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Oracle Retail Merchandising


Dashboard Reports White Paper

Release 16.0

April 2017
Note: The following is intended to outline our general
product direction. It is intended for information purposes
only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not
a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality,
and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
decisions. The development, release, and timing of any
features or functionality described for Oracle’s products
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
2 RMS Dashboard Reports Overview ........................................................................... 5
3 RMS Dashboard Reports ............................................................................................ 7
Buyer Dashboard ....................................................................................................................8
Sales ...................................................................................................................................9
Early / Late Shipments ................................................................................................. 15
Open to Buy .................................................................................................................... 18
Orders Pending Approval ............................................................................................ 19
Data Steward Dashboard ..................................................................................................... 21
Incomplete Items ............................................................................................................ 22
Finance Analyst Dashboard................................................................................................. 26
WAC Variance ................................................................................................................ 27
Cumulative Markon Variance ...................................................................................... 32
Stock Count Value Variance ......................................................................................... 38
Shrinkage Variance ........................................................................................................ 41
Late Posted Transactions .............................................................................................. 43
Inventory Analyst Dashboard ............................................................................................. 47
Order Alerts .................................................................................................................... 47
Inventory Variance to Forecast .................................................................................... 53
Inventory by Store ......................................................................................................... 56
Inventory by Warehouse............................................................................................... 58
Open Orders ................................................................................................................... 59
Lead Time Days ............................................................................................................. 61
Negative Inventory ........................................................................................................ 62
Inventory Control Dashboard ............................................................................................. 64
Transfers Pending Approval ........................................................................................ 65
Overdue Transfer Shipments ....................................................................................... 67
Overdue Allocation Shipments .................................................................................... 70
Overdue Return to Vendor Shipments ....................................................................... 72
Stock Orders Pending Close ......................................................................................... 74
Stock Counts Missing .................................................................................................... 77
Stock Count Unit Variance ........................................................................................... 79
Unexpected Inventory ................................................................................................... 82
This document provides an overview of the primary features of the Oracle Retail
Merchandising System (RMS) dashboard reports. In addition, this document addresses
configurations, privileges, report filters, and notes related to underlying data.
Use this document to get a detailed overview of the following:
 Dashboard reports available and the roles for which they were designed.
 Available actions for resolving exceptions raised in the reports.
 Available configuration and security setup for the dashboards and reports.

Introduction 3
RMS Dashboard Reports Overview
The role-based dashboards in RMS, are usually the first screen displayed to the user
upon entering the application. The primary objective of these dashboards is to highlight
actionable or frequently monitored activity for the specific user role. Since the reports in
these dashboards highlight the most important focus area for a role, it helps in
prioritizing their day’s work and facilitates management by exception. Most of the
reports are actionable either as a direct action from the report or by a user launching into
the relevant RMS screen, in-context. This adds to the overall efficiency while resolving
In addition, these dashboards and reports are configurable. Retailers can configure them
by defining various parameters such as threshold values, default options, department
level exceptions, and so on. These values are defined during installation and can be
modified later. Additionally, application administrators can customize the reports and
dashboards by switching the reports on or off, re-aligning the reports in the same
dashboard, or moving the reports to a different dashboard. New reports can also be built
by customization and added to new or existing dashboards.
Users can also configure their dashboards by defining their area of responsibility in an
organization such as, department, and how they want the data in individual reports to
appear, such as by reordering or hiding columns.

Note: Refer to the ADF Customizations Guide 16.0 to learn

more about how to customize dashboards and reports by
moving reports, creating custom dashboards, setting a
dashboard as the default for a role, and adding custom

RMS Dashboard Reports Overview 5

RMS Dashboard Reports
This chapter describes the various dashboards and dashboard reports available in the
RMS application. The dashboards are primarily designed to be used by the following
users in a retail organization; however other users can use them based on the
requirement and privilege settings.
1. Buyer
2. Data Steward
3. Finance Analyst
4. Inventory Analyst
5. Inventory Control Analyst

The dashboards generally have similar components and layouts with minor variances
based on the nature of the specific dashboard. The following are some of the common
 Filter Criteria – This section is at the top of the dashboard and contains a number of
dashboard specific criteria. These filter criteria are intended to be used to filter the
data displayed according to a user’s area of responsibility. For example, buyers could
set their filter to show information for the department or departments for which they
are responsible. Each dashboard has at least one criterion that is mandatory to
populate the report.
 Similar to a standard search screen in RMS, there are Basic and Advanced options.
Basic mode provides a limited set of most frequently used criteria. In Advanced
mode, additional filter criteria are available to be used. In this document, each
dashboard overview will list the available basic and advanced filter criteria available.
 Saved Search – Each dashboard has the option of saving one or more sets of filter
criteria. It is expected a user will do this on initial configuration to set their area of
responsibility so it can be easily queried each time they log into the application. One
saved search can be designated as the default and can also be set to run automatically
on opening the dashboard.

 Tiles – A few of the dashboards have tiles to show the “headlines” for the most
critical information in the dashboard or in a report. There are various types and they
differ slightly in each dashboard. For example, the tiles can either be shown with the
individual reports such as in Buyer and Inventory Analyst dashboards or as a
dashboard headline such as in Inventory Control and Finance Analyst dashboards. In
some cases, the tiles will show the level of criticality of an exception by changing

RMS Dashboard Reports 7

Buyer Dashboard

colors – green for normal priority, yellow shows an issue that is trending toward
urgent, and red should be addressed right away. The level of criticality is something
that can be configured at the system or department for most dashboards where it is
used. See the details of the dashboards and reports for the rules wherever applicable.

 Refresh – On top of most reports, there is a Refresh button, which can be used
to refresh the report and show the most recent data. Along with the button, the date
and time of the most recent refresh is also shown. This allows a user to refresh the
reports individually to show the most updated information, without refreshing the
entire dashboard.
 Table Views – The reports with tables have a default view which shows a predefined
group of columns. But, like other tables in RMS, other columns can be added,
removed, and displayed columns can be reordered and re-sorted in the table, as a
user-specific configuration by using the View option in the table. The available
columns for each report are listed in the details below.

Buyer Dashboard
This dashboard is based on the Buyer role, which is focused on managing sales and
margin performance to plan. Within RMS, this user’s key areas of responsibility include
monitoring sales and open to buy, and PO approval. A user needs to have the View
Buyer Dashboard privileges to access this dashboard.
There are four reports included with this dashboard: Sales, Early/Late Shipments, Open
to Buy, and Orders Pending Approval.

Filter Criteria
At the top of the dashboard is a criteria-based filter that allows the user to filter the data
displayed in the dashboard to their area in the organization. For the Buyer dashboard, at
least a department must be entered, but other optional criteria can also be selected.
Selecting the Advanced button shows the filter criteria and provides the ability to
indicate multiples of filter criteria, like department.
List of filter criteria:
 Basic
– Department
– Class
– Subclass
– Supplier Site
 Advanced
– Store
– Brand
– Country of Sourcing
– Order Context

8 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

This report shows the top 10 items, based on either sales value or margin, for the day or
week to date, based on the criteria entered in the filter. It provides the buyer with the
ability to have a quick view of their sales for the day when opening RMS to begin work.
For fashion retailers, or other verticals that are using diff aggregation, the item
parent/diff aggregate combination is used to determine the items to show in the report.
For example, if items are set up to aggregate by style/color, then that is what shows in
this report. For other items, transaction level items are shown. All monetary values
shown in the report are in the primary currency of the retailer.

The report is a combination of tiles, bar chart and a contextual details pane.

Display Description

Tiles There are four tiles shown at the top of the

report, showing Total Sales value, Top Ten
Share (Sales), Total Margin value and Top Ten
Share (Margin) according to criteria selected.

RMS Dashboard Reports 9

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description

Bar Chart The bar chart has two bars showing Sales (blue)
and Margin (green) for the item.
It shows top ten items either by sales or margin,
based on the selection in the toggles above the
report, subject to dashboard filters.
 On the x-axis of the bar chart, the items are
listed. For each item, the item description is
shown, followed by the item number. The
sales/margin bar is able to be selected,
which refreshes the associated report
showing item details. The items are shown
in the order of sales (highest to lowest)
when item by sales are displayed and in the
order of margin (highest to lowest) when
item by margin are displayed.
 On the y-axis, the value of sales and margin
is shown in the retailer’s primary currency.

Item Details This section of the report to the right of the bar
graph represents details about a particular item
in the chart. It is updated by clicking on the bars
for a particular item in the chart.


Display Description


Total Sales Total retail value of sales (in primary currency)

for the items represented by the search criteria
entered for the day or week to date. It is
determined as follows:
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) Total Retail when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) Total
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.VALUE summed for all
sales types
Top Ten Share (Sales) Percentage of the sales for the top ten items as
compared to the total sales for the items
represented by the search criteria entered for the
day or week to date. It is calculated as:
(Sum of sales of items shown) / Total Sales*100.

10 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description


Total Margin Total margin value for sales (in primary

currency) for the items represented by the
search criteria entered for the day or week to
date. It is determined as follows:
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) (Total
Retail – Total Cost).
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.GP summed for all sales

Top Ten Share (Margin) Percentage of the margin for the top ten items as
compared to the total margin for the items
represented by the search criteria entered for the
day or week to date. It is calculated as:
(Sum of margin of items shown) / Total

Display Description

Bar Charts

Item Sales This value in the bar graph represents the

revenue in the primary currency for the item’s
sales for the day or week to date. It is
determined in the following manner:
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) Total Retail when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) Total
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.VALUE summed for all
sales types.
In case of parent/diff aggregate, it takes the sum
of all applicable diffs, calculated by the methods
mentioned above.

RMS Dashboard Reports 11

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description

Bar Charts

Item Margin This value in the bar graph represents the

margin value of sales for the item in the primary
currency for the item for the day or week to
date. It is determined in the following manner:
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) (Total
Retail – Total Cost).
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.GP summed for all sales
In case of parent/diff aggregate, it takes the sum
of all applicable diffs, calculated by the methods
mentioned above.

Display Description

Item Details

Item Description and ID In the case of transaction level items, it shows

the item’s description and number, while in the
case of parent/diff aggregate, it shows the
description. This is the same as shown in the bar
chart and parent item number.

VPN Shows the VPN associated with the supplier site.

In the case of parent/diff aggregate, it shows the
VPN of the parent item. If a single supplier is
indicated in the filter criteria for the dashboard,
then that supplier’s VPN is shown. Otherwise,
the primary supplier’s VPN is displayed.

Supplier Site Shows the primary supplier site associated with

the item. In the case of parent/diff aggregate, it
shows the primary supplier site of the parent
item. If a single supplier is entered in the
dashboard filter, then that supplier is used,
instead of the primary supplier.

12 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description

Item Details

Unit Cost Shows the unit cost of the item in the standard
unit of measure (UOM) and primary currency.
In the case of parent/diff aggregate, it takes the
average of all applicable diffs. If a supplier
and/or country of origin are specified in the
dashboard filter, then that supplier and/or
country unit cost is used. Otherwise, the
the primary supplier/country of origin is used.

Unit Retail This shows the unit retail of the item in standard
UOM and primary currency. In the case of
parent/diff aggregate, it takes the average of all
applicable diffs. The retail price is taken from
for the base zone.

Total sales value for the day/WTD The total retail value of sales (in primary
currency) for the items represented by the search
criteria entered for the day or week to date. In
the case of parent/diff aggregate, it takes the
sum of all applicable diffs. It is determined as
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) Total Retail when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’, else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) Total
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.VALUE summed for all
sales types.

Cost of sales for the day/WTD Shows total cost of items sold. In the case of
parent/diff aggregate, it takes the sum of all
applicable diffs. It is determined in the following
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) Total
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_SOH.GP) summed for all sales

RMS Dashboard Reports 13

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description

Item Details

Margin for the day/WTD Shows margin for items sold. In the case of
parent/diff aggregate, it takes the sum of all
applicable diffs. It is determined in the following
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
 Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) (Total
Retail – Total Cost).
 For week to date sales –
ITEM_LOC_HIST.GP summed for all sales

Margin % for the day/WTD Shows margin% for items sold. It is calculated in
the following manner:
If markup calc type is retail then (Sales – Cost of
else (Sales – Cost of Sales)/cost of sales*100

Sales Units for the Day/WTD Shows number of units sold for item in standard
UOM. In the case of parent/diff aggregate, it
takes the sum of all applicable diffs. It is
determined in the following manner:
 For today’s sales – TRAN_DATA Net Sales
(Tran Code – 1) when
stkldgr_vat_incl_retl_ind = ‘N’ else Net
Sales VAT Exclusive (Tran Code – 2) Units.
 For week to date sales –
for all sales types.

Primary Item Image Shows the primary image associated with the
item. For items shown in aggregate (such as
style/color), the image for one of the transaction
level items for the item parent/diff combination
is used. If any image of the applicable child item
is not available, then the image associated with
parent item is used.

