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Software Requirements


Work Monitoring & Appraisal


Version 1.0

Prepared by: Nitoo Katyal

Edex Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Edex Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Software Requirements Specification for Work Monitoring and Appraisal System Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. ii
Revision History .................................................................................................................... ii
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose .......................................................................................................................1
1.2. Intended Audience ...............................................................................................3
1.3. Project Scope ...........................................................................................................3
2. Overall Description ........................................................................................................5
2.1. Product Perspective ............................................................................................5
2.2. Product Features ...................................................................................................5
2.3. User Classes and Characteristics .................................................................7
2.4. Operating Environment .....................................................................................7
2.5. User Documentation............................................................................................7
2.6. Assumptions and Dependencies ..................................................................7
3. System Features ............................................................................................................17
3.1. System Feature 1 ................................................................................................17
3.2. System Feature 2 ................................................................................................17
4. External Interface Requirements ........................................................................18
4.1. User Interfaces .....................................................................................................18
GUI Web Application Interface ......................................................................................................... 19
GUI Windows Application Interface ................................................................................................. 19
4.2. Hardware Interfaces .........................................................................................19
4.3. Software Interfaces...........................................................................................20
4.4. Communications Interfaces..........................................................................21
5. Security Requirements ..............................................................................................21
Appendix A: Glossary ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix B: Analysis Models ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dataflow Diagrams .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Block Diagram.................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activities of WMAS ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Flowchart of Work Monitoring System ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Flowchart of Appraisal System....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

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Software Requirements Specification for Work Monitoring and Appraisal System Page 1

1. Introduction

Adequate performance in an organization depends on the nature and size of the

organization, the level of employee skill and motivation, whether the consequences of
inadequate performance are critical, time and financial resources, management philosophy,
and other factors.

Competence is enough for an organization when competition and time urgency is low and
when customers have only basic expectations for performance. But organizations need
something beyond competence: proficiency or even mastery. When employees aren’t
sufficiently competent, consequences show up in limited business results.

Work Monitoring and Appraisal System is a concept adopted by organizations to measure

and manage their performance which include managing the processes, methodologies,
metrics and systems. The main idea of WMAS is to get every personnel in an organization
involved in meeting organizational goals and performance. This task is achieved by sharing
organizational vision and strategies among all levels of personnel so that everyone has a
common understanding of what they need to achieve.

1.1. Purpose

The primary reason for having a PA program is to monitor employees’ performance, motivate staff
and improve company morale. Monitoring employee performance requires routine documentation,
which is accomplished through completing a performance appraisal form. When employees are
aware that the company is mindful of their performance and that they could be rewarded with merit
increases and promotions, they are motivated to work harder. Morale is improved when employees
receive recognition or reward for their work

An effective PA program will assist the company in achieving its goals and objectives. Not only will
training needs be identified and addressed during a PA review, but hidden talent can be discovered
as well. Through identifying these training needs, staff can perform their jobs at the highest level
and be in a better position to address clients’, members’ and customers’ concerns and questions. A
well-developed staff is more likely to be proactive, productive and resourceful, all of which helps
give the company a competitive edge, from improved customer relations to increased profits.

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The work planning and performance review processes aim to:

 Align the employee’s work activities to meet the strategic goals of the work group.
 Promote staff involvement in and commitment to work area planning.
 Enhance work quality, effectiveness and efficiency.
 Foster open communication and cohesive vertical relationships.
 Clarify expectations in relation to individual performance.
 Incorporate a systematic process of staff development.
 Provide constructive feedback on performance.
 Increase job satisfaction through achievement, recognition and equity.
 Engender professionalism in the management of human resources.

1.2 Document Conventions

Establishing performance standards and communicating these standards to employees may prevent
any misunderstanding of expectations down the road. They should be clearly defined and focused on
results. Some companies may use such standards as quality, quantity, timeliness and return on
investment (cost efficiency). Performance competencies, such as knowledge, skills, and abilities,
may also be included on the appraisal as well as some behaviors, such as teamwork and flexibility.
The standards should be in writing, clearly defined to the employee and consistently applied across
the company.

When you have decided the reasons for introducing an employee evaluation, there are a few things
that you have to consider before you start. Firstly, you should create a list of questions and issues
that will be discussed and recorded relevant to determining a successful evaluation.

Your next task is to make an evaluation sheet so that results can be recorded. Some businesses use
grading forms that are basically just tick boxes to indicate their level of ability. Although this
method is acceptable, it gives little room for comments and feed-back and some employees may be
ranked higher or lower than they deserve.

For a system that you and the employee will benefit more from, you should create a form where
comments can be recorded and analyzed to give a more in-depth evaluation.

This should include the following and is just a basic structure that you may add to if you feel

1 .A section for ‘personal details’ to be stated including the date and the time period that the
evaluation is based on (i.e. the last 6 months, but state the dates)

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2. A number of sections, that will be determined by your reasons for appraisal, so that
information can be recorded (e.g. ‘job description’, ’strengths’, ‘areas that may need training’,

3. If you are rating the performance of employees, you should create a rating system (1-10 or
poor to excellent, etc) but include supportive comments

4. A section for ‘future plans of action’ which will record suggested areas for improvement or
tasks to be completed in order to achieve their set goals

5. Although employees will have had some input on the evaluation, you may decide to include
a section for ‘Employees comments’

6. Finally, a space for signatures so that the employee can acknowledge that they have seen or
received a copy of the appraisal evaluation form

1.3 Intended Audience And READING Suggestion

There are two groups of users:

 One the common employee who will be get assign for the work by his Supervisior
or get request from the his subordinate.
 Other is Director who will monitor all the work performance of the all employee
including supervisior and in case of disputes his decision will be last.

