare a revitalization map on a Assist
scale of 1: 20,000 and a 1: 5000 scale revitalization
classification map
8 Assist Hydro-geologist specialist in preparation of Assist
hydrogeology reports.

19. Assistant Mechanical-Electrical Engineer (National, 4 person, 6 month per person)

He/she should have degree in mechanical engineer related field and most prefer 3 – 5 years
experience in mechanical-electrical studies. She/he will have extensive work experience in a
related field, good knowledge and understanding of mechanical-electrical facilities.. The
major duties and responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer to prepare a plan
1 for reviewing the groundwater irrigation network (JIAT) which Assist
has severely damaged infrastructure performance
Inventory of damage to machine infrastructure facilities that
2 are heavily damaged on groundwater irrigation networks. Task
Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer analyze damage of
3 infrastructure and determine how to improve it. Assist
Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer to prepare plans of
4 improve infrastructure of groundwater irrigation networks. Assist
Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer to assess the
5 feasibility of the mechanical electrical infrastructure facilities Assist
to be used

Page 30 of 170

Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer to prepare

6 recommendations the feasibility of the planned mechanical- Assist
electrical infrastructure.
Assist the Mechanical-Electrical Engineer study and evaluate
7 mechanical-electrical facilities of RWS system, includes the Assist
type and kind that suitable to the discharge

20. GIS Expert (National, 12 person-months).

He/she should have a degree (S1) in Geodetic Engineering or Geography or a related field.
Most prefer an Ahli SIG Madya certificate holder with 5-6 year’s experience in water
resources development or management projects. He/she should be familiar with
computerized data processing and advanced computer analysis techniques. He/she should
have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and having excellent
communication in English (written and oral) skills. The major duties and responsibilities as

No. Description Concept

1 Gather all available map and relevant spatial data related to Task
the project area and river basins including topographical
data, property and assets, land-use data, soils and geological
data, and any other data relevant to the project, and
develop a GIS database for this information to assist any
project staff to get quick access to the project area;
2 Organize and guide GIS Technicians in collecting data/maps Task
and preparing GIS-based maps needed;
3 Support other specialists in preparing and processing GIS- Assist
based data;
4 Prepare thematic maps report. Task

21. Assistant Irrigation Engineer (National, 2 persons, 7 months per person)

The assistant should have a civil engineer or bachelor water resources degree with 3 – 4
years have experience in planning or irrigation management operation and maintenance,
water resources assessment. This Experience should include at project/programs to
establish WUAs and or WUAF in public irrigation scheme.

No. Description Concept

1 Assist the Irrigation Specialist Engineer carry out tasks Task

according to the job desk and the area of responsibility.

22. Assistant O & M Specialist (National, 2 persons, 8 months per person)

Assistant irrigation O&M with at least 3 - 5 years of experience including at least 5 years of
field experience in implementation and management of irrigation. S/he should be Irrigation
Engineer or Bachelor’s degree in Civil Irrigation Engineer. His duties include:

Page 31 of 170

No. Description Concept

1 Assist the O&M Specialist Engineer carry out tasks Task

according to the job desk and the area of responsibility

23. Assistant Environmentalist (National, 2 persons, 6 months per person)

He/she should be a University graduate in environmental background with about 3 years of

experience in environmental impact assessment (EIA) of water resources development and
related projects, and in the assessment of resettlement and compensation. He/she should
also have experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment reports
according to the national guidelines (AMDAL). The major duties and responsibilities will
include, but are not limited to the following:

No. Description Concept

1 Assist the Environmentalist carry out tasks according to the Task

job desk and the area of responsibility

H. Procurement of Surveys, Equipment and Training

19. Provisional sums have been included in the consultancy agreement for the
procurement of various requirements to support the study. The exact implementation
arrangements, specifications and detailed costs estimates of the procurement will be
approved by the executing agency and procurement procedures will follow ADB
Procurement Guidelines. The tentative scope of works for the additional studies includes
supporting socio-economic surveys, field surveys, and data collection.

Item Description
Surveys and Studies Supporting socio-economic surveys.
Procurement of office equipment including computers, printers,
Office Equipment photocopiers, GPS power inverter, etc. for central and field offices
using the shopping procurement method.
Meetings, workshops For routine meetings, workshops and training sessions convened by
and training the EA.

