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"The theoretical foundation of Thai massage lies in the

concept that all of life at its most basic level is energy. This
energy called Prana in Sanskrit (Chi in Chinese) exists in
many forms from the extremely gross to the infinitely subtle
and life is an interplay of these energies. Metaphorically a
cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, the Sun
and the Moon. within the human body these energies flow
along a network of channels or lines (nadis or meridians). In
the Yoga tradition there are said to be 72,000 nadis. Each
has a specific function and energy that it deals with. The
three main lines energetically are the Sushumna (rising
straight up through the center of the spine) and the Ida and
Pingkala nadis which run on either side of the spine.

Health in eastern philosophies is regarded as a state of

balance between these energies, where all the systems of
the body, including mind and spirit, function in harmony
with each other. And disease (dis-ease) is seen as
imbalance or disharmony in this flow of energies. But
beyond feeling good physically an enlightened definition of
health encompasses feelings of vitality, strength, inner
peace and joy."

The Nervous system is the electrical system of the body. It

connects the brain with the organs. It is an internal
In the Yoga tradition there are said to be 72,000 nadis. communication system that relays signals with short electrical
impulses. The Nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal
cord and the nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves, which extend to all parts of the
body. The brain and spine make up the central nervous system. The skull and spine are designed to protect
the central nervous system. Our nervous system helps our body to respond to the environment. Our nervous
system is the center for consciousness, memory, reasoning and emotions. Health issues related to the
nervous system are stress, insomnia, depression, headaches, anxiety, nervous disorders and multiple

"By the practice of"Sahaja Yoga"The great energy (Shakti) is awakened in you and you achieve"Self-
realisation"Which is the ultimate aim of human existence. Without this, meaning of life is incomplete and its
purpose is lost. So it is the duty of every body to get self-realisation in this life time and free one self from
great illusion, ignorance and diseases in this modern times."Sahaja Yoga"Is a unique discovery. It is a
technique to lead oneself into the next stage of evolution. It is not just a philosophy or another spiritual revival,
but is a practical way to become aware of the Divine, which you might have heard but never known earlier. It
is not a religious numbo-jumbo but an actual and verifiable scientific method to prove the existence of All-
prevading power of God. You feel this power in your central nervous system after self-realisation. Many
people have already felt it. As a rational human being you may also try and benefit yourself. The immense
benefits of"Sahaja Yoga"start manifesting in you immediately after you achieve self-realisation. You become
relieved from all tensions of life. All your problems get solved and you enter into new dimensions of peace
and joy."Sahaja Yoga"Is the gift of SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI to humanity. All the Saints and Divine
incarnations who came on this earth advocated to know this power which is the ultimate truth.

"SAHAJA YOGA"Is the science of our subtle human body, which explains how the very desire for being united
with God is built in within human beings as the"KUNDALINI SHAKTI"Which creates them. Our human body is
created in form of Virat, The Great Collective Being. The various aspects of Deity are also built in within
human body. These manifest in the form of nervous systems (Nadis or channels or network of energy flow)
and Chakras (wheels, the subtle centers of energy). These deities control the organs, the vital functions,
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual well being of every person. The Chakras represent different stages of
human evolution and each shines forth the particular qualities of the Virat. On each Chakra, resides the
controlling Deity who incarnated to manifest those qualities of the Collective (The Virat).

The Absolute power (Kundalini Shakti) has already become manifest in millions of people all over the world
and transformed their lives. They are enjoying the kingdom of God on earth. Therefore for a seeker of Truth it
is important to get his self realization (rebirth) and experience the thoughtless awareness. Then be begins to
feel cool vibrations of the Divine on top of his head and pals of hands. After this experience, one must
stabilize one-self by learning and practicing more and more the science of"Sahaja Yoga"At home every day
and also attend regular session of weekly meditation at the center located in one's city.


1. Balance between desire and action. Ego and superego balance each other.

2. Sense of discrimination develops.

3. Awareness of collective consciousness on the Central nervous system develops leading to creativity.

4. Peace of mind, contentment and joy are felt within.

5. Health is remarkably improved.

6. Improved concentration, memory and refined attention.

7. Various diseases like Epilepsy, Sciatica multiple sclerosis, Bronchitis, Asthma, High and Low Blood
Pressure, Depression, Diabetes, Jaundice, Cirrhosis of liver etc. can be cured as a by-product of Yoga

Aadiguru Shankryacharya named these cool vibrations as"Chaitnya Lehariyan"In his book"Saundarya
Lehariyan"during 6th century. Apart from this Kundalini was, also, clearly explained in some famous Prachin
Shastras like"Amritanand Upnishad"," Yog Kundalini Upnishad"," Markande Puran"And"Gyaneshwari." The
famous poet"Kabir"Also explained"Kundalini"In his poems. Shri Guru Nanak Sahib also explained Kundalini
in"Guru Granth Sahib." In the ancient pictures, the subtle system of human's body had been picturised and
expressed that how our tree like body is controlled by Kundalini. Not only in India, but in foreign countries,
various religious institutes discussed about"Sahaja Yoga." Even in bible Kundalini has been called as"Pavitra
Aatma." According to Jesus Christ," The Kingdom of God is within ourself." Apart from this, Lyotse, Frank
Water etc. also believed in Kundalini. Mohd. Sahib has also written in"Kuran"A time will come when you will
not be allowed to speak and then your own hands will speak.


