Field Study Worksheet

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FS 6 On Becoming a Teacher

Episode 4
The Global Teacher

Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Course: ____________________________ Year and Section: _______________
Resource Teacher (Signature) ___________________________ Date: ___________________
Cooperating School _____________________________________________________________


Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been
comparable in all parts of the globe, hence, each year, there is a celebration of the WORLD
This alone would tell us, the recognition and honor given to the best profession of all:
TEACHING. A teacher is an extra-ordinary person in whose hands lies the future of the world,
hence any teacher regardless of the country of origin should be a GLOBAL TEACHER or a teacher
of the WORLD.
Thus, you too, should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views with wider breadth and
deeper sense because you too, will be a global teacher.
This Experiential Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher.

At the end of this episode, you should be able to:

1. Determine the basic characteristics of a global teacher.
2. Identify competencies of the global teacher.
3. Compare and contrast educational systems of selected countries of the world.



Let us begin with ourselves, the Filipino teachers. Why are Filipino teachers doing well in
classrooms and schools outside our country? Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers,
best teachers and model teachers. They are honored by the school, parents and community as
well. Would you like to be a global teacher, too, someday?
A Filipino teacher should be equipped with personal and professional qualities and
competencies of the effective teacher. These competencies are enshrined in the then National
Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) of the Philippines – now known as PPST or the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.
Let us see what competencies our Filipino public school teachers possess in terms of the
domains and strands of the said standard.
Specifically for the PPST strand with regards to teachers in the classroom setting,
distribute the questionnaire below and see how your teacher respondent assess him/herself.
Afterwhich, prepare an interview guide and/or an observation sheet to either confirm
or negate the answer of the teacher in the assessment test.
Teacher Standards
(To be filed up by the teacher respondent based on his/her personal assessment)
(E, Ex, D, B)
1. Teacher’s actions demonstrate value for learning.
2. Demonstrates that learning is of different kinds.
3. Creates an environment that promotes learning.
4. Makes the classroom environment safe and conducive for learning.
5. Communicates higher learning expectations to each learner.
6. Establishes and maintains consistent standards.
7. Creates healthy psychological climate for learning.
8. Determines, understands and accepts the learners’ diverse knowledge and
9. Demonstrates mastery of the subject.
10. Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons.
11. Makes good use of allotted instructional time.
12. Recognizes general learning processes and unique processes of individual learners.
13. Promotes purposive study.
14. Demonstrates skills in the use of ICT.
15. Develops and utilizes creative and appropriate instructional plan.
16. Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and
evaluate learning.
17. Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners.
18. Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about
progress of learners.
19. Teacher establishes learning environment that responds to the aspirations of the
20. Takes pride in the nobility of the profession.
21. Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice.
22. Reflects on the extent of the attainment of professional development goals.

*** E – expert; Ex – Experienced; D – Developing; B – Beginning

***Interview the teacher regarding his/her justifications of his/her answers

1. Based on the personal interview of the Filipino Teacher on the competencies of the national
standards for teachers, has the teacher met the requirements? Explain your answer.

2. If the PPST is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed meet the
challenges of global education? Why? Why not?
3. Would Filipino teachers be comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries? Explain
your answer.

Indeed, becoming a global teacher requires certain standards. As observed, there are
more similar expectations of teachers, the world over.
As an education student, how do you see yourself ten years from now vis-a-vis the
other teachers from all over the world?
Can you meet the challenges of being a global teacher?

Prepare a graphic organizer/schematic presentation below comparing the Philippine

educational system to at least 5 educational systems of the world over.
How would you prepare yourself to become a global teacher? What are the personal and
professional qualities that you still need to develop to be considered a global teacher?

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