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4. The backstage bulletin board where announcement, schedules, and other information is
9. a form of theater or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets
12. is a comedy that aims at entertaining the audience through situations that are highly
15. also referred to as a riser or rostrum
16. is a spontaneous style of performing
17. A small drapery that runs across the top of the grand drape and hides the hardware that
suspends it
18. The lever on a lightning control console that simultaneously dims all the channels from one
cut to the next
19. A microphone with a horizontal attachment that can reach over keyboard or another musical
20. where technical elements such as sound and lightning are added to the show
1. A common area where performers wait until it is time to
go on stage
2. A microphone designed to pick up sound only directly in
front of it
3. a poster announcing a theatrical performance
5. is the final few rehearsals where full costumes and
makeup are won
6. is a theatrical medium involving miming or acting out a
story through body motions
7. A speaker deigned to play very low, almost inaudible
8. is the oldest known fixed typed of staging in the world
10. The wheels on a platform
11. is a dramatic or literary work which plot is typically has
strong emotions
13. is the tempo of an entire theatrical performance
14. it is used to advertise the productions or a play

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