1.4 Project Scope

. Performance appraisals and compensation are the primary strategic HR practices that firms can use
to reinforce employees' behaviors and induce them to comply with organizational goals .In terms of
performance appraisal, if firms want to elicit desired behaviors from employees, they must provide
feedback and incentives that reinforce the desired behaviors ,Employees are unlikely to do
knowledge management activities, especially sharing of knowledge, as the divergent objectives set
out for them in their performance agreements. Accordingly, if firms set up the unified appraisal
criteria to link employees' performance with their involvements in sharing and applying knowledge
in the work, it would motivate employees to work on knowledge management activities. Moreover,
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the compensation should reward creativity, risk-taking attitude, and problem-solving ability in order
to promote knowledge diffusion and sharing. Individuals may put more efforts into knowledge
management activities if compensation systems reward the contribution to acquisition and exchange
of knowledge. According to the above reasoning, strategic HR practices are helpful to motivate
employees' willingness to acquire, share, and apply knowledge within organizations.
 Benefits:

Managing employee or system performance facilitates the effective delivery of strategic and
operational goals. There is a clear and immediate correlation between using performance
management programs or software and improved business and organizational results.

For employee performance management, using integrated software, rather than a spreadsheet based
recording system, may deliver a significant return on investment through a range of direct and
indirect sales benefits, operational efficiency benefits and by unlocking the latent potential in every
employees work day (i.e. the time they spend not actually doing their job). Benefits may include:

Direct financial gain

 Grow sales

 Reduce costs in the organization

 Stop project overruns

 Aligns the organization directly behind the CEO's goals

 Decreases the time it takes to create strategic or operational changes by communicating the
changes through a new set of goals

Motivated workforce

 Optimizes incentive plans to specific goals for over achievement, not just business as usual

 Improves employee engagement because everyone understands how they are directly
contributing to the organisations high level goals

 Create transparency in achievement of goals

 High confidence in bonus payment process

 Professional development programs are better aligned directly to achieving business level

Improved management control

 Flexible, responsive to management needs

 Displays data relationships

 Helps audit / comply with legislative requirements

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 Simplifies communication of strategic goals scenario planning

 Provides well documented and communicated process documentation


 simple to implement easy to manage and don't need stacks of administration

 quick, effective and makes a difference.

 ready to go with all of the templates and procedures

 clearly explained in simple English

 full of short, quick and easy tips to get the best out of performance reviews -
not pages of useless "waffle.

Work Monitoring and Appraisal System is a web application which will be developed for the
purpose of monitoring staff performance of an Organization. Key Performance Indicator is a
method adopted by WMAS to measure the performance of the organization and its staff.
With the successful implementation of WMAS, productivity can easily be increased because
when an employee will get the proper positive response of his / her work and will be
appreciated for the job made by him then surely this will inspire the employees of company
to work hard and within time.

2. Overall Description

2.1. Product Perspective

The proposed system is designed in perspective of Work control system to overcome the
lieu pools and enhance the module to include the Appraisal system on the basis of work
performance monitored.

2.2. Product Features

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 Automated work status monitoring

 Automated Key Performance Point Evaluation
 Increased communication between staff members.
 Increase performance and responsibility of staff members by motivation and
appraisal fairly and openly.
 Better overall Goal achievement by collaborative achievement of personnel goals of
staff members leads to better output.
 Every quarter and yearly performance evaluation.
 Level of hierarchy maintained between employees ultimately leads to work

2.2 Product feature
Features of Performance Management System

 Setting SMART Goals for Employees: Goal Setting Software provides leaders, managers
and employees with web-based tools to set SMART goals and track progress on frequent
intervals. Click to know more about EmpXtrack Goal Setting Software.

 Evaluate Employee Performance: Employee Appraisal Software ensures objective and

accurate evaluation of your employees performance and helps you find the strengths and
weaknesses of the employees. Click here to know more about EmpXtrack Employee
Appraisal software.

 Coach and Train Employees to improve their performance: To continually improve

performance of your organization you need to continuously training employees to update
their skills and competencies. Training Management Software allows you to manage
employee training effectively. Click here to know more about EmpXtrack Employee
Training Management Software.

 Define competitive employee compensation plans: Employee compensation plan helps

you to remain competitive in your business and attract and retain talented employee. Click to
know more about EmpXtrack Compensation Planning Software.

 Promote right employees to critical positions: Organizations success by placing right

employee in right positions. EmpXtrack Succession Planning Software helps you to identify
critical positions in your organization and recommend right employee to fill these positions.
Click to know more about EmpXtrack Succession Planning Software.

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2.3. User Classes and Characteristics

There are two groups of users:

One the common employee who will be get assign for the work by his upper level employee
or get request from the his subordinate.
Other is supervisior who will monitor all the work performance of the all employee and in
case of disputes his decision will be last.
Third and most important user will be Director who will decides all the policies and initial
settings for the system.

2.4. Operating Environment

It’s a GUI application and needs windows operating environment. Other software and
hardware requirements are mention below under External Interface requirements heading.