14 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

Display Description


Allows you to switch the view between sales

Today/Week to Date that have occurred today and those that have
occurred this week to current.

Sales/Margin Allows you to toggle between seeing the items

that are top ten sellers in terms of sales revenue
and in terms of margin.
Actions N/A
Filters All the dashboard-level filters are applicable to
the report.

Privileges If the user has the View Item Inventory and

Sales privileges, then this report will display
information in their dashboard.

Configurations N/A

Early / Late Shipments

This report shows orders where the delivery window (as defined by the not before and
not after dates) is in the next 8 weeks and has potential issues, such as an ASN not being
received when expected or an ASN that indicates a shipment will arrive outside the
delivery window. It also looks for Open to Buy End of Week (OTB EOW) dates that are
out of alignment with the delivery window. This occurs on orders where the shipment
Estimated Arrival Date is either too close to OTB date or the beginning or end of week or
already reached the OTB date. There can be two scenarios – one for when the date needs
to move back (OTB Shift In) and one where it needs to move out (OTB Shift Out). Orders
where Estimated Arrival Date is before the Not Before Date are classified as an Early
Shipment and if the Estimated Arrival Date of an order is after the Not After Date, it is
classified as a Late Shipment. With the help of this report, the buyer can make a
preemptive and informed decision to update the Not After Date, Not Before Date, and
OTB EOW dates for the order.
The orders pulled into this report are also based on the filter criteria entered at the
dashboard-level and the Issue Type filter available at the report level.

RMS Dashboard Reports 15

Buyer Dashboard

The report is a combination of table and Gantt chart. The Gantt chart associated with
each order that is pulled into this report shows the delivery window of the order along
with Estimated Arrival Date and OTB EOW Date. The table has various columns
showing Order No., Supplier Site Name, Order Dates and Shipment Issue.


Metric Description

Order Number Indicates the order number of an order with an issue that has a
delivery window in the next 8 weeks.
Supplier Site Name Indicates the name of the supplier site for the order.
Not Before Date This shows the Not Before Date of the order.
Not After Date This shows the Not After Date of the order.
Estimated Arrival Date Indicates the estimated arrival date of the order based on a
received ASN. If there is more than one ASN for an order, the
non-received ASN with the earliest Estimated Arrival Date is
Open to Buy Date Indicates the OTB EOW date on the purchase order.
Shipment Issue This column shows the type of issue associated with the order
that caused it to be displayed in the report.

Report-Level Filters

Issue Type
This report-level filter allows the user to filter the table to show only certain issues. The
default is All Issues. Other options are:

Issue type Description

OTB Shift In shows only orders where the OTB EOW date may be able to be
shifted to a date sooner based on the estimated arrival date from an

16 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

OTB Shift Out shows only orders where the OTB EOW date may be able to be
shifted to a later date based on the estimated arrival date from an
Early Shipment shows only orders with an ASN containing an estimated arrival date
earlier than the not before date of the order
Late Shipment shows only orders with an ASN containing an estimated arrival date
later than the not after date of the order
ASN Not Received shows only orders where an ASN has not yet been received and,
based on the supplier’s lead times, an ASN should have been
received in order to receive the order on time.

 Edit Order - Clicking on an order number or selecting Edit Order option from the
Actions menu in the table launches the user into the purchase order in RMS in edit or
view mode, based on the user security privileges.
 Update Dates – This option opens a popup where dates for one or more selected
orders can be updated.

 Cancel Order – With this option the user can choose to cancel one or more selected
orders from the report itself by specifying the cancel reason in the popup.

All the dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 User should have View Shipments and Receipts privileges in order to see data in this

RMS Dashboard Reports 17

Buyer Dashboard

 Only Users with Maintain Order privileges have the privileges to perform the
actions: Edit Order and Update Dates.
 Users need the Close Order privileges to be able to select Cancel Order.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:
 Number of days between the beginning of week and estimated arrival date to
determine if the order qualifies as an issue. (B_NUM_DAYS_BOW_EAD)
 Number of days between the end of week and the not after date to determine if the
order qualifies as an issue. (B_NUM_DAYS_NAD_EOW)
 Number of days between the estimated arrival date and the OTB date to determine if
the order qualifies as an issue. (B_NUM_DAYS_EAD_OTB)
 Whether to display OTB related issues for the report, which may differ from the
overall system setting for the OTB budgets. (B_OTB_IND)

Open to Buy
This report highlights the Open to Buy (OTB) budget and spends for the hierarchy values
entered in the filter. It is intended to work with the Early/Late Shipment report, to show
where the early or late orders could be shifted and not impact the OTB adversely. The
report shows the same 8 weeks and provides visibility to which periods are currently
over and under bought.

The report is a combination bar chart and line graph. The bars in the chart give visibility
to the value of orders for the selected hierarchy and date that have been received and
approved. The line in the chart represents the budget. The X-Axis displays the OTB EOW
dates and the Y-Axis displays the amount in the primary currency.


Metric Description

OTB Budget Indicates the OTB budget summarized across all order types for the
selected departments, classes, and/or subclasses for the week shown in
the report from the OTB table in RMS.

Outstanding Orders Displays the total amount (in terms of cost or retail, depending on the
department) of non-received quantity on approved orders that have an
OTB EOW date equal to the date in the chart. It is calculated as (approved
– received) from the OTB table in RMS summarized across all order types.

18 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Buyer Dashboard

Received Orders Displays the total amount (in terms of cost or retail, depending on the
department) of received quantity on approved orders that have an OTB
EOW date equal to the date in the chart.

 Clicking on a bar in the chart launches the user into the Order Search screen, passing
the department, class, subclass, and OTB end of week date from the report. The
Order Search opens with the search auto-executed based on these parameters.

The following dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report:
 Department
 Class
 Subclass

 The user should have Search Purchase Orders privileges to click in the bar and
navigate to the order search screen.
 If the user has the View Budgets privileges, then the data in this report would be
visible in their dashboard.


Orders Pending Approval

This report highlights orders that need to be reviewed by the buyer for approval and
meet the filter criteria entered. The report can be configured to show only orders in
Submitted status or both Worksheet and Submitted status. In addition to the filter
criteria, the orders shown in this report are limited by total cost or retail values that a
user has been setup to be able to approve, if defined .

The report shows the list of orders with various columns showing details of the order.
Apart from the standard toolbar options, there is an Approve action button on the
toolbar and Approve, Worksheet, Edit and Order Details options in the Actions menu.

This is defined in the RTK_ROLE_PRIVS table in RMS based on a user’s application role.

RMS Dashboard Reports 19

Buyer Dashboard


Metrics Description

Order Number Indicates the order number of an order that has been submitted for
approval and meets the filter criteria entered.
Supplier Site Name The name of the supplier site for the order.

Not Before Date The not before date for the order.
Not After Date The not after date for the order.
Total Cost The total cost of the order in the order currency. It is calculated as
(sum of ordloc.unit_cost * qty_ordered)

Total Retail The total retail value of the order in the order currency. It is
calculated as (sum of ordloc.unit_retail * qty_ordered)
Currency Shows the order currency.
Created By Shows the user ID of the user who created the order.

Comments Shows the comments associated with the order; if any.

OTB EOW Date The OTB EOW date for the order.


Actions Description

Approve Clicking on the Approve button or selecting the

Approve action from the Actions menu
approves the selected order. Users can also
select multiple orders to approve.
Worksheet Selecting the Worksheet action from the Actions
menu rejects the order. Users can also select
multiple orders to reject back to worksheet
status. When a single order is selected, then this
action opens the Reject Order popup, which
allows the user to enter comments about why
the order is being rejected.
Edit Order Clicking on an order number in the table or
selecting the Edit Order option from the actions
menu launches the user into the purchase order
in RMS in edit or view mode depending on
their privileges
Order Details This action launches the Order Details screen
for the selected order directly, rather than
having to drill through from the Order Header.
The screen opens in edit mode if the user has
Maintain Purchase Orders privileges if not, it
opens in view mode.

All the dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

20 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Data Steward Dashboard

 Only users with Approve Purchase Orders privileges will see data in this report and
be able to approve an order.
 For rejecting an order, the Maintain Purchase Orders privileges are required.
 To access an order in view mode, the View Purchase Orders privileges are required;
to access an order in edit mode, the Maintain Purchase Order privileges are required.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:
 Whether only submitted orders be shown in the report or both worksheet and
submitted orders. (B_PO_PENDING_APPROVAL_LEVEL)

Data Steward Dashboard

This dashboard is intended to be used by a data steward who is responsible to maintain
data standards and accuracy of foundation and item data. This dashboard focuses on
timeliness and completeness of data setup.

Filter Criteria
At the top of the dashboard is a criteria-based filter that allows the user to filter the data
displayed in the dashboard to their area in the organization. For the Data Steward
dashboard, at least a department must be entered, but other optional criteria can also be
selected. Selecting the Advanced button shows additional filter criteria and provides the
ability to indicate multiples of filter criteria, like department.

List of filter criteria:

 Basic
– Department
– Class
– Subclass
– Supplier Site
– Country of Sourcing
– Created Date (range)
 Advanced
– Location
– Brand
– Item Type
– Item Level
– Transaction Level
– UDA/Value

RMS Dashboard Reports 21

Data Steward Dashboard

Incomplete Items
This report introduces work flow into the item creation process by providing visibility to
what item-related data has been set up for new items and what still requires setup. It
displays items that satisfy the defined filter criteria and were created within a
configurable number of days, but still have some attributes to be defined.

The report shows the list of items in a table with various columns showing details related
to item and completion status of item attributes. For each item, a Harvey ball shows the
completion status both for the individual attributes for the item, as well as the total item.
For transaction level items all attributes are either complete or not, depending on
whether data has been entered for the item. For above transaction level items completion
is based on the child items, such that for each attribute, if complete for all children, 100%
completed is shown; when it is complete for some child items, in progress (50%) is
shown; when it is not complete for any child items, 0% complete is shown. Overall
completion of the parent item is calculated based on the attributes defined as required for
all child items. Items can also be marked complete to remove from the report when they
no longer need to be tracked.
Attributes to be tracked in the report can be configured by department and each attribute
can be either designated as required, optional, or not applicable. Only those attributes
defined as required count toward the completion percentage. It is recommended that the
superset of attributes to be used across all departments is set as either required or
optional at the system level and then exceptions at the department level are used to drive
the completion calculation. The system level setting determines which attribute columns
are available to users in the screen and then individual users can determine the columns
they want displayed in their default view by using the configurations available in the
View menu.

22 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Data Steward Dashboard


Metric Description

Required Completion Indicates the level of completeness for the item. For both the
transaction and above transaction item level it is calculated as
the sum of required attributes completion % / count of all
required attributes * 100.
Parent Item Parent item ID of the item missing some attribution.
Item Item number with incomplete item attributes that was created
a configurable number of days ago. If this attribute is blank,
then the row corresponds with a parent item.
Description Shows the description of the item.
Status Shows the approval status of the item – worksheet, submitted,
and approved items are all shown in this report.

Department Indicates the ID of the department to which the item in the

report belongs.
Department Name Indicates the name of the department to which the item in the
report belongs.
Class Indicates the ID of the class to which the item in the report
Class Name Indicates the name of the class to which the item in the report
Subclass Indicates the ID of the subclass to which the item in the report
Subclass Name Indicates the name of the subclass to which the item in the
report belongs.

Created Date Indicates the date on which the item in the report was created.
Create By Indicates the ID of the user who created the item in the report.
Primary Supplier Site Indicates the ID of the primary supplier site to which the item
in the report belongs.
Primary Supplier Site Name Indicates the name of the primary supplier site to which the
item in the report belongs.
Primary Country Indicates the primary country associated with the item in the
Unit Cost Indicates the unit cost of the item in the report.
Selling Retail Indicates the selling retail of the item in the report.
Supplier Currency Indicates the supplier currency associated with the primary
supplier site of the item or the supplier site selected in the
dashboard filter in the report.
VPN Indicates the VPN associated with the primary supplier site of
the item or the supplier site selected in the dashboard filter in
the report.
Pack Indicates whether or not the item is a pack.

RMS Dashboard Reports 23

Data Steward Dashboard

The following attributes are shown only if configured as Required or Optional at a

system level.

Attribute Description

Reference Items Indicates whether or not the below transaction level items (such as
barcodes) have been created for the item.
VAT Indicates if VAT has been set up for the item.
Simple Packs Indicates whether any simple packs are set up for the item.
UDAs Indicates whether any UDAs have been set up for the item; looks
at any UDAs, not just those that may be set as required at the
department, class, or subclass level.
Locations Indicates whether the item has been ranged to any location.
Seasons / Phases Indicates if any season or phase has been defined for the item.
Replenishment Indicates if the item has been set up on replenishment in at least
one location.
Substitute Items Indicates if the item has been set up with any substitutes for
replenishment purposes.