I. Reporting Requirements

20. The list of main deliverables is summarized in Table 2. The Consultants should
submit to the Center for Ground and Raw Water (CGRW) and ADB inception, monthly
project progress, and final reports in accordance with the requirements set out below. All
reports should be submitted in English. The draft deliverables and briefing reports will be
prepared and issued to CGRW and ADB as required.

Page 32 of 170

Table 2: List of Main Deliverables

No. Item Description Due Time

1 Inception Report The inception report will most prefer consist of: 2nd month
(i) Existing data analysis obtained from Centre Groundwater
and Raw Water Directorate General of Water Resources
and Directorate of Clean Water Development Directorate
General of Human Settlements, covering: characteristics
and use of existing water, conditions of water demand and
potential water availability at study sites;
(ii) Methodology, work plan, detailed plan of the consultant's
activities and adjustment for each expert task with further
elaboration as required;
(iii) Detailed implementation plans for project activities,
schedule work and staffing;
(iv) Implementation of provisional items with scope of work
and cost estimates;
(v) All reports should be prepared in the performance of this
2 Monthly Reports The Monthly Report will most prefer concise mainly tabular Monthly
report with 4-pages maximum. It will summarize monthly
progress of the project, implementation status and highlighting
any critical issues that require government or ADB support
with resolving. On agreement with the PMU and ADB, these
may be submitted electronically only.

3 Mid Term Report The Midterm report will most prefer consist of: 8th month
(i) Adjust as necessary the consultant’s approach,
methodology and work plan based on information
received during the first 6 months phase;
(ii) Detailed collected data, information and study reports;
activities conducted by each experts; initial analysis and
assessment highlights;
(iii) Detailed implementation plan for the next 6 months;
(iv) Discuss any issues identified;
(v) A work and staffing schedule showing the planned and
the actual;
(vi) Updated outline of all reports to be prepared under this
(vii) Problems encountered in study conducting and
expected solutions;
(viii) Thematic map of Water Demand, thematic map of
Existing Raw Water Supply System and Draft of
thematic map of Potential Raw Water Supply Systems

4 Draft Final report The report will explain the progress work of the selected A month
project, until the completion time of the project. The report will before
be copied as many as 10 documents. contract
The Draft Final Report most prefer will consist of: closed
(i) Water demand analysis; (the end in

Page 33 of 170

No. Item Description Due Time

(ii) Analysis of existing raw water supply systems and water 13th
resources; month)
(iii) Hydrological analysis to determine the potential of
available water;
(iv) Groundwater analysis to support the fulfillment of raw
(v) Calculation of the raw water gap in 2040;
(vi) Master Plan for Sustainable Raw Water Supply System to
fulfill the gap of raw water in 2040;
(vii) Existing Groundwater revitalization design;
(viii) Typical basic design of raw water systems infrastructure;
(ix) Investment plan for RWS infrastructure;
(x) Recommendations conservation plan and spatial
planning to ensure sustainability of RWS investments;
(xi) Thematic maps in the form of Global Information System

5 Final report The report will explain the progress work of the selected 2 weeks
project, until the completion time of the project. The report will before
be copied as many as 20 documents. contract
The Final Report most prefer will consist a final revised of: closed
(i) Water demand analysis; (14th
(ii) Analysis of existing raw water supply systems included month)
(iii) Analysis of water resources;
(iv) Hydrological analysis to determine the potential of
available water;
(v) Groundwater analysis to support the fulfillment of raw
(vi) Calculation of the raw water gap in 2040;
(vii) Master Plan for Sustainable Raw Water Supply
System to fulfill the gap of raw water in 2040;
(viii) Existing groundwater revitalization design;
(ix) Typical basic design of raw water systems
(x) Investment plan for RWS infrastructure;
(xi) Recommendations conservation plan and spatial
planning to ensure sustainability of RWS investments;
(xii) Thematic maps are in the form of Global Information
System (GIS);
(xiii) Annex report of each expert.

