An Assessment To The Conduct of Proper Haircut

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An Assessment to the Conduct of Proper Haircut: Proposed School Policy


















The implementation of school policy consists of benefits to the students as

well as the school system. It can make students identifiable with such

appearance of being neat, be part of a cohesive group and observe self-


This research was aimed at studying the assessment to the conduct of

proper haircut among the male students of Don Esteban Nolasco Memorial

National High School, Somosa, Tabogon, Cebu, during the academic year 2019-

2020 as basis for a proposed school policy revision. This study utilized the

descriptive quantitative method of research. A descriptive survey design was

used to examine the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing discipline. Using

the sample population of thirty (30) male students from all grade levels, results

and conclusion from the studies indicated that there was a higher case that the

students disregard the wearing of proper haircut as a required hairstyle.

We concluded that a school policy in relation to wearing of proper haircut

was not effectively implemented thus, it must be revised and strictly required

among the male students. Recommendations for the existing school policy

revision in the school includes the cooperation between the School Head, the

Guidance Counselor and the Supreme Student Government (SSG) for possible





Proper haircut is all about the attainment of a standard hairstyle acquired

by people in a certain school or work. The importance of wearing this grooming

routine requires a high attention in nature because its benefits are crucial to

humankind specifically all the male persons living in a society.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the obtained information on

the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut and to determine the

effectiveness of an existing school policy in relation to the subject. Along with

academic performance, the violation of school policy regarding the wearing of

proper haircut was one of the concerns our group has observed. Most male

students disregard the thought of having proper haircut and ignore the

importance of its purpose. This study suggests that simply requiring the male

students to wear a uniform proper haircut and a mandatory policy is in place, will

cause them to become more academically engaged and acquire self-discipline.

The students, as well as the public school system, would benefit greatly if there is

a proposed school policy revision were to be adopted. Opposition is always a

factor regarding this but taking all things into consideration, the positive effects

would be far greater than the negative ones. So, the existence of this current

problem leads us to the idea that a school policy revision should be required as a

solution to the frequent violation of male students in the wearing of proper


Therefore, this study assesses the conduct of proper haircut among male

students during the academic year 2019-2020 as basis for a proposed school


Theoretical Conceptual Background of the Study

This study assumes that the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut

improves the existing school policy. The sources of literature include published

theses from online journals and web articles.

The effects of a haircut and style go beyond enhancing your persona and

appearance. It also affects the way people recognize you. If you go to work with

messy and tousled hair, you will always be shabby-looking no matter how well

you dress up, and you will always give an impression of a person who doesn’t

prioritize self-grooming and hygiene. Yet, a good haircut would give you the right

look you want to have ( Students are key stakeholders and

the most essential resources in education. It is absolutely necessary to direct

students to exhibit acceptable attitude and behavior within and outside the

school. In an attempt to achieve an organized and peaceful school environment

and maintain law order, school management specifies rules and regulations

which wearing of proper haircut was included as one of the disciplinary actions a

student must follow. Student’s discipline is a prerequisite to almost everything a

school has to offer students (McGregory, 2006.) According to the article of

Paulius (Importance of Good Haircut), good haircut gives you confidence

because you will feel a lot better after a good haircut. It also provides versatility

which is the most important aspects of a good haircut that suits and compliments

you. Your hair says a lot about you and it should make a best first impression

possible. In the article of Deseo Salon, one must select the appropriate hairstyle

that would suit their everyday activities. The hairstyle you choose must match

your lifestyle. In case of professionals, it is also important to keep in mind the

time needed for the hairstyle while selecting it.

Assessment to the Conduct of
Proper Haircut

The Existing School

Assessment to the Relationship Policy:
Conduct of Proper
between the  Uniform
haircut (2x3)
Assessment to
 School  Regular
requisite the Conduct of inspection
 Real Proper Haircut of haircut
student’s  Sanctions
and the Existing
spirit and
 Hygienic School Policy disciplinary
purpose actions

Proposed School Policy Revision

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

According to Rachel Riendehe the Haircut Theory applies to a time when

you think you’ve made up your mind because something isn’t working. Could be

a job, an apartment, your relationship, a diet, anything. Suddenly, right before

you make the ‘cut’, it starts clicking. The job is remarkably amazing for the week

you planned to quit. Your relationship starts to soar and make you happy again.

