Rebate Process in SAP SD

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Rebate is an agreement between the company and the customer which is valid for a speci c time period. The rebate agreement speci es
the percentage of rebate o ered to the customer during the speci ed period. The system calculates the rebate accruals for each
applicable invoice and posts them to the corresponding G/L accounts and also updates them in the corresponding rebate agreement. At
the end of the rebateContact
Us validity period, the company will reimburse the rebate amount to the customer.
The rebate process in the following 3 steps.
-Con guring rebates.
-Setting-up rebate agreements.
-Managing rebate agreements and payments.

Con guring rebates.

Setting-1: Pre-requisites.
In order to con gure the rebate, we shall activate the rebate in the following 3 areas.
-In the de nition of required sales organization, we shall check the eld “rebate process active”.
-In the required customer master record (payer) we shall check the eld “rebate”.
-In the required billing type, we shall check the eld “relevant for rebate”.
Setting-2: Con guring condition technique for rebates.
Path: SPRO--->sales and distribution--->billingàrebate processing--->condition technique for rebate processing.
Maintain condition tables for the rebate.
Create the required condition tables like the customer, material, customer/material, etc.
Maintain access sequences.
Create an access sequence and place the required condition tables in it. While creating the access sequence for the eld “type”, we
shall specify the value ‘1’ (access sequence relevant for rebate).
De ne condition types.
-BO01-group rebate.
-BO02-material rebate.
-BO03-customer rebate.

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Functionality of rebate condition type: 

-The condition class is ‘C’ (expense reimbursement).
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-The ‘calculation type’ is “percentage” for BO01 and BO03 whereas it is “quantity” for BO02.
-For the rebate condition types elds like ‘amount/percent’, ‘value’, ‘delete’ etc. are notDrop
available as the rebate condition types
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should not be processed manually. This is controlled by the condition class ‘C’.
-The eld “rebate process” speci es how the system calculates the rebate amounts. E-mail If we Address
leave this
eld blank, the system
calculates rebate on each applicable invoice value. If we specify the value ‘1’ the system calculates the rebate independent of the
sales volume. It makes sense to specify the value ‘1’ if the company o ers rebate in certain schemes such as display scheme.
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-The eld “provision can” speci es whether the rebate accruals are corrected or not US (+1)setting
while the rebate amount to the
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Maintain pricing procedures. Message
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-We shall place the rebate condition type in the main pricing procedure itself.
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-In the pricing procedure just above to net value of the item, we shall specify a sub-total “rebate basis” by specifying the value ‘7’ for
the eld “sub-total”
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* updates the rebate basis in the table ‘KOMP’ and the eld ‘BONBA’.
Rebate basis is nothing but the value based on which the rebate is calculated (net value).
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Messageto the net value of the item we have to place the rebate condition types. As the rebate amount shall be calculated on rebate
basis, while placing the rebate condition types in the procedure for the eld “from” we shall specify the “step no” of rebate basis.
-For the rebate condition types, we shall maintain the “requirement” ‘24’ which speci es that the rebate condition types must only be
determined into billing document.
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-For the rebate condition types, we shall assign “accrual key” as well as “account key”. The accrual key (ERU) enables the system to
post the rebate accruals from each applicable invoice to the corresponding G/L accounts.
-The settlement document (credit memo) uses the account key (ERB) to post the rebate deductions to the corresponding G/L
Setting-3: De ning rebate agreement types.
While creating the rebate agreement for the customer, we shall specify the rebate agreement type. For this, we need to de ne the
agreement type with the required functionality. For this, go to;
Path: SPROàsales and distributionàbillingàrebate processingàrebate agreementsàde ne agreement typesàde ne agreement types.

Functionality of agreement type:

Proposed valid from/proposed valid to: Speci es the default validity periods that the system automatically proposes while creating
the rebate agreement. The default valid from date is very much important in regards to whether or not we o er retro-active rebate. If
we leave this eld blank, the rebate will be valid from the current date. If we specify the value “ rst day of the year” the rebate
agreement will be valid from the rst day of the year even though the agreement is created on the current date which is called a retro-
active rebate.
Payment method: Speci es the default method of paying the rebate amount to the customer. For example, it can be credit memo or
check, etc.
Default status: Speci es the default status of the rebate agreement. Generally, it will be “open”.
Condition type group: Speci es the corresponding condition type group of the rebate agreement type.
Veri cation levels: Speci es whether the system displays all the billing documents in the rebate agreement based on which the rebate
is calculated, or it displays the totals depending on the payer etc.
Di erent validity period: If we check this eld, the validity period of rebate condition record may di er from the validity period of
rebate agreement.
Payment procedure: Speci es whether the rebate shall be paid up to the accrued value or there is no limit for manual payment.
Partial settlement: Here we need to specify the document type ‘R3’ for creating partial rebate settlement request when entering the
payment in the rebate agreement.
Reverse accruals: If we check this eld, in the rebate agreement the eld “accruals reversed” will be automatically with the rebate
amount paid to the customer. It is always a best practice to check this eld.
Final settlement: Here we need to specify the document type ‘B1’ for creating the document rebate credit memo request while making
the nal settlement to the customer.