1. Water demand It will contains of: 4 th month
analysis report (i) Water use characteristic for each district (raw water
accessibility level, description of alternatives for raw
water access) and projections until 2040 at district level,
and province level for domestic, municipal, industrial,
and agriculture users;
(ii) Recommendation of existing water use characteristic
(from water management, hydrogeology, climate
changes, etc);

Page 34 of 170

No. Item Description Due Time

(iii) Scenarios of annual raw water demand levels based
on development patterns and patterns of sustainability
from 2015 to 2040 in each district based on patterns
and plans (Pola dan Rencana) considering climate and
land use changes;
(iv) Identification of location where the society can access
water from nearby water sources and propose
necessary conservation plan to sustain the water
(v) Calculation of raw water demand in each scenario for
domestic, municipal, industry and agriculture users for
each districts;
(vi) Water demand database;
(vii) Priority list of water demand;
(viii) Recommendation of water demand management;
(ix) Water demand characteristic of the chosen scenario;
(x) Thematic map of water demand at village/district scale.

2. Existing Raw It will contains of : 5th month

Water Supply (i) Geospatial database of existing Raw Water Supply
Systems Systems at village/district scale;
Inventory report (ii) List of unutilized raw water and drought prone village;
(iii) Analysis of existing and potential capacity of existing
raw water system including existing conditions, financial
requirement for rehabilitation or upgrading including
economic, social, and environment pre-feasibility of
such works;
(iv) Thematic map of existing raw Water Supply Systems.

3. Groundwater It will contains of : 7th report

Revitalization (i) Database of existing/current groundwater
report infrastructure
- Location: well identification name/number,
coordinate, administrative location (village-district,
sub district, province).
- Condition of: well, pump, power source (electrical
or fuel), pump house, water delivery channel,
irrigation box.
- performance: irrigation serving areal (existing and
current in hectare measurement), domestic raw
water use, etc.
- Agriculture information: institutional management
of farmers, cropping pattern, cropping intensity,
farming water requirement, production capacity.
- Issues and problems.

(ii) Groundwater volume availability in location of

groundwater infrastructure
(iii) Revitalization plan :
- Matrix of scoring condition of infrastructure and
recommendation option by analyzing groundwater

Page 35 of 170

No. Item Description Due Time

- Optimation plan of groundwater use to serve

domestic need of surrounding society
(iv) Revitalization cost estimate :
- Construction cost (including structural and
mechanical revitalization cost, land acquisition for
pump house, soft component)
- Operation and maintenance cost
(v) Staging plan and scheduling plan of revitalization
groundwater implementation
(vi) Environmental and social safeguards aspects;
(vii) Calculation of output, outcome, and impact of
revitalization groundwater infrastructure;
(viii) Economic and Financial benefit calculation of
groundwater infrastructure revitalization (before and
after revitalization)
(ix) Thematic map of revitalization groundwater

4. Potential Raw It will contains of: 9th month

Water Supply (i) Hydrogeological analysis for conjunctive use system;
Systems (ii) Analysis of small diurnal storage capacity, consisting of
Inventory report bonded storage reservoirs to solve wet season flooding
and shortage of water supply in dry season;
(iii) Plan of construction/upgrading/rehabilitation of small
diurnal storages;
(iv) Analysis of new RWS system;
(v) Plan of new raw water supply systems, from water
sources to service area;
(vi) Analysis of underutilized water supply plants;
(vii) Plan of water conveyance infrastructure needed to bring
water to underutilized water supply plants;
(viii) Staging plan of implementation to meet raw water
(ix) Reviewed the potential RWS systems from economic,
financial, social, spatial planning, and environment
(x) Thematic map contains information’s mentioned above

5. Master Plan for The master plan will synthetize the above reports and 12th month
Sustainable Raw present under the source to tap framework :
Water Supply (i) Current and future need of water demand

Page 36 of 170

No. Item Description Due Time

System to (ii) Water availability, including but not limited to: dam, weir
reduce the gap and river intake, groundwater wells, bonded storage
of raw water in reservoirs, conveyance pipe or canal, and spring.
2040 (iii) Evaluation of Economic and population growths,
(Executive infrastructure development, land use and climate
Summary); change, and environment and social dimensions will be
considered for the formulation of the master plan using a
source to tap approach.
(iv) Project cost estimate and readiness of RWS subprojects
(v) Scheme plan of RWS systems development
6. RWS Investment It will contains of : 13th month
Plan report (i) Economic and Financial Analysis of staging plan (refer
to No. 4 (viii));
(ii) Investment plan of rehabilitation and upgrading of
existing RWS systems including groundwater
revitalization (prioritized to be finished) (cost estimate of
CAPEX), Investment plan of new RWS systems (cost
estimate of CAPEX);
(iii) Readiness of each investment including availability of
feasibility studies, detailed engineering design
plan/availability, need for and status of land acquisition
and resettlement, assessment of environment
safeguards plan/availability, available spatial planning;
(iv) Thematic map contains of information’s mentioned