That coat you hated and were about to donate magically fits like a glove and you

get a ton of compliments on it. The city you live blooms again in your heart and

everything is coming up roses.

You might regret the haircut or the move or throwing away the coat. It’s

very possible which is why the moments before seem so crucial. They send you

into a spiral of doubt, delusion, and frustration. You might think you didn’t see

how good it was before until you say out loud that you want it to change. In the

end, if you get the haircut, they can make you feel lighter, more attractive, brand

new. You get attention, compliments (hopefully), and something new to style if

that’s your thing. For me, the same reasons and result go into any change you


Student involvement in implementation of school rules refers to the work

of student representative bodies - such as school councils, student parliaments

and the prefectorial body in formulation of school rules. It is also used to

encompass all aspects of school life and decision-making where students may
provide a contribution, informally through individual negotiation as well as

formally through purposely-created structures and mechanisms. Student

involvement also refers to participation of students in collective decision-making

at school or class level and to dialogue between students and other decision-

makers, not only consultation or a survey among students (Jeruto and Kiprop,

2011). Student involvement in formulation of school rules is often viewed as

problematic to school administrators, parents and society at large. This is often

due to the fact that students are viewed as minors, immature and lacking in the

expertise and technical knowledge that is needed in the running of a school.

Thus, student participation is often confined to issues concerned with student

welfare and not in core governance issues such as school rules (Magadla, 2007).

Sithole (2008) conducted a study on the extent of student involvement in

decision making in South African secondary schools. Sithole found that student

involvement in decision making especially in as far as formulation of school rules

is concerned was debatable with often conflicting viewpoints propagated by

differing stakeholders depending on their background and world view. Basically,

there were three view-points that were found to guide the extent of student

involvement in formulation of school rules. The first was that students must

remain passive and receive instructions from parents and teachers (Sithole,

2008). This view meant that rules must be designed by teachers and students

are to follow them to the letter. The second view-point suggested that students

can participate but only to a certain degree.

In support of this view, Mutua (2004) suggests that there is a tendency

among some teachers and school leaders to define the issues which affect

students quite narrowly. Student consultation and decision-making is often

limited to aspects of school life that affect students only and which have no

immediate relevance to their discipline, e.g., playgrounds, toilets and lockers.

Aggrawal (2004) adds that while student representatives may not

participate in matters relating to formulation of school rules and regulations, their

participation should be ensured in all other academic and administrative

decisions taken by these bodies. Though this view appears to support student

participation in decision making, it however confines student involvement in

decision making to specific areas of school life leaving out the most crucial

aspect of rules and regulations. Defining the limits of student participation in this

way is however not only likely to give students the impression that the school’s

commitment is tokenistic and therefore not to be taken seriously, but it also

severely limits the possibilities for experiential learning (about the nature of

schooling and the education system as well as in different forms of public

decision making) (Okumbe, 2008).

The notion is authoritarian and paternalistic, rather than democratic. It not

only assumes that secondary school students have a legitimate interest only in
student-specific issues, but it also assumes that students have no right to decide

for themselves the issues in which they want or do not want to be involved. For

this reason, Simatwa (2012) suggested that opportunities for student participation

should go beyond specifically student-related issues and extend to wider aspects

of school life especially concerning school rules and regulations. Effective

involvement, it has been said, would give students a sense of ownership thereby

compelling them to adhere to school rules (Fielding, 2002). There are very few

aspects of school life and decision-making in which, principle at least, school

students cannot be meaningfully involved – depending upon their age and

experience hence the need to examine the third level of student involvement in

decision making.

The third viewpoint suggests that students should fully participate in

decision making which includes the formulation of rules and regulations

(Magadla, 2007). This view is supported by Njozela (2008) who points out that

principals and other stakeholders should not underestimate the contributions of

students especially if they are given the opportunity to develop their skills and

their level of maturity. In their support, Huddleston (2007) states that students

should be involved in all areas of school life.