2.5. User Documentation

Online help or static Help will be provided to assists User in hassle free transaction delivery.
The Help will be provided like link based Tree structure.

2.6. Assumptions and Dependencies

WMAS is correlated to HRM module of ERP Solution in Web Based Application and to
BioScan system in case of Windows base Application. The co relation leads to Attendance
block and Salary increment.

A hierarchy of level of employees should be maintained in the company. A particular level

for every employee should be defined in the company.

Heads of Department/Units develop annual Action Plan. These plans provide the basis for
annual Action work plans at the Departments/Units level, which in turn help establish the

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goals and priorities for sections or work units, and subsequently provide direction for
individual work plans.

3. (3.1)System Features

Performance Appraisal Rating Factors

The following are samples of rating factors and example standards taken from a variety of sources.
Some may overlap, and some may need to be expanded to include more descriptive and/or
numerical measures. Please feel free to combine or modify them to fit your needs by cutting and
1. Adaptability
Efficiency with which employee works under stress and responds to change.

 Receptive to change/new ideas

 Shows poise and/or courtesy in tough situations

 Demonstrates ability to modify behavioral style and approach to goal

2. Assertiveness/Motivation
Degree to which the employee pursues goals with commitment and takes pride in

 Takes initiative eagerly

 Demonstrates orientation to achieve results

 Behavior reflects a desire to excel on the job

 Works steadily and actively

 Demonstrates self-confidence and positive attitude towards self and others

3. Attendance
The extent to which the employee can be depended upon to be available for work and to
fulfill position responsibilities.

 Reports to work on time

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 Communicates schedule changes promptly to supervisor

 Maintains regular attendance

4. Communication
The extent to which the employee effectively listens, conveys and receives ideas, information
and direction.

 Seeks to clarify and confirm the accuracy of their understanding of unfamiliar or

vague terms and instructions

 Makes oral and written communication clear and easy to understand

 Assesses and takes steps to improve ability to communicate (written and verbal) so
ideas and consultations are conveyed with precision and efficiency

5. Creativity
Extent to which employee generates workable and innovative ideas, concepts and

 Attempts to simplify and/or improve procedures and techniques

 Initiates new and creative ideas or procedures to enhance the department or


 Looks for new solutions to old problems

6. Customer Focus
The degree to which the employee takes the initiative to meet internal and external customer
needs in a timely and courteous manner.

 Examines customer requests to properly identify and resolve customer concerns

 Supports customer service efforts through program design, implementation, recovery

and follow-up

7. Customer Service
The degree to which the employee represents the university community in a positive,
professional manner.

 Serves customers in a manner that increases their confidence and knowledge to

resolve their own problems

 Acknowledges shortcomings when appropriate

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 Reaffirms commitment to professional service

 Uses a "Socratic" style of assistance - asking probing questions that elicit the facts
and help the customer through some of the decision-making process

 Uses customer contacts as opportunities for education to increase customer


 Responds to customer requests on contact date or within 24 hours

 Advises in a manner consistent with the complexity and nature of the customer's

8. Dependability/Initiative
The extent to which an employee effectively and enthusiastically accomplishes assignments
with minimal supervision.

 Independently contributes ideas and projects

 Adapts to change

 Follows-through on work assignments

 Demonstrates eagerness and positivism

 Shares ideas and suggestions

 Takes on new responsibilities

 Willing to assist co-workers

9. Job Knowledge
The demonstration of technical, administrative, managerial, supervisory, or other
specialized knowledge required to perform the job. Consider the degree of job knowledge
relative to length of time in the current position.

 Able to answer difficult questions

 Effectively learns new skills

 Maintains up-to-date job related information

10. Judgment
Ability to analyze problems or procedures, evaluate alternatives, and select best course of

 Uses of logic and common sense in decision making

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 Makes appropriate and consistent decisions

 Obtains and evaluates pertinent information to determine source of and alternative

solutions to problems

11. Initiative
The degree to which the employee independently performs and accomplishes assignments.

 Requires minimal supervision

 Sees and acts upon opportunities

 Independently contributes ideas and projects

 Promptly undertakes problems and devises solutions

 Acts independently within established guidelines

12. Interpersonal Relations

The degree to which the employee shows understanding and sensitivity to needs and
problems of others.

 Actions are intended to calm, diffuse, and be helpful

 Interacts positively with a variety of people in different situations

 Accepts and acknowledges suggestions from others

 Works cooperatively and effectively with others to achieve unit goals

13. Management Skills

Extent to which employee demonstrates effective management abilities and overall results.

 Effectively sets goals and establishes priorities

 Improves work methods

 Achieves expected results

 Plans and administers budgeted funds

 Implements cost-saving procedures, expense control, etc.

14. Planning & Organizing

The extent to which the employee plans, organizes and implements tasks or programs.

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 Demonstrates effective use of time and facilities subject to their control

 Meets deadlines

 Maintains a clear grasp of daily tasks

 Prioritizes duties in a manner consistent with organizational objectives

 Effectively manages tasks or program assignments including follow-through and


15. Problem Solving & Decision Making

Degree to which employee demonstrates ability to clearly isolate, define and seek solutions
to problem areas.

