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Computing and IT in the Workplace Page 1 of 7

Answer ALL questions in this section.
Every question in this section is followed by four (4) possible answers
marked as A, B, C and D. Choose the right answer and shade the one (1) right answer
in the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) section.
This section consists of 20 questions and carries a total of 40 marks

A1. ________ copies itself repeatedly using up resources and possible shutting down
computer or network.

a) viruses
b) Trojan Horse
c) Payload
d) Worm

A2. Which one of the following task is time driven and execution based on task period
and worst case time?

a) Periodic task
b) Aperiodic task
c) Sporadic task
d) None of above

A3. Which one of the following system is ‘Hard’ real time system?

a) Banking online system

b) You tube download process
c) Tumor diagnosis management system
d) Yahoo email system

A4. Which of the following channels is NOT a means of wireless connection?

a) Bluetooth
b) Infrared
c) Peer to peer network
d) Non Frequency Channel (NFC)

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 201308
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A5. A____________ is a notice that guarantees a user or a Website to be legitimate.

a) Trusted source
b) End-user license agreement
c) Surge protector
d) Digital certificate

A6. Identify which encryption methods are applied CORRECTLY based on the
example given below

Method Plain text Cipher text

i. Transposition encyclopedia neyclcpodeai
ii. Substitution encyclopedia fodzdmpqfejb
iii. Expansion encyclopedia exncxyxcxlopxexdixax
iv. Compaction encyclopedia enycopdi

a) i
b) i & ii
c) i, ii & iii
d) i, ii, iii & iv

A7. In an enterprise organization, which one of the following are the categories of
users, listed correctly from top to bottom?

a) Operational management, non-management employees, middle management,

executive management.
b) Middle management, executive management, operational management, non-
management employees.
c) Executive management, middle management, operational management, non-
management employees.
d) Executive management, operational management, middle management, non-
management employees.

A8. _____ is a measure of how well computer hardware, software or an information

system can grow to meet increasing performance demand.

a) Availability
b) Interoperability
c) Scalability
d) Probability

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A9. Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and FreeHand are multimedia products for
_______ .

a) Desktop publishing
b) Video audio editing
c) Multimedia authoring
d) Paint / image

A10. Which one of the following information systems is used in a manufacturing


a) Employment Relationship Management System (ERM)

b) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
c) Computer aided Manufacturing system (CAM)
d) Marketing Information System (MIS)

A11. A _________ allows a user to select to choose specific files to back up, regardless
of whether or not the files have changed?

a) Full backup
b) Incremental backup
c) Differential backup
d) Selective backup

A12. A high availability system often includes ______, such as extra power supplies,
that allow for functioning component to take over automatically the tasks of a
similar component that fails.

a) disaster recovery plan

b) storage server
c) hot-swapping
d) redundant components

A13. The measures listed below could be used to protect an organization against
hackers EXCEPT:

i. Business-to-Business Software
ii. Intrusion Detection Software
iii. Audit Trails Records
iv. Web Filtering Software
a) iii
b) ii & iii
c) i &ii
d) i & iv

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A14. Identify which statements are CORRECT regarding different types of

information systems in enterprise:

i. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) provides software applications to

coordinate activities of functional units
ii. A Decision Support System (DSS) captures and stores knowledge of human
experts and then initiates human reasoning and decision making
iii. A Management Information System (MIS) captures and processes daily
transaction data
iv. A Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) interacts and
manages information about customers

a) i & ii
b) i, ii & iv
c) i & iv
d) ii & iii

A15. A system is dependable if it fulfills the following _____ .

a) Affordable, Reliable, Safe

b) Popular, Available and Productive
c) Available, Reliable, Safe and Secure
d) Has Compatibility and Fault Tolerant

A16. Four stages of natural language processing are,

a) speech recognition, syntactic analysis, synthesis analysis, pragmatic analysis

b) audio recognition, synthesis analysis, metamorphosis analysis, pragmatic analysis
c) speech recognition, syntactic analysis, metamorphosis, pragmatic analysis
d) speech recognition, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, pragmatic analysis

A17. Which one of the following best describes physical and mental immersion in
virtual reality?.

a) Visual/aural/haptic feedback to a participant based on [some aspect of] their

physical position.
b) Have a sense of “presence” within an environment; this can be purely a mental
state, or can be accomplished through physical means.
c) An imaginary space, often (but not necessarily) manifested through a medium.
d) Participants are able to move around and change their viewpoint, generally
through movements of their head.

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A18. The statements given below are related to mobile computing; identify which one

a) Mobile computing enables users to access to network with the aid of portable
communication devices such as laptops.
b) Common application areas for wireless network and mobile communication
include vehicles, emergencies, business and replacement of wired networks.
c) Mobile computing allows user mobility and device portability.
d) Mobile computing allows users to access, transfer and share information at a
restricted time and place.

A19. _____________ is the system that can solve a problem, make a decision and has a
human ability to think and act rationally and logically.

a) Conventional system
b) Expert system
c) Both a and b
d) None of above

A20. Which of the following best describes the computer service and repair industry?

a) Researches, invents, and develops solutions to complex software problems

b) Teaches employees how to use software, design and develop systems, and program.
c) Manufacturers and distributors of computers and computer-related hardware.
d) Provides preventative maintenance, component installation, and repair services.

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Answer any 3 questions in this section.
This section consists of 4 questions and each carries 20 marks.
This section carries a total of 60 marks.


a) Describe ANY THREE (3) internet services.

(6 Marks)

b) Discuss the importance of human computer interface (HCI) for computer user
(4 Marks)

c) What is “Unauthorized access”? Give an example of it and ONE (1) solution to

prevent it.

(4 Marks)
d) What is fault tolerance? Discuss ANY TWO (2) types of faults
(6 Marks)

(Total: 20 marks)


a) Briefly explain ANY THREE (3) types of computer backup

(6 Marks)

b) Discuss TWO (2) issues affecting a user while using mobile computing.
(4 Marks)
c) Discuss any TWO (2) differences between a Conventional and an Expert system
(4 marks)
d) Explain the term “Real time system”
(3 Marks)
e) Explain the term “Ergonomics”
(3 Marks)

(Total: 20 marks)


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a) Briefly explain what an Information system is giving TWO (2) examples of

information systems in enterprises.
(4 Marks)

b) In an enterprise, people operate the business in a department, division or center

known as a functional unit. Discuss the roles of work for any THREE (3) functional
(6 Marks)

c) Explain what encryption is. Give at least TWO (2) methods of encryption.
(6 marks)

d) Discuss the difference between Interoperability and Scalability

(4 marks)

(Total: 20 Marks)


a) Natural Language Processing (NLP) is subset of Artificial Intelligence. List FOUR

(4) categories of NLP.

(4 marks)
b) Briefly explain the following terms
i) Portal
ii) Homepage
(4 marks)

c) Describe the focus for each of the three certifications; Application software
certifications, operating system certifications and programming certifications.
(3 Marks)

d) Identify and Briefly discuss the THREE (3) categories of authoring tools in
multimedia with giving ONE (1) example of it.

(9 Marks)
(Total: 20 marks)

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 201308

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