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Depression: Depression Glossary

Information and definitions of terms related to depression.

Agoraphobia: Irrational fear of being in public places where escape
is difficult or impossible. Common in different types of anxiety
Acupuncture: An ancient Chinese method of healing. It aims to
prevent and cure specific diseases and conditions by sticking very
fine, solid needles into specific points on the body.
Anorexia nervosa: An eating disorder in which people have an
irrational fear of weight gain and therefore severely restrict their
food intake in order to achieve or maintain an abnormally low body
weight. The diagnosis of anorexia requires that a person weigh at
least 15% less than his or her normal body weight.

Slideshow: 11 Warning Signs of a Depression Relapse
See some signs depression may be back. WebMD shows you when sadness, sleeping
problems, irritability, and more may be signs to seek help for depression.

Antidepressants: Drugs used to treat

depression. Antidepressants are not addictive. They do not make
you "high," have a tranquilizing effect or produce cravings for more.
Anticonvulsants: Medicines used to prevent seizures or convulsions,
some of which are also used to treat migraine, pain, or symptoms
of mania or depression in bipolar disorder.
Anxiety disorder: An illness that produces an intense, often
unrealistic and excessive state of apprehension and fear. This may
or may not occur during, or in anticipation of, a specific situation
and may be accompanied by a rise in blood pressure,
increased heart rate, rapid breathing, nausea and other signs of
agitation or discomfort.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A common
developmental and behavioral disorder characterized by poor
concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that
are inappropriate for the child's age. Children and adults
with ADHD are easily distracted by sights and sounds in their
environment, cannot concentrate for long periods of time, are
restless and impulsive, or have a tendency to daydream and be slow
to complete tasks.
Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness): A mental illness that
causes people to have severe high and low moods. People with this
illness recurrently have episodes in which they feel
uncharacteristically euphoric or irritable accompanied by high
energy and at other times periods of depression in which they feel
sad and hopeless. In between these episodes, a person's mood may
be normal.
Body dysmorphic disorder: Excessive concern with imagined or
exaggerated problems in one's appearance.
Bulimia nervosa: An eating disorder in which people eat large
amounts of food at one time (binge) while feeling no sense of
control over the amount they're eating, and then make themselves
vomit (purge) or use other methods to try to lose weight, such as
excessive exercise, fasting, or abuse of laxatives or diuretics. In
order to be diagnosed with bulimia, this behavior must occur at
least once a week for three months in a row.
Chemical dependency counselors: Health care professionals trained
especially to help people with alcohol and drug addiction through
the process of recovery. They must hold either an associate's or
bachelor's degree, and may also have a master's degree in
Clinical social workers: Trained health care personnel who hold a
master's or doctoral degree in social work. They may
provide psychotherapy, case management, and a variety of
supportive assistance. One function is often to help patients
transition from a hospital or medical institution to home.
Conduct disorder: Disruptive behavior in children marked by
repetitive, severe and persistent violation of the rights of others or
of age-appropriate social norms or rules. For example, children with
conduct disorder are more likely to bully others, disregard parent
curfews, and use alcohol and other substances.
Depression: A clinical mood disorder associated with low mood or
loss of interest in activities a person once enjoyed and other
symptoms that prevent a person from leading a normal life. Types
of depression include: major depression, bipolar depression,
persistent depressive disorder (including dysthymia and
chronic major depression) and depressive disorder with seasonal
pattern (formerly called seasonal affective disorder or SAD).
Depressive Disorder with Seasonal Pattern, formerly called seasonal
affective disorder (SAD), is a subtype of major depressive disorder
that recurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall or
winter and ending in spring or early summer. It is more than just
"the winter blues" or "cabin fever." A rare form of depressive
disorder with seasonal pattern, known as "summer depression,"
begins in late spring or early summer and ends in fall.
Dysphoric mood: Low mood that may include dissatisfaction,
restlessness, or depression.
Dysthymia: Also sometimes referred to as chronic depression, and
classified as a type of "persistent depressive disorder." This type of
depression occurs most of the time over a period of at least two
years in adults and one year in children and adolescents. It is
characterized by less severe, lingering symptoms of depression that
may last for years.
Eating disorder: Eating disorders are illnesses that cause a person to
adopt harmful eating habits. They are most common among teenage
girls and women, and frequently occur along with other psychiatric
disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. The
poor nutrition associated with eating disorders can harm organs in
the body and, in severe cases, lead to death. The two most common
types of eating disorder are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A procedure in which an electric
current is briefly applied to produce a seizure while the patient is
asleep under general anesthesia. This is used to treat depressive
symptoms that are not responding well to other forms of treatment.
EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram): A recording of the electrical
activity of the heart.
Guided imagery: A form of focused relaxation used to create
harmony between the mind and body.
Hypochondria: Fear of imagined illnesses or disorders.
Manic depression (bipolar disorder): A mental illness that causes
people to have severe high and low moods. People with this illness
have episodes in which they feel uncharacteristically euphoric or
irritable accompanied by high energy and at other times periods of
depression in which they feel sad and hopeless. In between these
episodes, a person's mood may be normal.
Major depression: A diagnosis of major depression is made when, in
addition to a severely depressed mood, the individual suffers from
several other typical associated symptoms involving changes in
their sleep, energy, appetite, thinking, and behavior for most of the