Dimensions Indicates if the item has had dimensions defined for any
supplier/country of origin combination.
Related Items Indicates if any related items have been defined for the item.
Related items can be defined as up-sell, cross-sell, or substitutes.
This attribution is used primarily with selling and customer
Tickets Indicates if any ticketing attributes have been defined for the item.
HTS For import items, indicates if the item has had Harmonized Tariff
Schedules (HTS) set and approved.
Import Attributes For import items, indicates if the item has had import attributes,
such as the longer item description, tooling costs, or amortization
basis defined.
Image Indicates if at least one image has been designated for the item.

Clicking the icon showing the completion level of the attribute, contextually launches
into the respective screen as defined below. Users access the screens in either Edit or
View, depending on their privileges.

Attribute Contextual Launch To

Dimensions Item Supplier Country


Images Item Images

Import Attributes Item Import Attributes

24 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Data Steward Dashboard

Attribute Contextual Launch To

Locations Item Locations

Reference Items Item Children or Item Children by Diff
Related Items Related Items
Replenishment Manage Replenishment Attributes
Seasons / Phases Item Seasons
Simple Packs Simple Pack Setup
Substitute Items Substitute Items
Tickets Item Tickets
UDAs Item UDAs

Users can also click on the item or item parent hyperlink to open the Item screen for
access to all other attributes.
Clicking on the Mark Complete button allows users to select one or multiple items to be
removed from the report when they no longer need to be tracked. For example, if a
department contained a mix of import and domestic goods, the HTS attributes might be
defined as required, but for those items where they don’t apply, once all other attributes
for the item that are required have been defined, the item can be marked complete to
remove from the report.

All the dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 If the user has the View Items privileges, they can see the data in this report and
navigate to the Item screen in view mode.
 If the user has the Maintain Items privileges, users can navigate to the Item screen in
edit mode. Users with this privilege also have the Mark Complete button available
to them.
 If the user has the View Import Items or Maintain Import Items privileges, they can
see the HTS and Import Attributes columns and launch in context to the associated
screens in edit or view mode.
 If the user has the View Item Supplier or Maintain Item Supplier privileges, they can
see the Dimensions Attributes and launch in context to the Item Supplier screen in
edit or view mode.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table. Also, for each of the configurations
defined for this report, exceptions to the system-defined value can also be defined by
department by updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table.

RMS Dashboard Reports 25

Finance Analyst Dashboard

 Number of days post creation of items after which the item appears in this report.
 All the below attributes can be defined as required, optional, or not applicable.

Attribute Column Name















Finance Analyst Dashboard

This dashboard is intended to be used by a Finance Analyst who primarily focuses on
inventory valuation and stock ledger accuracy. This dashboard contains the following
 Weighted Average Cost (WAC) Variance
 Cumulative Mark-on Variance
 Stock Count Value Variance
 Shrinkage Variance
 Late Posted Transactions

26 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Filter Criteria
At the top of the dashboard is a criteria-based filter that allows the user to filter the data
displayed in the dashboard to their area in the organization. For the Finance Analyst
dashboard, a least one of the filter criteria out of Set of Books, Org Unit, or Location must
be entered, but other optional criteria can also be selected. Selecting the Advanced button
shows the filter criteria as below and provides the ability to indicate multiples of filter
criteria, like department.
 Basic
– Set of Books
– Org Unit
– Location
– Department
 Advanced
– Class
– Subclass

WAC Variance
This report displays the item/locations having a variance between the unit cost and
weighted average cost (WAC) that falls outside of a defined tolerance. Each
item/location fulfilling the filter criteria and tolerance is represented as a bubble in the
chart. The size of the bubble is relative to the absolute inventory at the location and the
color represents whether the variance is positive, negative, or it is a case of negative
The side panel of the report shows further cost and retail details about the selected
item/location. This section of the report provides links that open pop ups to show other
locations for the selected item or other items for the selected location that also have a
variance. The report also allows users to launch in-context to the Transactions Details
screen to view transactions or the Average Cost Adjustment screen to take appropriate
A system level configuration controls how big of a variance results in an item/location
showing up in this report. This report also shows item/location combinations having a
negative WAC, regardless of tolerance. Although this is not a usual scenario, when it
happens because of some data error, then it is very critical for the business.

RMS Dashboard Reports 27

Finance Analyst Dashboard

This report has three components – a tile, which summarizes the number of
item/locations with an issue, shown at the top of the dashboard; a bubble chart to show
the item/location with a variance issue, and a display pane, which shows the details for
the item/locations selected in the bubble chart.



The tile report shows the count of the number of transaction item/location combinations
in the report, based on any filter setting for the dashboard. It also shows the count of
item/locations with negative WAC, if applicable.
The color of the tile changes based on the variance and number of item/locations with a
variance, as defined in the system level options. It follows the following rules:
 Green
– All item/locations in the report have a WAC variance that is less than +/- the
max variance %
– No items in the report have a negative WAC
 Yellow
– (Any item/locations in the report have a WAC variance greater than or equal to
+/- max variance %
– the number of item/locations in the report is greater than or equal to the number
of item/locations parameter)
– No items in the report have a negative WAC
 Red
– One or more item/locations have a negative WAC

28 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

– Any item/locations in the report have a WAC variance greater than or equal to
+/- max variance %
– the number of item/locations in the report is greater than or equal to the number
of item/locations parameter)

Bubble Chart
Bubble chart section of the report shows following information:
 Item/location combinations with a WAC to unit cost variance greater than or equal
to x%, based on any filter setting for the dashboard. The variance value is a system
level configuration. Each bubble represents an item/location combination. Clicking
the bubble shows the details about the item/location in the display pane on the right.
 The x-axis of the chart has average cost and y-axis has variance%. Size of the bubble
is relative to the inventory value of the item at the location. In the case of negative
inventory, absolute value of the inventory is considered. In the case of a negative
inventory value, the bubble color is orange, otherwise blue. The color of the bubble is
red for item/locations with negative WAC.
 All monetary values shown in the chart are in retailer’s primary currency.

Display Pane Description

Item Description and Number Indicates the description and ID of the

item/location selected in the chart.
Item Image Shows the primary image associated with the
selected item.
Supplier Site Name and ID Shows the primary supplier site associated with
the selected item.
Department, Class, Subclass, Subclass Name Shows the ID of the department, class and
subclass to which the item belongs to along with
subclass name.
Location ID and Name Shows the ID and name of the selected location
with variance.
Unit ELC Shows the pricing cost, determined as
future_cost.pricing_cost for the item/location
for primary supplier/primary country. In case
the location is an external finisher, then it
should be item_loc_soh.unit_cost
Average Cost Shows the average cost for the selected
Variance Shows the variance of average cost to unit ELC.
Calculated as calculated as (average cost – unit
ELC)/average cost * 100
Unit Retail Selling_unit_retail on item_loc for the

RMS Dashboard Reports 29

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Inventory (Value) Shows the value of the inventory in cost at the

location. Calculated as (stock on hand + pack
comp SOH + in transit + pack comp in transit) *
current average cost
Chain Average Shows a calculated average cost for all stores in
the chain, represented by the location with an
issue, for the item.
Sourcing Warehouse and average cost Shows the name and ID of the sourcing
warehouse attached with the item/location and
the respective average cost. The average cost
value on item_loc_soh for the item sourcing
warehouse (or the default warehouse of the
store or warehouse, if sourcing warehouse is not

 User can launch Item by Locations popup by clicking on the number of locations
with the WAC variance in the side panel. This shows all the locations where the
particular item has WAC variance outside tolerance, including the location already
shown in the display pane.

Note: The locations returned in the popup are not affected

by report level filters.

In the popup users can take the following actions from the table toolbar by clicking
on respective buttons:
 View icon button – allows the user to navigate to the Transaction Data screen.
 Update Average Cost button – allows the user to navigate to the Average Cost
Adjustment screen.

 Users can launch the Location by Items popup by clicking on the number of items
with the WAC variance in the side panel. This shows all the items in the particular
location with WAC variance outside tolerance, including the item already shown in
the display pane.

30 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Note: The items returned in the popup are not affected by

report level filters.

In the popup users can take following actions from the table toolbar by clicking on
respective buttons:

Action Description

View icon button Allows the user to navigate to the Transaction

Data screen.
Update Average Cost action button Allows the user to navigate to the Average Cost
Adjustment screen.
View Transactions Clicking on this hyperlink will take the user in-
context into the Transaction Detail screen for
the item/location to see transactions that
occurred in the last 7 days, to research the
potential cause for the discrepancy.
Update WAC Clicking on this hyperlink will take the user in-
context launch into the Average Cost
Adjustment screen for the item/location to
make adjustments after the research is
completed. This link is not available in case the
location is an external finisher

All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report, but there are also the following
report level filters that can be applied:

Filter Description

Variance % Slider Users can select variance % range within which to see the
item/location combinations. The sliders have maximum
and minimum variance percent present in the chart as
extremes. By moving the sliders, a user can choose the
range to view between minimum and maximum values.
Inventory Value Slider Users can select inventory value range within which to see
the item/location combinations. The sliders have
maximum and minimum inventory values present in the
chart as extremes. By moving the sliders, user can choose
the range to view between minimum and maximum

RMS Dashboard Reports 31

Finance Analyst Dashboard

 The user should have Maintain Average Cost privileges to update the average cost;
otherwise this button does not show.
 To view transactions, the user should have View Transaction Data privileges;
otherwise the view icon button in the tables and the hyperlink in the side details
panel does not show.
 The View Item Locations privilege is used to determine whether the report will
return any data for the user.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

WAC Variance Tolerance Variance between unit and average cost that would result
in an item/location combination being displayed in this
WAC Variance Count Count of Item location that impacts the tile color.
WAC Variance Maximum % Maximum variance level to have an impact on tile color.

Cumulative Markon Variance

This report shows subclass/location combinations having a cumulative mark-on variance
between calculated CMO and the department level budgeted intake % that falls outside
of a defined tolerance, as well as all negative cumulative mark-on percentages. The CMO
percent variance can be displayed for any one of the last three months. Each
subclass/location fulfilling the filter criteria and tolerance is represented as a bubble in
the chart. The size of the bubble is relative to the closing stock at the retail value of a
subclass/location for the displayed month and the color represents whether the value of
the closing stock is positive or negative.

32 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

This report has three components – a tile, which summarizes the number of
subclass/locations with an issue; a bubble chart to show the subclass/location with a
variance issue and a display pane, which shows the details for the subclass/locations
selected in the bubble chart.



The report tile is shown at the top of the dashboard and shows the count of subclass/
location combinations with a calculated CMO variance, based on the filter settings for the
dashboard and system-level or department-level configurations. It will also show the
count of subclass/locations with negative CMO variance, if applicable.
The color of the tile changes based on the variance from the min and max percent defined
for the CMO at the system level and the # of subclass/locations with a variance, as
configured at the system or department level. It follows these rules:
 Green
– All subclass/location combinations in the report have a calculated CMO % that is
>= minimum variance % and =< maximum variance % AND
– number of subclass/locations in the report < the # of subclass/locations
– No subclass/location in the report has a negative calculated CMO %
 Yellow
– Calculated CMO % > maximum variance%
– Calculated CMO% < minimum variance%

RMS Dashboard Reports 33

Finance Analyst Dashboard

– number of subclass/locations in the report >= the # of subclass/locations

– No subclass/location in the report has a negative calculated CMO %
 Red
Any subclass/location in the report has the following:
– Negative calculated CMO %
– ((Calculated CMO % > maximum variance %
– minimum variance% > calculated CMO %)
– Number of subclass/locations in the report is greater than or equal to the # of
subclass/locations parameter)

Bubble Chart
Bubble chart section of the report shows following information:
 Subclass/location combinations with CMO % variance greater than or equal to x%,
based on any filter setting for the dashboard. Each bubble represents a
subclass/location combination. Clicking on the bubble shows the details about the
subclass/location in the display pane on the right.
 The x-axis of the chart has the CMO % and y-axis has Variance %. Variance is
calculated as ((Calculated CMO % of displayed month – department intake %) /
department intake %)*100. Size of the bubble is relative to the closing stock at the
retail value (from MONTH_DATA) of a subclass/location for the displayed month.
In the case of negative inventory, absolute value is considered in defining the size of
the bubble. When Closing Stock at Retail is zero, the bubble has the minimum size.
 In the case of a positive Closing Stock at the Retail value, the bubble color is blue; in
the case of a negative Closing Stock at the Retail value, the bubble color is orange.
 There are two views of the chart. First showing subclass/locations with positive
calculated CMO % (default view if no negative calculated CMO% are present in the
system). Second, showing subclass/locations with negative calculated CMO %
(default view only if there are negative calculated CMO %).
 All monetary values shown in the chart are in the retailer’s primary currency.