Statement of the Problem

This study assesses the conduct of proper haircut among the male

students of Don Esteban Nolasco Memorial National High School, Somosa,

Tabogon, Cebu, during the academic year 2019-2020 as basis for a proposed

school policy revision.

Specifically, this answered the following:

1. What is the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut among male students,
as to:
1.1 school requisite;
1.2 real student’s spirit; and
1.3 hygienic purpose

2. What is the existing school policy in relation to proper haircut; as to:

2.1 uniform haircut (2x3);
2.2 regular inspection of haircut; and
2.3 sanctions and disciplinary actions

3. Is there a significant relationship between the conduct of proper haircut among

male students and the existing school policy in relation to proper haircut?

4. Based on the findings, what school policy revision can be proposed?

C. Null Hypotheses
There is no significant relationship between the assessment to the
conduct of proper haircut and the existing policy of the school.
Significance of the Study

It is expected that the findings of the study will be beneficial to the

following stakeholders:

The study will be of significance to curriculum developers in that it will help

align the curriculum to address issues of discipline amongst students. The

content for school policy revision should therefore be designed with a view of

equipping the learners with the relevant knowledge that emphasizes on

maintenance of rules and regulations that enhances discipline so as to produce

law abiding students or citizens.

This study helps the students to gain knowledge that standard haircut

preference enhances a person to look decent and respectable. By regularly having

a proper haircut, the students keep in mind that they have something to accomplish

at a certain time every month and this would lead at taking actions of being self-

disciplined. This will lighten up the mind of students that wearing proper haircut is

one of the factors that can really enhance one’s physical appearance and real

student’s spirit.

The public and the parents have an interest in education having invested

heavily in it. The society expects good returns for its investment in terms of good

and well-disciplined students. This study will therefore have in addressing issues

of student indiscipline and parents as well as the wider society will benefit since

the cost associated with student indiscipline will be minimized.


This chapter discusses the research methodology to be used in the study.

The chapter presents details of the research design, flow of the study,

environment, respondent, research instrument, total population, data collection

and measurement, data-gathering procedure, and data analysis.


A descriptive survey design was used to examine the effectiveness of

school rules in relation to proper haircut. Gall, Borg & Gall (2003) define a survey

as an attempt to collect information from members of a population in order to

determine its current status with respect to one or more variables. The variables

for this study included rules and regulations, student’s perception towards rules

and regulations. Since, the design of the study was descriptive because it

involved the description, classification, analysis and interpretation of data it also

determined and reported the way things were. This design was relevant to this

study because it was expected to facilitate adequate data collection basically by

the use of questionnaires and interview guides (Kajubi, 2007). It enabled to

distinguish small differences between diverse samples groups; ease of

administering and recording questions and answers and increased capabilities of

using advanced statistical analysis.


Figure 2 presents the flow of the study which covers the entire research

activities. The research flow will follow the input-process-output continuum which

served as the structure and guide for the direction of the study.

The input of this study was the assessment to the conduct of proper

haircut among the male students. These inputs were obtained using the

questionnaires. The process or throughput of this study mentioned in the

preceding paragraph, covers administering the questionnaire, validating the data,

presenting the data including the statistical treatment thereof, as well as analysis

and interpretation of the data.

Output of this study included the school policy revision. The output would

be proposed to the school head of Don Esteban Nolasco Memorial National High

School, Somosa, Tabogon, Cebu for possible implementation.

Data from the respondents:
Assessment to the conduct of proper haircut
 School requisite
N  Real student’s spirit
P  Hygienic purpose
U Assessment of the existing school policy
T  Uniform haircut (2x3)
 Regular inspection of haircut
 Sanctions and disciplinary actions
Significant relationship between the conduct
of proper haircut among male students
and the existing school policy in relation to proper haircut.

O Survey through questionnaires

C  Data validation and presentation

E  Data analysis and interpretation

School Policy Revision

Figure 2. Flow of the Study


This study was conducted in Don Esteban Nolasco Memorial National High

School, District of Tabogon, Cebu Province, specifically, in Barangay Somosa.

The Don Esteban Nolasco MNHS is a public High School with complete grade

levels both junior and senior high school. It has eleven (11) teaching and two (2)

non-teaching staffs.

