Safety Site Plan - Buala

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Project Management Plan

3. Site Safety Management Plan.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this plan is to define the procedures and methods that DAS Powerline Constructions will
use on this network extension project to ensure that Health and Safety is managed effectively. This plan
will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is effective and up to date.

2. Safety

DAS Powerline Constructions is committed to safety in the workplace. All Staff are trained to take all
practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of the public, the principal's staff, subcontractor staff,
and themselves.

3. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of staff involved on this project are as follows:

3.1. Project Director (DAS Powerline Constructions)

 Ensuring that the Health and Safety plan is strictly adhered to at all times by all employees
 Ensuring the hazard register is maintained and implemented.
 Developing the hazard register.
 Reviewing the Health and Safety plan and authorising amendments as required.
 Act as site Safety Supervisor on all sites.

3.2. Site Safety Supervisor (DAS Powerline Constructions)

The site safety supervisor is responsible for:
 Carrying out periodic safety audits and implementing corrective measures required as a result of
the audits.

 Conducting daily meetings.

 Being conversant with emergency response procedures and knowing the location of all safety

 Assisting in the development of the site hazard register.

 Maintain a first aid log for all injuries that do not require off -site treatment.

4. Staff Inductions
All employees will attend a site induction prior to commencing any work on site. The induction will

 Briefing on the project scope

 Briefing on the initial site hazards
 Emergency procedures including identification of the emergency assembly area

 Solomon power Health and Safety Policy

 Introduction to the project plan
A record of attendance will be signed and kept as verification.

DAS Powerline Constructions will work under the requirements of Solomon power's health and safety policies and
will be required to adhere to Solomon power's Project Plan.

5. Control
5.1. Daily Meetings
DAS Powerline Constructions will conduct a site-specific meeting daily or at the start of each new task,
when moving to a new work site, or when a new worker joins the work team. The objective of the daily
meeting is to:
 Discuss the task, ensure everyone is familiar with it and under stands their role.
 Identify hazards for the task and their controls and record on the tailgate form

 Discuss isolations and safety measures

 Ensure everyone understand what to do if a new hazard arises

6. Emergency Management
6.1. Emergency contacts

Organisation Agency Telephone Number

Ambulance Solomon Islands Ambulance 911
Police Solomon Islands Police 999
Fire Solomon Islands Fire Service 988
East Medical Centre Private medical Centre +677 3920
Honiara Private Medical Centre Private medical Centre +677 24 027
Dickson Sauvati Project Director (DAS Powerline Constructions ) +677 7491677

Brian Fatai Project Manager +677 7644111

6.2. Equipment
The following equipment will be held on site for use in the event of an emergency
Item Location
First Aid Kit Site office
Eye wash station Site office
Spill response kit Power station office
Copy of this project plan Site office

6.3. Evacuation Procedure

A full site evacuation will be initiated if there is a direct risk to personnel or a need to verify that
everyone on site can be accounted for. The most likely scenarios requiring a full site evacuation
 Fire on the work site or in the immediate vicinity
 Spill or release of hazardous substance
 Earthquake
 Tsunami
 Heavy rain event leading to flooding and/or landslip

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