Display Pane Description

Department, Class, Shows the ID of the Department, Class and Subclass to which the item
Subclass, Subclass Name belongs to along with subclass name.
Location ID and Name Shows the ID and Name of the selected location with variance.
Calculated Shows the calculated cumulative mark-on % value, determined as

34 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Posted Shows the cumulative mark-on % value posted for the month for the
subclass, determined as MONTH_DATA.CUM_MARKON_PCT for
the displayed month.
Budgeted Shows the budgeted intake % for the department for the month,
determined as DEPS.BUD_INT for the department
Variance Shows the variance between calculated CMO % and budgeted intake
%. Calculated as ((Calculated CMO of the displayed month –
Department Budgeted Intake)/ Department Budgeted Intake)*100
HTDS GAFS Retail Shows HTDS GAFS value at retail of the displayed month for
HTDS GAFS Cost Shows HTDS GAFS value at cost of the displayed month for
Closing Stock Retail Shows closing stock value at retail of the displayed month for
Closing Stock Cost Shows closing stock value at cost of the displayed month for
Currency Shows currency of the location from the side panel.

Toggle Description

Positive / Negative Cumulative The user can see the report either for the
Markon % subclass/locations with a negative or positive
cumulative mark-on percent.
Month The user can see the CMO % variance report for any of
the last three months by clicking on the month.

Users can launch the Subclass by Locations popup by clicking on the number of locations
with the CMO variance in the side panel. This shows all the locations where the
particular subclass has a CMO variance outside tolerance or with a negative value,
including the location already shown in the display pane. The locations returned in the
popup are not affected by report level filters.

In the popup users can navigate to the Stock Ledger screen by clicking on the View icon
button or clicking the location ID, which is a hyperlink.

RMS Dashboard Reports 35

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Users can launch the Location by Subclasses popup by clicking on number of subclasses
with the CMO variance in the side panel. This shows all the subclasses in the particular
location with CMO variance outside tolerance or with a negative value, including the
subclass already shown in the display pane. The subclasses returned in the popup are not
affected by report level filters.
In the popup users can navigate to the Stock Ledger screen by clicking on the View icon
button or department ID which is a hyperlink.

Action Description

View Stock Ledger This action launches into the Stock Ledger screen for the
subclass/location for the month displayed in the chart. In the
popup tables this action is for single selected row and
available as the View Icon button and hyperlinks in the first
column (Location/Department) of the table.
Update Budget This action launches the Update Budget popup. The user can
update department budgeted intake % in this popup.

36 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report and there are also some report
level filters for this report:

Filter Description

Variance % Slider Users can select the variance % range within which to see
the subclass/location combinations. The sliders have
maximum and minimum variance % present in the chart as
extremes. By moving the sliders, the user can choose the
range to view between minimum and maximum values.

Closing Stock at Retail Slider Users can select the Closing Stock at Retail value range
within which to see the subclass/location combinations. The
sliders have maximum and minimum closing stock values
present in the chart as extremes. By moving the sliders, the
user can choose the range to view between minimum and
maximum values. This is there in both the negative and
positive CMO % chart.

 To view the data in this report in their dashboard and to access the View Stock
Ledger screen, the user should have the View Stock Ledger privileges; otherwise the
hyperlink in side panel and icon button and hyperlink in the popup does not show.
 To Update the Budget, user should have Maintain Merchandise Hierarchy privileges;
otherwise this hyperlink does not show in the display pane.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table.

Value Description

CMO Minimum Variance % This configuration compares the calculated CMO % for a
subclass/location to the department budgeted intake % and
for any differences that exceed this variance % (+ or -) the
subclass/location combinations are displayed in the report.
Exceptions to the system defined value can also be defined
by department by updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table
CMO Variance Count Count of subclass/locations that exceed the variance %
above in the most recently closed month; this value impacts
tile color as described above

RMS Dashboard Reports 37

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Stock Count Value Variance

This report is intended to be used by the Finance Analyst role to have visibility to open
Unit & Value counts with value variances that are outside of a tolerance. This report
considers only Unit & Value counts that have unit portion of the count accepted and the
value portion still open. The tolerance level can be configured using the Value Variance

This report is a table listing the open stock counts with value variances outside defined
tolerance and fulfilling the dashboard filter criteria. For each row in the report there is a
bar graph showing positive or negative variance.



The tile shows the count of stock count locations that have the unit portion of the count
accepted, but the value portion still open and that have a value variance that exceeds the
system defined tolerance level.
The color of the tile changes based on the following rules:
 Green
– If all the stock counts locations with variances exceeding the tolerance % are
within 7 days after their respective count date
– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is less than the Value Variance Threshold configuration.
 Yellow
– If any stock count location with a variance exceeding the tolerance % is pending
for 7 days or more from their respective count date

38 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is greater than the Value Variance Threshold configuration.
 Red
– If any stock count location with variance exceeding the tolerance % is pending
for 7 days or more from their respective count date
– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is greater than the Value Variance Threshold configuration.

Column Description

Stock Count Displays the ID of the stock count that is reporting a

Stock Count Description Shows the description of the Stock Count that is reporting a

Location Displays ID of the store or warehouse with the variance.

Location Name Displays name of the store or warehouse with a variance.
Department Displays department ID.
Department Name Displays department name
Class Displays class ID.
Class Name Displays class name.
Subclass Displays subclass ID.
Subclass Name Displays subclass name.
Location Type Displays type of location on the count. – store or warehouse
Count Date Displays date that the count was scheduled to occur
Total Variance % Displays the variance between actual value and snapshot
value of the stock count. It is calculated as [Actual Value -
Snapshot Value] x100 % divided by the Total Snapshot
Value for all items under the specified merchandise
hierarchy at the Count Location where Actual Value =
(Physical Count Quantity * Unit Cost) if Dept is Cost based
Actual Value = (Physical Count Quantity * Unit Retail) if
Dept is Retail based
Snapshot Value = (Snapshot on Hand Quantity * Unit Cost)
if Dept is Cost based or
Snapshot Value = (Snapshot on Hand Quantity * Unit
Retail) if Dept is Retail based

Unit Variance (Over) % Displays the variance percentage of items in the location
where the count quantity is more than snapshot quantity
and calculated as:
[Sum of (Count Quantity - Snapshot Quantity) for all items
where (Count Quantity > Snapshot Quantity) x 100]
divided by the Total Snapshot Quantity for those items

RMS Dashboard Reports 39

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Column Description

Unit Variance (Short) % Displays the variance percentage of items in the location
where the count quantity is less than snapshot quantity and
calculated as:
[Sum of (Count Quantity - Snapshot Quantity) for all
items where (Count Quantity < Snapshot Quantity) x 100]
divided by the Total Snapshot Quantity for those items.

Total Unit Variance % Displays the total unit variance % and calculated as:
Sum of absolute values of Unit Variance (Over) % and Unit
Variance (Short) %.
Variance % graph Inline Bidirectional bar graph indicating total variance %.
Click through pop up on graph displays:
 Stock Count Description
 Snapshot Value (Retail/ Cost)
 Actual Value (Retail/ Cost)


Action Description

Edit / View Value Variance The label for this action reads Edit Value Variance or View
Value Variance based on the user’s privileges. This Action
is enabled only when a single stock count location/
hierarchy row is selected. This Action opens up the Value
Variance and Adjustments Screen in view or edit mode for
the stock count selected.
Accept Results This action enables the user to accept one or more of the
count results and queues the selected records for
processing the inventory value updates. It is displayed
only to users that have a Maintain Stock Count Values

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with the Maintain Stock Count Values privileges can view the data in the
Stock Count Value Variance report on the dashboard and take actions available on
the report such as Accept Results and Maintain Value Variance.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating the RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Stock Count Variance % Variance percentage for stock counts to be

included in report.

40 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Stock Count Variance Count Count of locations in stock count with variance
that impacts the tile color.

Shrinkage Variance
This report looks at actual shrinkage for a subclass/location in the last month and
compares it to the budgeted shrinkage rate. Values outside of a tolerance are displayed to
the analyst for research summarized to the region level, and these values can be drilled
down to the location level.

This report is a table listing the subclass/locations having shrinkage variance. Along
with the standard options available in the table toolbar there is also an action button to
view stock ledger for the selected row.



The tile report shows the count of subclass/location combinations with a shrinkage
variance greater than or equal to the system defined tolerance level and the values in the
filter setting for the dashboard, as well as the count of subclass/locations with a negative
The color of the tile changes based on the minimum and maximum variances and the
number of subclass/location combinations configured by the user. It follows the rules
 Green
– All subclass/locations in the report have a shrinkage variance that is less than
the maximum tolerance % setting.
 Yellow
– Any subclass/location in the report has a shrinkage variance greater than or
equal to the maximum variance %.
– The number of subclass/locations in the report is greater than or equal to the
number of subclass/locations parameter.
 Red

RMS Dashboard Reports 41

Finance Analyst Dashboard

– Any subclass/location in the report has a shrinkage variance greater than or

equal to the maximum variance %.
– The number of subclass/locations in the report is greater than or equal to the
number of subclass/locations parameter.


Column Description

Location Displays ID of the location, region, or district

with a shrinkage variance for the subclass.
Location Name Displays name of the location, region or district
with a shrinkage variance for the subclass.
Department Displays department ID
Department Name Displays department name
Class Displays class ID

Class Name Displays class name.

Subclass Displays subclass ID
Subclass Name Displays subclass name.
Budgeted Shrinkage Shows the budgeted shrinkage value applicable
to the subclass. It is calculated using the
budgeted shrinkage percent
for a financial half multiplied by sales at retail or
at cost, depending on whether the retail or cost
accounting method is used.
Budgeted Shrinkage Rate Shows the budgeted shrinkage rate applicable to
the subclass. It is determined as
Actual Shrinkage Shows the actual shrinkage value applicable to
the subclass. It is obtained from the Shrinkage
Retail or Shrinkage Cost value (present in the
MONTH_DATA table as the
for a month depending on whether the retail or
cost accounting method is used

Actual Shrinkage Rate Shows the actual shrinkage rate calculated for
the subclass. It is calculated as
Total Sales Shows the total sales for the subclass/location. It
is determined based on the
value in the MONTH_DATA table depending
on whether the retail or cost accounting method
is used.

42 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Column Description

Variance % Shows the variance between the actual and

budgeted shrinkage.
Unit and Value Count Indicates whether a
Unit & Value count was processed in the current
month (based on MONTH_DATA for
Currency Displays the currency based on the local
currency defined in the system at the region,
district and location levels respectively.

 In context launch to the Stock Ledger View for impacted subclass/locations for

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 The data in this report is reflected in the dashboard of users that have View Stock
Ledger privileges.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Shrinkage Variance Tolerance % Variances between budgeted and actual that fall outside
this tolerance will be shown in this report.
Shrinkage Variance Count Count of subclass/locations that impacts tile color.
Shrinkage Variance Maximum % Maximum variance level to have an impact on tile color.

Late Posted Transactions

This report provides visibility to the Finance Analyst of any late posted transactions that
have occurred since the last month close by location. The report can be configured to
show late transactions at region, district, or location (store and virtual warehouse) levels.
The tree table structure of the report facilitates drill down to lower levels.

RMS Dashboard Reports 43

Finance Analyst Dashboard

This report is a combination of stacked bar chart and standard table. The chart displays a
summary count of transactions by type per location group that were intended to have
been posted in the previous month. Clicking on section of chart refreshes the table to
show data for the location group selected.



The tile report shows the count of locations that have late transactions. The color of the
tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green - Color of the tile is green if values are below threshold of the system level
count of total late transaction and below the threshold of the system level configured
count of locations (stores and virtual warehouses) with late transactions.
 Yellow - Color of the tile is yellow if value has crossed the threshold for either one of
the above configurations.
 Red - Color of the tile is red if value has crossed the threshold for both of the above

Bar Chart
The stacked bar chart shows the count of late posted transactions. The color of the bars in
the chart is different for the different transaction types. Users can click on a bar to view
further information related to a location group in the side panel table. The Y axis of the
chart shows the location. It can be configured to show region, district, or location. The Y
axis also shows physical warehouses. If the reporting level for a physical warehouse
(WH.ORG_HIER_TYPE) is defined by the user as Region or District then the physical
warehouses are not shown. If the reporting level is chosen as a value other than Region
or District or if it is null, then those physical warehouses which have virtual warehouses
with late transactions are shown on the Y axis. The X axis has the count of transactions by

Side Panel Table

The side panel shows details of late transactions at the configured organization hierarchy
level in a standard ADF table format. The table shows data aggregated at different
organization hierarchies with a tree table format. For example, if the organization
hierarchy chosen by the user is region, the user can see data at the region level, district
level and store levels. For physical warehouses, the tree contains all virtual warehouses

44 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Finance Analyst Dashboard

that have late transactions. The physical warehouse record displays the rolled up values
from virtual warehouses that have late transactions.
If the user has clicked on any transaction type in the stacked bar chart, the table displays
for that particular transaction type/location/subclass. Default view displays the details
of the organization hierarchy with the highest count from the first row. The data for this
is taken from TRAN_DATA_HISTORY table.