The school rolled out some implementation towards having a proper haircut

among all male students. This policy is guided by the school guidance counselor

and with the help of Supreme Student Government (SSG) whose goal is to make

sure the disciplinary act of male students specifically when we talk about proper


The map of the school is shown below where the study was located

Figure 3. Map of Don Esteban Nolasco MNHS


The respondents of this study were selected male students from all year

level of Don Esteban Nolasco Memorial National High School, Somosa, Tabogon

Cebu who were eligible for the wearing of proper haircut.

The study exploited the random selection technique since we selected five

(5) male students from each year level of Don Esteban Nolasco MNHS who

answered the questionnaire distributed dated on September 24, 2019. The total

number of respondents comprised of thirty (30) male students.

Research Instruments
The main tool or instrument used in gathering data was a survey

questionnaire. The questionnaires were structured based on the main research

questions which covered demographic characteristics of the respondents. It

consists of selected standardized questions as to the aspect of school requisite,

real student’s spirit, hygienic purpose, uniform haircut (2x3), regular inspection of

haircut, and sanctions and disciplinary actions to assess the conduct of proper

haircut among the male students.

The use of questionnaires is also a popular method for data collection in

deduction because of the relative ease and cost-effectiveness with which they

are constructed and administered. The questionnaires solicited information on

issues arising from school rules and regulations and the perception of students

towards the policy of proper haircut.


Data was collected mainly by the use of questionnaires and interview

guides. The interviews were planned and organized by the researcher. The

collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis

approaches. Descriptive analysis such as frequencies and percentages were

used to present quantitative data collected from students using questionnaires.

Data collected through face to face interview from the student leaders. The key

points emerging from the interviews were reported in narrative form based on the

research questions.

Permission from our Practical Research II teacher was asked if we can

collect all the desired data from the male students of the school under the study.

Once the permission was granted to conduct the study, then the questionnaire

we're distributed and disseminated.

With an approval of the Practical Research II teacher, a survey on male

students about the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut and the existing

policy was done.

Treatment of Data

The data were tallied, tabulated and statistically analyzed. The following

statistical methods were used in the analysis and interpretation of data.

MPS (Mean Percentage) was used to determine the scores of the students in

the assessment of proper haircut.

Weighted mean was used to determine the factors about the existing of school

policy in relation to proper haircut.

Multiple Linear Regression was used to establish the relationship between the

assessment to the conduct of proper haircut and the existing school policy.

Scoring Procedure

The tool to determine the effectiveness level of the assessment to the

conduct of proper haircut to students has three (3) sub variables with indicators

answerable by 3—Highly Effective, 2—Moderately Effective, and 1—Ineffective.

On the other hand, was the assessment to the existing policy of the school and

has two (2) sub variables with indicators answerable by 2 – Effective and 1 –

The following parameters and interpretation were used in data analysis:


3 Highly Effective 2.25-3.0 The


considered the

statements to

be highly


2 Moderately Effective 1.75-2.24 The


considered the

statements to

be less


1 Ineffective 1.0-1.74 The


considered the

statements to

be totally

Definition of Terms

Assessment is an act of studying something about a particular purpose of

gathering information intended for a field of study.

Hygienic purpose is an objective to be reached, a target, a goal or an aim that is

pertaining to sanitary or clean outcomes.

Proper Haircut is the act of cutting or shaping a person's hair according to what
is required by an organization.

Real student's spirit is an act of showing the true nature or quality of an educated
person or student.

Regular inspection of haircut is an action designated by time and date for

checking the regulations mandated to students.

Sanctions and Disciplinary actions are the imposed punishment, a penalty, or

some coercive measure that has set upon the violators of a certain rule or

School Policy Revision is a change or set of changes of the implementation of

rules and regulations in the purpose of improving the management of the school.

School Requisite is the set of things, considerations, or rules needed for a

particular purpose.

Significant relationship is the connection of two things or idea that has been
studied in creating a conclusion or proving a statement.

Uniform haircut is a distinctive hairstyle implemented as policy that identifies a

member of a group.