Text determination procedure: Specify the corresponding text determination procedure for the rebate agreement with the
corresponding text ID.
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Save the agreement type.

Setting-4 : Condition type group. Drop us a Query 

            The condition type group speci es which rebate condition types are to be used for the rebate agreement. For con guring this,
go to; E-mail Address *

Path: SPRO--->sales A QUERY
distribution--->billing--->rebate processing--->rebate agreements--->condition type group.
De ne condition type group. Phone *
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“new entries” and create a group.
Assign condition types and tables to condition types group. Message
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Go to “new entries” and assign the required rebate condition types along with condition tables to the condition type group.
Assign condition type groups to rebate agreement types. USA - +1 972 370 3060
Select thePhone
US (+1) * agreement type and assign the required condition type group.
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Setting up rebate agreements

Setting-1: Creating rebate agreement.
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Path: logisticsàsales and distributionàmaster dataàagreementsàrebate agreementàVBO1-create.
-Enter the required agreement type.
-Select the icon “organization data” and enter the required sales area.
-In the overview enter the “rebate recipient” and the “currency”.
-The validity period will be automatically proposed by the system from the de nition of the agreement type which if required can be
changed manually.
-Select the button “conditions” and maintain the condition record for the required rebate condition type.
Note: If it is a customer rebate the condition record shall be maintained for the payer.
-Select the record and go to “details” where we shall enter “material for settlement”.
Note: Whatever the material that is entered for settlement, by using that only the system automatically creates the document partial
rebate settlement request while making the rebate payment from the rebate agreement.
Note: When we save the rebate agreement the system generates a no. for that agreement. For this, we shall maintain a no. range for the
rebate agreement. For this, go to;
Path: SPRO--->sales and distribution--->billingàrebate processing--->rebate agreements--->de ne no. ranges for sales deals.
Setting-2: After creating the agreements the system calculates the rebate accruals from each applicable invoice and updates those rebate
accruals in the rebate agreement, to see this create few invoices.

Managing rebate agreements and payments.

-To see the rebate accruals updated in the rebate agreement, select the condition record maintained in the agreement and select the icon
“payment data”.
-In the rebate agreement, the system displays all the billing documents based on which it has calculated rebate. To see this documents
select the icon “veri cation levels” in the rebate agreement overview screen.
Creating partial settlements:
-In the agreement overview screen select the button “pay” and enter the required amount to be paid. Save the agreement.
-When we save the agreement the system automatically creates the document ‘partial rebate settlement request’ for the entered
-Go to the overview screen of ‘partial rebate settlement request’ by using the transaction code ‘VA02’ where the system displays the
material which is entered as “material for settlement” in the agreement.
-Remove the billing block.

-Go to item data of that item and select the conditions tab page where the rebate condition type is displayed twice. One is to reverse
the accruals, and the other is to credit the customer with the speci ed amount. Save the document.
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-The sales document type ‘R3’ is same as ‘CR’ except the corresponding billing type which is ‘B3’
Drop(rebate partial settlement).
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-The item category is ‘B1N’ which is same as ‘G2N’ except the eld “returns” which must not be checked.
Create the billing document ‘rebate partial settlement’ (credit memo) with reference to ‘partial E-mail
rebate settlement
Address * request’ by using the
transaction code ‘VF01’.US A QUERY
Note: The billing type ‘B3’ is same as ‘G2’. Apart from that for the eld “rebate settlement” we shall specify the value
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-After making the payment to the customer, the eld “accruals reversed” in the rebate agreement will be automatically updated with
the amount paid to the customer and it also calculates the “maximum payable amount” thatCall OurtoAdvisor 
is left pay to the customer. To see this
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select the condition record in the agreement and select the icon “payment data”.
-Like this, we can create partial settlements till the entire rebate amount is paid to the customer.
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