CXC 2002

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FORM TP 22119 © :

TEST CODE 000592

MATHEMATICS Paper 02 - General Proficiency
2 hours 40 minutes
Answer ALL questions in Section I, and any TWO in Section Il.
Begin the answer for each question on a new page. |. -
Full marks may not be awarded unless full working or explanation is shown with the
answer. : :
Mathematical tables, formulae and graph paper are provided.
Mathematical instruments and silent electronic, calculators may be used for this paper. !
You are advised to use the first 10 minutes of the examination time to wend through this
paper. |
_ Writing may begin during this 10-minute period. |
000592/F 2002
Copyright © 2001 Caribbean Examinations Council. All rights reserved.
Answer ALL the questions in this section.
i ky | ; ALL working must be clearly shown. ! ; 1. =, (a) Calculate the exact value of | i ‘egg:
oie | 3h oi at " f ~ ; 4 3. f . Ie pO : (3marks) , (b) Write the value of Poe (11.2)? — (0.375 = 3)
(i) — exactly
-(ii) to two significant figures . an i | i (iii) in standard form. : ( 5 mars) | (c) A metal is made
from copper, zinc and lead in the ratio 13 : 6: 1. The mass of the, zinc is - 90 kg. Calculate
the mass of the metal. | (4 marks) | ‘ | Total 12 marks uf 2. (a) Simplify I | I | | : G) 3m — 20n
+ 1) : ) 8 | 3 2 a oa 2 4 | (ii) y yak ( 5 marks) 1 | (b) Solve the equation ‘ | ‘ | I, Ax-H=5.- ' (
3marks) 2 | ry (c) Calculate the range of values of vy when 5-—v < 2v — 1. Smale
: Total IW mast Vo
000592/F 2002. . |
fib |
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Page 3
The diagram above, not drawn to scale, shows a square KLMN, where KM = 8 cm and KN =
MN = xcm. a
: | |. Show that x* = 32. | (2marks) |
| (i) Using ruler and compasses only a) draw the diagonal KM = 8cm b) construct the
perpendicular bisector of KM.
(ii) Hence, draw the square KLMN. ( 5 marks) | 1 | | yh i ' Cc B | c' .# O Ae
{ ty | » Al
Inthe diagram above, OC = OC’, BC = B’C’ and all angles are right angles. OABC can be
mapped onto OA’B’C’ by a transformation, J, followed by another transformation, K.
Describe fully the transformations — Gi) J: | Gi) KL a (3 marks) . Total 10 marks
4. fa) a fa, ! |
A B | L | | | CES fp 1 ‘ ; 5 | . ij | ~+ | In the Venn diagram above, | . | | | U = {whole numbers
fess than 10}, and ns ho _ A and B are subsets of U. po! y | ! (i) Describe A and B in words. | a
(ii) List the members of A ~ B and describe the set, in words, in relation to A and B. ! rot
(iii) Determine n(A U BY. | (S5marks) , j fou | | a doa 4 (b) 7 ee | (eho i | i | ' f go" / . . Ph | | o
A<— 16 cm—?>B : por |
eos y . . . | : |
The diagram above, not drawn to scale, shows ABCDEF, a vertical cross-section of a |
container with ED being the top edge. DC and EF are vertical edges.' BC and AF ate * arcs of
a circle of radius 7 cm and AB || ED. py |
ED = 30cm; AB = 16cm; EF = DC =9cm. . 1
(i) Taking x = —-, show that the area of ABCDEF is459cm’. | — i i | a 4 ii |
(ii) | Water is poured into the container until the water level is 4 cm from the top., If , ni
the container is 40 cm long and has uniform cross-section, calculate, to the 5 nearest
litre, the volume of water in the container. | (. marks). '
| . ' Total 12, makks |
_ GO ON TO'THE NEXT PAGE | 000592/F 2002 . pot

fy t.,/! Page 5 | 4 | > 7 » , 5. 4 (a) Given that PR = ( 1 j 7 2b ly po ' | : | i | in | => | . i Ra _ 3b | | |

and PS = (1): . ; t ar : -~ (i) | express EACH of the vectors RP and RS in the simplest form | }
Lo (ii) determine the values of b if | PR| = V 20 units. ( 6 marks) | j |! ' (b) A man travelled a
total distance of 8 km in 54 minutes by running and walking. He ran xkm at 10 km h™ and
walked the remaining distance at 5 km h7. iF rf | | | Jp | @) — Write an expression in x for
the time, in hours, that i ok | : . | : | 4 ' + - a) he ran 3 : io [| | b) _he walked. ( 3 marks) i tes | :
‘ uw if | ee | ; Pa a) Form an equation in x for the total time, in hours, spent travelling. I, | :
ho | b) Calculate the value of x. | | . | c) Hence, calculate the distance the man walked. (
3marks) ye 2 | Total 12 marks - | : oad | . at 6. | The functions, f and g, are defined by of ; , fo)
= 7 + land . Ji | | a= deo, | | | (a) Calculate g(— 3). ; ( mark ) | | | (b) Find, in its simplest form,,
it (14 I . -1 wey @O f'@ fe *l di) g7@ 14 i ° | {ati | Gi) fee) pid adi | Gv) 1g) @). | ( 7 marks) :
|} () Show that fg)? @) = gf"). (3 marks) if oa : ; Total 11 marks | |‘! GO ON TO THE NEXT
PAGE id peneness 2002 ig | oe ~ | i

A i CBD = 45°. | ie 4
(i) Calculate, giving reasons, the values of x and y. | | [re |
• of
(ii) Show that ABCD is a square, giving the reasons for your answer. | |, { SO |
: . | | (6marks)
(b) Points O, P and Q are in the same horizontal plane. P is 15 m away from O ona bearing -
of 040° from O. Q is on a bearing of 130° from 0, and PQ = 17m. | | i
(i) Sketch a diagram to show the positions of O, P and Q. Clearly indicate North on your
diagram. , |
(ii) Calculate the distance OQ. ( 6marks) |, Total 12 clarks

' GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 000592/F 2002 |

yd L / Page / Foy at . A studentiestimated that he had 30 hours available each week for
home study and for sports. The
8. bo ' table below shows the percentage of time he spent on each activity. ; i i oct. |
Activities % , i i : _ ie | Languages 30 pth g Mathematics 20 fof Computer Studies | 15
pod Sciences 15 yt | Sports . x IM : (a)} Calculate the number of hours spent on sports..
( 2marks) | ' (b) | Calculate the angles in a pie chart that would be used to represent
the hours spent on | Gj) Mathematics , | : | "* | i (ii) ‘Languages. ( 2marks) | | i i i . J ls@)
Draw a pie chart to represent the distribution of hours in the week, which the student
spends | | __ oni the activities indicated in the table above. ( 3 marks) 1 ? | , | (d) One
hour in the 30 hours is chosen at random. Calculate the probability that the student is |
| 5 ! . | 1 | ! (i) playing sports I 7 Ii : ‘
| i - (ii) studying Mathematics or Languages. ( 3 marks) bh | | | | Total 10 marks : | i if | |
| | . {| o | SECTION Il Ho | | | Ot | Angwir TWO questions in this section. i ie ‘| ‘
RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS 9% | (a) | Given that y = 1°, copy and complete
the table below. ' : i! 2 P i | | i 1 Hy x [-2]-1 [o]fi 7273 | to, Py | | y -0.5} 0 4 | 13.5 |e | — (
2 marks) ; io. |
(b) —_- Using scales of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis, and 1 cm to represent 1 unit
on ii ii the y-axis, draw the graph of the function y for
i oe 2 £4 4. ( 7 marks)

(c) Using the graph

(d) solve the equation, 42 = 4 [ | ' i | | t

(ii) determine the values of x for which Lx < 4. | ( 4marks)
(iii) Using the same axes and scales | | |
(iv) draw the graph of y = 2 | | | bo | | + Leng te
(v) write down the equation in x whose root is given by the intersection of the graphs, =2
andy = Ly’. | Ke 2 marks) i a Total 15 marks |
The diagram above shows the graph of the function y = px’ + gx +r. |; j oi (i) Determine the
values of p, q, and r.
NL, ae ag
(ii) State TWO ways in which the graphs of the functions y = px and i y = px’ + qx + r are
similar. | :

(iii) = State ONE way in which the graphs of the two functions is sere . | p |
(iv) | C8imarks) | / | | ota » GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 000592/F 2002 p ford

4! ae by | lL f | | | by pl i, i ‘ | repo dt yoo , - i . s ;_i > | . a rs 5 7 | [ ! | ty | . . ‘In the diagram

above, not drawn to scale, AB is the straight line joining A(-1, 9) and BG, 1). i | | Q I [ | Poy |
(i) Calculate the gradient of the line, AB. 1 ; | . | 3 | ' (ii)! Determine the equation of the line,
AB. | | Ir
(iii) Write the coordinates of G, the point of intersection of AB and the y-axis.
Party : | ! pro | 'Gy) Write the equation of the line through O, the origin, that is
perpendicular to AB.
Pe | , ta (v) Write the equation of the line through O that is parallel to AB. Phy ( 7 marks) , i |
Lo Total 15 marks
ri | |
jo | SC GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY your t | ‘11. (a) ‘InAJKL, the coordinates of the
vertices are J(O, 1), KG, — 4) and L(7, 2).
(i) Draw AJKL.
(ji) Determine the coordinates of M, the midpoint of KL.
(| Gil) Show by calculation, that JK = JL. (7 marks) |
Jp | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 000592/F 2002 |

' I | | | 1 “y . Page 10 | (b) dil gy us ; | i

i i sy
i wf . 4 | |
In the diagram above, not drawn to seale, ABCT is acircle: AC and BT are diameters. | |
TP, the tangent at T, meets BA produced at P, so that 3 : J 5 ! (ii) . Determine the position
vectors, OG and OH, given that G and H are the midpoints st : of PQ and PS respectively. ol
boy -> => | | A ry ii) —- Determine the vectors GH and QS. if | r tiv) Hence, state TWO
geometrical relationships between GH and QS. (11 marks) PboG Total 15 marks po , : GO
ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | | © 000592/F 2002
14, An answer sheet is provided for Parts (d) and (e). ; | ' . : 3 I
(a) Write down the matrix
af (i) My that represents reflection in the y-axis | "| ( |
(ii) R, that represents a rotation of 180° about the origin.
(2 marks). | (b) Determine the single matrix, U, that represents a transformation, My,
followed by anothet “transformation, R). ( 2 marks) . Se, . : |-~ (c) . Describe geometrically
the transformation represented by | ‘ “ 1 ‘ Oo -l i Wl | 1 0 i I | ; | mot ii E= . —— oy marks) .'
(ii) 02 ! (: ™ y: | z i i (d) On the answer sheet provided, using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1,
unit on each axis, draw ; the pentagon ABCDE with vertices A (1, 2), B (4, 2), C(4, 5), DQ, 6)
and EU,5). . a . (1mark) . | ; | i ! (e) Draw the image of ABCDE under the transformation
represented by : | 1 : | ' : ‘ | (i) Rp, and label that image A’B’C’D’E’ | » & (ii) _E, and label that
image A”B’C’D”E~ { 6marks): oot | Total 15 marks | i! | ! : : rod é ' | 1 { {| . | END OF TEST |
mT poirot | « I, ? ' i | | . | . od t 1 ‘ | 000592/F 2002 |

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