Lady Harding College, Delhi and its associated institutes researched on whether or not"Sahaja Yoga"helps to
improve our health. The main areas of research were : 1. After Kundalini jangran through"Sahaja Yoga"The
changes in human health; 2. To solve our mental problems by regularly practicing"Sahaja Yoga"; 3. Defence
Institute of Physiolepsy and Allied Sciences, New Delhi also researched on getting rid of physical problems
like Epilepsy, Asthma, hypertension, etc. by"Sahaja Yoga." In the previous 8-10 years, whatever data in
generated about human health through"Sahaja Yoga"In India and by Dr. Ram Mishra, Mek Master University
Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ontario in 1991 is itself a great and revolutionary achievement in the area of
human health.

By practicing"Sahaja Yoga"The vibrations are produced which helps in balancing human body. In October,
1989, an International Conference was held in Yalta (Moscow) by Russia's Dept of Non-Traditional Medicine,
Health Ministry of Arstbyle on"Sahaja Yoga"And"Treatment." Several research centers were opened there to
research on"Sahaja Yoga." Today, the time has come when the Doctors and Modern Treatment Methods
should not be restricted only for treating in the conventional methods, rather a Man should be taken in its full
form. They should also try to relate treatment with"Sahaja Yoga"for the complete upliftment of human being."

“There are actually three channels in the system. The one in the center is called
Sushumna, which caters to the parasympathetic nervous system, or the autonomous
nervous system. The one on the left looks after the left sympathetic nervous system, and
on the right it looks after the right sympathetic nervous system. Now, it is not accepted
yet, or discovered yet in medical science that the left and right sympathetic nervous
systems are two juxtaposed systems. Their functions are absolutely opposite to each

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“The left side channel is called Ida Nadi and is connected to the right side and the back of the brain. The two,
left and right channels, cross at the Agnya Chakra. This channel caters for the left sympathetic nervous
system. This channel looks after our emotional life and our past. It is the channel which creates our past.
Whatever is the present today becomes the past tomorrow. The subconscious mind receives information from
this channel. The sub-conscious mind has an age-old Collective Subconscious mind beyond it. Everything
that was in the past since creation resides dormant in the Collective Subconscious. This Collective
Subconscious has all that is dead in the evolutionary process collected and stored. Whatever is dead or gone
out of the circulation of evolution and also whatever is spilling out of the subconscious mind goes out into the
Collective Subconscious mind."

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“The right side channel is called as Pingala Nadi which crosses Ida Nadi at Agnya Chakra level. It is
connected with the left side and the front of the brain. This channel caters for the right sympathetic nervous
system. On the right hand side is the supraconscious mind, which creates our future. Whatever we think
about our future is recorded on the right hand side, and it also has a Collective Supraconscious, which has
got all that is dead, which happens due to over-ambitious, futuristic personalities, aggressive animals or

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“The Sushumna is the central channel for our evolution. It is through this channel that we become Collectively
Conscious and all the disparate factors of our being are integrated in one whole. It makes the connection
between our conscious mind and the auto of the autonomous system, the Spirit, which is a reflection of God.
Sushumna is the way of Dharma, the straight and narrow path by which we pass through the Gate of the
Agnya Chakra to enter into the Kingdom of God in the Sahasrara."

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“If the whole direction of these religion is towards Power and towards money how will you reach that state? Is
not talking big or describing something great or sermonizing, but it is something that has to happen within
ourselves. You have to become something. Even in the Qur'an Muhammad Sahib has said that at the time of
Qiyamah"your hands will speak."This is exactly what happens in Sahaja Yoga that you feel your centres on
your fingertips."

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“At the very beginning of this happening one starts feeling on one's fingertips the problems of the centres.
One has to just decode the feeling that one gets on one's own fingertips and has to also know the practice
that would solve these problems. The fingertips are the ending of the left and right sympathetic nervous
systems. They become enlightened as they reflect the subtle centres."

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
“The nadis, which arise from the bulb -Kanda-, which is between the anus and the genitals, interconnect
these subtle nervous centers. These nadis or energy channels, would be the subtle counterpart of the net of
nerves. The nadis are 72.000 and are spread through the whole body; but the most important are three of
them. Those are the three that relate the main chakras, which are located along the spine. They are: Ida,
which is located at the left side of the spinal cord and associated with Tha, the moon and Pingala, which is
located at the right side of the spinal cord and associated with Ha, the sun. The third is Sushumna, it is
located in the center of the spinal cord, and its symbol is Agni, the fire.