7 Advancing The report wil cover : 11th month

Readiness (i) Assessment, field checking, and recommendation of
reports system planning and technical requirements for planned
raw water infrastructure (walkthrough, assess whether the
design has been carried out according to the standard
raw water planning, updated plan of RWS system as
(ii) Assessment, field checking and recommendation of land
acquisition report:
socialization, land mapping and land ownership,
willingness to be released, involving relevant agencies
(BPN, Local Government, etc.);
(iii) Assessment and coordination report to accelerate the
approval of AMDAL;
(iv) Project cost, financial and economic analysis report;
(v) Procurement plan and project execution plan analysis

8 Assessment of For each of the selected subprojects the consultant will 11th month
Environmental assess the procedures for E nvironmental Impact
Impact Assessment (AMDAL). It will contains of:
Assessment (i) Categorization in line with government regulations and
(EIAs or ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (2009);
AMDAL) and/or (ii) Assessment of conformity of categories used with
initial government regulations and ADB Safeguards Policy
environmental Statement (2009);

Page 37 of 170

No. Item Description Due Time

examination (iii) Assessment of the implementation of Environmental
(IEE or Impact Assessment (AMDAL) and/or initial environmental
UPL/UKL) examination (IEE or UPL/UKL)
depending on (iv) Supports for approval process of the EIA or lEE with ADB
the potential and government authorities.
impact report
9 Social For each of the selected subprojects the consultant will 11th month
safeguards conduct social safeguard assessment.
assessment The report will cover:
report (i) Categorization in line with ADB Safeguards Policy
Statement (2009) and government regulations;
(ii) Assessment of conformity of categories used with
government regulations and ADB Safeguards Policy
Statement (2009);
(iii) Assessment of the land acquisition and resettlement plan
(LARP) in accordance with ADB Safeguards Policy
Statement (2009) and government regulations including
cost estimates ensuring that approriate measures are taken
to mitigate any negative social impacts and giving special
attention to vulnerable groups and severally affected persons;
(iv) Assessment of socio economic survey and consultations;
(v) Coordination with local government authorities for the
preparation of a livelihood restoration program if
needed; and
(vi) Supports for the implementing agency to obtain the land
acquisition determination permit (izin lokasi) and in
implementation of the LARP until delivery of
8 PPP Pre-FS It will contains of : 11th month
reports (i) Report study on selected water supply system:
- Legal and institutional
- Technical recommendation
- Economic and financial analysis
- Environmental and social
- Forms of cooperation in infrastructure provision
- Risk assessment
- Government support needs and or government
- Things that need to be followed up

(ii) Market sounding report;

(iii) Assessment report of the potential for PPP financing in
line with outline business case methodology;
(iv) Recommendations for implementation.

Page 38 of 170

Sub Professional staff and Supporting Staff (Non-key Staff)

No. Position Person- Qualification Requirements / Tasks

Sub Professional Staff (Technical Administration)
1 GIS Technician 12 He/she should have degree in Geography / Geodetic
– 4 persons Engineer degree and most prefer have 3-4 years of
experience in the establishment of a GIS system
(including spatial and tabular databases) to provide
a tool to assist the effective and efficient
development. He/She must be familiar with the
management information system for water
resources management, and GIS. The major duties
and responsibilities as below :
i. Collecting data/maps and preparing GIS-
based maps needed;
ii. Assist the GIS Expert to gather all available
maps and relevant spatial data related to
the project area and river basins including
topographical data, property and assets,
land-use data, soils and geological data, and
any other data relevant to the project, and
develop a GIS database for this information
to assist any project staff to get quick access
to the project area;
iii. Assist the GIS Expert to support other
specialists in preparing and processing GIS-
based data in the form of thematic maps
(water demand, existing raw water system,
plan of raw water system).
2 Water Demand surveyor 5 He/she helps Raw Water Specialist in collecting
– 10 persons data:
i. Population data in the study area, including
population size, population distribution,
population prediction rate;
ii. Characteristic of raw water use;
iii. The treatment and distribution plans from the
Directorate General of Human Settlement
iv. Data of another water demand from river
basin organizations (RBOs), water resources
agencies (WRAs) at provincial and district
levels, research centers such as PUSAIR,
DGHS and the Agency for Regional
Infrastructure Development under MPWH,
and other relevant institutions
3 Hydrological Data 5 He/she helps hydrologist specialist in collecting
Surveyor - 10 persons data:
i. Hydrological data with a minimum of 10
years series in the study area, including the
location and name of the watershed;
ii. Topography maps;

