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The Problem

Background of the Study

Do these social media affects the grade 11 Gas of Nabua National High

School? The researchers want to know if these social networking sites affect the

study habits of the grade 11. We also wanted to know if these social networking

sites can help them in their way of studying.

This study is conducted to know the effects of social media to the students

and to know how to improve and prevent it. Nowadays, technology is already

taking over the world. They use technology in different ways. It is a big help

especially in communicating. Social networking sites are products of technology

and also one way of communicating with each other.

Everyone is fond of using social media. They consider it as a part of our

daily lives. They love sharing pictures, expressing our feelings and thoughts, and

blogging about new things. Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,

Instagram and many more. They enjoy using them especially teenagers. They

share almost everything they do and express their unsaid thoughts, ideas and


But does their addiction in using these social networking sites still benefits

them? They can say that social networking sites are good inventions in terms of

connecting and socializing but teenagers who are fond of using these can’t seem
to get enough. Some of them or MOST of them certainly use these every now and


It is really ironic that they still have time to share in social media while they

have tons of home works and quizzes, instead of just spending their time in

studying and doing their school works. For the grade 11 students, they really need

to have a good time management because they need to imply the requirements

they are obligated to do in order to pass and graduate from Senior High School.

They need to be responsible in dividing there time in many things but how come

that they can still find time to use these social networking sites?

Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and

YouTube, among a growing list of others, are an important part of students’

lives and are often accessed multiple times daily (Junco, Merson, and Slater,

2010). The popularity and frequency of social media utilization by students

suggests that these networks might facilitate out-of-class engagement when

used appropriately, which may ultimately increase academic success (Kuh,


Early evidence suggests that social media use in academics can increase

student engagement, grades, and overall academic success (Lowe and Laffey,

2011; Miners, 2010; Rinaldo et al., 2012).On social media We find that students

access social media sites more frequently than their school email or Learning

Management Systems (LMS). Using the findings from this research, faculty

can incorporate social media in the classroom, while maintaining student

The researchers, as a senior high school student, we want to know what

exactly are the other effects of social media whether it can help us on our academic

performance or it can cause a trouble for us. Furthermore, the researchers aim to

provide suggestions and ideas to maintain the balance between social media and


Conceptual Framework

Input. we provide a questions for the Grade 11Gas Senior High School

Students of Nabua National High School for the said Research.

Process. We will hand out a questionnaire to the students of grade 11 Gas

to gather the data that we need and analyze it to know what is the effect of social

media on Grade 11 Gas Senior High School Students.

Output. To apply or enforcing strict boundaries proves to be equally

important as a positive outlook when discussing poor behavior on social media

with students. By maintaining this balance, students will not only sense a dedicated

support system at home and at school, but also realize that social media should

be used responsibly. Instead of reprimanding students and focusing solely on the

negatives, adults could try a more encouraging approach. Students are more likely

to respond effectively if they feel supported, while being reminded that they have

multiple adults to turn to for advice.


 Observing
and jetting
 Perspective important

of Senior ideas from

Enforcing Strict
senior high
High School Boundaries
Student on students. that proves to be

 Gathering of equally important

data from the as a positive
Media's outlook.
Data.  Analyzing of
the data


Figure 1
Conceptual Paradigm
Importance of the Study

This study is significant to the teachers, parents , students, school and future


Teachers. This study will help the teachers of the school to know the

influence that social media has on their students, so as to assist them to enlighten

and create awareness to the students on the possible influence it has on them.

Parents. The study is of significant to parents in the sense that they will

know the possible effects these social media usage has on their children, so as to

serve as watch-dog to their children on the usage of the social networking site.

Students. The study will enable the students so that they will be aware

that, apart from the social benefits of this social media, using it more than

necessary will pose possible dangers to their health. It will be relevant in assisting

students in understanding the diversity of social media. It will provide relevance

material for students and other researchers undertaking similar research. The

study will help researchers with more information on the Influence of social media

on student’s academic performance.

School. This study will serve as an example for the next students that will

undergo with thesis. And also it will let the school to use this for future references.

Future Researchers. This study will serves as a future references for the

next generation that will make their own thesis thus this study may become a

source of one of its RRL.

Scope and Limitation of the Study
The scope of this study is only the Grade 11 Senior High School Students

of the General Academic Strand. The focus of this research work is to primarily

study the effects of social media on the academic performance of students. The

study will comprise Senior High School Students of Nabua National High School.

Definition of Terms
As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following definitions are

given as the words used as intended to be understood for the purpose of this study.

Social Media: They are forms of electronic communication which facilitate

interactive base on certain interests. Social media include web and mobile


Social Networking Sites: A website where people put information about them

and can send to others.

Social Networking: The use of internet to make information about yourself

available to other people especially people you share an interest with to send

messages to them.

Media: Are all those media technologies that are intended to reach a large

audience by mass communication. “They are messages communicated through a

mass medium to a number of people.

Academic: It is concerned with Studying from books as opposed by a practical


Students: Someone who is Studying at a University or School. Someone who is

very interested in a particular subject.

Computer: A computer is a machine that receives or stores or process data

quickly according to a stored program.

Tweets: A short message posted on Twitter (a micro blog).

Bio – a short description usually at the top of a profile on a social network that

offers a short description of the owner of the account.

Blogs – a web content publishing platform that allows a user to post content which

may include commentaries, news or views.

Chat – live/real-time text-based communication between two or more people using

a service available on the Internet.

Clickbait – online content created to attract visitors and determine them to click

on a link.

Connections – connections are people you connect with on LinkedIn.

Connections are similar to Facebook friends but are more likely to be made with

people you have worked with, or would like to do business with, rather than friends

or family members.
Statement of the Problem

1. What are the personal information of the respondents?

a. Name

b. Age

c. Gender

2. What are the social media platforms being used by grade 11 Senior High

Gas Students?

3. What are the effects of social media to students in terms of the following:

a. Attitude

b. Academic performance

c. Social aspects

d. Lifestyle


1. Personal information of the respondents shall be randomized.

2. From the current trend this day we think that the social media platform that

they were using are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

3. The effects of social media to student could be seen in the following:

a. It can affect their attitude towards others.

b. It can help them and at the same time harm their grades.

c. They can forget and become rude when interacting towards others.

d. Lastly it can change their current lifestyle, for example if you have

healthy lifestyle , you might change it for some reason.

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