time during a period of at least two weeks.
Menopause: Menopause is a stage in life when a woman stops
having her monthly period. By definition, a woman is menopausal
after her periods have stopped for one year. Menopause typically
occurs in a woman's late forties to early fifties. It is a normal part of
aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. Women
who have their ovaries and uterus surgically removed undergo
"sudden" menopause.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs): A group of medicines
sometimes prescribed to treat severe depression. MAOIs increase
the concentration of chemicals responsible for transmitting
information between nerves in particular regions of the brain,
which may lead to increased mental functioning.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): OCD is a disorder
characterized by intense, recurrent, unwanted thoughts and rituals
that are beyond the person's control.
Occupational therapists: Health care professionals that teach people
how to return to normal activities after injury or illness using
therapy and rehabilitation.
Panic disorder: An anxiety illness characterized by attacks of anxiety
or terror, often, but not always, occurring unexpectedly and without
reason. In general, the attacks last no longer than 15 to 30 minutes.
Phototherapy: Also called light therapy, phototherapy is sometimes
used to treat seasonal depression. It involves exposure to light from
a box of white fluorescent light tubes covered with a plastic screen
to block ultraviolet rays. Light therapy is safe and generally well
tolerated. The reported side effects are minor and may include
eyestrain, headaches and insomnia.
Postpartum depression: Postpartum depression is a complex mix of
physical, emotional and behavioral changes that occur in a mother
after giving birth. It is a serious condition, affecting about 10% of
new mothers. Symptoms range from mild to severe depression and
may appear within days of delivery or gradually, perhaps up to a
year later. Symptoms may last from a few weeks to a year.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): The physical and psychological
symptoms that occur in the week before a woman's menstrual
period. Symptoms may include bloating, headache, irritability,
anxiety or depression, low self-esteem, difficulty sleeping, changes
in appetite, fatigue and breast swelling and tenderness.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): PMDD is a severe form
of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that affects about 3%-5% of
menstruating women. Emotional symptoms of PMDD include
shifting moods, severe depression, feelings of hopelessness, anger,
anxiety or low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and
tension. Physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, joint
or muscle pain, breast tenderness, changes in appetite, food
cravings or bingeing, sleep problems and bloating.
Psychiatrists: Medical doctors who specialize in treating mental,
emotional, or behavioral disorders. They have completed four years
of study in an accredited medical school in combination with four
years of postgraduate training in psychiatry, and sometimes
additional fellowship training in a particular subspecialty within
psychiatry. As medical doctors they can prescribe medications as
well as conduct psychotherapy.
Psychologists: Specialists who concentrate in the science of the
mind and behavior. They usually have a doctoral degree and receive
additional training to work with patients. Psychologists are not
medical doctors and cannot prescribe medication in most states in
the U.S., but do perform evaluations and use psychotherapy.
Psychosis: An illness that prevents people from being able to
distinguish between the real world and the imaginary world.
Symptoms include hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that
aren't really there), delusions (false beliefs), irrational thoughts and
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is term used to describe a variety of
different talking or behavioral therapies used to treat depression,
anxiety and dissatisfaction in life situations. Psychotherapy involves
talking to a licensed professional during a scheduled series of
appointments. It has proven to be effective in treating mild and
moderate forms of depression, and can be combined with drug
therapy to treat most, if not all, degrees of depression.
Reflexology: A technique in which a therapist applies pressure
to acupuncture points on the ears, hands and feet.
Registered nurses: Health care professionals who are registered and
licensed to practice nursing. They have completed nursing school
and passed an exam administered by a State Board of Nurse
Schizophrenia: A mental illness in which the person suffers from
distorted thinking, hallucinations and a reduced ability to feel
normal emotions.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A class of
antidepressant drugs that help to increase serotonin, a chemical
responsible for communication between nerves in the brain.
Representative drugs include Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro,
and Luvox.
Sexual abuse: Abuse of a sexual nature such as rape, incest, and
indecent exposure. Sexual abuse can cause various physical and
emotional problems including lack of self-esteem, self-destructive
behavior, anxiety and depression.
Social phobia: A disorder that results in extreme anxiety in social
situations. Those who suffer from social phobia experience intense
and disabling self-consciousness in social situations. People with
social phobia have an intense and persistent feeling of being
watched, judged and evaluated in a negative manner.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum): An herbal remedy that may
be helpful (although scientific studies have not yet proven it to be
definitively useful) for depression. It has been widely used to treat
mild to moderate depression in Europe, especially in Germany.
Tourette's syndrome: A neurological disorder beginning in
childhood that is characterized by involuntary body movements
called tics, and uncontrollable speech.
Trichotillomania: Psychological disorder that produces an
uncontrollable desire to pull out one's hair.
Tricyclic antidepressants: Tricyclic antidepressants are older
antidepressants still commonly used to treat depression or anxiety,
and certain forms of neurological pain. They can be very helpful in
restoring sleep and appetite. Examples
include Elavil, Pamelor, Tofranil and Norpramin.
Violence: To injure or abuse another person or an object with
physical force. Can occur in a wide range of psychiatric disorders
including depression, drug abuse, trauma reactions, psychosis,
personality disorders, and cognitive problems such as dementia.

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