This chapter presents data analysis, presentation, interpretation and

discussion of the findings on the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut and

the assessment of the existing school policy. The research data was presented in

frequencies, percentages, tables and figures. This section presents the results of

the study based on the major research questions that guided the study.

Scoring Procedure

The tool to determine the effectiveness level of the assessment to the

conduct of proper haircut to students has 3 sub variables with indicators
answerable by 3—Highly Effective, 2—Moderately Effective, and 1—Ineffective.

The following parameters and interpretation were used in data analysis:


3 Highly Effective 2.25-3.0 The
consider the
statements to
be highly
2 Moderately Effective 1.75-2.24 The
consider the
statements to
be less
1 Ineffective 1.0-1.74 The
consider the
statements to
be totally
School Requisite

The effectiveness level of the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut

under school requisite consists of the following statements: I found myself
obedient to follow school rules and policy, I found myself easy to comply school
requirements, I found myself as a good follower and listener, I am more confident
to face new school policy and school requirements, and I am able to comply
school requirements with ease and comfort with proper haircut.

Table 1 shows the result of school requisite effectiveness of the

assessment to the conduct of proper haircut and the existing school policy

Table 1
School Requisite
Indicators Weighted Interpretation
1. I found myself obedient to follow school rules 2.2 Moderately Effective
and policy by wearing proper haircut.
2. I found myself easy to comply school 2.2 Moderately Effective
requirements upon wearing proper haircut.
3. I found myself as a good follower and listener 2.03 Moderately Effective
by wearing proper haircut.
4. I am more confident to face new school policy 2.27 Highly Effective
and school requirements through proper
5. I am able to comply school requirements with 2.17 Moderately Effective
ease and comfort through wearing proper
MEAN 2.17 Moderately Effective
2.25—3.0 Highly Effective (HE); 1.75—2.24 Moderately Effective (ME); and 1.0—
1.74 Ineffective (I)
As to school requisite, the indicators and its corresponded weighted
means are the following: obedient to follow school rules and policy (2.2), easy to
comply school requirements (2.2), good follower and listener (2.03), more
confident to face new school policy and school requirements (2.27), and able to
comply school requirements with ease and comfort (2.17).
The statement in which I am more confident to face new school policy and
school requirements showed the highest rating while the statement I am able to
comply school requirements with ease and comfort showed the lowest rating.
This implies that students of today are more conformable because they prefer to
face new school policy and school requirements with more confidence. Since this
study is plot testing, it shows that the assessment exercises to support the school
requisite to the conduct of proper haircut needs enhancement grasp the behavior
of the students.
Table 1 reveals that in the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut
under school requisite consider the statement to be less effective as evident in
the average weighted mean which is 2.17. It implies that the school requisite of
the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut is inappropriate to the levels and
behavior to the learners in terms of obedient to follow school rules and policy,
easy to comply school requirements, good follower and listener, more confident
to face new school policy and school requirements, and able to comply school
requirements with ease and comfort.
As the twentieth century dawned, so too did a new wave of hairstyles in

philosophy. The groundbreaking work in logic and the philosophy of language of

Frege, Russell, and the young Wittgenstein, was accompanied by neat and

logical side-partings. However, Wittgenstein renounced his earlier haircut when

he renounced his early philosophy, changing his parting from the left to the right

side of his head to illustrate the severity of the intellectual break. Russell told him
he was mad for doing this, and the two fell out soon after. Despite his failure to

find the foundations of hair, Russell never abandoned his own side-parting.

Real Student’s Spirit

The effectiveness level of the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut
under real student’s spirit consists of the following statements: I found myself as
good and has a real student’s spirit, I can easily understand the lessons or the
topics presented by wearing proper haircut, I can answer questions being
presented with comfort and confidence through proper haircut, I can see myself
that school is the best place for me to learn and this is where I belong to through
wearing proper haircut, and I feel myself as a real student through proper haircut.

