Ass 2 Major Report

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Introduction to Agricultural Systems

Assessment #3 – Major Experimental Report

Over the past few weeks you have worked hard to complete your pot experiment. It is now time to
put all the data together and to prepare your final report.
The report is to be written as a mini scientific paper. This requires that the report:
 is in the format of a scientific paper (use the journal references you have found to provide
guidance on format)
 Includes full information on the experimental design, methods used for the experiment and
for data analysis and data for both plant species that were used by your practical class group
(either 9-11 OR 11-1).
 Presents results in either table or graph format. Data should be analysed using suitable data
analysis methods where appropriate. These might include means and standard errors and t-
tests for significance. You will need to decide which is appropriate for the data you have.
 Contains a discussion that provides an explanation of the results that is supported by
information from literature. The discussion must address the key questions that were posed
at the start and the hypothesis presented for the experiment. Review the journal papers you
have found to gain a better understanding of the role and format of the discussion. The
discussion should also include explanations of missing and odd data. The discussion should
also include the relevance of your findings to potential grain yield and grain quality.
On completion of your report you should review your work before submission – check for:
 Flow of information and ideas
 Spelling and grammar
 References are in the text and the bibliography (reference list)
 Table and graph captions and information
 Originality report (Turnitin)
Ask yourself the following questions:
 Does the title relate closely to the research question and aim of the experiment?
 Is the reader provided with sufficient background information in the introduction to help them
understand the experiment and its results?
 Could the reader repeat the experiment exactly as it was run? The methods section must
provide sufficient detail to enable this to potentially occur.
 Are the results presented in such a way that the reader could understand both the
experimental design and the results without needing to read a lot of the text?
 Does the discussion provide the reader with a clear scientific explanation of the results and
their relevance to the crop production system?
The report must be presented in Arial 11 font with 1.5 line spacing. The report should be no longer
than 6 A4 pages excluding the reference list. Graphs and tables must not exceed 2 pages.
Reference style is Chicago 17th author-date format.
Submission Date: Saturday 2nd November, 5.00 pm (17.00)
Submission: Blackboard via Turnitin
Introduction to Agricultural Systems
Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent
Title  Does not reflect the aim and research questions  Reflects the aim and research questions in part  Reflects the aim and research questions clearly
Max 3 marks  Is not brief and/or is not grammatically correct  Is brief but not grammatically correct and accurately
 Contains few or no keywords relevant to the topic  Contains some keywords relevant to the topic  Is brief and grammatically correct
 Contains keywords relevant to the topic
Introduction  Limited or no information on the issue and does  Includes a statement of the issue and limited  Includes a clear statement of the issue and its
not address the relevance and significance to crop information on the relevance and significance to crop relevance and significance to crop production
production production  Includes a summary of findings from relevant
 Includes limited or no information and findings  Includes some information and findings from published information
from relevant published information relevant published information  Is supported by relevant, recent references
Max  Is not supported by relevant, recent references  Is supported by few relevant, recent references  Ends with the hypothesis
9 marks  Does not include an hypothesis  May include an hypothesis  Is no longer than 2 paragraphs
 Is longer than 2 paragraphs

Methods  Information is limited and would not allow the  Provides detailed information that would enable part  Provides detailed information that would enable
experiment to be repeated of the experiment to be repeated the experiment to be repeated in full
Max  Includes a lot of information that is not relevant  Includes some information that is not relevant to the  Does not includes information that is not
15 marks to the experimental methodology. experimental methodology. relevant to the experimental methodology.
 Methodology is not presented in chronological  Methodology is generally presented in chronological  Methodology is presented in chronological order
order order  Includes detailed information on experimental
 Information on experimental design and data  Includes limited information on experimental design design and on data analysis methods
analysis methods have not been included and on data analysis methods
Results  Results for one plant species are provided  Most results for both plant species are provided  Results for both plant species are provided
 Data provided is incomplete and/or irrelevant  Summarises most of the relevant data  Summarises all relevant data
Max  Presentation of results is incomplete and in poor  Generally uses tables and figures for data  Uses tables and figures to present data
24 marks format  Some information missing from data presentation  Tables and figures include titles and units
 Standard errors are not provided for results  Standard errors are provided for some results  Standard errors are provided where appropriate
 Result section presented as text  Result section includes results repeated as text  Result section does not include a discussion or
explanation for the results.
Introduction to Agricultural Systems

Discussion  Does not interpret or compare results  Limited interpretation of results  Interprets and compares the results
 Few/no links between the results and  Some links between the results and information  The links between the results and information in
Max information in the literature have been in the literature have been demonstrated. the literature are clearly demonstrated.
30 marks demonstrated.  Limited linkage of the results to current  Relates the results to current knowledge on crop
 No linkage of the results to crop production and knowledge on crop production and management production and management.
management  Is supported by some relevant references  Is supported by relevant, current references
 Is not by relevant, current references  Addresses in part the hypothesis proposed for  Addresses the hypothesis that was proposed for the
 Does not addrss the hypothesis proposed for the the experiment. experiment.
References  References are drawn from sources that have  References are drawn from a number of sources  References are drawn from a wide range of sources
limited relevance to the topic. relevant to the topic. relevant to the topic.
Max 9 marks  Few or no references are sources from scientific  Some references are sources from scientific  Most references are sources from scientific
journals. journals. journals.
 References are not formatted in-text and/or in  References are formatted in-text and/or in the  References are formatted in-text and the reference
the reference list using Chicago 17th format reference list using Chicago 17th format list using Chicago 17th format
 There is poor agreement between the in-text  Most references in the reference list have been  All references in the reference list have been used
references and the reference list. used in the body of the report. in the body of the report.
Format and  Report does not demonstrate ideas logically  Report is written in a clear manner with most  Report is written in a clear manner with ideas
organisation sequenced through the sections. ideas logically sequenced through the sections. logically sequenced through the sections.
 Links are unclear and the flow of ideas is poor.  Paragraph structure shows collation of  Tenses are used correctly through the report
Max  Tenses are inconsistent and incorrect through the information within topic areas  Report does not use quotations from references.
10 marks report  Tenses are generally correct  There are no spelling or grammatical errors.
 Personal pronouns used in the report  Limited use of personal pronouns  The report is within the required length and the
 Report uses numerous quotations from  Report uses some quotations from references. format is correct and consistent
references.  There < 5 spelling or/or grammatical errors.
 There are > 5 spelling and/or grammatical errors.  The report does not exceed the required length
 The report exceeds the required length by more by more than 5% and the format is correct and
than 5% and is not formatted correctly or is generally consistent
Total Marks = 100 Your mark = /100

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