 Effectively identifies & evaluates alternative solutions

 Makes decisions consistent with skills and experience

 Recognizes decisions that have to be deferred until all pertinent facts are gathered
and analyzed

 Flexible in modifying decisions

16. Productivity
Degree to which the employee produces the expected quality and quantity of assignments.

 Attains conclusive measurable results

 Maintains control and work pace

 Completes assignments on time and to specifications

17. Quality of Work

The ability to set high standards for own personal performance; strive for quality work; put
forth extra effort to ensure quality work.

 Develops and implements new solutions, procedures and concepts

 Demonstrates accuracy, thoroughness, and reliability

 Shows organization and completeness

 Pays attention to detail

 Consistently delivers what is required when required

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18. Quantity of Work

The volume of work produced by the employee, along with his or her speed, accuracy and
consistency of output.

 Accomplishes assigned work in an organized, timely manner

 Produces necessary results in spite of unforeseen changes

 Alerts appropriate team member if deadlines need to be re-negotiated to accomplish

work with higher priority

19. Resourcefulness
Consider the degree to which employee is a source of supply and support to the department,
customers, and/or the organization as a whole.

 Masters difficult situations in a timely and effective manner

 Answers questions and deals with problems effectively and thoroughly

20. Responsibility
The degree to which the employee demonstrates dependability in work performance.

 Completes work in a timely, capable and reliable manner

 Adheres to instructions

 Maintains regular attendance

21. Safety
Degree to which employee adheres to safety and health regulations.

 Maintains and observes safety and health standards

 Notifies others when violating safety and health regulations

22. Stress Tolerance

Degree to which employee's performance demonstrates stability under time and/or
interpersonal pressure and opposition.

 Demonstrates composure and good judgment in stressful situations

 Maintains appropriate response and outcomes during encounters and/or periods of

high levels of pressure

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23. Time Management

The ability to adhere to one's responsibilities in a timely manner.

 Meets deadlines

 Manages multiple tasks with accuracy and efficiency

24. Work Habits

The manner in which an employee conducts his or herself in the working environment.

 Displays professionalism

 Demonstrates effective time management skills

 Shows positive attitude

 Maintains regular attendance

 Meets productivity standards


1. Consensus Building
The extent to which the employee builds and maintains work relationships and contacts
needed to effectively address problems and opportunities associated with their position.

 Actively resolves workplace conflicts

 Willingly undertakes assigned projects

 Supports organizational goals and endeavors

2. Teamwork
The degree to which the employee works well in a team setting.

 Interacts and exchanges idea

 Observes the abilities and ideas of fellow team members

 Works fairly and attempts to share an equal work-load with others

3. Working with Others/Cooperation

Extent to which employee works cooperatively with customers, co-workers and the public.

 Gains confidence and trust of others

 Recognizes strengths and limitations of self and others

 Exhibits appropriate sensitivity to others' feelings

 Focuses on performance rather than personality in relating to others

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1. Cost Effectiveness
Extent to which employee seeks best use of materials, equipment, and staff to maximize
efficiency and effectiveness.

 Uses effective materials to enhance department and/or job performance

 Establishes budget and/or functions within the budget

2. Delegation & Supervisory Skills

The extent to which the employee shows the ability to effectively authorize work and
supervise subordinates.

 Clearly defines responsibilities and authority limits of subordinates

 Makes effective assignments to subordinates based upon demonstrated skills and


 Motivates employees to think and work independently

 Recognizes individual capabilities and assigns work accordingly

 Counsels employees in both positive and negative circumstances

 Appraises performance and individual contributions

3. Development of Subordinates
Consider the employee's ability to effectively evaluate skills, knowledge, aptitudes, interests
and developmental needs bearing on individual and group work performance.

 Develops and implements or assures appropriate training or development plans and


 Provides appropriate support for employee to reach his/her potential and goals

4. Leadership
Consider the employee's ability to direct the operations, activity and performance of others.

 Gives direction without conflict

 Creates environment that guides employees to accomplish unit and individual goals

5. Performance Appraisals
Degree to which employee prepares thorough and objective annual appraisals.

 Provides informal performance feedback on a regular basis

 Acknowledges good performance and discusses performance problems

 Prepares precise written annual evaluations

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6. Staff Development
Degree to which employee provides opportunities to challenge subordinate's capabilities
and develops the knowledge and skills necessary for career development.

 Identifies training programs to improve subordinate's performance

 Defines and communicates standards of performance and assists employees in

achieving these standards

 Encourages and supports staff participation in job related activities

7. Supervising Staff Relations

Consider the extent to which the employee effectively oversees and facilitates staff.

 Shows fairness and impartiality in interactions

 Demonstrates interest in employee welfare

 Elicits staff input where feasible

 Responds to staff suggestions and complaints in a serious, sensitive, and timely


 Facilitates staff adaptability

 Is knowledgeable about and in compliance with the University's Equal Opportunity

and Affirmative Action policies and plans

 Anticipates staff problems and takes preventive measures

 Resolves disputes among employees

 Handles corrective discipline and employee grievances

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3. System Features

3.1. System Feature 1

Work can be assigned by a higher level employee to a lower level employee only. Lower
level employee can request to the higher level employee or same level employee for the
work but he should not have the rights to assign the work to higher level employee or same
level employee.

Employee can request for extra time if he has genuine reasons. If assigner refuses his
request due to any reason then he can approach to the higher level also. Higher level
person can ask the reason for not giving the extra time to that employee. If the reason is
not appropriate from the higher level person’s point of view then he can assign the same
work to that assignee with average time duration.

