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Computer and IT in Workplace Page 1 of 3

Lecturer : Thanaletchumi .S Total marks: 50

Intake : CT006-3-1UC1F0605BMP-CD-WM-MP-ITP-METP

Campus : TPM

Handout Date : Week 2 Due Date : Week 12

This assignment involves investigating and researching an area of technology in the

workplace. Propose a scenario for the investigation and elaborate how this scenario
would benefit from using Computers and Information Technology. Research and apply
any technologies covered in this module to solve the problems faced in the scenario. It is
important to elaborate in detail the differences, functionality, advantages, disadvantages,
benefits and impact of the technology in the organization.

This assignment is designed to give the students the opportunity to apply and practice the
knowledge gained as a result of going through this module. The students should attempt
to conduct this exercise in as realistic a manner as possible consistent with actual industry
practices and issues. Evaluation will take into consideration the effort and initiative
shown by the student in putting in their best effort and the level of commitment shown.

The format of the report must contain the following:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Abstract
In the abstract you should provide a brief summary of the whole report.
4. Introduction
5. Main Body
6. Conclusion
– Must not contain any references. The conclusion is all about the writer’s idea
on the topic. The conclusion is NOT the same as the abstract.

Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation 20/3/2006

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Assignment Requirements

1. This is an individual assignment.

2. The report should not be more than 2500 words.
3. You are required to investigate the problem from the proposed organisation which
you have selected.
4. The document has to be well presented and should be typed. Submission of reports
that are unprofessional in outlook (dirty, disorganised, inconsistent look, varying
coloured paper and size) will not fare well when marks are allocated.

5. All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic sheet
can be placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should
be presented with the following details:-

a) Name.

b) Intake code.

c) Subject.

d) Project Title.

e) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).

f) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).

6. Must submit a hardcopy and softcopy of the report.

7. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will automatically be awarded zero (0) marks.

You have to hand in your assignment hardcopy on time with Coursework
Submission and Feed Back Form.

Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation 20/3/2006

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Marking Criteria

The assignment will contribute 50% towards the in-course assessment, as mentioned on
the Student Assessment & Information Sheet (SAIS). The document must also contain
the marking grid as per the sample shown below, which should be printed at the
bottom of the cover page. Any document that does not contain the marking grid will
forfeit the entire 10% marks and will be allocated 0 marks for this section!

Marks Marks
Assessment Criteria Allocated Given

1. Coursework structuring 10
 Introduction
 Main body
 Conclusion / Recommendation
2. Level of language proficiency 10

 Spelling
 Punctuation
 Grammar
3. Documentation

4.Research, reading & referencing 40

 Proper use of referencing
 Evidence of research / reading
5.Research analysis & Arguments 30

 Justifications and analysis

Total marks 100

Level 1 Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation 20/3/2006

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