The following details are present in the table:

Column Description

Location Represents the ID for the organizational

hierarchies. This column is enabled for drilling
down to details of lower organizational levels.
When the organization hierarchy level is store
or virtual warehouse, this is a hyperlink to
launch the RMS transaction data screen.
Location Name Displays the name of the location.
Department Displays the department ID of the subclass
which has late posting for the location or the
user clicked transaction type.
Department Name Displays the department name.

Class Displays the class ID of the subclass which has

late posting for the location or the user clicked
transaction type.
Class Name Displays the class name.
Subclass Displays the subclass ID which has late posting
for the location or the user clicked transaction
Subclass Name Displays the subclass name.
Transaction Shows the description of transaction types of
late transactions.
Count Shows the count of late transactions for a
particular transaction type belonging to a
particular location/subclass.
Total Cost Shows the total cost of late transactions
associated to a transaction type belonging to a
particular location / subclass. For rows showing
values at a higher level than that of
store/virtual warehouse, this value is converted
to the currency of that particular level of

RMS Dashboard Reports 45

Finance Analyst Dashboard

Column Description

Total Retail Shows the total retail of late transactions

associated to a transaction type belonging to a
particular location / subclass. For rows showing
values at a higher level than that of
store/virtual warehouse, this value is converted
to the currency of that particular level of
Currency Displays the currency based on the local
currency defined in the system at the region,
district and location levels respectively.
Tran Code Displays the RMS transaction code of the last
posted transaction.

View Transaction Data: - The side panel table has this action on the Location hyperlink,
view icon button, and Actions drop down. This action is possible only for stores and
virtual warehouses and opens the Transaction Data screen in-context to show late
transactions of the subclass/location for the previous month. The date range is auto-
populated with post date starting with the first day of the current month and ending
with the current date, and using a transaction date earlier than or equal to the last end of
month date. The search is auto executed on entering the screen.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 This report contains data and allows for the View Transaction Data action for users
with View Transaction Data privileges.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Transaction Variance Threshold Count of late transactions per location that

impacts tile color.
Location Count Threshold Count of locations that impacts tile color.
Organizational Hierarchy Display Level Configuration to define organization hierarchy
for late posted transaction display – region,
district, or location.

46 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

This dashboard is based on the Inventory Analyst role, which is focused on managing
inventory levels across locations that are linked with the retailer. It assists the user in
monitoring stock variance to plan for the assigned merchandise hierarchies, creating
adjustments to open orders or replenishment settings and resolving purchase order
issues which may prevent timely shipping or receiving. There are three reports included
in this dashboard: Order Alerts, Inventory Variance to Forecast and Negative Inventory.

Filter Criteria
At the top of the dashboard is a criteria-based filter that allows the user to filter the data
displayed in the dashboard to their area in the organization. For the Inventory Analyst
dashboard, at least a department and either a store, or a store grade group or area must
be entered, but other optional criteria can also be selected.
Selecting the Advanced button shows the filter criteria listed below and provide the
ability to indicate multiples of filter criteria, like department.
List of filter criteria:
 Basic
– Department
– Store Grade/Area
– Store
– Supplier Site
 Advanced
– Class
– Subclass
– Brand
– Order Context

Order Alerts
This collection of reports monitors for common ordering issues based on orders that meet
the filter criteria entered. The order issues that are tracked in this report are:
 Past Not After Date – shows orders that are 1 to 7+ days past their not after date and
are still open.
 Orders to Close – shows open orders that are 1 to 7 days from their not after date,
which are not fully received and have no open shipments against them.

Which of these is displayed is based on a system configuration.

RMS Dashboard Reports 47

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

 Never Approved – shows orders that have never been approved but which, based on
supplier lead times and not after dates, should be approved in the next week in order
to be received in the delivery window.
 Once Approved – shows orders that were once approved, but now are in worksheet
or submitted status and which, based on supplier lead times and not after dates,
should be approved in the next week to be received without issues in the delivery
 Missing Order Data – shows orders that are due to arrive in the next 4 weeks, but are
missing certain attributes at the order header level.
 Missing Item Data – shows orders that are due to arrive in the next 4 weeks, but are
missing certain item level attributes on the order such as reference numbers or HTS
classifications, or have items with a low margin.
Clicking on the tiles in this report shows the data for the specific issue. The table shows
the same basic data for all the tiles, with the exception of the Missing Item Data tile,
which shows item level details.


Order Level Issues

Metrics Description

Order No: Shows the order number of an order that has the issue
indicated on the tile selected and meets the filter criteria
Supplier Site: Shows the ID for the supplier for the order.
Supplier Site Name: Shows the name of the supplier for the order.
Status: Shows the current status of the order.
Not Before Date: Shows the not before date for the order.
Not After Date: Shows the not after date for the order.
OTB EOW Date: Shows the OTB end of week date for the order.
Total Units: This displays the total units on Order.

48 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Metrics Description

Multiple UOM: This is checked if the Order contains items with

multiple UOMs.
Total Cost: Shows the total cost of the order in the order currency.

Total Retail: Shows the total retail value of the order in the order
Currency: Shows the order currency.
Received %: Shows the percent of units that have been received on
the order.
Import: Indicates whether or not the order is an import order.
Master Order No: Shows the master order number associated with the
order, if applicable.
Outstanding Units: Displays the outstanding units computed by
aggregating the open quantities on the order.
Outstanding Cost: Shows the outstanding cost of the order and calculated
Sum of [(Order Qty- Received Qty)*
Order cost] for all items on the Order
with open qty.
Outstanding Retail: Shows the outstanding cost of the order and calculated
as:Sum of [ (Order Qty- Received Qty)* Unit Retail] for
all items on the Order with open qty.
Order Context: This displays the order context type.

Order Context Description: This displays the order context description.

Department: This displays the department ID in case of department
level orders.
Department Name: This displays the department name in case of
department level orders.
Comments: Shows order comments; if any.
Last Updated By: This displays the ID of the user who last updated the
Last Updated Date: This displays the timestamp of last update to the order.
Error Details: Shown only for the Missing Order Data report, it
describes the error that caused the order to appear in
the report. Order data monitored are:

– Lading Port (import orders only)

– Discharge Ports (import orders only)
– Factory3

This is configurable at the system level.

RMS Dashboard Reports 49

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

 Order No. hyperlink – Clicking on an order number in the table launches the user
into the purchase order in RMS in edit or view mode, depending on privileges.
 Table Menu Actions available for different Order Alert tiles:

Alert Tiles Option

Past Not After Date  Edit/ View Order

 Edit/ View Order Details
 Cancel Order
 Update Dates
 Update Comments
Orders to Close  Edit/ View Order
 Edit/ View Order Details
 Cancel Order
 Update Dates
 Update Comments
Never Approved  Edit/ View Order
 Edit/ View Order Details
 Approve Order
 Delete Order
 Update Dates
 Update Comments
Once Approved  Edit/ View Order.
 Edit/ View Order Details
 Approve Order
 Cancel Order
 Update Dates
 Update Comments
Missing Order Data  Edit/ View Order
 Edit/ View Order Details

Action Description

Edit/View Order For each report option above, this option in the
Actions menu, or clicking on the order number
hyperlink, will take the user in-context to the
Order screen for the order displayed, in either
edit or view mode depending on privileges.
Edit/View Order Details For each report option above, this option in the
Actions menu will take the user in-context to
the Order Details screen for the order displayed,
in either edit or view mode depending on

50 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Cancel Order For each report where this option is valid, this
option will allow the user to cancel one or more
orders in the table. Selecting this option will
result in a popup being displayed, where the
user can select the cancel reason and, if a single
order is selected, enter comments.
Update Dates For each report where this option is valid, this
option will allow the user to update the Not
Before, Not After, and OTB EOW dates for the
selected orders.

Update Comments For each report where this is an option, this will
allow the user to add to the comments that exist
for the order. This is only supported when a
single row is selected.
Approve Order For each report where this is an option, this will
allow one or more orders to be approved.
Delete Order For each report where this is an option, this will
allow one or more orders to be deleted


Missing Item Data

Missing Item Data Description

Order No. Shows the order number of an order that has an

item that is missing one or more key data
elements and meets the filter criteria entered.
Item Shows the ID of the item on the order that has
one or more issues on the order.
Item Description Shows the description of the item.
Item Parent This column indicates the item’s parent.
VPN This column indicates the VPN for the item for
the supplier on the order.
Primary Reference Item This shows primary reference number of the
item, if it exists. If no reference items are
defined in RMS, the table column presents a
create icon that allows a quick launch into the
Item children screen to create a new reference
Import This is a checkbox that indicates whether or not
the order is an import order.

Margin Indicates the margin of the item based on the

PO cost and the current retail price for the item.

RMS Dashboard Reports 51

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Missing Item Data Description

Error Details Describes the error that caused the order to

appear in the report. Order/item data
monitored are:
 Missing reference item4
 Missing approved HTS classification
(import orders only)
 Negative or zero margin

 Order No. hyperlink – Clicking on an order number in the table launches the user
into the purchase order in RMS in edit or view mode, depending on user privileges.
 Item or Item Parent hyperlink – Clicking on this hyperlink launches the user into the
item screen in RMS in edit or view mode, depending on user privileges.
 Table Menu Actions available for the Missing Item Data tile:
– Edit/ View Order – clicking on this option in the Actions menu, or clicking on
the order number hyperlink, will take the user in-context to the Order screen for
the order displayed, in either edit or view mode depending on privileges.
– Edit/ View Order Details - this option in the Actions menu will take the user in-
context to the Order Details screen for the order displayed, in either edit or view
mode depending on privileges.
– Edit /View Item – this option in the Actions menu, or clicking on the Item
hyperlink will take the user in-context to the Item screen for the selected item, in
either edit or view depending on privileges.
– Edit /View Item Parent - this option in the Actions menu, or clicking on the Item
Parent hyperlink will take the user in-context to the Item screen for the selected
item, in either edit or view depending on privileges.
– Add HTS – this option will take the user to the Order screen, such that they can
add HTS codes for the order/item combination where it is missing.
– Add Reference Item – this option will add the primary reference item for the
item, if defined, to the order.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 The View Purchase Order privileges are needed to view all of the tiles and table data
in this collection of reports, as well as to be able to access the Order (Header/Details)
in View mode.
 Users need Maintain Purchase Order privileges to be able to access the Order
(Header/Details) in Edit mode as well as have access to Add Reference Item & Add
HTS Action that involves updates to the Order.
 Users need Approve Purchase Order privileges to have access to Approve Order

This is configurable at the system level.

52 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

 Users need Close Purchase Order privileges to have access to the Cancel/Delete
Order Actions
 Users need Maintain Item privileges to be able to access the Edit Item & Edit Item
parent actions that allow for updates to the item.
 Users need View Item privileges to be able to access the View Item & View Item
parent actions that allow the user to view item details.

Validations for the alerts mentioned above can be controlled though system-level
configurations by updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Include Reference Item If set to ‘Y’ to the system enforces the check for missing
reference item on the order and show errors. Setting
the option to ‘N’ suppresses the check.
Include Factory If set to ‘Y’ to the system enforces the check for factory
missing on the order and show errors. Setting the
option to ‘N’ suppresses the check.

Inventory Variance to Forecast

This report is intended to be used by an Inventory Analyst to provide a weekly review of
their business by highlighting items that have a significant expected inventory variance
to forecasted sales over the next 4 weeks. It also has related reports that are used to
provide more context and assistance in decision making. Only forecasted, inventoried
items appear in this report.
Filter tiles are provided to enable the filtering of items based on their variance % from the
set of inventory variance ranges as shown in the report layout snapshot below. When a
tile is selected, the items meeting the filter criteria of the selected tile are displayed in the
table below the tiles. The variance percentages used in each tile can be configured.

RMS Dashboard Reports 53

Inventory Analyst Dashboard


Item Details Description

Sales Units: Sum of sales units from the ITEM_LOC_HIST

table for items in the parent item or parent
item/diff aggregate or transaction item over the
last 4 weeks. This displays in terms of the
standard UOM.
Variance %: Sales Units (as defined above) – (Sum of sales forecast from the
ITEM_FORECAST table from the last 4 weeks) /
Sum of sales forecast.
Forecast Units: Sum of available inventory (on hand + inbound
inventory – reserved inventory – customer
backorder – non-sellable inventory ) – Sum of
forecasted sales for the next 4 weeks including
the current week.
Depending on the VDATE, sales of current
week is prorated to contribute to sales history of
previous weeks as well as forecast for future
A positive variance would indicate more
inventory inbound than sales forecasted. A
negative variance would indicate more sales
expected than inventory to cover.

Forecast Variance Value Inventory Variance Units * Current (regular or

clearance) base retail price of the parent item or
parent item/diff aggregate or transaction item
in the primary currency.
Forecast Variance % Inventory Variance
Units/Sum of forecasted sales for the next 4
weeks for the parent item or parent item/diff
aggregate or transaction item in the store, area,
or store grade group as defined in the filter.
Each of the contextual reports off to the side is
dependent on the selection of an item row in the
main table. The data displayed in each of these
reports are specific to the selected item, item
parent, or item parent/diff aggregate.