If the assigner completes the task in the same given duration then the points of employee
will be deducted according to the extra days he requested to the assigner for the same

In the case of sanctioned leave, if employee is on leave then duration of assign task is
automatically extended including leave duration. In the case of non sanctioned leave, if
employee is on leave then duration of assign task is will not be extended including leave

3.2. System Feature 2

Key Performance Point is a method adopted by WMAS to measure the performance of the
organization and its staff. An Administrator manages all the KPPs. Each KPP is used to
measure the performance of particular job position, and the person holding that position is
known as the KPP Owner. The KPP Owner is the party responsible for the realization of a
particular KPP, as well the updates on the progress of each KPP.

There are two types of evaluations for a KPP Owner: Business Plan (BP) and Score Card

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BP is an annual plan for each department and consists of Strategy, Initiative and KPP.
Strategies are systematic action plans; initiatives are work that needs to be executed to
fulfill a strategy while KPPs show what needs to be achieved.

The second evaluation is the SC. This is where the performance of a KPP Owner is
quantitatively captured. The KPP is measured every time the KPP progress is updated. The
achievement is determined based on the difference between the actual performance and
the planned target.

Every quarter(based on company Settings) the KPPs are updated and measured by first
comparing between the annual plan with the annual projection; then comparing the current
quarter achievement against the achievement for the same quarter in the previous year;
and lastly comparing the current achievement up to the current quarter against the annual

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1. User Interfaces

Perfode's performance appraisal software is made up of other components and services
like, Web Services, Email engine, Task generator engine, Reminder Engine and Security
engine to perform variety of tasks and constantly monitor the health of the system.

 Support for multiple reporting levels: Our employee appraisal software involves multiple
managers (and reviewers) to rate,review and provide feedback on an employees appraisal
while final decision may rest with HR or a senior manager.

 Supports multiple workflows: EmpXtrack employee appraisal supports multiple

workflows, allowing many variants of appraisal for different employee grades and job roles .
This ensures that the appraisal process matches the culture and diversity of your

 Ready-to-use Appraisal Templates: Multiple pre-configured templates allow you to start

your appraisal process within a few days of your decision to implement EmpXtrack
Employee Appraisal. We provide templates for Competency and Skill Rating, Goals,
Engagement, Promotion recommendations, Salary increments, Self Appraisal, Manager
feedback, Final Score Capture, Succession Planning, Development Planning, Final Score
calculations, 360 Degree Feedback and many others.

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 On-demand customization of Employee Appraisal: We can also customize the appraisal

templates to meet your specific requirements. Thus, allowing you to design an appraisal
process that contains competencies, skills, performance metrics, rating patterns and final
reporting specific to your organization.

 Automatic E-mail Reminders:EmpXtrack Appraisal Software has an email reminder

mechanism to prompt employees and managers ...more to take actions on appraisals as and
when required, ensuring on-time completion of employee performance appraisals.

 Single-click and on-demand reports: We have multiple pre-configured reports based on

employee appraisal data that assist you in knowing the performance of your employees at all
levels. We can also generate customized reports to meet your specific requirements.

 Customized Transparency Levels: Our workflows allow you to hide or show employee
appraisal data (to manager or employee) as required. Only authorized persons can access
sensitive employee appraisal data, ensuring security and confidentiality of information.
User Friendly Interface: EmpXtrack is designed following the guidelines of web-usability. It
contains instant online help, generic buttons, drop-down options and self-explanatory hyperlinks.
With our online help, it requires minimum training efforts for employees to start using the system.

GUI Web Application Interface

GUI Windows Application Interface

4.2. Hardware Interfaces

 Networks:
 Internet, which is the global network used for
communication among employees, users, and the
 Local Area Network, which is the GPMC-internal
local area network used for communication among
employees and the GPM.
 Leased Phone Line, a dedicated telephone line
connecting the GPM to the authorization processor
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System with P4 Technology


And other Features like internet in case of Web Application.

4.3. Software Interfaces

 1) Application server software shall be written in Java.

 SYSDC-HLL-2) Employee client software shall be written in Java.
 SYSDC-HLL-3) User client software shall be written in DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript webpages.
 SYSDC-HLL-4) Where practical, data shall be defined and documented using XML.
 Business Logic and Data Encapsulation
This layer consists of components which interfaces with the User Interface layer and the services to
provide support and embed the business logic.

Data Layer
Our employee appraisal software uses SQL Server 2005 database. SQL Server offers us the
flexibility and scalability necessary to handle huge jobs without performance restrictions. This
means a secure, stable database that protects client data integrity better than other

Windows 2000 Server


SQL Server 2000

Java Script



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4.4. Communications Interfaces

Communication between Staff is necessary in this system so communication tool s are
requires including e-mail, web browser, network server communications protocols, and so

5. Security Requirements
Only the authorized person will be able to access this system. Person will be able to see
only his data. Only Admin is authorized to see other employees data on the basis of
settings in security system of HRM.

2.2 product feaures

SuccessFactors Performance Reviews

Whether you are a Human Resource professional, a manager or an employee; chances are you aren't thrilled
with your current performance review process. They are rarely easy or effective and they take up your
precious time for little result.