Page 39 of 170

No. Position Person- Qualification Requirements / Tasks

4 Geological Data Surveyor 5 He/she helps hydrogeological specialist in collecting
- 10 persons data:
i. The existing groundwater irrigation network
(JIAT) includes location, discharge, total
area, type of well, type of pump, type of
power source, condition;
ii. Data of groundwater basin (CAT) at study
iii. Geological maps, CAT maps;
iv. Geological studies.

5 Raw Water System 5 He/she helps Assistant water resources engineer in

Existing and Water Source collecting data:
Surveyor - 10 persons i. Existing raw water systems, including
location, discharge, type of building and
name of water source, condition;
ii. Sources of water that can be utilized for raw
water, including springs, rivers, ponds, dams
and others.(including quality, quantity and

Supporting staff (Office Administration)

1 Office Manager -1 person 14 Bachelor or Diploma’s degree with 5 year’s relevant
experience. He/She will have a good understanding
of the functioning of the government agencies in
Indonesia with good written and oral communications
skills in English. The consultant will provide full to the
PPC team in performing the PMC’s tasks envisaged
under the contract.

2 Secretary / Bilingual -1 14 Bachelor’s or Diploma degree with 2 year’s relevant

person experience. He/She will have a good understanding
of the functioning of the government agencies in
Indonesia with good written and oral communications
skills in English. The consultant will provide full to the
PPC team in performing the PPC’s tasks envisaged
under the contract.

3 Administrator - 4 persons 14 Bachelor or Diploma’s degree with 5 year’s relevant

experience. He/She will have a good written and oral
communications skills in English. The consultant will
provide full to the PPC team in performing the PMC’s
tasks envisaged under the contract.

4 Computer/CAD Operator 14 He/She should have Bachelor’s or Diploma degree

- 4 persons with 4 year experiences in the expertise to operate
the computer, understand the windows operating
system, understand and master MS office, MS
PowerPoint, and other programs for the purposes of
administration and manufacturing consultant reports
and also have experiences in drawing application of

Page 40 of 170

No. Position Person- Qualification Requirements / Tasks

irrigation structure, channel profile, river and building.

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II. Appendices

A. Appendix 1. Source to Tap Framework

Figure 1. Source-to-Tap Assessment Road Map

Modular Road-Map for Source-to-Tap Management

1. The Consultant shall structure a comprehensive Source‐to‐Tap Assessment (STTA)

as an improved and integrated understanding of the various components of the
water supply system, their strengths and weaknesses, and the existing and potential
threats to drinking water so that informed decisions can be made for effective risk

2. The Consultant shall entitle eight work-modules of the STTA as defined below:
1. Delineate and characterize the existing and potential water sources.
2. Conduct contaminant source inventory.
3. Assess water supply elements.
4. Evaluate water system management, operation and maintenance practices.
5. Audit water quality and quantity.
6. Review financial capacity and governance of the water service agency.
7. Characterize risks from source to tap assessment.
8. Recommend actions to improve the protection measure toward sources of drinking
water and distribution system

- In Modules 1 to 6, hazards and vulnerabilities shall be identified, characterized

and assessed, identifying threats and weaknesses in STTA system.
- In Module 7, the information collected in Modules 1 to 6 shall be evaluated
through vulnerability and risk assessment perspective, and the ability of the water
supply system to reliably provide sufficient volumes of safe drinking water.

Page 42 of 170

- The results of Module 7 shall be used in Module 8 to establish a set of prioritized

risk management actions for improving drinking water safety and sustainability.