 Item Level – This is a toggle that allows users to change the view of the items in the
report. The options present are - Item Parent, Item Parent/Diff Aggregate, or
Transaction Item.

 Edit/View Item – Allows the user to launch into the Item screen for that item. The
screen is opened in edit or view mode, depending on privileges.
 Create Order – This initiates the order creation using the primary supplier and the
department for the first selected parent item, parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction item. The selected items get seeded into the ORDLOC_WKSHT table.

54 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Then, the Order Header screen is opened in edit mode. This option is displayed only
when the user has the Maintain Purchase Orders privileges.

 Create Allocation – This opens the advanced version of the Create Standard
Allocation screen in the Allocation application, with the parent item or transaction
item entered as search criteria and the search auto executed with the warehouse
checkbox in the checked state. This option is displayed only if Allocation is installed
based on system options and the user has the Maintain Allocation privileges.
 Update Replenishment Attributes – This opens the Manage Replenishment
Attributes screen for the parent item, parent item/diff aggregate or transaction item
in edit mode. This option is displayed only when the selected item is a
replenishment item and the user has the Maintain Replenishment Attributes

 Defer Variance – Allows the item parent, item parent/diff aggregate, or transaction
item to be deferred from the variance report for a designated amount of time.

All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 The user should have the View Item Inventory and Sales privileges in order to see
the Inventory Variance to Forecast report in their dashboard.

RMS Dashboard Reports 55

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

 The user should have Diff privileges in order to see the Parent, Parent/Diff, and
Transaction Item toggle linked with the table. Users without Diff privileges always
see just transaction level items in this report.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating the RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:
 User can configure if they want to see Area or Store Grade in the dashboard filter.
 The user can configure the variance ranges that are displayed as tiles in the report.
The following configurations can be defined at the system level which limits the
items returned in the table based on the inventory variance percentage for an item to
the forecasted value. Exceptions to the system defined value can also be defined by
department by updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table.
– High Lower Inventory Variance % - Specifies the upper limit of the lower
threshold range. (IA_VARIANCE_RANGE_PCT_1)
– High Upper Inventory Variance % - Specifies the upper limit of the upper
threshold range. (IA_VARIANCE_RANGE_PCT_2)
– Low Lower Inventory Variance % - Specifies the lower limit of the lower
threshold range. (IA_VARIANCE_RANGE_PCT_3)
– Low Upper Inventory Variance % - Specifies the lower limit of the upper
threshold range. (IA_VARIANCE_RANGE_PCT_4)
The following reports (Inventory by Store, Inventory by Warehouse, Open Orders and
Lead Time Days) are contextual to the row selected in the table of the main report,
meaning the data reflected in the reports show only data for the select item, item parent,
or parent/diff.

Inventory by Store
The Inventory by Store report displays the total available on-hand and inbound
inventory for the selected row at the Store or Regions in the Area, depending on the data
entered in the filter. This report also shows the total forecast at the store level.
Clicking on the chart shows a pop-up containing a breakout of the components in the
graph, including the various inventory buckets that make up available.

56 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard


Metric Description

On Hand Summary of stock on hand for the items in the

parent item, parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction items for the stores in the grades or
regions. If a single store is selected, then the
details of that specific store are shown.
Inbound Inventory Summary of in transit, on order, transfer
expected, and inbound allocations for the items
in the parent item or parent item/diff aggregate
or transaction items for the stores in the grades
or regions expected to arrive in the next 4
weeks. If a single store is selected, then the
details of that specific store are shown.
Reserved Inventory Summary of inventory reserved in the stores in
the grades or regions for transactions expected
to ship in the next 4 weeks related to RTVs,
transfers and customer orders for items in the
parent item or parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction items. If a single store is selected,
then the details of that specific store are shown.
Customer Backorder Summary of inventory classified as customer
backorder in the stores in the grades or regions
for items in the parent or parent/diff aggregate
or transaction items. If a single store is selected,
then the details of that specific store are shown.
Non-sellable Inventory Summary of inventory classified as non-sellable
in the stores in the grades or regions for items in
the parent item or parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction items. If a single store is selected,
then the details of that specific store are shown.

RMS Dashboard Reports 57

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Metric Description

Forecast Summary of sales forecast data for stores in the

grades or regions for the next 4 weeks for the
parent item or parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction item. If a single store is selected,
then the details of that specific store are shown.
Note: This is the black square in the example
Available On Hand Calculated as (On Hand – Reserved – Customer
Backorder - Non-sellable)

Inventory by Warehouse
The Inventory by Warehouse report displays the total available on-hand and inbound
inventory for any warehouses supplying the item and stores being represented. The
relationship between the item/stores and warehouse is determined using the sourcing
warehouse for the item at the stores or the stores’ default warehouse, when a value hasn’t
been defined for an item/store. Clicking on the chart shows a pop-up containing a
breakout of the components in the graph, including the various inventory buckets that
make up available.


Metric Description

On Hand Summary of stock on hand and pack

component SOH for the items in the parent item
or parent item/diff aggregate or transaction
item for the warehouse.

58 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Inbound Inventory Summary of in transit, on order, transfer

expected, and inbound allocations for the items
in the parent item or parent item/diff aggregate
or transaction item for the warehouse expected
to arrive in the next 4 weeks. This total also
looks at the pack component quantity.
Reserved Inventory Summary of inventory reserved in the
warehouse for transactions expected to ship in
the next 4 weeks related to RTVs, transfers,
allocations, and customer orders for items in the
parent item or parent item/diff aggregate or
transaction items. This total also looks at the
pack component quantity.
Customer Backorder Summary of inventory classified as customer
backorder in the warehouse for items in the
parent or parent/diff aggregate or transaction
Non-sellable Inventory Summary of inventory classified as non-sellable
in the warehouse for items in the parent item or
parent item/diff aggregate.
Available Inventory Calculated as (On Hand – Reserved – Customer
Backorder - Non-sellable)

Open Orders
This report allows a user to see open orders due in the next 4 weeks for the parent item,
parent item/diff aggregate, or transaction item selected to help determine whether there
are any open orders that could be cancelled. This also gives a perspective to the
inventory analyst of a breakdown of orders that will derive the future inventory value.
The Open Orders report shows all open purchase orders for the selected item and
locations in the filter. It also shows the orders for the stores that are not on the order but
linked to allocations containing the store.

RMS Dashboard Reports 59

Inventory Analyst Dashboard


Metric Description

Order Number Shows the order number of open, approved or once approved
orders that are due to be received in the next 4 weeks (based on
their not after date) and include items in the parent item or
parent item/diff aggregate or transaction item.
Delivery Window A Gantt chart indicating the not before and not after dates for
the order in the report.

 Edit Order – Selecting this option under the Actions icon, or by clicking on the order
number’s hyperlink, the user launches into the Order Header screen for more details
on the order based on the user’s security privileges.
 Cancel Item on Order – selecting this option under the Actions icon displays a cancel
order pop-up to the user allowing them to enter a cancel reason and cancel the item
from the order. The cancel is limited to the item (or all items for the selected parent or
parent/diff combination) on the order. If the user wants to cancel the entire order,
the user has to access the order header and cancel the order in that screen.

 Reallocate Order – selecting this option under the Action icon opens the Manage
Allocations option in Allocations in advanced search mode, with the order number

60 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

pre-populated and query executed. This is only displayed if Allocation is installed

for the implementation based on system options.
 Reallocate Order Item – selecting this option under the Actions icon opens the
Manage Allocations option in Allocations in advanced search mode, with the order
number and parent item or transaction item pre-populated and the query executed.
This is displayed if Allocation is installed for the implementation based on system

 Users should have View Purchase Orders privileges for accessing this report.
 Users with Maintain Purchase Order privileges have the privilege to perform Edit
Order and Cancel; otherwise this action is not displayed.
 Users with Create Allocation privileges have the privilege to reallocate orders or
order items; otherwise this action is not displayed.

Lead Time Days

The Lead Time Days report displays a variance between the planned and action review
cycle, warehouse lead time, and supplier-site lead times. For items not on replenishment,
only the supplier lead time would be considered for this report. Significant variances
between planned and actual may be causing an over or short inventory situation for a
particular item and indicate a need for updates.


Metric Description

Review Cycle (plan) Represents the average setting defined in the

system for the number of days between which
the transaction item, parent item or parent
item/diff aggregate is reviewed for
replenishment across locations.

RMS Dashboard Reports 61

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Review Cycle (actual) Represents the average number of days between

all purchase orders created for this transaction
item, parent item or parent item/diff aggregate
in the last 4 weeks.
Warehouse Lead Time (plan) Represents the average value for the warehouse
lead time for a transaction item, parent item or
parent item/diff aggregate defined in the
system. It indicates the amount of time it takes
to ship inventory from a warehouse to the store
it services.

Warehouse Lead Time (actual) Represents the average number of days it has
taken to ship transfers or allocations of this
transaction item, parent item or parent
item/diff aggregate from a retailer’s warehouse
to a store in the last 4 weeks.
Supplier Lead Time (plan) Represents the average value for the supplier
lead time for the transaction item, parent item
or parent item/diff aggregate defined in the
system for the primary supplier. It includes
both the time it takes the supplier to process the
order, as well as to ship it to the retailer’s
Supplier Lead Time (actual) Represents the average number of days it has
taken to receive a purchase order from the
primary supplier for this transaction item,
parent item or parent item/diff aggregate in the
last 4 weeks from the time it was originally

Negative Inventory
This report shows item/location combinations with negative inventory balances in order
to alert the retailer to take necessary action. The report shows only those item/locations
with inventory values less than their configured inventory variance number of units
(from zero). It allows quick drill down into transaction level data to identify exceptions.


Metric Description

Item Shows the item ID.

Description Shows the item description.

62 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Analyst Dashboard

Location Shows the location ID. If the user has specified specific store
in the dashboard filter criteria then report shows only that
particular store. If Store Grade Group is specified in the
filter criteria then the report shows the stores that are part of
the store grade group plus, all VWHs and internal finishers
in the system which match the negative inventory criteria.
In case of Area, only stores and warehouses (virtual
warehouses as well as internal finishers) that are part of the
Area hierarchy appear on the report.
Location Name Shows the location name.

Location Type Shows the location type. Valid values are store or
Stock On Hand Summary of the stock on hand for the item/location
combinations with negative inventories for the selected
grade group, area, or location. For pack items, the
component inventory is considered for warehouse locations.
In Progress Shipments  Orders - Number of units present in incoming
deliveries against open orders for the item/location
combinations with negative inventories for the selected
grade group, area or location.
 Transfers - Number of units present in incoming
transfers for the item/location combinations with
negative inventories for the selected grade group, area
or location.
In Progress Shipments Allocations - Number of units present in inbound
allocations for the item/location combinations with
negative inventories for the selected grade group, area or
Standard UOM Shows the standard UOM of the item.

Selecting the View Transaction Detail option in the Action menu or clicking on the item
hyperlink opens the Transaction Data screen where the user can view transactions linked
with the selected Item/location.

All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 If the user has the View Item Inventory and Sales Privileges, then the Negative
Inventory report data would be visible if it is configured to display in the dashboard.
 If the user has the View Transaction Data Privileges, then the View Transaction
Detail option is displayed, otherwise it is hidden.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

RMS Dashboard Reports 63

Inventory Control Dashboard

 Tolerance Quantity - Only the item/locations with inventory values less than this
number of units (from zero) are shown in this report. Exceptions to the system
defined value can also be defined by department by updating

Inventory Control Dashboard

The Inventory Control dashboard is intended to be used by the Corporate Inventory
Control Analyst role, which is focused on ensuring that the inventory transactions are
being completed in a timely manner and inventory isn’t being held unnecessarily by
these transactions. The dashboard aids the Inventory Control Analyst in ensuring that
that stock orders and RTVs are reconciled and closed in a timely manner and that stock
counts are reported, reconciled and processed within an acceptable processing window.
The Dashboard is comprised of a filter block, followed by a set of reports that are
refreshed based on the filter criteria. There are a total of eight reports to aid the inventory
control analyst. Each report is comprised of a tile that displays the number of actionable
items specific to the report. The color of the tile is intended to provide visual cues on
criticality with red warranting immediate attention followed by yellow and then green.
Clicking on the tile opens up a table that displays the specific detail on each of the
actionable items on the tile. The table also enables selection of one or more rows in the
table and offers the inventory control analyst guided actions specific to the selected row.
This is the list of reports on the dashboard:
 Transfers Pending Approval
 Overdue transfers
 Overdue Allocations
 Overdue RTVs
 Stock Orders Pending Close
 Stock Counts Missing
 Stock Count Unit Variance
 Unexpected Inventory

Filter Criteria
At the top of the dashboard is a criteria-based filter that allows the user to filter the data
displayed in the dashboard to their area in the organization. For the Inventory Control
Analyst dashboard, only a location or location hierarchy field is mandatorily required.
Selecting the Advanced button provides the ability to indicate multiples of filter criteria,
such as department.
 Basic
– Chain
– Area
– Location
– Supplier Site
– Department
– Class
– Subclass

64 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

Transfers Pending Approval

This report shows any transfers in Submitted status that have passed a certain
configurable number of days after creation without being approved or deleted and need
to be reviewed for approval or deletion. This report excludes franchise order transfers
and franchise return transfers. In case the OMS_IND = Y, customer order transfers are
excluded too.