Table 2
Real Student’s Spirit


1. I found myself as good and 2.33 Highly Effective
has a real student’s spirit.
2. I can easily understand the 2.23 Moderately Effective
lessons or the topics
presented by wearing
proper haircut.
3. I can answer questions 2.23 Moderately Effective
being presented with
comfort and confidence
through proper haircut.
4. I can see myself that 2.3 Highly Effective
school is the best place for
me to learn and this is
where I belong to through
wearing proper haircut.
5. I feel myself as a real 2.3 Highly Effective
student through proper
MEAN 2.28 Highly Effective
As to real student’s spirit, the indicators and its corresponded weighted
means are the following: good and has a real student’s spirit (2.33), can easily
understand the lessons or the topics presented by wearing proper haircut (2.23),
can answer questions being presented with comfort and confidence through
proper haircut (2.23), can see myself that school is the best place for me to learn
and this is where I belong to through wearing proper haircut (2.3), and feel myself
as a real student through proper haircut (2.3).
The statement in which I found myself as good and has a real student’s
spirit showed the highest rating while on the statement I can easily understand
the lessons or the topics presented by wearing proper haircut, and I can answer
questions being presented with comfort and confidence through proper haircut
showed the lowest rating. This implies that the students of today are observable
with themselves because they found themselves as good and has a real
student’s spirit.

Table 2 reveals that in the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut

under real student’s spirit consider the statement to be highly effective as evident
in the average weighted mean which is 2.28. It implies that the real student’s
spirit of the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut is suitable to use for the
students to have the spirit of a real student in terms of finding themselves as
good and has a real student’s spirit, can easily understand the lessons or the
topics presented by wearing proper haircut, can answer questions being
presented with comfort and confidence through proper haircut, can see myself
that school is the best place for me to learn and this is where I belong to through
wearing proper haircut, and feel myself as a real student through proper haircut.
Hygienic Purpose
The assessment to the conduct of proper haircut under hygienic purpose
consists of the following statements: I am comfortable with myself, I found myself
confident in facing other students inside the campus, I found myself neat and
clean, I receive compliments from other people, and I feel at ease when
interacting with other students and teachers by wearing proper haircut.

Table 3
Hygienic Purpose


1. I am comfortable with myself when 2.27 Highly Effective
wearing proper haircut.
2. I found myself confident in facing 2.27 Highly Effective
other students inside the campus.
3. I found myself neat and clean when 2.33 Highly Effective
wearing proper haircut.
4. I receive compliments from other 2.23 Moderately
people when I wear proper haircut. Effective
5. I feel at ease when interacting with 2.13 Moderately
other students and teachers. Effective
MEAN 2.25 Highly Effective

As to hygienic purpose, the indicators and its corresponded weighted

means are the following: comfortable with myself (2.27), confident in facing other
students inside the campus (2.27), neat and clean (2.33), receive compliments
from other people (2.23), and feel at ease when interacting with other students
and teachers (2.13).
The statement in which I found myself neat and clean when I wear proper
haircut, and I found myself confident in facing other students inside the campus
showed the highest rating while on the statement I feel at ease when interacting
with other students and teachers showed the lowest rating. This implies that the
students of today are inclined towards grooming habit because they prefer to
wear proper haircut for them to be comfortable and confident in facing other
students inside the campus.
Table 3 reveals that in the assessment to the conduct of proper haircut
under hygienic purpose, the respondents consider the statement to be highly
effective as evident in the average weighted mean which is 2.25. It implies that
the assessment provides wellness for learners as to how they should wear their
proper haircut in terms of being comfortable with themselves when they wear
their proper haircut, confident in facing other students inside the campus, neat
and clean, receive compliments from other people, and feel at ease when
interacting with other students and teachers.

Uniform Haircut (2x3)

The existing school policy under uniform haircut (2x3) consists of the
following statements: I am aware that male students must have uniform haircut, I
acquire the (2x3) haircut requirement, I observe that my classmates are wearing
uniform haircut, I observe that my schoolmates are wearing a uniform haircut too,
and I can tell that (2x3) haircut is good for ale students.