With SuccessFactors, the performance review process is streamlined and impactful. It becomes simple for
managers to agree upon goals and skills with the employee and then deliver constructive feedback on their
progress. With clearly outlined goals, the process benefits BOTH the individual and the organization.

Stumped on where to start on writing a review? SuccessFactors contains a writing assistant which will helps
managers overcome writers block. Plus, with our SMART goal wizard you can be assured goals are
achievable and aligned up and down the company. A true means to pay for performance.


You’ve invested your time, your money, and all your energy into building your company. But no company can
function for very long without a team of productive employees supporting it. It’s important not only that your
employees feel appreciated, but also that they feel they're progressing steadily in their careers.
One of the best ways to ensure this level of job satisfaction is by holding employee performance reviews at
least once a year. However, as essential as these reviews can be for the growth of the company and the well-
being of its employees, many small business owners remain uncomfortable with the entire process.

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To make your performance reviews as productive and as painless as possible, follow these 10 tried-and-true
1. Be prepared. First of all, make sure you are fully prepared before sitting down with the employee.
Decide both what you're going to say and how you're going to say it.
2. Lead with the positive. It’s important to reaffirm the employee’s strengths at the beginning of the
review. Since job security is the number one concern of most people, the performance review is a good
time to tell an employee how much you value their contributions to your business.
3. Don’t be confrontational. It’s also important not to criticize the employee in general terms. The
goal is to evaluate job performance and not the person. A performance review that turns into a gripe
session misses the opportunity to raise employee morale.
4. Keep it real. Human resource professionals recommend that you avoid detailed reviews that are too
complicated and mechanistic, which can leave the employee feeling like a drone rather than a human
5. Be consistent. Make sure to handle performance reviews in a consistent manner. Top performers
should hear affirmations from you regarding their exemplary efforts; weak performers need to hear that
their performance requires improvement. A simple approach to review criteria is to evaluate work based
on quantity and quality relative to the job requirements. Secondary considerations might be employee
attitude, willingness to help other personnel with their work when appropriate, and the ability to get along
with others.
6. Make it a two-way conversation. An effective performance review requires an interactive
discussion with an open agenda. Try to formulate questions that seek the employee’s ideas and input.
Remember, this will help the employee feel you value his or her opinions. The review should also be a
forum for employees to voice their concerns.
7. Address what’s important to the employee. Since job satisfaction is the most important factor
affecting an employee’s attitude (and therefore his or her level of performance and value to your
company), an effective review should delve into areas that include issues most important to that
8. Discuss work/life balance. The performance review is a good opportunity to show your concern for
the employee’s work/life balance, and to jointly discuss solutions to improve that balance. It’s also a good
time to create a plan for the employee’s career advancement and discuss what future opportunities
might exist for him or her.
9. Be a good listener. Remember to be an active listener and to pick up on your employee’s verbal
and nonverbal cues.
10. Review regularly. Reviews should be done proactively with the purpose of improving employee
morale and productivity. When you conduct them on a regular basis, you avoid reviews prompted solely
by the need to document an employee’s poor performance. This in turn can imply that the information is
being collected as evidence to avoid litigation, should the employee ever be terminated.
The sign of a successful performance review is an employee who leaves the meeting feeling motivated and
excited about his or her job. If the employee’s job satisfaction needs are unmet, it’s less likely they will be
motivated to focus on your goals for the company. But if an employee feels acknowledged, appreciated, and

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fairly rewarded for past efforts, he or she will indeed become a valuable asset to the future success of your

5.1 perfomance Requirement

 To judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance.

 To help the management in exercising organizational control.

 To diagnose the training and development needs of the future.

 Provide information to assist in the HR decisions like promotions, transfers etc.

 Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the functions to be performed by

the employees.

 To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource functions of the organization such as
recruitment, selection, training and development.

 To reduce the grievances of the employees.

Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior – subordinates and
management – employees
Guidelines to Conduct Employee Performance Appraisals
© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.
Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision.

Yearly performance reviews are critical. Organization's are hard pressed to find good reasons
why they can't dedicate an hour-long meeting once a year to ensure the mutual needs of the
employee and organization are being met. Performance reviews help supervisors feel more
honest in their relationships with their subordinates and feel better about themselves in their
supervisoral roles. Subordinates are assured clear understanding of what's expected from
them, their own personal strengths and areas for development and a solid sense of their
relationship with their supervisor. Avoiding performance issues ultimately decreases morale,
decreases credibility of management, decreases the organization's overall effectiveness and
wastes more of management's time to do what isn't being done properly. Conduct the following

1. Design a legally valid performance review process

Patricia King, in her book, Performance Planning and Appraisal, states that the law requires
that performance appraisals be: job-related and valid; based on a thorough analysis of the job;
standardized for all employees; not biased against any race, color, sex, religion, or nationality;
and performed by people who have adequate knowledge of the person or job. Be sure to build
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in the process, a route for recourse if an employee feels he or she has been dealt with unfairly
in an appraisal process, e.g., that the employee can go to his or her supervisor's supervisor.
The process should be clearly described in a personnel policy.

2. Design a standard form for performance appraisals

Include the name of the employee, date the performance form was completed, dates specifying
the time interval over which the employee is being evaluated, performance dimensions (include
responsibilities from the job description, any assigned goals from the strategic plan, along with
needed skills, such as communications, administration, etc.), a rating system (e.g., poor,
average, good, excellent), space for commentary for each dimension, a final section for overall
commentary, a final section for action plans to address improvements, and lines for signatures
of the supervisor and employee. Signatures may either specify that the employee accepts the
appraisal or has seen it, depending on wording on the form.