The tile report shows the number of submitted/worksheet but not approved transfers
shown in the table. The color of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green - The tile appears in No Severity (green) state when none of the transfers
showing in this report are either more than 7 days past the create date plus
configurable days (vdate – create date + configurable days < 7), or the number of
transfers shown in the report is less than configured tolerance.
 Yellow - The tile appears Yellow when either one of the transfers are more than 7
days past create date plus configurable days (vdate – create date + configurable days
>= 7) OR the number of transfers shown in the report is greater than configured
 Red - The tile appears in critical (red) state when one of the transfers are more than 7
days past create date plus configurable days (vdate – create date + configurable days
>= 7) AND the number of transfers shown in the report is greater than configured


RMS Dashboard Reports 65

Inventory Control Dashboard

Column Description

Transfer This shows the Transfer No. This is a hyperlink, when

clicked opens Transfer screen in edit/view mode based
on user privileges.
Type This shows the transfer type.
From Location This shows the from location on the transfer.
To Location This shows the to location on the transfer.
Created Date This shows the date on which transfer was created.

Delivery Date This shows the delivery date on the transfer.

Transfer Cost This shows the total transfer cost for the transfer and is
determined in the following manner:
 When TSFDETAIL.TSF_COST is not null - Total
quantity * TSFDETAIL.TSF_COST) for all items at
the sending location.
 If TSF_COST is null and average cost is used in the
system ; STD_AV_IND = A - (Total quantity *
ITEM_LOC_SOH.AV_COST of the sending location)
 If TSF_COST is null and standard cost is used in the
system; STD_AV_IND = ’ - (Total quantity *
ITEM_LOC_SOH.UNIT_COST of the sending
 If TSF_COST is null for pack items on the transfer –
Sum the total cost for all component items using the
methods described above.
Currency This shows from location currency.
Transfer Retail This shows the total transfer retail for the transfer
calculated in the from location’s currency. This is
calculated as (Total quantity * TSFDETAIL.TSF_PRICE)
of the sending location, if TSF_PRICE is not null. If the
TSF_PRICE is null, then it is calculated as (Total quantity
* ITEM_LOC.UNIT_RETAIL of the sending location).
From Location Type This shows the from location type on the transfer.
To Location Type This shows the to location type on the transfer.
From Location Name This shows the from location name on the transfer.
To Location Name This shows the to location name on the transfer.
Intercompany This column has check boxes to mark intercompany
Finisher This shows the finisher ID on the transfer, if applicable.
Finisher Name This shows the finisher name on the transfer, if

66 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard


Action Description

Approve Transfer Clicking on the Approve button or selecting the Approve

action from the Actions menu approves the selected
transfers. One or more transfers can be selected for
approval at a time.
Delete Transfer Selecting the Delete action from the Actions menu or
clicking on the delete button changes the transfer status to
Deleted for the selected transfers. One or more transfers
can be selected for deletion at a time.
View Transfer Clicking on the transfer number launches into the
Transfer screen in view or edit mode depending on user
privileges. The Table Actions menu has Edit or View
options based on user privileges.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with the Approve Transfers privileges are able to approve an intra-
company transfer. To approve intercompany transfers, Approve Intercompany
Transfers privileges are required.
 For deleting an intra-company or intercompany transfer Maintain Transfers or
Maintain Intercompany the Transfer privileges are required, respectively.
 The Transfer Number is a hyperlink to navigate to the Transfer screen in edit mode if
the user has maintain privileges if not, then the user will be in view mode.
 If the user has the View Transfers privileges, then this report’s data is visible in their

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Days Since Creation Number of days past the create date of transfer to determine
whether the transfer is displayed in the report.
Stock Order Exception Count For tiles, users can configure the threshold number of
transfers shown in the report past which the tile turns critical.

Overdue Transfer Shipments

This report provides visibility to approved transfers that have passed their Not After
Date plus a configurable number of days and have not shipped. If the Not After Date is
not available for transfers then the report considers the Delivery Date. This report

RMS Dashboard Reports 67

Inventory Control Dashboard

excludes franchise order transfers and franchise return transfers, as well as customer
order transfers5. This report shows only intra-company transfers if the user doesn’t have
inter-company privileges, otherwise all transfers are displayed. Overdue Transfer
Shipment report is accessible via a tile in the dashboard.



The tile report shows the number of approved transfers that have passed their Not After
Date plus a configurable number of days and not shipped are shown in the table. The
color of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green, if VDate >= Not After Date of all transfers in the report + configured tolerance
for days since approval.
 Yellow, if
– Number of transfers in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception
– VDate - Not After Date of at least one transfer >= 7 + configured tolerance for
days since approval.
 Red, if
– Number of transfers in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception
– VDate - Not After Date of at least one transfer >= 7 + configured tolerance for
days since approval.


Column Description

Transfer This shows the Transfer number. This is a hyperlink, when

clicked opens Transfer screen in edit/view mode based on
user privileges.
Type This shows the transfer type.

If the RMS system option OMS_IND = ‘N’, then customer orders are not excluded.

68 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

Column Description

From Location This shows the from location on the transfer.

To Location This shows the to location on the transfer.
Approval Date This shows the date on which transfer was approved.
Not After Date This shows the not after date on the transfer. If this is not
available, delivery date is used as the reference.
Delivery Date This shows the delivery date on the transfer.
Transfer Quantity This shows the total transfer quantity for the transfer.
Multiple UOM This column has check boxes to mark if the transfer has
item with multiple standard UOMs.
From Location Type This shows the from location type on the transfer.
From Location Name This shows the from location name on the transfer.
To Location Type This shows the to location type on the transfer.
To Location Name This shows the to location name on the transfer.
Intercompany This column has check boxes to mark intercompany
Finisher This shows the finisher ID on the transfer, if applicable.
Finisher Name This shows the finisher name on the transfer.


Action Description

Delete The delete icon (Delete action) allows the user to delete the
selected transfers, which implies that the status of the
transfer is changed to Deleted. This icon/action is displayed
only if the user has Maintain Transfers privileges.
View Transfer Clicking on the transfer number launches into the Transfer
screen in view or edit mode depending on user privileges.
The Table Actions menu has Edit or View option based on
user privileges.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with View Transfers privileges can see the Overdue Transfers report on
the dashboard.
 Users with the Maintain Transfers privileges have the option to delete transfers from
this report and to launch the Transfer screen in edit mode.

RMS Dashboard Reports 69

Inventory Control Dashboard

 For deleting an intra-company or intercompany transfer Maintain Transfers or

Maintain Intercompany Transfers privileges is required respectively.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Days Since Creation Number of days past the create date of transfer which
results in the transfer appearing in the report is
configurable. (IC_OVERDUE_SHIP_DAYS)
Stock Order Exception Count For tiles, users can configure the threshold number of
transfers shown in the report past which the tile turns

Overdue Allocation Shipments

This report provides visibility to approved allocations that have passed their Release
Date plus a configurable number of days and have not shipped. Overdue Allocation
Shipment report is accessible via a tile in the dashboard.

70 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard



The tile report shows the number of approved allocations that have passed their Release
Date plus a configurable number of days and not shipped shown in the table. The color
of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green, if all the allocations in the report have VDate >= Released Date + configured
tolerance for days since approval.
 Yellow, if
– Number of Allocations in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception
– VDate – Released Date of at least one allocation >= 7 + configured tolerance for
days since approval.
 Red, if
– Number of Allocations in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception
– VDate – Released Date of at least one allocation >= 7 + configured tolerance for
days since approval.


Columns Description

Allocation This shows the Allocation ID. This is a hyperlink, when

clicked opens Allocation Detail popup.
From Location This shows the from location on the allocation.
Item This shows the item ID of the item on the allocation.
Item Description This shows the item description.
Released Date This shows the date on which allocation was to be released.
Allocated Quantity This shows the sum of allocated quantity across all locations
for the item.
From Location Type This shows the from location type on the transfer.
From Location Name This shows the from location name on the transfer.

 Allocation Details: Allocation hyperlink opens a popup which shows the Details of
the chosen Allocation record.

RMS Dashboard Reports 71

Inventory Control Dashboard

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with Overdue Allocations privileges can see the Overdue Allocations
report on dashboard.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Days Since Creation Number of days past the create date of allocation which
results in the allocations appearing in the report is
configurable. (IC_OVERDUE_SHIP_DAYS)
Stock Order Exception Count For tiles, users can configure the threshold number of
allocations shown in the report past which the tile turns

Overdue Return to Vendor Shipments

This report provides visibility to approved RTVs that have passed their Not After Date
plus a configurable number of days and have not shipped. If Not After Date is not
available for RTVs then the report considers Created Date. Overdue RTV Shipment
report is accessible via tile in the dashboard.

72 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard



The tile report shows the number of approved RTVs that have passed their Not After
Date plus a configurable number of days and not shipped shown in the table. The color
of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green, if VDate >= Not After Date of all RTVs in the report + configured tolerance
for days since approval.
 Yellow, if
– Number of RTVs in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception count.
– VDate - Not After Date / Created Date of at least one RTV >= 7 + configured
tolerance for days since approval.
 Red, if
– Number of RTVs in the report exceeds configuration stock order exception count.
– VDate - Not After Date / Created Date of at least one RTV >= 7 + configured
tolerance for days since approval.


Column Description

RTV This shows the RTV number. This is a

hyperlink, when clicked opens RTV screen in
edit/view mode based on user privileges.
From Location This shows the from location on the RTV.
Supplier Site This shows the supplier site ID which is on the

Created Date This shows the date on which RTV was created.
Not After Date This shows the not after date for the RTV if it is
created via MRT. If this field is null, the created
date is used.
RTV Quantity This shows the sum of quantity of items which
are present in the RTV.

RMS Dashboard Reports 73

Inventory Control Dashboard

Column Description

Multiple UOM This is a checkbox and is checked if there are

multiple items present in the RTV with different
standard UOMs.
From Location Type This shows the from location type on the RTV.
From Location Name This shows the from location name on the RTV.
Supplier Site Name This shows the supplier site name on the RTV.

 Cancel RTV – This action allows the user to cancel the selected RTV Orders, which
implies that the status is changed to Cancelled. This action can be performed only if
the user has Maintain RTV privileges.
 View RTV – This action or the hyperlink on RTV launches into the RTV screen in edit
mode provided the user has the Maintain RTV privileges otherwise, the user will
have view mode capability.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with View RTVs privileges can see the data in the Overdue RTVs report
on dashboard.
 Only users with Maintain RTV privileges can Cancel RTVs from this report and
launch the RTV screen in Edit mode, else view mode.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Days Since Creation Number of days past the create date of RTV which results in
the RTV appearing in the report is configurable.
Stock Order Exception Count For tiles, users can configure the threshold number of RTVs
shown in the report past which the tile turns critical.

Stock Orders Pending Close

This report provides the Corporate Inventory Control Analyst visibility into stock orders
that are either:
 Passed their receipt date and have not been closed due to mismatches between the
shipped and received quantities or;
 Have been shipped and not yet received, despite being past their date of delivery.

74 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

The number of days beyond the expected receipt date after which the stock orders are
pulled into this report is configurable. The report provides quick link to access the
Shipment and Transfer Reconciliation screens.



The tile report shows the number of approved stock orders shown in the table. The color
of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green
– If none of the stock orders pending closure are more than a week past the
(Receipt date + Configurable Days since Receipt).
– If the number of stock orders pending closure (in the report) are less than the
threshold value specified in the Stock Order Exception Count configuration.
 Yellow
– If any of the stock orders pending closure are more than a week past the (Receipt
date + Configurable Days since Receipt).
– If the number of stock orders pending closure (in the report) is greater than or
equal to the threshold value specified in the Stock Order Exception Count
 Red
– If any of the stock orders pending closure are more than a week past the (Receipt
date + Configurable Days since Receipt).
– If the number of stock orders pending closure (in the report) is greater than or
equal to the threshold value specified in the Stock Order Exception Count


Column Description

Stock Order Transfer ID or Allocation ID depending on

whether the stock order is a transfer or
Type Transfer or Allocation

RMS Dashboard Reports 75

Inventory Control Dashboard

Column Description

From Location Type Type of the From Location i.e. Store or

From Location From Location ID

From Location Name Name of From Location.

