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Arranged By Group 1 :

1. Ayu Renza Pratiwi (P00340219001)

2. Bella Lestari (P00340219002)
3. Chintya Octa Wahyuni (P00340219003)
4. Destri Mutiara Dwi Putri (P00340219004)
5. Diana Fransiska (P00340219005)
6. Dila Yulia Arlista (P00340219006)

Supervisor Lecture:
Farida Esmianti, S.Pd, M.Pd
NIP. 197805042005012001



In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and the Most Belonging. We offer our thanks
to God for giving us grace so that we can complete our scientific papers on To Be. We have
compiled this paper to the maximum and received assistance from various parties so that it can
facilitate the making of this paper. For this reason, we would like to thank all those who have
contributed to the development of this paper. Apart from all these things, we are fully aware that
there are still shortcomings both in terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore we
gracefully accept all suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve this
scientific paper. Finally, we hope that this paper on To Be can provide benefits and inspiration
for readers.

Curup, September 10,2019



TITLE PAGE....................................................................................................................................i
CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................iii

1.1 Background ...............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Main Problem ..................................................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose.............................................................................................................................2
2.1 Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" in Language……………...……………………………………3-5
2.2 Definition and Use of To Be………………………………………………...…………...….6-7
3.1 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................8


1.1 Background

The Greek sea god, Proteus, was (like the sea) capable of changing form in an instant. In
order to get any decent information out of him, you had to grab him and hold on tight while he
went through his various forms — lion, wild boar, snake, tree, running stream — it wasn't easy.
The verb “To be” is said to be the most protean of the English language, constantly changing
form, sometimes without much of a discernible pattern. Considering that we use it so often, it is
really too bad that the verb “To be” has to be the most irregular, slippery verb in the language.

Present Tense

I am We are Past Tense

You are You are I was We were

He/She/It is They are You were You were

He/She/It was They were

Perfect Form (past

Progressive Form (present participle)
I am being, etc.
I have been, etc.

We must choose carefully among these various forms when selecting the proper verb to
go with our subject. Singular subjects require singular verbs; plural subjects require plural
verbs. That's usually an easy matter. We wouldn't write “The troops was moving to the
border.” But some sentences require closer attention. Do we write “The majority of students
is (or are) voting against the referendum"? Review carefully the material in our section on
Subject-Verb Agreement, and notice how often the choices we make require a familiarity
with these forms of the “To be” verb.

1.2 Main Problem

1. What is meant by "to be"?
2. How to use "to be"?
3. When "to be" can be used and with examples!

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of making this paper is to find out “ To Be “, both form, meaning and
application are expected to be one of the assets in learning English properly and correctly. Add
insight and knowledge so as to add to existing knowledge so that it can be developed into a


2.1 Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" in Language

Based on the existing tenses, we need to discuss the use of being "is, am, and are" only
used on present present tense, present continuous tense, and simple future tense. So for other
tenses you will never use is / am / are.

Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" in Simple Present Tense

The formula used in the present present tense is:

1. S + is / am / are + Non verbs

2. S + Verb1 (s / es)

S is the subject From the formulas above, the first formula that uses is / am / are.

We will use the formula which first compiles no main verbs in the sentence. To make it
easier, you try to agree the example below:

a. I am Indonesian.
b. She is beautiful.
c. They are smart.
d. It is a dog.
e. I am not Indonesian
f. She is not beautiful.
g. They are not smart.
h. It is not a dog.
i. Am I Indonesian?

j. Is she beautiful?
k. Are they smart?
l. Is it a dog?
For the second formula, we don't use is, am, or is because in this formula the main verb.
Example "I read a book", "He always arrives on time". Read and is the main verb. You have to
open the verb material first to make it easier for you.

A. Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" in the Present Continuous Tense

The formula used to present continuous tense is S + is / am / are + In this tense, the
use of is / am / are mandatory because if we don't use it it will actually be a wrong sentence
Examples :
a. I am studying English.
b. We are discussing a problem.
c. He is reading a book.
d. I am not studying English.
e. We are not discussing a problem.
f. He is not reading a book.
g. Is He reading a book?
Read more about the present continuous tense material.
Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" In simple future tense you can read on the following material:
Simple future tense material.

B. Use of To Be "Is, Am, Are" Based on the Subject
The use of is / am / are in the two tenses above depends on the subject, meaning whether a
particular subject uses is or am or are, we must choose one of them, while the subject itself can
be noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Try to look at the table below:

Subject Is/am/are
I Am
You Are
She Is
He Is
It Is
We Are
They Are
Girl Is
Girls Are
Beautiful girl Is
Beautiful girls Are
Boy Is
Boys Are
Shinta Is
Budi Is

2.2 Definition and Use of To Be
What is it to be?
Literally, to be means there is or is. However, in Indonesian, to be is generally not translated.
To be used as a link between subject and predicate. The predicate can be:
1) Adjective
Adjective is a word that indicates the nature of the subject or object.
Some examples :

a. I am sad.
b. He is handsome.
c. You are beautiful.
d. They are diligent.

2) Noun
Noun is a noun that indicates an object, thing, animal, profession and so on that are
around us. Some examples:

a. You are a student. (Anda seorang siswa)

b. He is a doctor. (Dia seorang dokter)
c. We are Indonesian. (Kami orang Indonesia)
d. It is a table. (Itu sebuah meja)

3) Adverb
Adverb is a word that explains where and when it happened.
Some examples:

a. I am in the class.
b. You are in the room.
c. We are at home.
d. She is in the park.
4) A verb that says that you are doing something

To be + verb-ing is one of the formulas of the Present Continuous Tense that is used
to express an activity that is still ongoing or being carried out. for example:

a. I am studying English.
b. He is watching television.
c. Rabbit is eating grass.
d. You are reading a book.


3.1 Conclusion

The point of using to be is that we must know when to be will be used. for example in a
sentence "She ARE at home" the use of "ARE" here is wrong, the subject "She" should be
followed by to be "IS" not "ARE". If the sentence statement to be placed between the subject and
information, is different in the question sentence because to be placed at the beginning of the
question sentence.


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