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Assessment :---Research Report

Due Date: 25-Jan-2020 09:00 pm

Length: 4000 words
Submission method options: Alternative submission method


Choose one of the questions from the list below:

Question One: Security and Privacy are the principals of society most at risk with the internet of things? Do you agree?

Question Two: The Internet of Things being the vehicle driving contemporary innovation and entrepreneurism. How will this idea disrupt business
and change the expectations of all stakeholders into the future?

For the question you select, you are to prepare a research report, outlining your response to the question using the litreture to strengthen your case.

In order to complete this task it is recommended that:

1. Analyse the Task (Milestone 1: Should be completed by end of Week 5 - this is a guide, submission is not required)

Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. Look at the literature and
start collecting at least 10 Journal Articles and/or Conference Papers.

For Analysis:

i) What is the purpose of this report?

ii) What is your position on the topic?
iii) What is the expected format of the report?
iv) Come up with a mind-map, outlining how you might address the question and demonstrate your position.

2. Do the Research: Literature Review (Milestone 2: Should be completed by the end of Week 8 - this is a guide, submission is not required)

This is the main part of the research project and could take more time.

i) Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to
access more articles and journals - Minimum of 10 journals or articles)
ii) Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
iii) Use the literature to formulate an argument supported by evidence.

3. Final Report (Milestone 3: Submission Due Week 11) NB if you ask for an extension, you will be required to submit the material for the above
milestones first.

Start writing your draft, as you do your research project (Put it all together)

i) Write the Abstract of the report (Purpose, Scope, Position, Observations, Rationale and Conclusion)
ii) Modify the Introduction from Milestone 1if necessary
iv) Modify the Review of Literature from Milestone 2 if required, based on past and current work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)
v) Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.
vi) Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.
vii) Referencing MUST be in CSU APA6 format, using in-text citations (see for
guidelines and help).

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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

 be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT).

 be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world.
 be able to investigate and propose various requirements of IoT for real world applications.
 be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT.
 be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.


This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s:

 Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Application) - Charles Sturt Graduates consider the context, purpose, and audience when gathering,
interpreting, constructing, and presenting information.
 Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed
through research and evidence.
 Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically
evaluate existing information and data.
 Information and Research Literacies (Application) - Charles Sturt Graduates synthesize and apply information and data to different
contexts to facilitate planning, problem solving and decision making.
 Ethics (Application) - Charles Sturt Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision making and reasoning to identify creative
solutions to ethical problems.
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Criteria HD DI CR PS

Abstract Comprehensive and Thorough and clear Moderate but clear Most of the parts of
precise description of description of the description of the Abstract included but
the Abstract Abstract Abstract some not clear
Introduction Thorough explanation Good explanation of the Moderate explanation of Superficial explanation
of the topics methodologies the methodologies of the methodologies
Literature Review Thorough and Good research of a Moderate research of a Superficial research of a
comprehensive minimum 10 journal and minimum of 10 journal minimum of 10 journal
research including a conference papers and conference papers and conference papers
minimum of 10 but not complete
journals and
conference papers
Methodologies Choice of the best Good methodology to Methodology to suit the Methodology to suit the
methodology to suit suit the problem problem problem but incomplete
the problem

Comparison of Methodologies Thorough Good comparisons of Some comparison of the Few comparisons of the
comparisons of the the background topic background topic with background topic with
background topic with with minimum 5 minimum 5 parameters few parameters
minimum 5 parameters
Problem Solution or Solution of the Solution of the problem Solution of the problem Solution of the problem
Recommendations or Findings problem explained explained well explained explained incompletely
Conclusion & Future Research Succinct conclusion of Succinct conclusion of Succinct conclusion of Vague conclusion of the
the report (no new the report (no new the report (no new report, and/or no
information), information), including information), including possible future research
including possible possible future research possible future research
future research
Referencing and Presentation All sections include Most sections include Enough Some sections include
the APA6 style the APA6 style sections include the the APA6 style
referencing with in- referencing with in-text APA6 style referencing referencing with in-text
text citations. Correct citations. Correct styles with in-text citations. citations missing. Poorly
styles and presentation and presentation Correct styles and followed the styles and
following appropriate following appropriate presentation following presentation provided in
guidelines. guidelines. appropriate guidelines. the guidelines.

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Your assessment should be a maximum of 4000 words (±10%) and submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the
formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one version). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple
copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student
ID, your name and word count as the first page with your submission. The word count does not include Tables, Figures or reference list. Your name
should also be included as a footer, with page numbers in your document.

All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment
requires the insertion of image based evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that deliberately attempt to
insert content of assessments in a format that is not readable by Turnitin may be subject to Academic Misconduct investigations.

References: You MUST use the CSU APA6 referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use
primary sources (ie Wikipedia is NOT acceptable, something you thought up yourself because you think you know better, is also unacceptable -
unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). Do not use direct quotes from sources, all your work must
be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.

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To complete this assessment item you should have read chapters 1 to 10 of the textbook and examined relevant literature from the Library and

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