To Location Type Type of the To Location i.e. Store or Warehouse.
To Location To Location ID
To Location Name Name of To Location.
Finisher Finisher ID, if applicable
Finisher Name Finisher’s name, if applicable.
Receipt Date Date of the Last Receipt associated with the
stock order
Multiple UOM Is checked if there are items with different
standard UOMs exist on the stock order.
% Received Receipt Qty*100/ Stock Order Qty.
Quantity to be Reconciled Difference between Shipped Quantity &
Received Quantity
Stock Order Quantity Rolled up based on Transfer Detail/ Allocation
Shipped Quantity Rolled up based on Transfer Detail/ Allocation
Received Quantity Rolled up based on Transfer Detail/ Allocation
Cancelled Quantity Rolled up based on Transfer Detail/ Allocation

 Clicking on the Stock Order hyperlink for transfers takes the user to the transfer in
Edit mode in RMS or opens up an allocation summary if the stock order corresponds
to an allocation.
 The View BOL Shipments option in the Action menu opens up the Shipments screen
and allows the user to access to shipments linked to the stock order. The action is
enabled only when a single row is selected in the table and the user accessing the
report has View or Maintain Shipments & Receipts privileges.
 The Reconcile Stock Order action launches the user into the Stock Order
Reconciliation screen and allows the user to manually reconcile mismatches between
the quantity shipped and the quantity received for the selected transfer or allocation.
It is displayed only to users who have the Maintain Shipments & Receipts Privileges.
Is enabled only when a single row is selected in the table.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

76 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

 If the user has the View Shipments and Receipts privileges, then the data in the Stock
Orders Pending Close report is visible in their dashboard. Also, only users with a
View or Maintain Shipments and Receipts privileges can access to the View BOL
Shipments option.
 Only users with Maintain Shipments & Receipts privileges can Reconcile Shipments.
 For users with Maintain Transfers privileges, Transfers screen opens in Edit mode
otherwise view mode.

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Days Past Receipt Number of days past the receipt date that the stock orders
should be considered for inclusion in this report.
Stock Order Exception Count For tiles, users can configure the threshold number of orders
shown in the report past which the tile turns critical.

Stock Counts Missing

This report provides visibility to stock count locations from which physical count reports
are pending/missing for both Unit and Unit & Value type counts. The number of days
after which a count is considered missing is based on the count date plus a configurable
number of Count Processing Days that is defined in system options.



The tile report shows the number of missing stock counts shown in the table. The color of
the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green
– If all the stock counts missing are within 7 days after the Missing Report Date
– If the number of stock count locations missing (in the report) is less than the
Stock Count Location Exception Count configuration.

Missing Report Date: Count date + Configurable Count Processing Days

RMS Dashboard Reports 77

Inventory Control Dashboard

 Yellow
– If any stock counts are missing for 7 days or more after the Missing Report Date
– If the number of stock count locations missing (in the report) is greater than the
Stock Count Location Exception Count configuration.
 Red
– If any stock counts are missing for 7 days or more after the Missing Report Date
– If the number of stock count locations’ missing (in the report) is greater than the
Stock Count Location Exception Count configuration.


Column Description

Stock Count Stock Count ID; hyperlinked to access the Stock

Count Request Screen in Edit/View mode
based on user privileges.
Stock Count Description Description of the stock count.
Location type Type of location missing its count results i.e.
Store or Warehouse.
Location ID of location that has missed reporting the
Location Name Name of location that has missed reporting the
Count Date Date of the count that is missing.

 The Edit/ View Stock Count Request Action label reads Edit Stock Count Request or
View Stock Count Request based on user privileges. This action is enabled only when
a single row is selected in the table. On exercising the action the Stock Count Request
Screen for the selected count is opened in View or Edit mode.
 The Delete Count Location action is displayed only to users who have the Maintain
Stock Count privileges. It is enabled when either single or multiple rows are selected
in the table. Exercising this action deletes the selected locations from the stock counts.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 The Stock Count Missing report is visible in the dashboard only if the user has the
View Stock Counts privileges.
 Only users with Maintain Stock Count privileges can edit the stock count request.
Only users with View Stock Count privileges can view the stock count request.
 Only users with a Maintain Stock Count privileges can delete count locations from an
existing Count.

78 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Count Processing Days Represents the number of days after the stock count date post
which the count should be reported as missing if no physical
count data is available.
Stock Count Location Exception Defines the number of locations missing above which the tile
Count should be accorded intermediate criticality.

Stock Count Unit Variance

This report provides visibility to open counts (both Unit & Unit & Value) with unit
variances identified during a stock count that are outside a tolerance. The tolerance level
is defined based on a configurable setting called the Variance percentage that is available
as part of the configurations.



The tile report shows the number of stock counts shown in the table. The color of the tile
changes based on the rules below:
 Green
– If all the stock counts locations with unresolved variances exceeding the
tolerance % are within 7 days after the respective Count Dates
– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is less than the Stock Count Location Exception Count configuration.
 Yellow

RMS Dashboard Reports 79

Inventory Control Dashboard

– If any stock count location with unresolved variances exceeding the tolerance %
is pending for 7 days or more than 7 days from the respective Count Date
– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is greater than the Stock Count Location Exception Count
 Red
– If any stock count location with unresolved variances exceeding the tolerance %
is pending for 7 days or more than 7 days from the respective Count Date
– If the number of stock count locations with variances above the tolerance % (in
the report) is greater than the Stock Count Location Exception Count


Column Description

Stock Count Stock Count ID

Stock Count Description Stock Count Description
Location ID of Location that reporting the variance
Location Name Name of Location that is reporting the variance
Location type Type of the Location i.e. Store or Warehouse

Count type Unit or Unit & Value

Total Variance % Sum of absolute of Over Variance % and Short
Variance % values
Count Date Date of the Count

Over variance % [Sum of (Count Quantity - Snapshot Quantity)

for all items where (Count Quantity > Snapshot
Quantity) x 100] divided by the Total Snapshot
Quantity of all Items included at the Count
Short Variance % Short variance= [Sum of (Count Quantity -
Snapshot Quantity) for all items where (Count
Quantity < Snapshot Quantity) x 100] divided
by the Total Snapshot Quantity of all Items
included at the Count Location.
Variance % graph Inline Bidirectional bar graph indicating over
variance and short variances. Clicking on the
graph displays a pop up with the following
 Stock Count Description
 Snapshot On Hand
 Count Quantity
 Snapshot In Transit

80 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard


Action Description

Accept Results This action allows the user to accept the count
results and processes the inventory updates in
the background. The action is displayed only to
users having a Maintain Stock Count Units
privilege and is enabled for both single and
multi-row selection.
Update Results This action is displayed only to users having a
Maintain Stock Count Units privilege when a
single stock count location is selected in the
table. It launches the user into the Stock Count
Results screen for the selected count, enabling
adjustments to be made to the count results
reported from the store or warehouse.
Edit / View Unit Variance and Adjustments The label reads Edit Unit Variance and
Adjustments or View Unit Variance and
Adjustments based on user privileges (Maintain
Stock Count Units privileges for edit and View
Stock Count Units privileges for view). It opens
up the Unit Variance and Adjustments Screen
for the selected stock count in view or edit

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with the View Stock Count Units privileges can view and access the Stock
Count Unit Variance tile & report on the dashboard.
 Only users with Maintain Stock Count Units privileges can accept count results.
 Only users with a Maintain Stock Count Units privileges can update count results
and access the Unit Variance and Adjustment screen in edit mode; otherwise, view

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Variance Percent Represents the threshold tolerance percentage

at a count-location level above which the count
location should be picked up for consideration
in the Stock Count Unit Variance report subject
to filter criteria. (IC_STK_COUNT_VAR_PCT)

RMS Dashboard Reports 81

Inventory Control Dashboard

Stock Count Location Exception Count Threshold number of locations with variances
greater than the tolerance % that is allowed
before flagging the tile with intermediate
criticality i.e. yellow.

Unexpected Inventory
This report provides visibility to items that were incidentally ranged to a location
through transaction processing, such as a customer return to a store. Additionally, it also
shows the ranged item-locations that have available inventory but are in a status other
than Active. As part of the configuration, the threshold inventory level above which the
item/location will appear in this report can be specified.



The tile report shows the count of item/locations that are present in the report. The color
of the tile changes based on the rules below:
 Green
– The count of locations with unexpected inventory is lower than the configurable
Item Location Warning Count.
 Yellow
– The count of locations with unexpected inventory is higher than the configurable
Item Location Warning Count
– The count of locations with unexpected inventory is lower than the configurable
Item Location Critical Count.
 Red
– The count of locations with unexpected inventory is higher than the configurable
Item Location Critical Count.


82 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

Column Description

Item The Item ID hyperlink allows the user to open the Item
Inventory by Location screen of RMS with the Item and
Location populated from the current record.
Item Description Item Description
Item Parent Item Parent ID, if applicable
Item Parent Description Item Parent Description, if applicable
Location Location ID that has unexpected inventory

Location Name Name of Location that is reporting the variance

Location Type Type of the Location i.e. Store or Warehouse
Status Item Location status
Ranged Shows if the item is intentionally ranged to the location
On Hand Stock on Hand for the item/location. In the case of pack
components for warehouse, pack component stock on hand
should also be added to the stock on hand value.
Reserved This is the RTV quantity that is approved but not shipped out
from the location + sum of outbound transfer and allocation
quantity + quantity that is reserved for customer orders. This
also includes any pack component inventory in these categories.
Non Sellable Non sellable item quantity for the item/location
Unexpected Inventory On Hand – Reserved
Department ID of the department to which the item belongs to
Department Name Department name
Class ID of the class to which the item belongs to
Class Name Class Name
Subclass ID of the subclass to which the item belongs to
Subclass Name Subclass Name


Action Description

Update Status This action allows users to update the status and the
‘Ranged’ indicator of item/locations for one or more in
the table. This opens a popup where these values can be
selected. All the validations that are considered in RMS
while changing the item/location status and ranged
indicator are considered here as well. This action/button
is displayed only to the users with Maintain Item
Location user privilege.

RMS Dashboard Reports 83

Inventory Control Dashboard

Action Description

View Item Inventory This action launches the Item Inventory by Location
screen of RMS with the item/location from the selected
record in the table. This action is displayed only for users
with the View Item Inventory and Sales privilege.
View Transaction Data This action launches the Transaction Data screen that
shows last 1 week transactions for the item/location from
the selected row of this report. The default date range for
this screen to show the result is From Date = vdate -7 and
To Date = vdate. Users can update the date range in the
transaction data screen once the screen is launched. This
action is displayed only for users with the View
Transaction Data privilege.
Create Transfer This action allows users to create transfer for one or more
selected records in the report as long as From Location is
same and is not an external finisher. This opens a Create
Transfer popup which lets the user to enter required
information. All the validations that are considered in
RMS while creating a transfer are considered here as
well. This action/button is displayed only to the users
with Maintain Transfer user privilege.
Create RTV This action allows users to create RTV for one or more
selected records in the report as long as From Location is
same and is not an external finisher. This opens a Create
Return to Vendor popup which lets the user to enter
required information. All the validations that are
considered in RMS while creating a RTV are considered
here as well. This action/button is displayed only to the
users with Maintain RTV user privilege.

 All dashboard-level filters are applicable to the report.

 Only users with the Unexpected Inventory privileges can view and access the
Unexpected Inventory tile & report on the dashboard.
 Only users with Maintain Transfer privilege can create transfer. Otherwise this action
is not displayed.
 Only users with Maintain RTV privilege can create RTV. Otherwise this action is not
 Only users with Maintain Item Location privilege can update status. Otherwise this
action/button is not displayed.
 Only users with the View Transaction Data privilege have View Transaction Data
action available; otherwise it is not displayed.
 Only users with the View Item Inventory and Sales privilege have View Item
Inventory action available (and have the item hyperlink available); otherwise it is

84 Oracle Retail Oracle Retail Merchandising System

Inventory Control Dashboard

The following values related to this report can be configured at the system level by
updating RMS_OI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table:

Value Description

Unit Tolerance Only the item/locations with inventory values

higher than this number of units (from zero) are
shown in this report. Exceptions to the system
defined value can also be defined by department
by updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table.
Item/Location Warning Count A configurable count of locations with
unexpected inventory. Higher number in the
report would result in related tile turning
intermediate critical (yellow) in the dashboard.
Exceptions to the system defined value can also
be defined by department by updating
Item/Location Critical Count A configurable count of locations with
unexpected inventory. Higher number in the
report would result in related tile turning critical
(red) in the dashboard. Exceptions to the system
defined value can also be defined by department
by updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table.
Include Deleted Item/Locations Indicates whether item/locations in deleted
status with a ranged indicator of Y should be
included in this report if they have inventory.
Exceptions to the system defined value can also
be defined by department by updating
Include Discontinued Item/Locations Indicates whether item/locations in
discontinued status with a ranged indicator of Y
should be included in this report if they have
inventory. Exceptions to the system defined
value can also be defined by department by
updating RMS_OI_DEPT_OPTIONS table.
Include Inactive Item/Locations Indicates whether item/locations in inactive
status with a ranged indicator of Y should be
included in this report if they have inventory.
Exceptions to the system defined value can also
be defined by department by updating

RMS Dashboard Reports 85

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