3. Schedule the first performance review for six months after the
employee starts employment

Schedule another six months later, and then every year on the employee's anniversary date.

4. Initiate the performance review process and upcoming meeting

Tell the employee that you're initiating a scheduled performance review. Remind them of
what's involved in the process. Schedule a meeting about two weeks out.

5. Have the employee suggest any updates to the job description and
provide written input to the appraisal

Have them record their input concurrent to the your recording theirs. Have them record their
input on their own sheets (their feedback will be combined on the official form later on in the
process). You and the employee can exchange each of your written feedback in the upcoming
review meeting. (Note that by now, employees should have received the job descriptions and
goals well in advance of the review, i.e., a year before. The employee should also be familiar
with the performance appraisal procedure and form.)

6. Document your input -- reference the job description and performance


Be sure you are familiar with the job requirements and have sufficient contact with the
employee to be making valid judgments. Don't comment on the employee's race, sex, religion,
nationality, or a handicap or veteran status. Record major accomplishments, exhibited
strengths and weaknesses according to the dimensions on the appraisal form, and suggest
actions and training or development to improve performance. Use examples of behaviors
wherever you can in the appraisal to help avoid counting on hearsay. Always address
behaviors, not characteristics of personalities. The best way to follow this guideline is to

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consider what you saw with your eyes. Be sure to address only the behaviors of that employee,
rather than behaviors of other employees.

7. Hold the performance appraisal meeting

State the meeting's goals of exchanging feedback and coming to action plans, where
necessary. In the meeting, let the employee speak first and give their input. Respond with your
own input. Then discuss areas where you disagree. Attempt to avoid defensiveness; admitting
how you feel at the present time, helps a great deal. Discuss behaviors, not personalities.
Avoid final terms such as "always," "never," etc. Encourage participation and be supportive.
Come to terms on actions, where possible. Try to end the meeting on a positive note.

8. Update and finalize the performance appraisal form

Add agreed-to commentary on to the form. Note that if the employee wants to add attach
written input to the final form, he or she should be able to do so. The supervisor signs the form
and asks the employee to sign it. The form and its action plans are reviewed every few months,
usually during one-on-one meetings with the employee.

9. Nothing should be surprising to the employee during the appraisal


Any performance issues should have been addressed as soon as those issues occurred. So
nothing should be a surprise to the employee later on in the actual performance appraisal
meeting. Surprises will appear to the employee as if the supervisor has not been doing his/her
job and/or that the supervisor is not being fair. It is OK to mention the issues in the meeting,
but the employee should have heard about them before.

5.2 Safety Requirement

Keep the right staff records
The staff records you must and should keep
There are certain staff records that you must gather and retain.

There are other records you should keep as a matter of good practice - and having such records can even
benefit your business.

Staff records you must keep

You must keep staff-related records on:

 pay rates - to meet the statutory requirement to issue workers with pay statements and to ensure you
are paying your workers at least the national minimum wage

 payroll - ie on income tax and National Insurance deductions - for HM Revenue & Customs

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 sickness of more than four days and how much statutory sick pay you have paid

 accidents, injuries and dangerous occurrences - to meet health and safety requirements

You must also keep records to ensure that weekly working time and night work limits (under the Working Time
Regulations) are complied with in your business. It's up to you to determine what records you need to keep for
these purposes, but you may be able to use existing records maintained for other purposes, such as pay.

You don't have to keep a running total of how much time workers work on average each week, and you need
only make occasional checks of workers who work standard hours and who are unlikely to reach the average
48-hour limit. However you should monitor the hours of workers who appear to be close to the working time
limit and make sure they don't work too many hours unless they have agreed to work longer.

You do need to keep an up-to-date record of workers who have agreed to work more than 48 hours a week, but
you don't need to record how many hours they actually worked.

Staff records you should keep

It's good practice to keep records of each worker's:

 training and appraisals

 employment history - date employment began, promotions, job title(s)

 absence - records of lateness, sickness, and any other authorised or unauthorised absences

 personal details - name, address, emergency phone number(s), qualifications, work-relevant disability

 terms and conditions of employment - including a copy of each employee's written statement and
correspondence relating to any changes to their terms and conditions

More generally, you should keep written records - eg minutes - of:

 meetings with workplace representatives

 any disciplinary action you have ever taken, in particular disciplinary hearings

 individual and collective redundancy consultation meetings and agreements

 negotiations relating to information and consultation agreements

How keeping staff records can benefit your business

Keeping staff records beyond those required by law may help you:

 match staff resources with production or service requirements

 avoid or defend employment tribunal claims if a dispute with a worker arises

 assess the performance and productivity of individual workers or teams

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 ensure that you are treating job applicants and workers consistently and fairly

 make decisions in relation to staffing levels, eg on recruitment and redundancy

The level of detail in staff records

Under data protection legislation, any personal information you keep on your staff should be adequate, relevant
and not excessive. Inadequate records can lead to problems when dealing with absence levels, staff turnover,
sickness, lateness and discipline.