Table 4
Uniform Haircut (2x3)
1. I am aware that male students must have uniform 1.53 Effective
2. I acquire the (2x3) haircut requirement. 1.5 Effective
3. I observe that my classmates are wearing 1.37 Ineffective
uniform haircut.
4. I observe that my schoolmates are wearing a 1.37 Ineffective
uniform haircut too.
5. I can tell that (2x3) haircut is good for male 1.47 Ineffective
MEAN 1.45 Ineffective
Legend: 1.5—2.0 Effective (E); and 1.0—1.47 Ineffective (I)
As to uniform haircut, the indicators and its corresponded weighted means
are the following: aware that male students must have uniform haircut (1.53),
acquire the proper haircut (2x3) requirement (1.5), observe that my classmates
are wearing uniform haircut (1.37), observe that my schoolmates are wearing a
uniform haircut too (1.37), and tell that (2x3) haircut is good for male students

The statement in which I am aware that male students must have uniform
haircut showed the highest rating while on the statement I observe that my
classmates are wearing uniform haircut, and I observe that my schoolmates are
wearing a uniform haircut too showed the lowest rating. This implies that the
students of today insist to disregard the school policy in relation to proper haircut
because they themselves observed that their classmates and schoolmates are
not wearing or do not follow the proper haircut (2x3) as the rule in school.

Table 4 reveals that the existing school policy under uniform haircut (2x3),
the respondents consider the statements to be ineffective as evident as the
average in the average weighted mean which is (1.45). It implies that the existing
school policy are totally ineffective to use for them to obey school policy in terms
of being aware that male students must have uniform haircut, acquire the (2x3)
uniform haircut, observe that their classmates are wearing a uniform haircut,
observe that their schoolmates are wearing a uniform haircut too, and tell that
(2x3) haircut is good for male students.
Regular Inspection of Haircut
The existing school policy under regular inspection of haircut consists of
the following statements: I observe that the supreme student government officers
are checking the haircut of male students, I am aware of the checking schedules
of uniform haircut, I observe that all the male students are going through
inspections, I am always present during the inspection days, and I observe that
the student officers are always conducting inspections based in their schedule.
Table 5
Regular Inspection of Haircut
1. I observe that the supreme student government 1.53 Effective
officers are checking the haircut of male students.
2. I am aware of the checking schedules of 1.43 Ineffective
uniform haircut.
3. I observe that all the male students are going 1.53 Effective
through inspections.
4. I am always present during the inspection days. 1.53 Effective
5. I observe that the student officers are always 1.5 Effective
conducting inspections based in their schedule.
MEAN 1.5 Effective

As to regular inspection of haircut, the indicators and its corresponded

weighted means are the following: observe that the supreme student government
officers are checking the haircut of male students (1.53), aware of the checking
schedules of uniform haircut (1.43), observe that all male students are going
through inspections (1.53), always present during inspection days (1.53), and
observe that the student officers are always conducting inspections based in their
schedule (1.5).
The statement in which I observe that the supreme student government
officers are checking the haircut of male students, I observe that all the male
students are going through inspections, and I am always present during the
inspection days showed the highest rating while on the statement I am aware of
the checking schedules of uniform haircut showed the lowest rating. This implies
that students are aware that there is a regular inspection of haircut to be done by
the Supreme Student Government (SSG) to all male students.
Table 5 reveals that the existing school policy under regular inspection of
haircut, the respondents consider the statements to be effective as evident as the
average in the average weighted mean which is (1.5). It implies that the existing
school policy provides consciousness for learners in terms of observing that the
supreme student government officers are checking the haircut of male students,
aware of the checking schedules of uniform haircut, observe that all the male
students are going through inspections, always present during the inspection
days, and observing that the student officers are always conducting inspections
based in their schedule.

Sanctions and Disciplinary Actions

The existing school policy under sanctions and disciplinary actions
consists of the following statements: I am aware of the sanctions when violating
the rules about proper haircut, I have records of violation of not having proper
haircut, I found myself free from school violations and sanctions, I had
experienced the sanctions and disciplinary actions in relation to proper haircut,
and I observe the other students who violated the rules received sanctions and
disciplinary actions.