Module 1: Delineate and characterize water source(s)

3. Module 1 of STTA involves delineating and characterizing the water source

production area, and the extent and boundaries of the land area contributing water to
the intake or well. The type of water source and its unique hydrologic setting
determine the nature and size of the water source area.

4. The Consultant shall consider source water assessment as a crucial component of

STTA by defining the following key features:
- Location and characteristics of water source area,
- Natural processes that influence source water quantity and quality in the context
o Source water as the primary determinant of tap water quality, and source water
as the key determinant on the type and level of treatment necessary to produce
safe drinking water.
o Amount of water accessible for drinking water supply system is determined by
source water availability and other water users.
- Activities and decisions in the water source area that influence the water supply.
- Potential impacts of climate change on the water source.
- The impact that sanitary condition and location of water capture mechanisms
(e.g., intakes and wells) can have on water quality.

In surface water characterization of the watershed and water body, the evaluation and
analysis of the Consultant shall include:
5. Source water characteristics and land within the assessment area to provide insight
into the geophysical and geochemical influences on water quality and quantity.
6. Raw water quality and quantity data to determine the status and trends over time, and
evaluate the effectiveness of source water protection mechanisms.

In groundwater characterization, evaluation and analysis of the Consultant shall

7. Evaluation of the basic aquifer characteristics and well pumping rates to delineate a
more accurate capture zone area, and

Module 2: Conduct contaminant source inventory

8. The Consultant shall undertake a contaminant source inventory to identify and

describe contaminant sources in designated assessment areas within the project.

9. The most common microbial hazards include the following:

- Grazing animals/feedlots
- Sewage discharges
- Wildlife populations
- Recreational activities
- Land applications of biosolids or manure
- Irrigation with wastewater effluent
- Areas of channel erosion and sediment sources in or adjacent to streams
- Inadequate riparian area

Page 43 of 170

- Failing roads
10. In this context, the Consultant shall identify contaminant sources as the means of a
simplified approach to understanding the risk potential that contaminant sources

Module 3: Assess water supply components

11. The Consultant shall consider the water system components as displayed below
(Figure ).

Figure 2. Water Supply Components

12. The Consultant shall consider that supply elements act together to determine the
quantity and quality of the water received by the consumer. In this context, the supply
elements to be considered by the Consultant shall include the following categories:
- Source
- Intake/well
- Treatment
- Storage (raw and treated)
- Pumping facilities
- Distribution system
- Power sources (by including both conventional on-grid and renewable energy
driven off-grid sources)
- Backup systems and components
- Electronic monitoring equipment (for performance measurement and security

Once all the supply components have been identified, the Consultant shall
describe each component by including assessments of condition, suitability,
adequacy, security and any other observations,
13. An important requirement for the assessment of the supply elements in a water
system is onsite inspection, which is used to address age (including consideration for
upgrades), structural integrity, apparent maintenance condition, reliability, cleanliness
and overall appearance. Visual inspections of every part of a water system will not be
possible, especially the distribution system, and as such alternative methods of
determining condition shall be described by the Consultant, where needed.

Module 4: Evaluate water system management, operation and maintenance practices

Page 44 of 170

14. Operation and maintenance encompass the procedures and practices applied in
running the water supply system. These include inspection, monitoring, testing,
calibrating, maintaining and repairing water supply elements.
15. Water supply system operation and maintenance standards, procedures and actual
practices have a significant influence on the quality of water between the intake and
the tap. In this context, it is important for the Consultant to evaluate operation and
maintenance practices by considering the following criteria:
- Frequency and seasonal timing
- Adequacy of processes for the unique needs of the water supply system
- Planning
- Communications within the organization and with customers

Module 5: Audit water quality and quantity

16. The primary objective for water suppliers is to provide sufficient quantities of potable
water to their consumers. A number of factors that can influence availability of
sufficient volumes of water are driven by supply-side and demand-side factors,
including but not limited to:
- source water capacity (determined by source type, climate, other water users and
the protection of ecological values),
- customer population and demand; and,
- in some cases, storage reservoir capacity.