5.4 software quality aatributes

Crafted by professionals Easily make changes

Cognology makes performance appraisals easy. Crafted You don't need expensive in-house software

by talented HR professionals with over 10 years R&D and programmers to make changes. Likewise, you won't be

client feedback. You get all the features you need and slowed down by costly development teams or your IT

then some. Remove the barriers that make traditional department.

appraisals difficult for your employees and managers. Cognology makes this just so easy to do. Even if you have

departments with entirely different processes - you'll know

Satisfy the needs of your CEO and division heads with a you can tailor the software to suit their needs - quickly and

wealth of information waiting to be tapped into. And all so easily.

with minimal administration and the flexibility of doing

things your way.

Your hardest working employee

Cognology works through the night for you - talking to

Build a successful organization
your HR System - checking and updating employee records
Get everyone in your organization aligned to - managing workflow.
your strategic plan and moving in the one

direction. Know your top performers and understand

Know your people
development needs.

Yes. Your people will know how they contribute

to the organization.
Cognology has all the essentials built right in, including
Yes. You'll know the organizations
quick and easy 360-Degree Feedback (add as many strengths and development needs.

participants as you like), Performance Reviews (elimate

Yes. You will know your top performers.
all that paper), and attractive, easy-to-understand Yes. You'll know who needs development.

reporting (really!). Yes. You will know which groups are achieving
their goals.

Edex Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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*Source: Corporate Leadership Council 2002 Performance Management


All the features you need - right out of the box.

Goal alignment Competencies, values & behaviors

Cognology makes objective From helping you identify the knowledge and skills of

setting a snap. Unlike a paper your people to showing you where they need training,

based approach that requires Cognology makes it easy for your organization to build its'

managers to spend hours talent. Running reports to find out who needs

setting goals - you can easily development or to understand group capabilities is so

make the link from employee easy you’ll wonder why you haven’t always been able to do

- to department - to this. And with tools that allow you to match people with

organization goals - using competencies, your succession planning will be more

the cascading method or templates. All the time dynamic.

improving the quality of objectives across your

organization. Learning resources

Build a library of courses, books, videos, online material

Performance reviews and coaching tips. Link to web sites and other materials.

Keep all your reviews in one place, at your fingertips. In just minutes you can create links and build a rich

Upload documents, spreadsheets and emails. Quickly jot learning library.

down notes (a mini-blog) so that performance isn't just a

once a year focus. Individual and group analysis

Know the capabilities of your organization, divisions and

360-degree feedback individuals. Pinpoint development needs to target your

360-Degree Feedback with Cognology means complete learning and development dollar. Track and analyze

flexibility. Create any number of your own performance.

questionnaires (or change ours). Rating Scales and Open-

Edex Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Software Requirements Specification for Work Monitoring and Appraisal System Page 29

ended questions are easily created or changed on a Development planning

whim. Get rich reporting results with the click of a

Map improvement strategies, tasks or activities using
button. And Security? Safely go about providing feedback
Learning Resources or create your own.
- and know that your responses are secure.

First class.

"We wanted to involve people from 6 countries in the 360-degree process in two languages, and Cognology's service was

excellent - efficient, flexible and highly responsive to our needs", says Keith Cundale, PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Get everything you need... and then some.
Monitor reviews Security in mind

With a few clicks of the mouse you'll be on top Safely go about your work, backed by multiple

of your performance appraisal process. Know who has levels of security that let you control which features

finished reviews, who hasn't and quickly send reminders. people can access and what records they can see.


We speak your language - say what you want

using your own terminology.

A solution to suit your size and needs - Cognology handles the smallest feedback projects right through to
organization wide performance management.

Online ... or in-house

Online In-house

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It's your call. Online means low up front costs. We'll take In house means you can install Cognology on your Intranet

the administration burden away and host your project for - and handle all the IT administration yourself. Link to your

you. No software needs to be installed - you just need a HR system and utilise your network logins for security.

web browser. And you won't need in-house IT support.

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© Cognology 2010

5.3 security requierement

Performance Management – This policy discusses how employee job performance is to be used in
determining an employee's appraisal. Information security requirements should be included as an
element that affects the level of employee performance. As discussed in my previous tip, written job
descriptions will ensure that employees are reviewed at least annually, and that reviews are
conducted fairly on how employees do their job and contribute to the organization's information
security efforts.

Employee Discipline – This policy outlines the disciplinary steps that are to be taken when things
go wrong. As with all policies, it discusses who is responsible for what and leads those individuals
to more extensive procedures. This policy is important for an effective information security
program. When an investigation begins, it may eventually lead to a need to implement sanctions on
an employee or group of employees. Having a policy that establishes who is responsible for
administering these sanctions will ensure that all involved in the investigation are properly

Information Security – This is the cornerstone of the information security program and works in
close harmony with the enterprise-wide Asset Classification Policy and the Records Management
Policy (which we'll go over in future Policies Tips). This policy establishes the concept that
information is an asset and the property of the organization and that all employees are required to
protect this asset.

Changes to existing corporate policies will take the cooperation of the owner departments. The
Conflict-of-Interest Policy is usually owned by Human Resources and administered by the Audit
Department. Performance Management and Employee Discipline are the purview of Human
Resources, and the CIO should own the Information Security Policy.

About the author

Tom Peltier has been an information security professional for more than twenty-five years. He has
written books on information security policies and contributed to several books on CISSP
preparation, and computer and data security.

Edex Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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