The prana circulates in all these channels of energy. While doing so, it goes by the right and the left
alternatively. The one of the middle is closed up, for the common run of human beings. A deep purification
task should be done first, so that our energy can circulate freely through the Sushumna."

“The theoretical foundation of Thai massage lies in the concept that all of life at its most basic level is energy.
This energy called Prana in Sanskrit (Chi in Chinese) exists in many forms from the extremely gross to the
infinitely subtle and life is an interplay of these energies. Metaphorically a cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti,
Yin and Yang, the Sun and the Moon. within the human body these energies flow along a network of channels
or lines (nadis or meridians). In the Yoga tradition there are said to be 72,000 nadis. Each has a specific
function and energy that it deals with. The three main lines energetically are the Sushumna (rising straight up
through the center of the spine) and the Ida and Pingkala nadis which run on either side of the spine.

Health in eastern philosophies is regarded as a state of balance between these energies, where all the
systems of the body, including mind and spirit, function in harmony with each other. And disease (dis-ease) is
seen as imbalance or disharmony in this flow of energies. But beyond feeling good physically an enlightened
definition of health encompasses feelings of vitality, strength, inner peace and joy."

“Yoga describes some 72,000 lesser nadis for energy distribution within and without the body. This leads us to
the more external system of Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine. The meridians are 14 in number and are said
to flow around the body through the head, base of the spine, fingers and toes. Needles, or more recently
lasers, stimulate certain points on the body to increase or retard flow of energy in this system. Yoga states
that the nadis need to be cleansed. Acupuncture states that the flow of energy needs to be moving freely.
Bioelectromagnetic Medicine details the interference of externally applied electromagnetic radiation upon
various body systems. In all cases, health is related as a clean, free flowing and non-interfered-with native
electromagnetic system. Bioelectromagnetic Medicine is researching the use of various equipment to alter the
overall field/energy components so as to harmonize the human body system and regain/maintain a state of
health as opposed to needles(lasers) in Acupuncture or meditation in Yoga. The end desired result of
Bioelectromagnetic Medicine is to maximize as rapidly as possible the native healing processes of the human
body. This implies that practitioners of Bioelectromagnetic Medicine are schooled in the Healing arts and
know the effects of their ministrations. We are all learning."

“Nadis are subtle conduits of pranic lifeforce energy. There are thousands of nadis in the body, fourteen of
which are considered to be principal and three the Ida, Pingala, and Susumna the most important. Of these
three principal nadis, the Susumna also known as the great nadi, whose subtle interior or hollow passage is
the channel for the movement of the Kundalini.

The susumna is situated within the spinal column in the interior canal, and extends from the 1st Chakra - the
Muladhara at the base of the spine all the way up to the 7th Chakra - the thousand petalled lotus at the top of
the brain.
To the left of the Susumna is the Ida and to the right is the Pingala. The Ida and Pingala entwine the
Susumna from left to right and right to left in the movement upward going around the Chakras ( very similar to
the spiraling configuration of the body's DNA structure). It is also interesting to note that the American Medical
Association uses an ancient metaphysical symbol of two entwining snakes rising upward around a central
staff, indicative exactly of the healing and liberating power of the Kundalini's upward ascent within the human

The Ida, Pingala, and Susumna meet at the 1st Chakra - the Muladhara at the base of the spine and again at
the Ajana Chakra, (the 6th chakra) located at the root of the nose between the eyebrows and approximately 2
1/2 inches into the brain. Here at the Ajna Chakra the three nadis form a plaited knot and enter the Susumna.
They then seperate and proceed into different nostrils.

The Ida is also described as the Moon and Yin-feminine current, while the Pingala is referred to as the Sun
and Yang-male current."

“The concept of an energy specific to living entities which is separate from that of inanimate matter is a very
ancient one. It is the stuff of priests and priestesses, shamans and those involved in the occult(which means
hidden). The earliest and most extensive coherent writings of any culture concerning energies and fields are
those of India circa 5000 Before Common Era(BCE). An excellent account of the history and development of
Yoga may be found in the book by Stephen Cope entitled"Yoga and the Quest for the True Self." Central to
these writings are a concept named Prana. Prana is described as the energy which allows life to exist and
which permeates all existence. Prana is described as having two polar opposites, the Ida and the Pingala,
which when balanced allows for the expression of a third called the Sushumna. These three energies are said
to be distributed to body regions through seven specific nodal points called Chakras. The energy of these
seven chakras are redistributed to the specific body regions which correspond to these nodes through lesser
points called nadis. The overall pattern of these nadi energies then allows for the continuous development
and sustenance of the physical body.

The next thrust in human cultural development in relation to these subtle energies is in the Middle
Kingdom(China) of about 3000 BCE, texts have been found which report on a universal energy called Qi
(pronounced as chi or chee) which is found in all matter. Qi is said to have two polar opposites called Yin and
Yang. The balance of Yin and Yang in the physical body is the basis of health. The Yin and Yang energies are
said to be distributed in a continuous flow along channels called meridians. Any disruption in the natural flow
of these energies along the meridians is then the cause of dis-ease."

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