17. In this context, some of the supply‐ and demand‐side factors that shall be considered
by the Consultant are listed below:

Supply-Side Factors
- Primary and backup water source(s): Type, Capacity/volume, Climatic influences,
Other water users
- Storage capacity
- Pumping capacity
- Flow/pipe capacity

Demand-Side Factors
- Consumer population
- Sectoral water consumption (spatial and temporal variations in drinking-municipal,
agriculture, industry, mining, tourism, etc.)
- Per capita water demand
- Connection types
- Water pricing, incentives
- Demand timing
18. The Consultant shall evaluate the standards set by the Ministry of Health on water
quality and other relevant standards set by other government offices at national,
provincial and local levels. The Consultant shall then structure the process for regular
monitoring of key water quality indicators affecting public health.

Module 6: Review financial capacity and governance of the water service agency

19. The Consultant shall evaluate some of the strategic self-sustaining mechanisms for
water management authorities (e.g. PDAMs) to have an annual budget with enough
funds to support ongoing operation and maintenance costs, as well as annual

Page 45 of 170

contributions to a reserve fund for future expenditures or emergencies. Becoming

self‐sustaining may pose a significant challenge for some water service agencies, but
it should be a goal to work towards.
20. It is important to use “Willingness-to-pay” values as the basis for assessing economic
viability of projects, setting affordable tariffs, evaluating policy alternatives, assessing
financial sustainability, as well as designing socially equitable subsidies24.
21. It is also important to recognize that PPPs present a framework that - while engaging
the private sector - acknowledge and structure the role for government in ensuring
that social obligations are met and successful sector reforms and public investments
achieved25. The Consultant shall plan to develop a structured PPP scheme to allow
the government to pass operational roles to efficient private sector operators while
retaining and improving focus on core public sector responsibilities, such as
regulation and supervision.
22. In proposing the PPP schemes, the Consultant shall consider the local conditions in
the context of:
- Infrastructure investment requirements of the Government of Indonesia
- Public sector constraints.
- Indonesia Infrastructure Financing Facility.
- Constraints for project development. The main constraints for project
development related to (i) challenges in land acquisition, (ii) lack of policy clarity
on public sector support for PPP projects; and (iii) lack of effective institutional
arrangements to properly prepare, implement, monitor, and ensure contract
compliance for PPPs.

Module 7: Characterize Risks from Source to Tap

23. Every water system is vulnerable to drinking water hazards. Some of the common
hazards include:
- Aging distribution systems,
- Pressures on the source,
- Uncontrolled cross‐connections, and
- Inadequate resources.
24. In this context, Module 7 is the focal point of STTA process. The Consultant shall
develop a structured approach for identifying the areas of greatest risk and fostering
an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses throughout the water supply
25. The Consultant shall include the following for this evaluation:
1. Evaluating individual drinking water protection barriers and the water system as a
2. Characterizing risk for each drinking water hazard identified in Modules 1 to 6.
3. Assessing the water supply system’s primary strengths, weaknesses, major
threats, and key opportunities for significantly improving drinking water protection.

Module 8: Recommend actions to improve drinking water protection

24 van den Berg, C., S. K. Pattanayak, J.-C. Yang, and H. Gunatilake. 2006. Getting the Assumptions
Private Sector Participation Transaction Design and the Poor in Southwest Sri Lanka. Water Supply
Sanitation Sector Board Discussion Paper Series Paper No. 7, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
25 Asian Development Bank, Private Public Partnership Handbook.

Page 46 of 170

The Consultant shall recommend actions to effectively manage the risks identified
through the assessment process, and to enhance the safety and sustainability of the
drinking water supply. The recommended strategy shall be specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, and time bound.

B. Appendix 2: Survey Locations of JIAT

Jawa Barat Indramayu

D.I.Y. Gunung Kidul


Jawa Tengah Brebes

Jawa Timur Ponorogo

Bali Buleleng

NTB Lombok Utara

Lombok Timur

NTT Alor
Sabu Raijua
Timor Tengah

Page 47 of 170

Flores Timur
Sumba Tengah
Sumba Timur

Page 48 of 170
C. Appendix 3: Location of existing RWS infrastructure survey

Propinsi Kabupaten

Jawa Barat BOGOR



Jawa Tengah CILACAP



Propinsi Kabupaten




Propinsi Kabupaten







Propinsi Kabupaten



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