Table 6
Sanctions and Disciplinary Actions


1. I am aware of the sanctions when 1.6 Effective
violating the rules about proper haircut.
2. I have records of violation of not having 1.4 Ineffective
proper haircut.
3. I found myself free from school 1.53 Effective
violations and sanctions.
4. I had experienced the sanctions and 1.53 Effective
disciplinary actions in relation to proper
5. I observe the other students who 1.63 Effective
violated the rules received sanctions and
disciplinary actions.
MEAN 1.54 Effective
As to sanctions and disciplinary actions, the indicators and its
corresponded weighted means are the following: aware of the sanctions when
violating the rules about proper haircut (1.6), have records of violation of not
having proper haircut (1.4), free from school violations and sanctions (1.53),
experienced the sanctions and disciplinary actions in relation to proper haircut
(1.53), and observe the other students who violated the rules received sanctions
and disciplinary actions (1.63).

The statement in which I observe the other students who violated the rules
received sanctions and disciplinary actions showed the highest rating while on
the statement I have records of violation of not having proper haircut showed the
lowest rating. This implies that students of today are watchful because they
observed the other students who violated the rules received sanctions and
disciplinary actions.

Table 6 reveals that the sanctions and disciplinary actions, the

respondents consider the statements to be effective as evident as the average in
the average weighted mean which is (1.54). It implies that the existing school
policy provides disciplined for learners in terms of being aware of the sanctions
when violating the rules about proper haircut, have records of violation of not
having proper haircut, free from school violations and sanctions, experienced the
sanctions and disciplinary actions in relation to proper haircut, and observe the
other students who violated the rules received sanctions and disciplinary actions.


Summary of Findings

For the fulfillment of our descriptive quantitative research study, we

have collected data and information relevant to our research as we conducted

surveys to the students. The survey questionnaire was administered to the

sample population to determine if the benefits identified in the current literature

review were acquired to the students.

In response to increasing violations, some respondents indicated a

belief that proper haircut could help them to establish proper hygiene, self-

confidence, self - discipline and pride to become a good student. Based on the

survey questionnaire we have distributed to the sample population of thirty male

students from the different grade level, we have gathered the different

perceptions of the students about the wearing of proper haircut.

The assessment to the conduct of proper haircut us we get the

weighted mean to the respondents under the subproblem 1, 7 are Highly

Effective , 8 were Moderately Effective . And in subproblem 2 which is under the

Existing School Policy, 10 were Effective, and there were 5 that was Ineffective.

Individuality is vital to all adolescents. The student in this study took pride

in explaining how they are not like others in as much they constantly seek ways

to express their uniqueness.

One of the most important parts of our body that reflect our personality is

our hair. The way we dress, our haircut and our style all reveal the type of person

we are. But, unlike other parts of our body that we try to maintain and upkeep,

hair is the most neglected portion of our bodies. Most of us do not feel bothered

about our hair until the time it starts looking terrible. We believe that our hairstyle

is fine as long as we have hair on our heads, but what we do not realize is that

we are missing out on the opportunity to enhance our charisma and looks by not

selecting the right hair style. We are not aware of the effects that a good or a bad

haircut can have on us.

The results of the survey provided some of the existential data among

male students about proper haircut. During the interviews and focus group

discussion, it became very clear that the male students were aware on the

existing school policy, yet, they tend to follow new trends of hairstyle, thinking it

was an opportunity to enhance their charisma and looks by not selecting the right

hair style. Furthermore, the results of our survey showed that most of the
respondents agreed to face new school policy and school requirements with

more confidence as it results on moderately effective.

We highly recommend that the existing school policy must be revised and

proper haircut must be strictly required and monitored by the admonition of the

School Head, Guidance Councilor and with the assistance of the Supreme

Student Government (SSG) officers. Through this, their use would lead to

student’s disciplinary act and as well as student’s spirits enhancing their physical

appearance and also change own’s perception in life. In addition, for the

encouragement of male students to follow the rule, having proper haircut can

promote peer acceptance as well as school spirit and pride. School was

supposed to be training ground of all students towards the working field. So, it is

better to strictly mandate students to follow simple rule in the purpose of

minimizing the case of violations in the school dress code specifically the wearing

of proper haircut.


Considered all the information above, you should realize the importance of

sporting a good haircut. With a good haircut you will become more confident and

not only will you admire yourself, but other people too. Now you know how to
groom and tidy up your personality and give a bold statement to everyone

present around you.

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