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Public acceptance and reluctance to 5G technology

5G, the next generation of wireless communication. Its expected speed will at least 40 times faster than

4G. Variety of spectrum brand, including millimeter wave radio spectrum. The minus point of these

higher frequencies is that they are easily destructed by walls, trees, and even inclement weather. Every

coin has two faces in same manner public acceptance and reluctance to 5G is 50-50.

Public acceptance to 5G technology

5G in automotive industry and data analytic

The fifth generation communication network will not only faster than current 4G networks but also has

capability to revolutionize other sectors such as production, automotive, health care, and energy.

According to new business approach , 5G is the game changer (Annunziato, 2015, May) .In automobile

industry it will connected to the roadside, pedestrians, infrastructures, it can be used in sharing driving

instructions, safety and traffic efficiency application, as well as semi or fully automotive driving ,sensor

data, video can gathered onboard and cameras with roadside infrastructure. (Krasniqi, 2016). In same

manner, it has great exposure in data analytics.5G application can use-case spectrum is very broad . It

includes wearables, smart cities, autonomous cars, and industry automation. In short, operation and

business support system will have analytic integrated. (Annunziato, 2015, May)

5G in health care

There is a huge demand of network in the field of health care (West, (2016). To handle telemedicine

appointment health care system can enabled mobile 5G network. In same way, with the help of tele-

health remote house monitoring system, patients can receive comfort from home (West, (2016). The

present era is of wearable tech that checks everything from your heartbeat, blood sugar, cholesterol by
the help of this fast network caregivers receives exact information of their patients. 5G open the doors

to integrating new data source into personal care, videos and voice inputs. (Ma, 2017).

On the other hand a large number of people ,researchers and scientists believe that 5G has a lot of

harmful effect to human being as well as environment

According to scientist research there is no reason to called 5G is safe (Moskowitz, 2019). According to

research the technology is coming soon, but some people say there could be a health risk. In same way,

the telecommunication industry and their expert scientist after a long term research tells about the risk

of health from wireless radiation (Miller, 2019). The waves and rays emitted are hazardous for

environment, human health, and animal’s health. EMF (electromagnetic field) affects living organisms

below national and international levels guidelines (Moskowitz, 2019).

Effect on human being

Its effects includes cellular stress, it increase the risk of cancer as the number of cancer patients

increasing day by day, due to this many harmful free radicals releases, genetic damage; at the time of

child birth lots of occur, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system; due to this

changes number of infertility cases and infant defect increases , learning and memory deficit disorder,

negativity in human behavior, it creates neurological disorder in human , psychological disorder and a

lots of human damage occur which goes beyond the human race (Moskowitz, 2019).

According to a study, in 2018 found that some evidence of an increase in brain and adrenal gland tumors

is present in male rats. In same manner it is very dangerous for birds , fishes and other animals. (Tips,


Annunziato, A. (2015, May). 5G vision: NGMN-5G initiative. In 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology
Conference (VTC Spring) , 1-5.

Krasniqi, X. &. (2016). Use of IoT technology to drive the automotive industry from connected to full
autonomous vehicles. IFAC-PapersOnLine, . , 269-274.

Ma, R. T. (2017). Advance and 5G. Meeting the telecommunication needs of various vertical sectors
including automobiles, robotics, health care, factory automation, agriculture,etc , 77-85.

Miller, A. B. (2019). Risks to health and well-being from radio-frequency radiation emitted by cell phones
and other wireless devices . . Frontiers in public health , 223.

Moskowitz, J. M. (2019). we have no reason to belive 5G is safe. 50-63.

Tips, P. &. (2017). . Citizens Up in Arms Against 5G Wireless Technology Roll-Out, . Concerns Justified?.

West, D. M. ((2016). How 5G technology enables the health internet of things,. . Brookings Center for
Technology Innovation , 1-20.

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